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      • KCI등재

        A formal scheme for prosodic disalignment

        William Hart 한국음운론학회 2017 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.23 No.1

        This paper presents a formalized scheme for the representation of constraints that codify the force of prosodic repulsion, a concept first introduced in Hart (2015a) and expanded upon in Hart (2015b). Prosodic repulsion embodies a force of resistance between phonological entities which works together in concert with a force of attraction between entities to define and regulate prosodic structure. While the force of attraction has commonly been referred to as alignment, the force of repulsion can analogously be understood as disalignment. The proposed scheme for the formalization of such disalignment has here been dubbed Generalized Repulsion for the commonalities it shares with the constraint scheme proposed by McCarthy and Prince (1993), yet it differs from Generalized Alignment in several respects. First, the arguments of GR constraints indicating the relevant prosodic structures are both marked with the universal operator. Second, reference to only one edge is required. Third, an additional argument is included to represent the buffer, which is the minimal distance required between the two constituents that repel each other. With the introduction of this constraint scheme, the overall phonological grammar as a whole is simplified, and several previously unconnected phonological phenomena can be brought together under a single theoretical umbrella.

      • Using Structural Equation Modeling to Examine the Effects of Sex and Physical Activity on the Metabolic Syndrome and Health-related Quality of Life Relationship

        Peter D. Hart(Peter D. Hart ) 사피엔시아 2018 Exercise Medicine Vol.2 No.-

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to use structural equation modeling (SEM) to investigate the moderating effects of sex and the mediating effects of physical activity (PA) on the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) relationship. Methods: The 2013-14 NHANES was used and included 1,077 adults 50+ years of age. A latent construct of MetS was created using five observed variables: waist circumference, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, and mean arterial pressure. A PA variable was created from self-reported moderate and vigorous recreational activity and converted to quartiles of moderate-to-vigorous PA minutes per week. HRQOL was assessed from a question regarding self-rated general health and dichotomized to indicate poor/good HRQOL. Results: The MetS latent model showed adequate fit (χ2/df = 2.47, GFI = 0.99, CFI = 0.99, and RMSEA = 0.04) and significantly (P<.001) predicted all observed variables. The structural model also showed adequate fit with significant direct effects of MetS on HRQOL (β= −0.118, P<0.001) and PA on HRQOL (β=0.176, P<0.001). The effect of MetS on HRQOL (β= −0.048, P=0.001) through PA revealed that PA mediates the relationship. The multi-group analysis showed that the structural model was significantly different between males and females, with PA completely mediating the MetS and HRQOL relationship in males and partially mediating the relationship in females. Conclusions: Results from this study support the use of SEM for investigating moderating and mediating effects while simultaneously measuring a latent construct. Additionally, PA was a stronger mediator to the MetS and HRQOL relationship in older males than in older females.

      • KCI등재

        OK in Emergency Dispatch Encounters

        Hart. William,Suh. Kyunghee,Oh. Yeonglim 한국사회언어학회 2017 사회언어학 Vol.25 No.2

        Hart, William, Suh, Kyunghee, & Oh, Yeonglim. 2017. “ OK in Emergency Dispatch Encounters”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 1~28. This paper investigates the discourse marker OK in 911 emergency calls, paying special attention to how its use is embedded in the context of the request-offer sequence through which the caller and the dispatcher display distinctive orientations in terms of goals, rights, and responsibilities. In line with previous research, it was found that the use of this marker displays multifunctionality, which for callers is manifested in the function OK not only as a response token but also as an affiliative signal of cooperation in the acknowledgment and acceptance of directives and updates on the status of the emergency response. For dispatchers, this multifunctionality is found in the activation of a bidirectional looking function of the marker which orients backward in acknowledgment of information elicited and provided in previous turns, while simultaneously orienting forward in anticipation of an impending directive, request for information, or status update in the turn that follows.

