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        Combined pre-reformer/reformer system utilizing monolith catalysts for hydrogen production

        Yang, Jung-Il,Ryu, Jae-Hong,Lee, Kwan-Young,Jung, Nam-Jo,Chan Park, Ji,Chun, Dong Hyun,Kim, Hak-Joo,Yang, Jung Hoon,Lee, Ho-Tae,Cho, Inho,Jung, Heon Elsevier 2011 International journal of hydrogen energy Vol.36 No.15

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The pre-reforming of higher hydrocarbon, propane, was performed to generate hydrogen from LPG without carbon deposition on the catalysts. A Ru/Ni/MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> metallic monolith catalyst was employed to minimize the pressure drop over the catalyst bed. The propane pre-reforming reaction conditions for the complete conversion of propane with no carbon formation were identified to be the following: space velocities over 2400 h<SUP>−1</SUP> and temperatures between 400 and 450 °C with a H<SUB>2</SUB>O/<I>C</I> <SUB>1</SUB> ratio of 3. The combined pre-reformer and the main reformer system with the Ru/Ni/MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> metallic monolith catalyst was employed to test the conversion propane to syngas where the reaction heat was provided by catalytic combustors. Propane was converted in the pre-reformer to 52.5% H<SUB>2</SUB>, 27.0% CH<SUB>4</SUB>, 17.5% CO, and 3.0% CO<SUB>2</SUB> with a 331 °C inlet temperature and a 482 °C catalyst outlet temperature. The main steam reforming reactor converted the methane from the pre-reformer with a conversion of higher than 99.0% with a 366 °C inlet temperature and an 824 °C catalyst outlet temperature. With a total of 912 cc of the Ru/Ni/MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> metallic monolith catalyst in the main reformer, the H<SUB>2</SUB> production from the propane reached an average of 3.25 Nm<SUP>3</SUP>h<SUP>−1</SUP> when the propane was fed at 0.4 Nm<SUP>3</SUP>h<SUP>−1</SUP>.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P>► A Ru-doped Ni/MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> catalyst washcoated on the metallic monolith in reforming. ► A combined unit of a pre-reformer/reformer at a pilot scale of 5 kWe-class reformer. ► The endothermic reaction heat was supplied by a combustion reactor with Pd catalyst. ► In the reformer, the methane conversion was higher than 99.0% at 824 °C ► Total H<SUB>2</SUB> production rate was about 3.25 Nm<SUP>3</SUP>h<SUP>−1</SUP> with the propane fed at 0.4 Nm<SUP>3</SUP>h<SUP>−1</SUP>.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • A new 9,11-secisterik with a 1,4-quinone from a Korean marine sponge Ircinia sp.

        ( Inho Yang ),( Hyukjae Choi ),( Sang Jip Nam ),( Heonjoong Kang ) 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2016 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.26 No.-

        An intensive investigation of chemical com-ponents for Ircinia sp. Ied to the isolation of a new 9,11-secosterol. The chemical structure of this compound was elucidated based on the interpretation of NMP and MS spectrosopic data. The isolated compound exhibited an-tibacterial activities against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus subtilis with MIC values of 6.3 and 25 μg Mi<sub>-1</sub>, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        고구려 前期 정치체제와 執權勢力

