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      • Signal characteristic and test exploitation for intermittent nanometer-scale cracks

        Lee, Hosung,Baeg, Sanghyeon Elsevier 2018 Microelectronics reliability Vol.84 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This paper analyzes signal distortion caused by nanometer-scale solder ball fractures. A solder ball fracture causes an intermittent open circuit on the transmission line. The resulting basic failure mechanism is a drop in signal voltage, due to the capacitance-induced Alternating Current (AC)-coupling effect (which is induced by the fractured solder ball). The two major contributing factors to this error are fracture height and the persisting duration of the consecutive same-logic-value signal. The required signal that induces a voltage drop, sufficient to detect nanometer-scale solder ball fractures, can be composed by repetition of certain signal patterns even for the I/O connections with run-length restrictions. The methodology is newly proposed to determine potential ranges of solder ball fractures. Test pattern generation is made by maximally exploiting the compounding effect of various sizes of same data bits to generate effective run-length that is larger than maximum run length for the purpose of detecting intermittent solder ball fractures. In DDR3 memory systems with 5-nm solder ball fractures, at least 29 bits of consecutive logic “1” or “0” signals are required to detect fractures. If the system has a maximum run-length of 10, 20, or 30 bits, the test signal—which has the equivalent voltage-dropping effect as 29-consecutive bits—can be generated with six, two, or one repetition of the test pattern, respectively; the test pattern is in the form of concatenated N-1 bits of consecutive logic “1” and 1 bit of logic “0” where N is the maximum run length. In addition, a SPICE simulation was conducted to confirm correlation between calculations and actual results. In the simulation, in order to detect a 5-nm solder ball fracture, at least 37 bits of consecutive signal were required.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The basic mechanism of the error by the nano-meter scale solder ball fracture </LI> <LI> The compounding effects of the switching signal for the fractured solder ball </LI> <LI> The methodology for selecting the target solder-ball-fracture range </LI> <LI> The methodology for generating the test pattern for the solder ball fracture </LI> </UL> </P>

      • A Method of Substrate Shaping to Improve Gain of Active-Element Pattern for Small Arrays

        Lee, Taekki,Lee, Dae-Heon,Choo, Hosung,Byun, Gangil IEEE 2017 IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters Vol.16 No.-

        <P>This letter proposes a method of substrate subtraction to improve the gain of an active-element pattern for individual elements in a small array. The proposed method is applied to a three-element controlled reception pattern antenna array, whose radiating elements are printed on a high-dielectric ceramic substrate. Then, three identical fan-shaped areas, placed between the array elements, are subtracted from the substrate, and their shapes are adjusted to avoid unnecessary power losses caused by the fringing field effect, leakage fields, and surface currents. The effects of the subtracted areas are also investigated as parametric studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed substrate shaping method. The results show that the gain can be increased by 0.7 dB due to lower effective dielectric loss compared to the full substrate.</P>


        AP endonucleases process 5-methylcytosine excision intermediates during active DNA demethylation in <i>Arabidopsis</i>

        Lee, Jiyoon,Jang, Hosung,Shin, Hosub,Choi, Woo Lee,Mok, Young Geun,Huh, Jin Hoe Oxford University Press 2014 Nucleic acids research Vol.42 No.18

        <P>DNA methylation is a primary epigenetic modification regulating gene expression and chromatin structure in many eukaryotes. Plants have a unique DNA demethylation system in that 5-methylcytosine (5mC) is directly removed by DNA demethylases, such as DME/ROS1 family proteins, but little is known about the downstream events. During 5mC excision, DME produces 3′-phosphor-α, β-unsaturated aldehyde and 3′-phosphate by successive β- and δ-eliminations, respectively. The kinetic studies revealed that these 3′-blocking lesions persist for a significant amount of time and at least two different enzyme activities are required to immediately process them. We demonstrate that <I>Arabidopsis</I> AP endonucleases APE1L, APE2 and ARP have distinct functions to process such harmful lesions to allow nucleotide extension. <I>DME</I> expression is toxic to <I>E. coli</I> due to excessive 5mC excision, but expression of <I>APE1L</I> or <I>ARP</I> significantly reduces DME-induced cytotoxicity. Finally, we propose a model of base excision repair and DNA demethylation pathway unique to plants.</P>


        Tumor metastasis to lymph nodes requires YAP-dependent metabolic adaptation

        Lee, Choong-kun,Jeong, Seung-hwan,Jang, Cholsoon,Bae, Hosung,Kim, Yoo Hyung,Park, Intae,Kim, Sang Kyum,Koh, Gou Young American Association for the Advancement of Scienc 2019 Science Vol.363 No.6427

