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      • KCI등재

        Who Will Fill China's Shoes? The Global Evolution of Labor-Intensive Manufacturing

        Hanson, Gordon Korea Institute for International Economic Policy 2020 East Asian Economic Review Vol.24 No.4

        In this paper, I review evidence on changing global specialization in labor-intensive exporting. Production of apparel, footwear, furniture, and related products are how many low-income countries first enter export manufacturing. Just as China's rise as a powerhouse in these goods supplanted a role previously occupied by the East Asian Tigers, the world may again be on the cusp of significant change in where labor-intensive goods are produced. China's prowess in these sectors peaked in the early 2010s; its share in their global exports, while still substantial, is now in decline. Mechanisms through which the global economy may adjust to China's graduation into more technologically sophisticated activities include expanded labor-intensive export production in other emerging economies and labor-saving technological change in products currently heavily reliant on less-educated labor. Available evidence suggests that the first mechanism is operating slowly and the second hardly at all. As a third mechanism, China may in part replace itself by moving labor-heavy factories out of densely populated and expensive coastal cities and into the country's interior. Such a transition, though still in its infancy, would mirror the decentralization of manufacturing production in the U.S. and Europe, which occurred after World War II.

      • KCI등재

        Adverse Events Associated With Synthetic Male Slings: An Analysis of the Food and Drug Administration Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience Database

        Hanson Zhao,Colby P. Souders,Paige K. Kuhlmann,Kai Dallas,Karyn Eilber,Jennifer T. Anger 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2021 International Neurourology Journal Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: We sought to describe and analyze the adverse events associated with synthetic male slings reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database. Methods: We queried the MAUDE database for all entries including the terms “Male Sling,” “InVance,” “Virtue,” or “Advance” from January 1st, 2009 to December 31st, 2018. We collected and analyzed information about the event type, date received, report source, source type, and manufacturer. We reviewed and categorized the event description text for each medical device report (MDR). Results: A total of 497 adverse events related to the male sling were identified. The adverse events were classified as injury (95.4%), malfunction (4.2%), and other (0.4%). There were no deaths described. The slings involved were the Advance or Advance XP sling (69.8%), InVance (15.5%), Virtue Quadratic (12.3%), or unknown (2.4%). The 4 most common adverse events described were urinary incontinence (46.7%), sling erosion (9.1%), mechanical malfunction (8.2%), and pain/numbness (8.2%). There was no increase in the number of reports in the years following the FDA warnings for urogynecologic mesh. Conclusions: There was an overall modest number of MDRs related to male slings and the majority of them were reported by the manufacturer. The reporting of adverse events for male slings does not seem to be affected by the controversy and scrutiny towards transvaginal mesh and midurethral slings. Further clinical studies and more objective and detailed databases are needed to investigate the safety of these synthetic slings.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Corporate Governance and Divestitures : The Effectiveness of Internal and External Control Mechanisms

        Hanson, Robert C,Song, Moon H 성균관대학교 경영연구소 2001 Sungkyun Management Research Institute Work Vol.22 No.-

        This paper studies divestitures to explore whether stock ownership by managers and the board of directors are effective mechanisms for controlling agency costs. Stock ownership provides managers incentives to sell poorly performing assets that no longer fit the firm=s operating strategy while monitoring by the board of directors encourages the sale of assets that perhaps serve the interests of managers more than shareholders. As part of our analysis, we examine insider trading activity as a way to gauge agency costs that arise from managers exploiting their inside information. We examine external controls by investigating monitoring by external blockholders and assessing the divesting firm=s activity as bidder or target in the market for corporate control. Results show that announcement period returns are significantly related to insider ownership, the fraction of unaffiliated outside directors on the board, changes in trading activity by insiders, and whether the firm becomes a takeover target within two years of the divestiture. Divesting firms underperform a control sample of nondivesting firms over the two years preceding the divestiture, but show similar long-term performance the two-years following the divestiture. Moreover, divesting firms are more frequently involved in transfer of control activities as bidders before and targets after the divestiture when compared to nondivesting firms. Our results, overall, are consistent with the notion that divestitures create value because they help resolve agency problems. and the managerial ownership and the board of directors play a significant role in helping to resolve these problems.