        양인호(Yang, Inho) 고려사학회 2018 한국사학보 Vol.- No.72

        본고는 고구려 前期 최고관직의 변화에 따른 執權勢力의 추이를 검토한 논문이다. 大輔 협보는 주몽과 함께 남하한 3友 중 한 명이므로 대보는 친왕적 인물이 임명된 자리이다. 그리고 대보가 운영되던 시기에 중앙 정계에서 활동한 사람은 행적과 성씨로 보아 부여 출신 인물들로 여겨진다. 따라서 동명왕부터 유리왕 대에는 부여 출신 인물들이 집권세력을 이루었다고 할 수 있다. 한편 좌우보가 설치될 무렵 고구려는 시조묘 건립과 대 부여 전쟁으로 인해 왕의 이념적 · 정치적 권한이 상승되었고 주변의 재지세력을 통합하면서 나부가 형성되었다. 좌우보는 이와 같은 정치적 상황 속에서 만들어졌는데, 좌우보를 역임한 인물을 살펴본 결과 계루부 출신과 더불어 나부 출신 인물들(제가)도 임명되었음을 확인하였다. 그러므로 좌우보 시행기에는 왕족과 부여출신 인사들, 그리고 제가가 집권세력을 형성했다. 국상이 시행되던 무렵에는 나부가 族을 단위로 분화되었는데, 해당 지역에 남아서 나부명을 유지한 경우도 있지만 몰락하여 평민과 별반 다를 바 없는 삶을 살거나 중앙으로 이주하는 등 제가가 일반적인 지배층으로 전환되었다. 이와 더불어 관직과 관서가 분화되어 초보적이나마 관료제가 시행되었다. 국상은 이러한 정치적 배경에서 설치 · 운영되었는데, 친왕적 성향의 인물이 임명된 관료를 대표하는 자리였다. 그러므로 국상제 운영기의 집권세력은 관료였다고 할 수 있다. This paper analyzes the shifts in the ruling power due to the changes in high level positions during the early period of Goguryeo. Since Dae-bo(大輔) Hyup-bo is one of the three friends that Jumong headed south with, it became the position where a friendly character with the king had been appointed. Also, the family name and the track records of the central politicians during when Dae-bo existed tells that they were from Buyeo. Therefore it can be inferred that people from Buyeo took ruling power during the times of King Dongmyeong and King Yuri. Meanwhile when Jwa-woo bo was established, the ideological and political powers of the king increased due to the building of municipal graves and the war against Buyeo. Also, Nabu powers were created as the king brought together the local forces. Jwa-woo bo was established in such political situations. The records show that people from Gyerubu and Nabu(Jaega) was appointed in the position of Jwa-woo bo. Therefore it can be said that characters from Buyeo, king"s family line, and Jaega had ruling power during the times of Jwa-woo bo. When Guk-sang was established, Nabu powers were divided into different areas. While some successfully maintained local powers, some collapsed and lived a life no different from that of the normal people. Because of such shifts, Jaega became the ruling class at this time. Also, the government and the public offices were divided into different levels, showing the early form of bureaucracy. Guk-sang was established during such political background, and was the position where friendly characters with the king were appointed. Therefore it can be inferred that the ruling powers when Guk-sang existed were the bureaucrats.

      • KCI등재

        소금 생산 유적으로 본 1~5세기 초 평안도 지역의 소금 생산 방식

        양인호(Yang, Inho) 한국고대사학회 2021 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.103

        국가의 형성 및 유지에 소금이 얼마나 중요한 자원인지는 이견의 여지가 없다. 그러나 소금과 관련하여 많은 연구가 진행된 중국이나 일본과 달리 한국고대사에서는 소금에 대한 연구를 찾기 힘들다. 관련 사료와 물질자료가 매우 부족하기 때문이다. 이와 같은 상황 중 북한에서 2014년과 2017년 각각 고구려 및 고구려에 통합된 조선후국의 소금 생산 유적을 발굴했다고 하여 주목된다. 본고에서는 편의상 ‘원읍협동농장 2014년 유적’과 ‘원읍협동농장 2017년 유적’으로 불렀다. 두 유적은 모두 평안남도 남포시 온천군에 위치하는데, 입지와 구조, 출토유물을 검토했을 때 소금 생산 유적으로 판단된다. 사용 시기는 ‘원읍협동농장 2014년 유적’은 4세기 후반~5세기 초, ‘원읍협동농장 2017년 유적’은 1세기로 추정된다. 유적을 검토한 결과, 통일신라 이전까지는 海水直煮式으로 煮鹽했을 것이라는 기존의 견해와 달리 1~5세기 초 평안도 지역에서는 말린 해조류를 불에 태우고 나온 재를 바닷물이 담긴 웅덩이에 담가 鹹水를 만들고 그것을 자염하여 소금을 만들었다. 소금 생산의 전체 과정은 ①연료확보 → ②해조류 확보 → ③해조류 건조 및 재 만들기 → ④함수제작 → ⑤자염의 순서로 진행되었다고 생각된다. 이 일련의 과정은 고된 노동을 수반하는데 『삼국사기』 于老傳에 나오는 ‘鹽奴’라는 표현과 고려, 조선에서 소금 생산자의 지위를 감안하면 1~5세기 평안도에서도 예속민이 소금 생산을 담당했다고 파악된다. It is undeniable that resource salt has played an important role historically in the formation and preservation of nations. However, unlike in China and Japan, it is difficult to find studies related to ancient salt production techniques in Korea, possibly because related historical and material data are very scarce. Therefore, when North Korea excavated the remains of salt production sites from Goguryeo and a principality of Gojoseon in 2014 and 2017, respectively, the sites received considerable attention. In this paper, these sites are referred to as “Woneup Cooperative Farm 2014 Remains” and “Woneup Cooperative Farm 2017 Remains” for the sake of convenience. Both historic sites are in Oncheon-gun, Nampo-si, South Pyeogan Province, and based on the location, structure, and artifacts excavated, they are believed to be salt production sites. The period during which the 2014 Remains were actively used is estimated to be from the late fourth to the early fifth century. For the 2017 Remains, this period is estimated to be sometime in the first century. An examination of the remains revealed that, contrary to the existing view that prior to the Unified Silla period salt was made from boiling seawater, during the first to early fifth centuries in the Pyeongan region dried seaweed was burned in a puddle containing seawater to make salt. It is thought that the entire process of salt production was (1) securing fuel; (2) securing seaweed; (3) drying and burning seaweed to create ash; (4) making salt water; and (5) creating traditional boiled salt. As the process was highly labor intensive, it was most likely performed by slaves.