        <P><B>Fueling lymph node metastases</B></P><P>Metastatic cells can migrate from a primary tumor to distant organs through two routes: They can enter the bloodstream directly, or they can enter a lymph node adjacent to the primary tumor. Little is known about the biological mechanisms that allow tumor cells to survive and grow within lymph nodes. Studying mouse models, Lee <I>et al.</I> found that tumor cells adapt to the lymph node microenvironment by shifting their metabolism toward fatty acid oxidation. This occurs through activation of a signaling pathway driven by the yes-associated protein (YAP) transcription factor. Importantly, inhibition of fatty acid oxidation or YAP signaling suppressed lymph node metastasis in the mice.</P><P><I>Science</I>, this issue p. 644</P><P>In cancer patients, metastasis of tumors to sentinel lymph nodes (LNs) predicts disease progression and often guides treatment decisions. The mechanisms underlying tumor LN metastasis are poorly understood. By using comparative transcriptomics and metabolomics analyses of primary and LN-metastatic tumors in mice, we found that LN metastasis requires that tumor cells undergo a metabolic shift toward fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Transcriptional coactivator yes-associated protein (YAP) is selectively activated in LN-metastatic tumors, leading to the up-regulation of genes in the FAO signaling pathway. Pharmacological inhibition of FAO or genetic ablation of YAP suppressed LN metastasis in mice. Several bioactive bile acids accumulated to high levels in the metastatic LNs, and these bile acids activated YAP in tumor cells, likely through the nuclear vitamin D receptor. Inhibition of FAO or YAP may merit exploration as a potential therapeutic strategy for mitigating tumor metastasis to LNs.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Principal Component Regression by Principal Component Selection

        Lee, Hosung,Park, Yun Mi,Lee, Seokho The Korean Statistical Society 2015 Communications for statistical applications and me Vol.22 No.2

        We propose a selection procedure of principal components in principal component regression. Our method selects principal components using variable selection procedures instead of a small subset of major principal components in principal component regression. Our procedure consists of two steps to improve estimation and prediction. First, we reduce the number of principal components using the conventional principal component regression to yield the set of candidate principal components and then select principal components among the candidate set using sparse regression techniques. The performance of our proposals is demonstrated numerically and compared with the typical dimension reduction approaches (including principal component regression and partial least square regression) using synthetic and real datasets.

      • KCI등재

        예감과 초장기기억으로서의 문학 - 알렉산더 클루게가 바라본 체르노빌

        이호성 ( Lee Hosung ) 한국독어독문학회 2020 獨逸文學 Vol.61 No.1

        알렉산더 클루게는 체르노빌 원자력 발전소 폭발 사고라는 끝나지 않은 과거를 다양한 매체를 통해 문학적으로, 예술적으로 형상화한다. 사고 10년 이후에야 시도되는 사건의 정리는 성급한 뉴스로 인한 공황 반응이 아닌, 공론장의 관심을 이성적인 수준에서 다시 불러내려는 시도로 읽을 수 있다. 클루게는 동시대인과 후손들에게 경험을 전달하는 행위 자체가 중요하다고 강조하는데, 이 점이 클루게의 다매체 활동을 단순한 저널리즘에서 구분하게 하며, 이 경험 전달의 강조에서 공론장과 가장 넓은 의미에서의 문학의 관계에 대한 그의 독특한 생각을 읽을 수 있다. 클루게는 사태의 설명에 기존의 문학을 활용하는데, 이 문학성은 체르노빌이라는 실제로 벌어진 비극적 사건과 실제로 존재하는 폐허 지역 자체가 가진 환상적 특징과도 연결된다. 클루게는 거기에서 그치지 않고 여러 매체들을 반복적으로 활용하여 매체적 차이와 매체간의 형상화 차이의 틈들에 수용자가 주목하도록 한다. 체르노빌에 대한 그의 작품들은 이러한 점에서 문학과 예술 자체가 드러내는 자기반영적 형상화로 읽을 수 있는데, 이런 형상화는 역사학의 좁은 시간관을 뛰어넘으려는 (짐짓 무모한) 시도처럼 보이기도 한다. Alexander Kluge stellt die Nuklearkatastrophe von Tschernobyl, eine Vergangenheit, die noch nicht vergangen ist, poetisch bzw. künstlerisch dar. Seine literarische und mediale Auseinandersetzung mit dem Desaster und dem verstrahlten Gebiet erst 10 Jahre nach dem Super-GAU kann man als einen Versuch bezeichnen, das Interesse der Öffentlichkeit auf einer vernünftigen Ebene – nicht im Sinne der panischen Reaktion der Masse wegen übereilter Nachrichten – zu erregen. Kluge betont die Wichtigkeit der Übermittlung von den Erfahrungen an das zeitgenössische Publikum und die künftigen Generationen. Darin unterscheiden sich seine multimedialen Aktivitäten von bloßem Journalismus und dadurch können wir auch die eigentümlichen Vorstellungen über die Beziehung zwischen der Literatur im weitesten Sinne und der Öffentlichkeit bei Kluge erkennen. Bei der Erklärung der Sachverhältnisse des Unglücks verwendet er die bereits vorhandenen literarischen Stoffe, deren Literarizität auch weiterhin mit dem phantastischen Charakter der realen Tragödie und der reellen Ruine verbunden werden kann. Darüber hinaus lässt Kluge die Rezipienten durch die sich wiederholende Bearbeitung der Materialien der Geschichten auf die Unterschiede zwischen den Medien und auf den blinden Fleck in der Darstellung in unterschiedlichen Medien aufmerksam werden. Seine Werke über Tschernobyl kann man insofern als eine selbstreflektierende Darstellung von Literatur und Kunst selbst verstehen, die manchmal wie ein (angeblich gewagter) Versuch erscheint, mit dem Kluge das enge Zeitkonzept der Geschichtswissenschaft zu überwinden sucht.

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