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      • 컨테이너화와 港灣의 機能的 特性에 관한 硏究

        奇會元 木浦海洋大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        Every major container port accomodates two fundamental characteristics. One is locally generated and stimulated by the port's centrality with respect to a regional hinterland. The other is distantly generated by the interactions of widely seperated places and stimulated by the port's intermediacy. Centrality generates what can be called true origin and destination container traffic from and to the local hinterland. Intermediacy generates long-distance in-transit and transhipment traffic. Ports in early days were created as regional or national gateways to serve and promote the economic development of their respective regions and nations. But nowadays with the globalization of the world economy and the development of intermodal transportation, container ports are more frequently assessing their role by the intermediacy concept. Ports can be strategically located as gateways or transhipment points in a transport network, but essentially they are given functional characteristic by the carrier's choices. Containerization is much more depended on intermediacy of port in global perspectives, so port development plans should be oriented to satisfy these various carrier's needs.

      • 벼 自動化 育苗에서 播種期와 育苗期間이 苗素質에 미치는 영향

        成會慶,皮宰承,孫再根 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 慶北大農學誌 Vol.18 No.-

        Seedling characteristics of rice sowed at different sowing date in an automatic facility were studied at different days after sowing(DAS). The objective was to determine the optimum sowing date and age of rice seedlings at three locations in the Kyongbuk Province of Korea viz, Andong, Euisung and Kyongsan. Height and shoot dry weight of rice seedling increased from 10 to 20 DAS and with a delay in sowing time from April to June. In these intervals shoot dry weight-height ratio decreased. For rice seeded in the last ten days of April, optimum seedling characteristics were attained between 15 to 20 DAS at Andong and Euisung and 15 DAS at Kyongsan. At the three locations, 10-day-seedlings exhibited superior characteristics to 15- and 20-day-seedlings for rice seeded in May and June. Rice seedlings of different ages were transplanted at a paddy field to determine the effect of seedling age on yield potential. The mean yield of 10-day-seedlings was 5% higher than that of 35-day-seedlings raised by the conventional method. The yield of 20-day-seedlings was 9% lower than that of 35-day-seedlings. Varietal differences in seedling characteristics of 13 rice cultivars were evaluated for the seedlings seeded in the automatic facility on June. Ten-day old seedlings ranged in height from 13.3 to 17.5 cm and shoot dry weight from 7.7 to 9.4 mg. Two cultivars, Daesanbyeo and Hwayeongbyeo, exhibited superior seedling traits compared to the remaining 11 cultivars and were ,therefore, better adapted to the automatic seedling-raising facility.

      • 재외동포의 법적 지위

        도회근 울산대학교 사회과학연구소 2001 사회과학논집 Vol.11 No.1

        「재외동포지위법」 의 제정은 560만명이라는 세계적으로 많은 수의 재외동포룰 가지고 있는 우리 나라의 경우 민족정책을 수립하고 집행한다는 차원에서 바람직한 것이었다고 생각된다. 이 법률의 제정에 따라 거주자인 국민과 재외국민간에 불평등하였던 관계가 다소 완화되었고, 외국국적동포들의 출입국과 국내 경제활동의 자유가 상당히 신장되기는 하였지만, 법적으로는 법적 지위, 즉 권리ㆍ의무관계가 서로 다른 여러 집단들이 생겨나게 되었다는 새로운 현상도 나타나게 되었다. 그러나 당초의 의도와는 달리 재중국 · 재러시아권동포를 적용대상에서 배제하였고, 법적지위를 규정함에 있어서도 참정권은 배제한 채 경제거래의 자유를 중심으로 규정하였으며, 외국인을 혈통에 따라 구분하여 차별함으로써 부분적, 한시적, 차별적 법률이 되었다는 문제점을 남겼다. Korea has about 5 millions and 600 thousands of compatriots in foreign countries. So it seemed to be desirable that "Law on the Legal Status of Korean Compatriots in Foreign Countries" was enacted in order to establish and execute a policy of Korean nation. This law makes it possible that inequality between people in Korea and those in abroad be reduced, freedom of immigration and economic freedoms of Korean compatriots with foreign nationalities be enlarged, and various groups of Korean people with different legal status - relationship between rights and duties - appear. But this law shows some problems: Korean compatriots in China and in Russian area are excluded from application of the law; political rights of Korean people in foreign countries are exempted from the law; the law discriminates the foreigners by their bloodline. At last this law has a problem of partial, tentative and discriminative nature.

      • 지방분권과 법제개혁 : 헌법적 과제를 중심으로 Upon cinstitutional Subject

        도회근 울산대학교 2002 사회과학논집 Vol.12 No.2

        우리 헌법은 지방자치제도를 보장하고 있지만 실제로는 국가권력과 권한이 과도하게 중앙집권화되어 있어 헌법의 원리를 위반하고 있다. 이렇게 된 데에는 현행 헌법의 해석과 지방자치법제에도 책임이 있다. 헌법의 지방자치제도를 독일이론에 따라 제도보장으로 해석하고 있는 통설과 판례의 입장은 수정되어야만 한다. 현행 지방자치법제는 지방분권을 촉진하고 주민투표제와 소민소환제의 도입을 포함하여 주민참여를 확대하는 방향으로 개혁되어야만 한다. The Constitution guarantees local self-government system, but in reality power and authority of nation is centralized excessively. This is seemed to violate constitutional principles. It is because of constitutional interpretation and local self-government law system itself. Majority theory and Constitutional Court decision that local self-government system on the constitution is interpreted as an 'institutional guarantee' in accordance with German legal theory should be revised. And the existing Local Self-Government Act should be reformed toward promoting decentralization and enlarging resident participation including introduction of resident referendum and resident recall system.