      • KCI등재

        Forces in Balance

        William Hart 한국중원언어학회 2018 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.49

        An account of the basic system of English stress is provided within the theoretical perspective of classic Optimality Theory. It is demonstrated that, of the set of constraints accounting for the basic stress system and for prosodic structures such as the syllable, foot and word, the majority of constraints can be classified as either alignment or disalignment constraints. While the former are represented using the Generalized Alignment scheme of McCarthy & Prince (1993b), the latter are represented using the Generalized Repulsion scheme of Hart (2017). It is suggested that these two constraint schemes are formalized embodiments of two types of prosodic force, one of which pulls prosodic elements together, and the other of which pushes them apart. In this sense, alignment represents a force of attraction between prosodic constituents, and disalignment represents a force of repulsion. The basic stress system of English can thus be seen as resulting from a balance of these two forces, representing a typical example of prosodic structure being determined by this balance.

      • KCI등재

        Crosslinguistic typological evidence for prosodic buffers

        William Hart 한국음운론학회 2019 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.25 No.2

        The primary aim of this paper is to provide support for the Generalized Repulsion constraint scheme proposed in Hart (2017) by presenting crosslinguistic typological evidence of all the prosodic buffer types predicted by the scheme. Analogous to McCarthy and Prince’s (1993) Generalized Alignment scheme, repulsion constraints consist of four arguments and are formalized as REPEL(Cat1, Cat2, Edge, Buffer), where the first two arguments are prosodic constituents repelled from one another, the third is the edge at which they are repelled, and the fourth is the minimal distance required between the two, instantiated as a buffer. Since the scope of the scheme is limited by an inventory consisting of five prosodic constituents, it is predicted that constraints defined by each of these five buffer types should be found in actually occurring languages of the world. Starting with segmental buffers in Estonian, Maltese, Palauan and Western Aranda, then moving on to moraic buffers in Hixkaryana, Chimalapa Zoque and Sri Lankan Portuguese Creole, then to syllabic buffers in Latin and Seneca, and to foot-sized buffers in Paumari, and finally to word-sized buffers in English, and including examples from several other analogous languages along the way for each type, this paper presents a wealth of cases to demonstrate that all five predicted buffer types are indeed attested. (University of Seoul, Visiting Professor)

      • 켈젠과의 토론

        허버트하트 ( H L A Hart ),권경휘(옮김) ( Kyung Hwi Kwon ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2014 영산법률논총 Vol.11 No.1

