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        『滿洲補充讀本』と滿洲兒童文學の誕生 -最近の石森延男硏究をぬぐって-

        ( Isoda Kazuo ) 고려대학교 일본학연구센터 2015 일본연구 Vol.23 No.-

        現代では國語敎育と兒童文學とは密接な關係にあると見られているが、石森延男は國語敎育と兒童文學とのギャップを埋め、雙方を近づけるのに大きな役割を果たしている。石森が國語敎育者であると同時に兒童文學者にもなったのは、1926年に滿洲(嚴密に言えば關東州)の大連で在滿日本人小學生たちのための國語補充敎科書『滿洲補充讀本』の編纂に從事することになって以來である。彼は正味13年間の大連在住中に、精力的に創作活動をすると同時に、仲間を糾合して滿洲兒童文學運動のカリスマ的リ-ダ-となった。1939年に歸過すると彼は國定國語敎科書の編纂に從事すると同時に、長編滿洲兒童文學を次ケと發表する。こうした仕事は彼の戰後の國語敎育や兒童文學活動にもつながっている。石森の滿洲兒童文學は滿洲(中國東北部)の大地に基づきながらも、主として在滿日本人の生活を中心にヒュ-マニスチックな溫かいタッチで描いている。しかし壓倒的多數の(當時滿人と呼ばれた)中國人はあまり登場せず、また彼等を見つめ、その生活を寫生風に描いても、その社會的背景を掘り下げようとはしていない。それは石森が唱える「滿洲鄕土論」における植民地主義を認識し、克服しえていないためであるといえよう。この点をめぐって筆者と、三人の若い硏究者の間で、膨大な石森の文學的遺産の中からそれぞれ異なった局面を取り上げて論評しているが、そこには期せずしてある協動作業が行われていたかのように見える。このような協動の今後の可能性と發展に期待したい。 Today it is generally expected in Japan that Kokugo Kyoiku (Japanese language education, esp. in elementary school) and children’s literature be closely related. In this sense, Ishimori Nobuo (1897-1987) contributed greatly to bridging the gap between Japanese language education and children’s literature and brought both sides closer to each other. He became a Japanese-language educator as well as a children’s literature writer while he was engaged in compilation of Manshu Hojutokuhon (Manchurian Sub-reader), the Japanese-language supplementary textbook for Japanese elementary schoolchildren residing in Manchuria, including Guandong (關東州). During his stay in Dalian for 13 years, he wrote many great stories for children and published children’s magazines energetically, all while organizing those teachers who were devoted to writing children’s stories, thus becoming a charismatic leader of the Manchurian children’s literature movement. In 1939 he was called back to Tokyo by the Ministry of Education to engage in the compilation of a new elementary Japanese language textbook, and at the same time he published voluminous works of Manchurian children’s literature, one after another. After WWII he energetically continued both of his activities-those of Japanese language educator and children’s story writer-although there remained no more tint of Manchuria. While Ishimori``s Manchurian children’s literature is based on the area of Manchuria (northeast China), it is mainly centered on the lives of Japanese residents in Manchuria, written with a warm and humane touch. However, the Chinese people (generally called Manjin), who were the overwhelming majority there, seldom appear in his works, and even if he talks about them, he gazes at them and draws their lives on the surface in the style of sketching, daring not to delve into their social background. It can be said that this is because of the unconquerable colonialism in the Manshu Kyodoron (Manchuria hometown theory), which Ishimori advocated. Recently, three young researchers have taken up and discussed some aspects of Ishimori``s huge literary legacy, and it is clear that a certain “collaboration” has unexpectedly been carried out between this writer and those three young researchers involving this point. This writer sincerely looks forward to the future possibility and further development of such collaboration.

