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        「벨트라피오의 저자」에 나타난 삶과 예술

        조흥근 ( Hung Kuhn Cho ) 21세기영어영문학회 2004 영어영문학21 Vol.17 No.2

        Life and Art in “The Author of Beltraffio” Cho, Hung-Kuhn(Sunchon National University) An attempt is made in this paper to analyse Henry James's critique of aestheticism in “The Author of Beltraffio”(1884) in relation to his “The Art of Fiction”(1884) published two months later in the same year. Both works have been misunderstood by some critics as the writings supporting the theory of aestheticism. But James had a determined attitude against aestheticism almost throughout his life. Although James was influenced in his search for form and style by his contemporary French realists as is shown in “The Art of Fiction” and “The Author of Beltraffio,” he criticised them for their lack of serious interest in life itself. Of course it cannot be denied that James shows in these writings a certain extent of sympathy with their arduous endeavours to achieve the art of novel, but his sympathy is at an end at this very point. Mark Ambient in “The Author of Beltraffio” has been misunderstood by many critics as an aesthete, but he is evidenced as a genuine Jamesian artist in this paper. An obsessive aestheticism can be found in the narrator of this work because art precedes life in his ‘art for art' point of view. He shows almost always a Wildean attitude to life and art that can be expressed as a sentence “Life imitates art.” His cold aesthetic stance unintentionally causes the horrible death of an innocent child Dolcino. His cold world of aestheticism lacks genuine feelings and sympathy for other people, and thus destroys life itself. This is the core of the Jamesian critique of aestheticism in his writings on French realists.

      • CHO, Hung-guk

        조흥국 漢陽大學校 民族學硏究所 1993 民族과文化 Vol.1 No.-

        이 논문은 17세기 후반 남중국해에서의 태국의 중국 및 일본과의 무역관계를 그 주제로 삼는다. 여기서 17세기 후반을 연구대상으로 둔 것은 이 시기의 3국 무역관계에 대해 여러 일차문헌들, 특히 유럽문헌들로부터의 정보가 있기 때문이다. 그러나 17세기 후반의 태국의 대 중국·일본 무역형태는 다른 시대들에도 적용될 수 있는 것으로서 위치 연구를 통해 3국간의 무역에 관한 일반적인 모습이 획득될 수 있다고 여겨진다. 17세기 태국·중국·일본간의 무역관계는 종종 3각무역(三角貿易)이란 개념으로 이해된다. 즉, 한 태국상선이 중국으로의 항해 중 일본을 방문하거나, 일본을 목적지로 삼은 배가 우선 한 중국의 항구에 들려 무역을 했다. 혹은 거꾸로, 한 중국 항구를 출발한 정크선이 나가사끼를 거쳐 당시 태국의 수도인 아유타야(Ayutthaya)로 갔거나, 혹은 아유타야를 경유하여 나가사끼로 항해하기도 했다. 위의 3국간의 무역관계는 본 논문에서 주로 태국의, 특히 태국정부의 입장에서 고찰된다. 그 이유는 중국측의 경우 그 정부차원의 대 태국 및 일본 무역에 대한 관심이 분명히 파악되지 않으며, 일본의 경우는 심지어 당시 대 중국 및 태국 무역을 자체적으로 행하지 않았고 태국의 대 일본무역을 오직 비공식적으로 허락하고 있었기 때문이다. 그 반면, 위의 3각무역에서 타이정부가 대 중국·일본 무역을 얼마나 중시하고 열성적으로 추진했던가가 뚜렷이 나타난다. 본 논문은 두 부분으로 나뉘어, 해국의 중국 및 일본과의 무역관계가 독립적으로 논의된다. 이러한 개별적인 연구를 통해 당시 타이정부가 이들 두 동아시아 국가들과의 무역에 대해 갖고 있던 자세를 더욱 분명하게 이해할 수 있다고 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Expression, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of peptide deformylase from Acinetobacter baumanii

        Thien-Hoang Ho,Kyoungho Jung,Inho Lee,Kim-Hung Huynh,Diem-Quynh Nguyen,Hyunjae Park,Sang Hee Lee,Lin-Woo Kang 한국구조생물학회 2017 Biodesign Vol.5 No.1

        The emergences of multi-drug resistant bacteria such as Acinetobacter baumanni have emphasized the necessity of new antibiotics. Peptidyl deformylase (PDF) catalyzes the removal of the formyl group from the N-terminal formylated methionine residue present in all nascent polypeptides in bacteria. In this study, the PDF gene from Acinetobacter baumannii K0420859 was cloned and its protein was overexpressed in E. coli, purified, and crystallized. The purified protein was crystallized using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method and the crystal diffracted to 2.4 Å resolution. The crystal belonged to the trigonal space group P3 2 with unit cell parameters of a = b= 39.4 Å and c = 187.9 Å. Two protomers were presented in the asymmetric unit with a corresponding V M of 2.10 Å 3 Da -1 and a solvent content of 41.5%.