      • <i>Lentinus edodes</i> promotes fat removal in hypercholesterolemic mice

        YANG, HYUN,HWANG, INHO,KIM, SUN,HONG, EUI-JU,JEUNG, EUI-BAE D.A. Spandidos 2013 Experimental and therapeutic medicine Vol.6 No.6

        <P><I>Lentinus (L.) edodes</I> (shiitake mushroom) is used as a traditional medicine in Asia. One of the components of <I>L. edodes</I>, eritadenine (an adenosine analog alkaloid), has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. The hypocholesterolemic action of eritadenine appears to be achieved through the modification of hepatic phospholipid metabolism. In the present study, the effects of <I>L. edodes</I> in a mouse model of hypercholesterolemia were investigated. Hypercholesterolemia was induced by the consumption of a high-fat diet (HFD). The animals were divided into six groups, which were fed a normal diet, HFD alone, HFD containing eritadenine [10 mg/kg of body weight (BW)] or HFD with 5, 10 or 20% <I>L. edodes</I>, respectively, for 4 weeks (from 5 to 9 weeks of age). The mice in the six groups had similar BW gains. Total serum cholesterol (T-CHO), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglyceride (TG) levels were increased in the HFD-fed group compared with those in the normal diet group. However, the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were not significantly altered. In mice treated with <I>L. edodes</I> (5, 10 or 20%), the T-CHO, LDL and TG serum levels were reduced in a dose-dependent manner. The mRNA expression of cholesterol 7-α-hydroxylase 1 (CYP7A1) was decreased in hypercholesterolemic mice and increased by eritadenine and <I>L. edodes</I> (5, 10 and 20%) supplementation. In liver tissues, it was observed that lipid accumulation was reduced by treatment with eritadenine and <I>L. edodes</I>. In addition, it was revealed that the formation of atherosclerotic plaques due to the HFD was also suppressed by eritadenine and <I>L. edodes</I>. The results of the study indicated that the consumption of an HFD may inhibit CYP7A1 expression in the liver by increasing serum T-CHO, LDL and TG levels. <I>L. edodes</I> may help regulate lipid metabolism, suggesting that this fungus ameliorates hypercholesterolemia in mice by regulating CYP7A1 expression in the liver.</P>

      • Direct Formation of Large-Area 2D Nanosheets from Fluorescent Semiconducting Homopolymer with Orthorhombic Crystalline Orientation

        Yang, Sanghee,Shin, Suyong,Choi, Inho,Lee, Jaeho,Choi, Tae-Lim American Chemical Society 2017 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.139 No.8