      • KCI등재

        「?洲補充?本」と?洲?童文?の誕生 : 最近の石森延男硏究をめぐって

        磯田一雄(Isoda, Kazuo) 고려대학교 일본학연구센터 2015 일본연구 Vol.23 No.-

        現代では?語?育と?童文?とは密接な?係にあると見られているが、石森延男は?語?育と?童文?とのギャップを埋め、?方を近づけるのに大きな役割を果たしている。石森が?語?育者であると同時に?童文?者にもなったのは、1926年に?洲(?密に言えば?東州)の大連で在?日本人小?生たちのための?語補充?科書?洲補充?本の編纂に?事することになって以?である。彼は正味13年間の大連在住中に、精力的に創作活動をすると同時に、仲間を糾合して?洲?童文?運動のカリスマ的リ?ダ?となった。1939年に??すると彼は?定?語?科書の編纂に?事すると同時に、長編?洲?童文?を次?と?表する。こうした仕事は彼の?後の?語?育や?童文?活動にもつながっている。石森の?洲?童文?は?洲(中?東北部)の大地に基づきながらも、主として在?日本人の生活を中心にヒュ?マニスチックな?かいタッチで描いている。しかし?倒的多 ?の(?時?人と呼ばれた)中?人はあまり登場せず、また彼等を見つめ、その生活を?生風に描いても、その社?的背景を掘り下げようとはしていない。それは石森が唱える「?洲?土論」における植民地主義を認識し、克服しえていないためであるといえよう。この点をめぐって筆者と、三人の若い硏究者の間で、膨大な石森の文?的遺産の中からそれぞれ異なった局面を取り上げて論評しているが、そこには期せずしてある協?作業が行われていたかのように見える。このような協?の今後の可能性と?展に期待したい。 Today it is generally expected in Japan that Kokugo Kyoiku (Japanese language education, esp. in elementary school) and children’s literature be closely related. In this sense, Ishimori Nobuo (1897-1987) contributed greatly to bridging the gap between Japanese language education and children’s literature and brought both sides closer to each other. He became a Japanese-language educator as well as a children’s literature writer while he was engaged in compilation of Manshu Hojutokuhon (Manchurian Sub-reader), the Japanese-language supplementary textbook for Japanese elementary schoolchildren residing in Manchuria, including Guandong (?東州). During his stay in Dalian for 13 years, he wrote many great stories for children and published children’s magazines energetically, all while organizing those teachers who were devoted to writing children’s stories, thus becoming a charismatic leader of the Manchurian children’s literature movement. In 1939 he was called back to Tokyo by the Ministry of Education to engage in the compilation of a new elementary Japanese language textbook, and at the same time he published voluminous works of Manchurian children’s literature, one after another. After WWII he energetically continued both of his activities- those of Japanese language educator and children’s story writer- although there remained no more tint of Manchuria. While Ishimori's Manchurian children’s literature is based on the area of Manchuria (northeast China), it is mainly centered on the lives of Japanese residents in Manchuria, written with a warm and humane touch. However, the Chinese people (generally called Manjin), who were the overwhelming majority there, seldom appear in his works, and even if he talks about them, he gazes at them and draws their lives on the surface in the style of sketching, daring not to delve into their social background. It can be said that this is because of the unconquerable colonialism in the Manshu Kyodoron (Manchuria hometown theory), which Ishimori advocated. Recently, three young researchers have taken up and discussed some aspects of Ishimori's huge literary legacy, and it is clear that a certain “collaboration” has unexpectedly been carried out between this writer and those three young researchers involving this point. This writer sincerely looks forward to the future possibility and further development of such collaboration.


        Narichika Isoda,Yuko Yamashita 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2023 No.07

        This study addresses the problem caused by unhealthy = tasty intuition (UTI) when positioning innovative new categories of food products. Our research on Japanese consumers’ choice of soy meat hamburgers shows that UTI formed by the old category influences choices in the new product category.


        Sensitivity analysis of mechanical behaviors for bridge damage assessment

        Miyamoto, Ayaho,Isoda, Satoshi Techno-Press 2012 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.41 No.4

        The diagnosis of bridge serviceability is carried out by a combination of in-situ visual inspection, static and dynamic loading tests and analyses. Structural health monitoring (SHM) using information technology and sensors is increasingly being used for providing a better estimate of structural performance characteristics rather than above traditional methods. Because the mechanical behavior of bridges with various kinds of damage can not be made clear, it is very difficult to estimate both the damage mode and degree of damage of existing bridges. In this paper, the sensitivity of both static and dynamic behaviors of bridges are studied as a measure of damage assessment through experiments on model bridges induced with some specified artificial damages. And, a method of damage assessment of bridges based on those behaviors is discussed in detail. Finally, based on the results, a possible application for structural health monitoring systems for existing bridges is also discussed.

      • KCI등재

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