        Systematic Study of Functionalizable, Non-Biofouling Agarose Films with Protein and Cellular Patterns on Glass Slides

        Han, G.,Hong, D.,Lee, B. S.,Ha, E.,Park, J. H.,Choi, I. S.,Kang, S. M.,Lee, J. K. WILEY 2017 Chemistry - An Asian Journal Vol.12 No.8

        <P>Herein we demonstrate a systematic investigation of chemically functionalizable, non-biofouling agarose films over large-area glass surfaces. Agarose films, prepared with various concentrations of aqueous agarose, were activated by using periodate oxidation to generate aldehyde groups at the termini of the agarose chains. The non-biofouling efficacy and binding capabilities of the activated films were evaluated by using protein and cellular patterning, performed by using a microarrayer, microcontact printing, and micromolding in capillaries. Characterization by using a fluorescence slide scanner and a scanning-probe microscope revealed that the pore sizes of the agarose films played an important role in achieving desirable film performance; the 0.2wt% agarose film exhibited the optimum efficacy in this work.</P>

      • Mesophilic Acidogenesis of Food Waste-Recycling Wastewater: Effects of Hydraulic Retention Time, pH, and Temperature

        Han, G.,Shin, S. G.,Lee, J.,Lee, C.,Jo, M.,Hwang, S. Springer Science + Business Media 2016 Applied biochemistry and biotechnology Vol.180 No.5

        <P>The effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT), pH, and operating temperature (T (OP)) on the degradation of food waste-recycling wastewater (FRW) were investigated in laboratory-scale hydrolysis/acidogenesis reactors. Response surface analysis was used to approximate the production of volatile organic acids and degradation of volatile suspended solids (VSS), carbohydrate, protein, and lipid with regard to the independent variables (1 aecurrency sign HRT aecurrency sign 3 days, 4 aecurrency sign pH aecurrency sign 6, 25 aecurrency sign T (OP) aecurrency sign 45 A degrees C). Partial cubic models adequately approximated the corresponding response surfaces at alpha < 5 %. The physiological conditions for maximum acidification (0.4 g TVFA + EtOH/g VSadded) and the maximal degradation of VSS (47.5 %), carbohydrate (92.0 %), protein (17.7 %), and lipid (73.7 %) were different. Analysis of variance suggested that pH had a great effect on the responses in most cases, while T (OP) and HRT, and their interaction, were significant in some cases. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that Sporanaerobacter acetigenes, Lactobacillus sp., and Eubacterium pyruvivorans-like microorganisms might be main contributors to the hydrolysis and acidogenesis of FRW. Biochemical methane potential test confirmed higher methane yield (538.2 mL CH4/g VSadded) from an acidogenic effluent than from raw FRW.</P>

      • 宗敎的 眞理의 哲學的 批判

        소흥렬 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1994 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.64 No.1

        Truth in religion is to be accepted by faith. Acceptance of truth by faith is almost a requirement. It is a forced option. But this kind of truth by faith raises some philosophical problems. Philosophy may ask about the nature of truth in religion. It may also ask about the epistemic nature of belief that is the foundation of religious commitment. Religion by itself does not raise epistemic questions regarding the faith. The question of belief in religion is not like the epistemic question raised in philosophy. Religious faith is required for the salvation of soul. Salvation is the objective. Faith is the initial condition. You believe in order to know the truth, the knowing the truth will lead you to salvation, that is the freedom of your soul. This is a kind of consequentialism, a sort of pragmatism. Philosophy, however, cannot settle with this kind of pragmatic truth. Whereas religion asks us to accept by faith its ontological presupposition, philosophy raises ontological issues regarding the very presuppositions. The ontological issue that seems important for us to raise with regard to the dominant religious of our society and history is the problem of historicism and naturalism, Buddhism and Taoism, as well as Confucianism, are naturalistic, while Christianity represents transcendentalism and historicism. Naturalism of course is a type of immanentism. And naturalism of Buddhism and Taoism is understood to be ahistorical, that is to say, without an idea of history. Philosophically speaking, that is a problem situation. It is a state of ontological conflict or contradiction which demands a philosophical endeavor for a synthesis of the contradictories or contraries. It is not an attempt to unify the religions, which is an impossible task because of the different cultural settings that those religions carry with them. But the ontological presuppositions of these religions could be reexamined and synthesized, if possible. And such an ontological synthesis is important for the cultural identity of our time and society, and for the role of religion to enhance this cultural objective.

      • Comparative Analysis of Drosophila melanogaster Gut Microbiota with Respect to Host Strain, Sex, and Age

        Han, G.,Lee, H. J.,Jeong, S. E.,Jeon, C. O.,Hyun, S. Springer Science + Business Media 2017 Microbial ecology Vol.74 No.1

        <P>Microbiota has a significant impact on the health of the host individual. The complexity of the interactions between mammalian hosts and their microbiota highlights the value of using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism, because of its relatively simple microbial community and ease of physiological and genetic manipulation. However, highly variable and sometimes inconsistent results regarding the microbiota of D. melanogaster have been reported for host samples collected from different geographical locations; discrepancies that may be because of the inherent physiological conditions of the D. melanogaster host. Here, we conducted a comparative analysis of the gut microbiota of two D. melanogaster laboratory strains, w(1118) and Canton S, with respect to the sex and age of the host, by pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. In addition to the widespread and abundant commensal bacterial genera Lactobacillus and Acetobacter, we identified Enterococcus and Leuconostoc as major host-strain-specific bacterial genera. The relative proportions of these bacterial genera, and those of the species within each, were found to differ markedly with respect to strain, sex, and age of the host, even though host individuals were reared under the same nutritional conditions. By using various bioinformatic tools, we uncovered several characteristic features of microbiota corresponding to specific categories of the flies: host-sex-bias association of specific bacteria, age-dependent alteration of microbiota across host species and sex, and uniqueness of the microbiota of female w(1118) flies. Our results, thus, help to further our understanding of host-microbe interactions in the D. melanogaster model.</P>

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