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        가창 교재곡의 한국화 방안

        이홍수(Hong Soo Lee) 한국음악교육학회 2001 음악교육연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Although our youngsters learn music in schools, both traditional Korean music and Western music, as one of the subject matters in schools for at least ten years, almost all educated people don`t enjoy the art music in their lives. And they don`t show the positive attitudes toward their own musical culture and others`. It is the main reason that our students don`t have their musical materials based on sounds in their language characteristic. Now, we have to change the goals to achieve in music teaching and should include as the essential activities in music classes, in sense of that music should be recognized first as students own sounds strongly reflected their feelings, thoughts, intents, and their lives in their unique language characteristic. Music education should not be merely reproducing music created by other people, in according to teachers interpretation and suggestions. It should be musicing that the students create music in selecting and dealing with sounds according to their own feelings and intents, learning the way of musicing from composers and performers. In those learning processes, the students will have feelings and imagnation and will inquire the nature and quality of sounds and language characteristics. Music is humanly generated sounds that are good to listen to and that are so for themselves and not merely for the message they convey. Our students can generate sounds to be good to listen to also. Therefor, music educators have to provide continually opportunities for students to do it and should find the way to lead students to easily and clearly acquire the musical concepts and principles through active music mating in relation to the sounds system of their culture in which it is generally used in dally lives. For doing this, we have to make and provide students with musical materials based on sounds in their language characteristic.

      • KCI등재
      • 한글 정보원의 근사 모델을 이용한 한글 텍스트 압축 방법의 개선

        이홍수(Hong soo Lee),이재영(Jae young Lee),성굉모(Keong mo Sung) 한국정보과학회 1994 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        본 논문에서는 한글의 성질을 고려하여 확률 모델을 변형한 한글 근사 모델을 사용하여 한글 텍스트의 압축 방법을 개선하는 데 사용하였다. 한글 근사 모델의 엔트로피식과 엔트로피 감소율을 구하였고 평균 부호 길이를 구하였다. 이 모델을 LZSS에 적용하여 한글 텍스트의 압축 방법을 개선하였으며 이 모델이 LZSS에 얼마나 압축 효과를 가져오는지 살펴보았다. 이 개선 방법은 압축 시간에는 변화가 없고 압축의 해제시 표를 찾는 시간의 오버 헤드가 있었으나, 압축 효율이 개선되고 화일 크기에 따른 압축률의 편차를 줄일 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        방사선조사와 병행 처리한 녹차 EGCG의 혈구암세포 사멸촉진 효과

        이홍수(Hong-Soo Lee),김재만(Jae-Man Kim) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2006 방사선기술과학 Vol.29 No.4

          암을 치료하는 과정에서 사용하는 방사선조사와 화학요법제 처리는 암세포뿐만 아니라 정상세포에도 심각한 손상을 일으킨다. 이 연구에서는 정상세포의 손상을 최소화하고 암세포을 효과적으로 죽일 수 있는 방법을 찾기 위하여 항암과 항산화 효능이 알려진 녹차 추출물, Epigalocatechin-gallate(Green Tea EGCG)의 혈액암 세포 성장억제 및 사멸촉진 효능을 조사하였다. 혈액암 세포주인 HL-60 세포와 정상면역세포주인 NC-37세포에 녹차의 EGCG를 농도별 처리하고, 방사선을 조사하여 세포사멸에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 녹차 EGCG는 정상세포의 성장에는 영향을 미치지 않는 반면 적정농도에서 종양 세포주의 성장을 억제하였다. 녹차 EGCG를 처리한 뒤 방사선조사를 병행하면 종양 세포주는 방사선만 단독 조사한 군에 비해 녹차 EGCG를 첨가한 군에서 세포사멸 효과가 상승적으로 증가하였다. 그 효과는 저선량 방사선조사 시에 EGCG를 50㎍/㎖ 이상의 농도로 처리할 때 가장 크게 나타났다.<BR>  이상의 결과로 미루어 볼 때 혈액암을 포함한 각종 암의 방사선 치료시, 녹차의 음용 또는 녹차 EGCG을 병행 처리를 통해서 암세포(Leukemia cell)의 사멸을 촉진하고 정상세포를 보호하여 더 낳은 치료효과를 기대할 수 있을 것으로 추정된다.   During cancer therapy, gamma-ray irradiation and treatment of anti-cancer chemicals destroy the normal cells as well as cancer cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of epigallocathechin-gallate(EGCG) extracted from green tea, which is known to have anti-cancer and anti-oxident activities, in order to find out the feasible method to protect the normal cells and to kill the cancer cells efficiently.<BR>  We investigated the effect of EGCG on the leukemia cell growth and cell necrosis, especially when treated along with gamma radiation. The EGCG inhibited the leukemia cell, HL-60, growth at the appropriate concentration while it exhibited no influence on the normal cell growth. More significantly, it enhanced leukemia cell necrosis when its treatment was combined with gamma irradiation. Simultaneous treatment of EGCG and gamma radiation increased leukemia cell necrosis up to 35% compared with separate treatments.<BR>  These results suggest that drinking of green tea or co-treatment of EGCG during gamma irradiation therapy may result in better prognosis through enhancement of the tumor cell necrosis and protection of the normal cells.

      • KCI등재

        현대음악 작품의 교재화 방안

        이홍수(Hong Soo Lee) 한국음악교육학회 1998 음악교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        The recent music curricular for elementary and secondary schools were developed especially emphasizing the ideas of the conceptual approach and aesthetic music education. There is much interest in those approaches combined with the need to develop instructional guidelines and materials focused on diverse musical aspects including traditional Korean music idioms. However, still the lack of diverse resources materials appropriate for grade schools use is one of the significant problems. In school music teaching programs, generally the improvement of musical abilities are sought through limited time and resources. In the music classes, to improve musical abilities students sing, play instruments. improvise, compose, and listen to music in analysing and synthesizing. Especially the process of analysing and synthesizing in music listening heightens students` appreciation of musical pieces. In the listening classes, they mainly consider which pitches, durations, harmonies, and tone colors are present and how they are organized in certain modes or scales. The aesthetic experience of music, however, requires more than simply an objective recognition of its constituent parts and musical activities. They have to investigate the effects created by the elements and the ways in which they interact upon each other. For doing that they need the musical pieces with diverse musical aspects culturally and stylistically. In the world there are numerous musical works made between the old time and these days and in many different areas. Therefore, we need to select the most efflcint resource materials in a educational sense among those musical works. To put it briefly, the music classes should provide musical pieces suitable for diverse experiences to do in students` limited time as intensively as they can do. If we make a success of selecting musical works with diverse musical aspects in terms of cultures and styles, especially from contemporary music, the works will actively bridge the old and contemporary musics and traditional and new styles. On the other hand, if those musical works are provided for students in oder to grow their aural awareness in listening classes and in oder to use such diverse aspects for their composition, they will help the students achieve the improvement of musical abilities, as well as provide themselves with diverse musical experiences. Aural awareness for musical sounds can grow through various musical activities. Therefore, we have to try to select contemporary music with diverse musical aspects culturally and stylistically suitable for school music programs.

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