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        Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation

        Ahn, Hyo Seop,Shin, Hee Young The Korean Association of Immunobiologists 2003 Immune Network Vol.3 No.2

        The number of umbilical cord blood transplantation is increasing worldwide as it has expanded the ability of the transplantaion community to meet the growing needs of their patients. Clinical data over the last decade show promising results in transplantation using both related as well as unrelated cord bloods. Cord blood banks are essential for the clinical use for transplantation and are now established around the world with the major efforts to standardize banking in collection, processing and distribution of cord blood for providing the highest quality stem cells for the patients. In Korea, Medipost, Histostem and some regional cord blood banks were established some years ago and collected thousands of cord blood for public but it had some limitations and was not expanded as the cord blood transplantation was not covered by medical insurance. Recently with the change in the policy of medical insurance to cover the cord blood transplantation, several venture companies are showing great interests in cord blood banking and trying to establish private cord blood banks in Korea. This review article discusses the current status of cord blood transplantaion and also the clincial use of stem cells from cord blood.

      • KCI등재

        경영권 방어수단으로서 신주의 제3자 배정에 관한 연구

        안효섭 ( Hyo Seop Ahn ) 한국상사판례학회 2014 상사판례연구 Vol.27 No.4

        Because the issuance of the new shares to a third party for the protection of its management encroach preemptive right, the issuance of the new shares to a third party during the takeover battle was enjoined by the Supreme court in 2009. If the attacker is to destroy the target company, there is a need for the court to recognize a takeover defense by the issuance of the new shares to a third party for the protection of its management within a limited range, such as the United States, Germany and Japan. In addition, the capital increase by ordinary public offering and also the disposal of treasury stocks shall be allowed selectively by legitimacy judgment standardBecause the purpose of the capital increase by ordinary public offering is not limited to business purpose, the court can not use the Primary Purpose Test (previously used for legitimacy judgment standard by the court). Therefore, in this case, the legality of the stock issuance should be determined by the legitimacy judgment which is based on the American Unocal standard.

      • KCI등재

        인권조례에 관한 연구

        안효섭(Ahn-hyo-seop) 충남대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        현대 사회는 인권의 시대라 할 만큼 국제사회와 국가의 노력으로 인권의 일상화가 보편적으로 진행되어 인권친화적 사회문화가 조성되고 인권이 지속적으로 발전하고 있다. 그러나 일상생활 속에서 인권은 경제적·사회적·환경적 불평등 및 차별에 의한 인권 침해 등으로 확대전환되면서 일상생활의 영역에서 끊임없이 여성, 장애인, 외국인 등에 대한 인권 침해가 여전히 발생하고 있는 것 또한 현실이다. 일상생활에서의 인권문제는 더 이상 특정집단의 문제가 아니라 모든 구성원이 시급하게 해결하여야 할 당면과제라 할 수 있다. 특히 지방화·분권화가 강조되는 현대사회에서 일반 시민과 가장 근거리에서 주민복지를 위한 종합행정을 구현하는 지방자치단체가 모든 사회영역에서의 다각적인 인권보장 체계를 구축하여야 할 것이다. 지방자치단체 차원의 인권보장 체계 구축의 첫 걸음이 바로 인권조례의 제정이라고 해도 과언은 아닐 것이다. 비록 규범화가 이루어지지 않더라도 예산을 확보하여 정책을 추진할 수 있지만, 지방자치단체의 인권보장 정책은 세밀한 과정을 거쳐 조례라는 그릇에 담아 시민에게 제공되어야만 실효적이고 구체적일 수 있다. 경상남도는 비록 인권조례를 제정하여 운영하고 있지만 아직까지 조례의 주요내용이 실천되고 있지 않으며, 그 실효성을 담보하기 어렵다고 평가할 수 있으므로 다른 지방자치단체의 인권조례의 제도를 비교?검토하여 이를 지역적 특색에 맞게 정비하는 것은 인권보장 체계구축을 위하여 반드시 선행되어야 할 과제라 생각된다. 따라서「경상남도 인권 보장 조례」에 대한 다음과 같은 제언을 하면서 결론에 갈음하고자 한다. 첫째, 조레 총칙부분에 다른 조례와의 관계를 설정하여 인권 보장이 모든 조례의 기본이념으로 작용할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 둘째, 기본계획 수립과 관련하여 기본계획 수립의 절차와 방법 등을 명시하고 연도별 시행계획 수립을 규정하여야한다. 셋째, 인권위원회의 활성화를 위원 수를 확대하고 분과위원회나 소위원회 중심으로 운영하여야 하며, 위원회의 기능을 확대하여야 한다. 넷째, 인권관련 업무를 추진하는 전담부서를 설치하고 옴부즈맨제도를 도입하여야 한다. 그리고 인권 헌장과 시민단체와의 협력에 관한 사항을 조례에 규정할 필요가 있다. In modern society, Human Rights have been getting institutionalized, generalized with the efforts of international society and many nations. And Human Rights have been also building the Human Rights-friendly community and developing continuously. As above-mentioned, we call modern society as Human Rights’s times. This means specially that it need much more concerns and considerations and role of Local Government, base of our daily life or field of realization of Human Rights. The problems of Human Rights of Local Government are now emerging as international agenda and changing from National-oriented shape to Local government. Gyeongsangnam-do’s Human Rights ordinance, the second runner of local government, could not be estimated as City of Human Rights yet. To fulfill the needs of City of Human Rights in Gyeongsangnam-do, this paper would like suggest as below. First, the Guarantee of Human Rights should function in every single ordinance of Human Right through the setting of relation of other ordinance in the part of General Provisions of ordinance. Second, the process and method of master plans should be specified and concrete. Third, to vitalize Committee of Human Rights, a committee member’s number need to be increase. And the subcommittee should run the committee initiatively. Fourth, there should be the exclusive department to proceed the work of Human Rights and the Ombudsman System too.

      • KCI등재

        조례제정의 법체계적 허용범위

        안효섭 ( Hyo Seop Ahn ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2014 法과 政策 Vol.20 No.2

        Enaetment power of municipal Ordinance granted to local governments from Constitution is more close to residents about the affairs of the local se1f-regulation that establishes local area. as well as the purpose of administration. local government and state govern their own problems that can be overlooked position in the area of professional iudgment,and that it considers the diversity of each region. However. the enaetment power of municipal ordinance is also a kind of administrative aetion because of the principle of administrative law subjeet to suitability bar,law predominance should be the lead. Problem is that the within the limit of Aets means the limit of the range of problems The limit or scope of the regu1ations as enactment power of municipal ordinance since it’s important. It is fair to recognize that the princip!e law predominance. but if the range is too wide for this almost lost to the regulations prescribed by the regulations as a result of enaetment power of municipal ordinance deteriorated substantially in phase with those of the local government system to make nominal consequences. Fortunately. case law and doctrine is widely recognized that the scope of enaetment power of municipal ordinance and regulations that have the same purpose. only if they clearly violate the regu1ations,except to acknowledge the scope of the ordinance. This results in the basic foundation of the enaetment power of municipal ordinance also expand the area.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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