      • KCI등재

        Cultural Tradition of School Excursion and Collective Trauma of the Motor Vessel Sewol Accident

        Hanson Park,Jungwon Choi 대한신경정신의학회 2019 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.16 No.4

        The Motor Vessel Sewol accident was a horrible accident, and it had complex ripple effects in various areas such as politics, economy, and culture. In particular, the psychological impact of each individual in Korean society was great, and various explanations for the causes of such psychological mass trauma would be possible. One of these important causes is the historical memory about common cultural custom. Therefore, the historical and cultural memory of the school trips shared by members of Korean society may be one of the causes of the psychological trauma. This paper aims to explain the cultural and social functions of school trips in East Asian societies from a historical point of view. In addition, we will also analyse the reasons why shared cultural memories contributed to the formation of collective trauma of the accident from a cultural, anthropological and psychiatric point of view.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        HANSON, KENNETH,ROBINSON, SHERMAN,TOKARICK, STEPHEN 한국국제경제학회 1993 International Economic Journal Vol.7 No.2

        This paper investigates the implications for the structure of the U. S. economy of a reduction in the U. S. trade deficit. We explore two alternative adjustment scenarios. First, we assume an environment of successful world trade liberalization. An alternative view is that the world economy will lapse into a protectionist environment. We use a 30-sector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the United States to analyze the impact of these two scenarios. When analyzing the protectionist scenario, we do a variety of experiments designed to explore the impact of protectionist policies on the U. S. economy. [C68, F13]

      • 의사-간호사 관계의 의료인류학적 고찰

        박한선(Hanson Park),최정원(Jungwon Choi) 대한사회정신의학회 2014 사회정신의학 Vol.19 No.1

        간호사는 의사와 일하는 가장 중요한 의료 직종 중에 하나이다. 의사와 간호사의역할에 대한 사회적 기준은 고정되지 않으며, 시간에 따라서 변화해왔다. 특히 의사와 간호사 권력 관계의 변화가 대표적이다. 의사-간호사 관계에 대한 기존 연구는 주로 이분법적 으로 정형화된 성적 역할에 초점이 맞춰져 있었다. 그러나 간호사의 전통적인 젠더 역할은 남자 간호사의 수가 증가하고, 젠더 평등성 이라는 전반적인 사회적 분위기와 더불어서 크게 변화하고 있다. 여기서는 간호사의 전통적 젠더 역할을 정리하고, 의사-간호사 게임, 준비 의례 및 가족 모델이라는 패러다임을 통해서 남성 간호사의 변화하는 역할에 대하여 조망해보고자 한다. The nurse is the one of vital health professionals with the medical doctor. Social norms about the role of the nurse and doctor has not been fixed, and changed after the fashion of the time, esp. the change of the power relationship between nurse and doctor. Previous approaches about the doctor-nurse relationship was mainly focused on the dichotomous gender stereotype. However, traditional gender role of the nurse is drastically changed due to the increasing number of male nurse and overall social movement of gender equality. We summarized the traditional gender role of the nurse, and took a view of evolving role of male nurse by the paradigm of the doctor-nurse game, preparation ritual and family model.

      • 인간과 영성

        박한선(Hanson Park),김희준(Hee Jun Kim),최정원(Jungwon Choi),고석만(Seok-Man Ko),이상민(Sang-Min Lee),현준(June Hyun ),최영숙(Young-Sook Choi),신경철(Kyung-Chul Shin),강석진(Seok-Jin Kang),최용성(Yong-Sung Choi) 대한사회정신의학회 2013 사회정신의학 Vol.18 No.2

