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        Confrontational Pedagogy and the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century British Fiction Course: Teaching A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Along with Mrs. Dalloway

        Han, Jaehwan(한재환) 새한영어영문학회 2020 새한영어영문학 Vol.62 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to discuss the teaching experience of James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century British Fiction course at one of the national universities in Korea. Based on Ronald Strickland’s confrontational pedagogy and Patrick Murphy’s coyote midwifery pedagogy which valorize a student-centered class, I encourage students to actively engage in group discussion, emphasizing constructive interactions among the students. Regarding Joyce’s text, I focus on the issues of nation, women, religion as well as epiphany. I ask students to think about the Korean colonial experience under Japanese imperialism when reading Joyce’s text. Concerning Woolf’s novel, I emphasize the following aspects: the meaning of a party, the position of women, empire and the trauma of war, as well as the tunnelling process. Though the two novels deal with history and society in both Ireland and England more than one hundred years ago, I argue that students can learn many things that can reflect their own current society.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 농법 채택의 중요성과 채택의향 간의 관계분석

        한재환(JaeHwan Han) 한국농업경제학회 2020 農業經濟硏究 Vol.61 No.1

        In recent, it is raised the need that a direction of agricultural policy should move to sustainable agriculture from product-oriented conventional agriculture. The objective of this study is to explore producers’ perceptions and points of view about sustainable agriculture. In addition, the study analyzes what factors affect producers’ perceptions toward the adoption of sustainable farming methods and their adoption intention, considering economic, environmental, social aspects. The study shows that the effective ways of realizing sustainable agriculture are the use of organic fertilizer and the cultivation of a green manure crop as well. However, an economic factor is the main obstacle to practicing sustainable agriculture. It is demonstrated that a major benefit offering sustainable agriculture turns out the production of safe agri-food. The results indicate that sustainable agriculture may spread over through economic incentives, such as direct payment. According to the empirical results, a crucial factor for the adoption of sustainable agriculture is producers’ perceptions that sustainable agriculture contributes to alleviating income disparity.

      • KCI등재

        모리슨의 『고향』: 인종주의, 트라우마, 공동체

        한재환(Jaehwan Han) 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.111

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ways in which Toni Morrison portrays the issues of racism, trauma, and community in her recent novel Home. In Home, which was published in 2012, Morrison deals with the traumatic life of Frank Money, who returns from the Korean War. First, I attempt to examine the various aspects of racism in the U.S. during the middle of 20<sup>th</sup> century. The eviction of black family in Texas, Lily's frustrations when purchasing a house, the plight of Billy Watson's son whose arm was shot by a white policeman, and the white doctor's eugenics experiments on Cee, are representative of racial terror towards black people, in addition to Frank's horrific witnessing of the live burial of Jerome's father in Lotus. Secondly, I try to delve into the two types of trauma that Frank experiences: racial trauma and war trauma. Third, I investigate how the black community plays a significant role in overcoming individual trauma and collective trauma. Morrison asks readers to recognize the on-going racism and war trauma in this era as well as in the 1950s.

      • KCI등재

        The Dilemma of the Black Intellectuals in Jean Toomer’s Cane and Ralph Ellison's Ellison's Invisible Man

        Han Jaehwan(한재환) 새한영어영문학회 2006 새한영어영문학 Vol.48 No.1

        본 논문은 진 투머의 『사탕수수』(1923)와 랠프 엘리슨의 『보이지 않는 인간』(1952)에 나타난 지식인 주인공의 정신적 혼란과 갈등에 대해서 비교, 분석함을 그 목적으로 한다. 고발적, 증언적 경향의 사실주의적, 자연주의적 흑인소설과 대비되는 모더니즘 경향의 흑인텍스트를 산출한 투머와 엘리슨은 다른 흑인 작가들과 달리 각각 『사탕수수』 와 『보이지 않는 인간』과 같은 단일 작품으로 문학적 명성을 이룩한 작가들이다. 필자는 투머와 엘리슨이 중점적으로 다루는 흑인지식인의 처지를 내부 식민주의와 관련이 있다고 전제하고, 두 작가가 흑인지식인의 이중의식과 딜레마를 어떻게 탈식민적 노력과 각성으로 표현 해 내는지에 대해서 살펴보는데 주력한다. 투머는 『사탕수수』의 제3장에서 북부에서 남부 조지아에 온 교육자 랠프 캡니스(Ralph Kabnis)의 지식인의 고뇌를 보여주고, 엘리슨은 대학교육을 받은 이름 없는 흑인 주인공이 남부에서 북부로, 그리고 뉴욕의 할렘으로 이동하면서 자신의 정체성을 확립해가는 과정을 보여준다. 두 흑인 주인공은 혼종적 정체성으로 고민하고 있으며 자신과 흑인 대중의 더 나은 삶을 위하여 자신을 꾸준히 변화시킨다. 투머의 주인공의 경우 남부의 인종적 현실을 직시하지 못해 힘들어 하다가 점차 각성하는 지식인으로 거듭나며, 엘리슨의 주인공 역시 공산주의와의 결별을 통한 새로운 사회적 역할을 생각하며 자신을 새롭게 세운다. 구체적인 흑인역사와 함께 블루스, 재즈와 같은 흑인음악이 작품의 배경뿐만 아니라 주제에도 중요한 영향을 미치고 있는 두 작품은 미국의 역사의 형성에 있어서 흑인전통과 유산이 매우 중요함을 역설한다. 결국 투머의 『사탕수수』의 주인공은 할렘 르네상스의 신 흑인(New Negro)을 상징하고, 『보이지 않는 인간』의 주인공은 민권운동(Civil Rights Movement)의 선구적 지도자의 등장과 관련이 있다. 흑인 지식인의 탈식민적 노력을 모더니즘 텍스트 속에서 훌륭하게 구현하고 있는 두 작품은 지식인이 나아가야 할 올바른 방향성의 제시에 있어 선전/저항문학에 의존하는데서 탈피하여 예술성과 문학성을 동시에 강조하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 흑인지식인이 처한 특수한 딜레마를 인간사회의 보편적 지식인의 딜레마로 승화시키고 있다는 점에서 공통적인 매력이 있다고 할 수 있겠다.