        <P>Semiconducting polymers have been widely investigated due to their intriguing optoelectronic properties and their high crystallinity that provides a strong driving force for self-assembly. Although there are various reports of successful self -assembly of nanostructures using semiconducting polymers, direct in situ self-assembly of these polymers into two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures has proven difficult, despite their importance for optoelectronics applications. Here, we report the synthesis of a simple conjugated homopolymer by living cyclopolymerization of a 1,6-heptadiyne (having a fluorene moiety) and its efficient in situ formation of large-area 2D fluorescent semiconducting nanostructures. Using high resolution imaging tools such as atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, we observed the solvent -dependent self -assembly behaviors of this homopolymer; the identical starting polymer formed 2D nanosheets with different shapes, such as rectangle, raft, and leaf, when dissolved in different solvents. Furthermore, super-resolution optical microscopy enabled the real-time imaging of the fluorescent 2D nanosheets, revealing their stable and uniform shapes, fluorescence, and solution dynamics. Notably, we propose an orthorhombic crystalline packing model to explain the direct formation of 2D nanostructures based on various diffraction patterns, providing important insight for their shape modulation during the self-assembly.</P>

      • Targeted suppression of μ-calpain and caspase 9 expression and its effect on caspase 3 and caspase 7 in satellite cells of Korean Hanwoo cattle.

        Yang, You Bing,Pandurangan, Muthuraman,Hwang, InHo Published for the International Federation for Cel 2012 Cell biology international Vol.36 No.9

        <P>The calpains play an important role in cell death and cell signalling. Caspases catalyse wholesale destruction of cellular proteins which is a major cause of cellular death. The current study looks at the function of μ-calpain and caspase 9, using RNAi (RNA interference)-mediated silencing, and to observe the mRNA expression level of caspase genes during satellite cell growth. The satellite cells were treated with siRNA (small interfering RNA) of μ-calpain and caspase 9 separately. There was reduction of 16 and 24% in CAPN1 (calpain1)-siRNA2 and CAPN1-siRNA3 transfected cells respectively, whereas it was 60 and 56% in CAPN1-siRNA1 and CAPN1-siRNA4 transfected cells respectively. CAPN1-siRNA4 and CAPN1-siRNA1 treated cells showed more reduction in caspase 3 and 7 gene expression. CARD9 (caspase recruitment domain 9)-siRNA1 and CARD9-siRNA2-treated cells showed reduction of 40 and 49% respectively. CARD9-siRNA1 and CARD9-siRNA2 showed an increase in caspase 3 gene expression, whereas CARD9-siRNA2 showed reduction in caspase 7 gene expression. These results suggest a strong cross-talk between μ-calpain and the caspase enzyme systems. Suppression of target genes, such as μ-calpain and caspase 9, might have genuine potential in the treatment of skeletal muscle atrophy.</P>


        Eating Quality Traits of Hanwoo longissimus dorsi Muscle as a Function of End-Point Cooking Temperature

        Yang, Jieun,Jeong, Dawoon,Na, Chong-Sam,Hwang, Inho Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resource 2016 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        Interaction between carcass quality grade and end-point cooking temperature on eating quality of Hanwoo m. longissimus was investigated. Ten (10) of steers were sampled from a commercial population; carcasses with QG 1<sup>++</sup> (n=5) and QG 1 (n=5) were chosen. Samples were cooked by electric oven at 60 or 82℃ and compared with uncooked control samples. The pH was not affected by cooking temperature but decreased the redness after cooking and steaks cooked at 60℃ were more reddish than steaks cooked at 82℃ in both QG groups. Higher cooking temperature greatly (p<0.05) increased the cooking loss, but there was no significant interaction between cooking temperature and QG on the cooking loss. Moisture is negatively correlated with temperature in both QG while the proportionate relationship between crude fat and end-point temperature found in QG 1<sup>++</sup>. WBSF values were significantly (p<0.05) high for QG 1, while that was significantly (p<0.05) increased when the temperature continues to increase. The increasing quality grade of beef resulted in significant higher (p<0.01) level of TBARS and cooking temperature increased TBARS content. Fatty acid composition was not altered by cooking at both temperatures and also the amount of fat intake was not changed. The current study indicates that eating quality of beef m. longissimus was greatly influenced by end-point temperature being interacted with QG. However, the amount and composition of fat were stable regardless of end-point temperatures. These results will provide a consumer reference to determine cooking conditions and intramuscular fat content.

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