        종교성은 개인의 삶에 주요한 영향을 주는 요인 중에 하나이다. 종교성 혹은 영성은 모든 인종과 민족에서 공통적으로 나타나지만, 인간 이외의 어떤 종에서도 관찰되지 않는 특징이 있다. 일부에서는 종교가 인간 인지의 영역 밖에 존재하기 때문에, 과학적으로 분석되는 것이 불가능하고 그래서도 곤란하다고 지적하기도 한다. 정신의학의 영역에서 이에 대한 학문적인 연구는 오랜 기간 동안 금기시되어오기도 했었다. 그러나 일부 선구적인 인류학적 연구들은 종교의 기능을 대하여 사회결속가설이나 의례치유가설 혹은 인지 적응이론 등으로 설명하기도 한다. 본 논문은 종교의 기원과 진화에 대한 전통적인 인류학적 설명을 사회인지적 기능 차원에서 살펴 보고, 인간의 정신에 종교성이 미치는 포괄적 영향에 대한 언급하고자 한다. Religiosity is one of major determinants of an individual’s life experience. Religiosity or spirituality is universal to all race and ethnicity, but human seems to be only organism among a variety of animals when it comes to spirituality. Some- one says that religiosity cannot (and should not) be analyzed scientifically because it exist beyond human cognition. In the psychiatric field, this area has also lain dormant for a long time due to some sort of academic taboos about spirituali-ty. However, some pioneers have been doing remarkable progresses to explain possible functions of religiosity by strong hypotheses, like social solidarity theory, ritual healing theory and theory of cognitive adaptation. This article review the traditional anthropological explanations of the origin and evolution of religion, several hypotheses of religion’s cognitive and social functions and the overall impact of religiosity to human mind.

      • KCI등재

        Evolutionary Ecological Model of Defence Activation Disorders Via the Marginal Value Theorem

        Park Hanson 대한신경정신의학회 2020 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.17 No.6

        Objective Excessive activation of defence modules leads to some dysfunctional outcomes, which can be broadly classified to defence activation disorders. Defence activation disorders have high mortality, low fertility, high prevalence and high heritability. In this study, agent-based simulation model is formulated for solving this evolutionary paradox.Methods The emotional system is considered as a superordinate cognitive module for grasping the average resource amount and the average diminishing returns of resources, based on the Marginal Value Theorem. Under the assumption, the evolutionary ecological model was proposed and analysed.Results Individuals utilising suboptimal strategies can be stably maintained in agent-based evolutionary simulation environments. Individuals were adapted to have different <i>d-values</i> according to the local niche. The simulation runs stably within the calibrated range of the variables for a long time. Agents establish locally optimal strategies based on their given <i>d-values</i>, and the relative proportion of subpopulation maintained stably in the heterogeneous habitat with the resource gradient.Conclusion This study verifies the evolutionary mechanism of defence activation disorders in computer-simulated environments by using agent-based modelling with the Marginal Value Theorem. Balancing selection appears to be a plausible evolutionary mechanism that makes the suboptimal levels of defence activation the evolutionarily stable strategies.

      • KCI등재

        Evolutionary Model of Depression as an Adaptation for Blocked Social Mobility

        Park, Hanson,Pak, Sunyoung The Korean Society of Biological Psychiatry 2022 생물정신의학 Vol.29 No.1

        Objectives In regard to the social competition hypothesis, depression is viewed as an involuntary defeat strategy. A previous study has demonstrated that adaptation in microenvironments can result in a wide range of behavioural patterns including defense activation disorders. Using a simulation model with evolutionary ecological agents, we explore how the fitness of various defence activation traits has changed over time in different environments with high and low social mobility. Methods The Evolutionary Ecological Model of Defence Activation Disorder, which is based on the Marginal Value Theorem, was used to examine changes in relative fitness for individuals with defensive activation disorders after adjusting for social mobility. Results Our study examined the effects of social mobility on fitness by varying the d-values, a measure of depression in the model. With a decline in social mobility, the level of fitness of individuals with high levels of defense activation decreased. We gained insight into the evolutionary influence of varying levels of social mobility on individuals' degrees of depression. In the context of a highly stratified society, the results support a mismatch hypothesis which states that high levels of defence are detrimental. Conclusions Despite the fact that niche specialization in habitats composed of multiple microenvironments can result in diverse levels of defensive activation being evolutionary strategies for stability, decreased social mobility may lead to a decrease in fitness of individuals with highly activated defence modules. There may be a reason behind the epidemic of depression in modern society.

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