      • 소비에트제도의 정착과정에 관한 연구

        도회근 울산대학교 1995 사회과학논집 Vol.5 No.2

        소비에트제도는 러시아 혁명과정에서 자연발생적으로 나타났던 제도였는데, 1936년 헌법의 채택을 계기로 소련의 중심적 국가기구로 정착되었다. 그 특징은 다수 인민이 입법과 행정과정에 직접 참여하는 이른바 직접민주제의 한 구현제도라는 점이었다. 선거제도, 유권자의 지시, 소환제도 등도 직접민주제의 요소들이었다. 스탈린이 주도한 1936년 헌법채택과정에서 치 요소들은 그대로 도입되었으며 선거제도는 오히려 그전보다 더욱 민주화되었다. 그러나 초기에는 없었던 헌법원리들이 첨가됨으로써 이 계도는 비민주적으로 운영되고 말았다. 민주적 중앙집권주의, 사회주의적 적법성, 공산당의 지도적 역할 등의 원리가 그것이다. 이 원리들은 민주성과 중앙집권성의 양 측면을 모두 갖고 있었는데 실제 운영에는 후자가 압도적으로 우세하였던 것이다. 소비에트제도는 이처럼 양면성을 가진 원리들의 지원을 받았고 중앙집권적으로 운영됨으로써 이후 독재의 기구로 변하고 말았던 것이다 The soviet system emerged spontaneously in the course of the Russian Revolution, and became a key governmental organization of the USSR when the 1936 Constitution was adopted. It is supposed to be the realization of the so-called direct democracy where the majority of the people participated in the legislative and administrative process. Other elements of direct democracy included electoral system, voters' mandate and recall system, which were introduced in the 1936 Constitution of which Stalin directed the adoption process. The electoral system became more democratic than before, but the soviet system was administered undemocratically because other new constitutional principles were added to the Constitution - democratic centralism, socialist legality and the leading role of the CPSU, for instance. These principles had both democratic and centralistic elements, but in reality, the latter overwhelmed the former. The soviet system thus became a tool of dictatorship when it was supplemented by these principles that had contradicting elements in themselves and was administered centralistically.

      • 국민과 국적

        도회근 울산대학교 1999 사회과학논집 Vol.9 No.2

        전통적인 국적 중심의 국민 개념은 우리나라에서 다소 편협하게 이해되어 왔고 따라서 비슷한 용어인 인민과의 잘못된 구별 등 일부 오해가 있었다. 최근에는 전통적인 국민 개념을 넘어서는 현상들도 나타나고 있다. 이 글에서는 전통적인 국민에 관한 이론들의 문제점을 지적하고 불분명하였던 부분들을 수정 내지 보완하는 논리를 제시하였다. The traditional concept of the national based on nationality is understood somewhat narrowly in Korea, so there are some misunderstandings as to a difference between the concept of the national and the people. In recent days there happen cases that we cannot explain with a traditional concept of the national. This study points out the problems of the traditional theory of the national, and suggests a theory that revises or amends uncertain elements of the traditional theory.

      • 정당, 당내민주주의, 참여민주주의

        도회근 울산대학교 사회과학연구소 2000 사회과학논집 Vol.10 No.2

        정당은 헌법상 당내민주주의와 참여민주주의를 실현할 의무를 지고 있다 우리나라에서는 최근 실시된 제16대 총선거를 전후하여 당내민주주의 실현을 위한 의미있는 논의와 실천이 이루어졌다. 국회의원 공천과정에 대한 사법심사, 일부 공직선거후보자를 지구당 당원총회에서 선출한 일, 자유투표제 논의 등이 그 보기이다. 이러한 사례들은 비록 문제는 있었지만 우리나라 정당의 당내민주주의를 위하여 크게 기여하였다고 생각된다. 아울러 정당은 국민이 정당을 통하여 적극적으로 정치적 의사형성을 할 수 있도록 정당을 개방적으로 운영하고 국민의 정당참여를 유도하는 제도를 만들고 운영함으로써, 참여민주주의의 실현에 노력하여야 할 것이다. Political Parties have duties to realize the intraparty democracy and the participatory democracy on the constitutional law. In Korea, meaningful discussions and practices of realization of the intraparty democracy were done before and after the 16th General Election, for example, the judicial examination on the party nomination process of a candidate for Congressman, elections of candidates for the public positions at the general meetings of precinct party units, and discussions on the cross voting. Even though there are some problems, these cases seemed to contribute largely to the intraparty democracy of our political parties. And political parties should make efforts to realize the participatory democracy. They should operate themselves openly and organize systems to induce people to participate in party activities, so that people can make an political opinion positively through the political parties.

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