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Sato, Hiroshi Korean Mathematical Society 2021 대한수학회지 Vol.58 No.5
In this paper, we introduce the notion of toric special weak Fano manifolds, which have only special primitive crepant contractions. We study their structure, and in particular completely classify smooth toric special weak Fano 4-folds. As a result, we can confirm that almost every smooth toric special weak Fano 4-fold is a weakened Fano manifold, that is, a weak Fano manifold which can be deformed to a Fano manifold.
Hiroshi Sato,Shigehito Tsuzuki 대한수학회 2023 대한수학회보 Vol.60 No.6
We explicitly construct the smooth toric Fano variety which is isomorphic to the blow-up of the projective space at torus invariant points in codimension one by anti-flips.
( Hiroshi Yamawaki ),( Seiji Futagami ),( Mayumi Shimpuku ),( Hitomi Sato ),( Taiga Wakabayashi ),( Yuuta Maruki ),( Yasuhiro Kodaka ),( Hiroyuki Nagoya ),( Tomotaka Shindo ),( Tetsuro Kawagoe ),( Cho 대한소화기기능성질환·운동학회 2014 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.20 No.1
Background/Aims The association between clinical symptoms, gastric emptying, quality of life and sleep disorders in distinct functional dyspepsia (FD) patients has not been studied yet in detail. Methods We enrolled 79 FD patients (postprandial distress syndrome [PDS], n = 65; epigastric pain syndrome [EPS], n = 47; EPS-PDS overlap, n = 33) and 44 healthy volunteers. Gastric motility was evaluated. We used Rome III criteria to evaluate clinical symptoms and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scores to determine anxiety status. Sleep disorder was evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores. Results There were no significant differences in age, sex and Helicobacter pylori positivity between FD subtypes and healthy volunteers. The scores of Glasgow dyspepsia severity scores (GDSS), SF-8 and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in distinct subtypes of FD patients were significantly different from those in healthy volunteers. However, there were not significant differences in these scores, Tmax and T1/2 among 3 subtypes of FD patients. PSQI score was significantly (P = 0.027, P = 0.002 and P = 0.039, respectively) associated with GDSS among EPS, PDS and EPS-PDS overlap patients. In addition, 8-item short form health survey (SF-8; Physical Component Score and Mental Component Score) was significantly associated with global PSQI score in PDS and EPS-PDS overlap patients. In contrast, SF-8 (Mental Component Score) only was significantly linked to global PSQI score in EPS patients. Conclusions Prevalences for sleep disorders, gastric motility and quality of life in 3 subtypes of FD patients were similar levels. In PDS and EPS-PDS overlap patients, SF-8 was significantly associated with global PSQI score. (J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2014;20:104-112)
Sato, Yasuhiro,Kudoh, Hiroshi The Ecological Society of Korea 2013 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.36 No.3
We estimated phenotypic selection on the height and number of flowering-stalks in a rosette annual Cardamine hirsuta by applying path analysis to the data collected at three natural populations located in central Japan. The path from rosette size was positively connected with the fruit production through the both height and number of flowering-stalks. In the all three populations, the paths from the number of stalks were more strongly connected with the fruit production than from the height of stalks. The paths from the rosette size showed similar magnitude with the number of stalks and the height of stalks. The direct path from rosette size to the fruit production was detected only at one site. These results suggest stronger phenotypic selection on the rosette size through the number of stalks than the height of stalks. The lateral branching rather than increment of individual inflorescence size is the major response to control the fruit production for C. hirsuta growing in a natural habitat.