        1961년 11월에 나는 UC버클리 로스쿨에서 켈젠(Hans Kelsen)을 만나서 그와 토론을 하는 흥미로운 지적 경험을 하였다. 나는 켈젠의 『법과 국가의 일반이론』에서 우리의 토론의 주제들을 미리 정해두었다. 이 만남을 마련한 사람은 우리를 소개해 준 에렌츠바이그(Albert Ehrenzweig) 교수였다. 꽤나 많은 청중이 왔었는데, 우리는 그들에게 우리의 논쟁이 실망스럽거나 지루할 수도 있고 심지어는 실망스러운 동시에 지루한 것일 수도 있다고 경고하였다. 왜냐하면 우리가 논의하려는 문제들은 청중이 보기에는 무미건조하고 전문적인 것일 수 있고, 우리 사이의 입장 차이가 법리학의"실증주의"진영 내에서 다투어지는 세부적인 논쟁에 지나지 않아서 실증주의 진영에 속하지 않는 사람들에게는 별로 흥미가 없는 것일 수 있기 때문이었다. 나는 켈젠의 위대한 저술이 찬사를 받으면서 상세하게 다루어지는 것이 마땋하다는 것과 그의 저술이"자연법 대 실증주의"로 알려진 진부하고 오래된 주제와 같이 광범위하고 모호하게 정의되는 주제들에 대한 논쟁들을 명료하게 만드는 데 종종 사용되어 왔다는 것을 설명하였다. 청중들 중에는 법률가들뿐만 아니라 몇몇의 철학자들, 정치학자들 그리고 다른 학과의 학생들도 있었는데, 나는 우리의 토론이 전문적인 것이었음에도 불구하고 청중들이 우리의 논쟁을 즐거워하였다고 생각한다. 분명 나는 이 토론을 통하여 많은 것 들을 배울 수 있었다. 켈젠의 교의들에 관하여 가지고 있던 의문들을 완전히 해소하지는 못하였다고 해도, 내가 오랫동안 의문을 가졌던 켈젠의 특정한 교의들의 의미를 보다 분명하게 이해하게 되었다. 나는 켈젠의 저술들에 관하여 이러한 의문들을 가진 사람이 나뿐만이 아닐 것이고 따라서 우리의 논의를 설명하는 것이 다른 사람들에게도 도움이 되리라고 생각한다. 이하에서는 내가 제기한 주제들이 중요하다고 생각한 이유를 설명하고 우리의 입장이 어떻게 다른지를 밝히고자 한다. 내가 토론주제로 선정한 것들은 다음과 같다.1, 켈젠의 표현: "기술적인 의미에서의 법의 규칙들"(rules of law in a descriptive sense)2. 위법행위(delict)의 정의(定義)3. 실정법과 도덕의 관계 이러한 3가지 주제들 외에도, 만약 시간이 남으면 토론하기로 합의한 다른 주제들이 있었다. 그러나 실제 공개토론에서는 다른 주제들을 논의할 여유가 없었다. In November, 1961, I had the enjoyable and instructive experience of meeting Hans Kelsen and debating with him at the Law School of the University of California in Berkeley some topics which I had prebiously selected for discussion from his General Theory of Law and State.`The meeting was arranged by Professor Albert Ehrenzweig who introduced us. We warned our very large audience that they might be disappointed or bored or both disappointed and bored: for the questions we proposed to discuss might excusably appear to them to be dry and technical, and our differences to be mere disputes over it. I explanied that my view was that Kelsen`s great work deserved the compliment of detailed scrutiny, and that it had too often been used as an excuse for the debate of vast and vaguely defined issuse, such as the hoary perennial known as "Natural Law versus Legal Positivism." In spite of the technical nature of our discussion it was I think enjoyed by our audience which included, as well as lawyers, a sprinkling of philosophers, political theorists and students of other disciplines, Certainly it proved most instructive to me: it made me understand better the point of certain Kelsenian doctrines which had long perplexed me, even if it did not finally dispel my perplexties, Iam reluctant to believe that I am alone in finding these difficulties in Kelsen`s work: so some account of our disussion may be of use to others, In what follows I shall try to explain both why the points I raised seem to me important as well as to delineate our respectivbe positions. The points which I chose for discussion were these: I. Kelsen`s experssion: "Rules of law in a descriptive sense." II. The defintion of delict. III. The relationship between Positive Law and Morality. Besides these three issues ther were others which we agreed to disuss if there was time. In fact there was no time for any of these others at out public discussiion.



        Harte, Robin,Keogh, Gary Korean Mathematical Society 2003 대한수학회보 Vol.40 No.2

        There seems to be a love-hate relationship between Brouwer's fixed point theorem and the fundamental theorem of algebra; in this note we offer one more tweak at it, and give a version of Rouches theorem.



        Harte, Robin Korean Mathematical Society 2003 대한수학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        For linear operators between Banach algebras "spectral boundedness" is derived from ordinary boundedness by substituting spectral radius for norm. The interplay between this concept and some of its near relatives is conspicuous in a result of Curto and Mathieu.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Inhibitor of MYC identified in a Kröhnke pyridine library

        Hart, Jonathan R.,Garner, Amanda L.,Yu, Jing,Ito, Yoshihiro,Sun, Minghao,Ueno, Lynn,Rhee, Jin-Kyu,Baksh, Michael M.,Stefan, Eduard,Hartl, Markus,Bister, Klaus,Vogt, Peter K.,Janda, Kim D. National Academy of Sciences 2014 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.111 No.34

        <P>In a fluorescence polarization screen for the MYC–MAX interaction, we have identified a novel small-molecule inhibitor of MYC, KJ-Pyr-9, from a Kröhnke pyridine library. The <I>K</I><SUB>d</SUB> of KJ-Pyr-9 for MYC in vitro is 6.5 ± 1.0 nM, as determined by backscattering interferometry; KJ-Pyr-9 also interferes with MYC–MAX complex formation in the cell, as shown in a protein fragment complementation assay. KJ-Pyr-9 specifically inhibits MYC-induced oncogenic transformation in cell culture; it has no or only weak effects on the oncogenic activity of several unrelated oncoproteins. KJ-Pyr-9 preferentially interferes with the proliferation of MYC-overexpressing human and avian cells and specifically reduces the MYC-driven transcriptional signature. In vivo, KJ-Pyr-9 effectively blocks the growth of a xenotransplant of MYC-amplified human cancer cells.</P>

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