      • KCI등재

        초국가적 텍스트의 상호텍스트성: 『암흑의 핵심』, 『모든 것이 산산이 부서지다』, 『지옥의 묵시록』, 『동조자』를 중심으로

        한재환 ( Han Jaehwan ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2024 영어권문화연구 Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to make a critique of imperialism and war represented in the selected four transnational texts such as Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (1899), Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart (1958), Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now (1979), and Viet Thanh Nguyen's The Sympathizer (2015), delving into some characteristics of intertextuality and tactics of the transnational literacy among the texts. Conrad's Heart of Darkness, which sheds new lights on the criticism of colonialism in the 19th century, presents some limits in dealing with European imperialism. The novel's limits in depicting African people and women bring about the publication of Achebe's Things Fall Apart, which shows the dynamic representation of African culture and the positive role of African women through the strategy of fostering the transnational literacy. However, Achebe's limit is lack of the will of resistance against the European infiltration to African territory, as the suicide of the protagonist Owkonko shows Achebe's inertia in confronting European colonialism. Meanwhile, Coppola's Apocalypse Now, which is much indebted by Conrad's Heart of Darkness, plays a role as a critique of American imperialism and its intervention in Vietnam. Though Coppola's movie is different from the previous American movies about Vietnam War, Apocalypse Now fails to embracing the marginalized voice of Vietnamese people. Coppola's negative portrayal of Vietnamese people brings about the publication of Nguyen's The Sympathizer, which is the antithesis of Coppola's depiction of Vietnamese culture and women. Nguyen's message for showing the transnational literacy is well presented because he shows his critical stance against Coppola's work in Apocalypse Now. However, Nguyen's limit lies in its non-ideological ending, though he attempts to recuperate Vietnamese voice and history in his text. In conclusion, I argue that the four transnational texts are powerful in resisting the atrocity of war and imperialism in spite of their limits. By showing the characteristics of intertextuality in these novels and movie, I call for the attention on the current world situation where war and imperialism is going on even in the 21<sup>st</sup> century.

      • KCI등재

        Colorism, Child Abuse, and the Recovery of Womanhood in The Blacker the Berry and God Help the Child

        Han, Jaehwan(한재환) 새한영어영문학회 2017 새한영어영문학 Vol.59 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Wallace Thurman’s The Blacker the Berry (1929) and Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child (2015) in terms of colorism, child abuse, and the recovery of womanhood. In spite of their differences of gender, period of their life, and their writing style, Thurman and Morrison share remarkable similarities. They are keenly concerned with the critique of racist American society, finding ways to improve the social condition for black people. I argue that the following are similarities between the two novels. First, Emma Lou in The Blacker the Berry and Bride in God Help the Child are the hapless victims of colorism in the American society. Secondly, the two novels make poignant critique of child abuse. Thirdly, the two female protagonists recover their womanhood and maturity after confronting colorism, child abuse, and their encounter with men. On the other hand, the following are differences between the two novels. First, while Emma Lou continuously feels low self-esteem due to her dark skin, Bride takes pride in her blackness. Secondly, while Emma Lou’s mother does not give serious attention to her daughter, Bride’s mother tries to communicate with her daughter at the novel’s end. Third, while Emma Lou did not have close friends or a lover, Bride has a lover and a child as well as a good friend. In conclusion, the two novels show important messages to the readers: Though colorism is caused by white supremacy, it brings about serious problems in the black community when colorism is continuously internalized among the black people. Toni Morrison, who is a female writer, seems to emphasize the importance of motherhood and the healing process more than Wallace Thurman.

      • KCI등재

        할렘 르네상스에서의 진 투머의 위상

        한재환(Jaehwan Han) 한국영미어문학회 2011 영미어문학 Vol.- No.99

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the significance of Jean Toomer in American literary history, making connections with the Harlem Renaissance. Although he is considered the harbinger of the Harlem Renaissance, Jean Toomer has not been frequently discussed within the context of English literary scholarship in Korea. His work Cane (1923) is an important text that has significantly influenced both white and black writers. Cane, which is a potpourri of poems, personal sketches, short stories, and a play, deals with the complex lives of black people living in both the North and the South. As a light-skinned black writer, Toomer is vacillated between the white world and the black world, experiencing an identity crisis. Toomer was not only associated with the black writers from the Harlem in the 1920s, he also interacted with white literary figures such as Waldo Frank, Hart Crane, and Sherwood Anderson, among others. In Cane, Toomer attempts to show the suffering and frustration of the black people living in the North and the South, imagining a de-racialized America. The thematic and structural circularity in Cane shows his desire to transcend the contradictions of American society. Toomer wishes to overcome the dichotomy between the North and the South, urban and rural, mind and body, white and black, and man and woman, along with other binary oppositions. Toomer successfully represents the beauty and terror of 1920s America more accurately and mystically than any other writer from that period. Considering his role in the Harlem Renaissance, Toomer should be evaluated not only as an important writer from a specific time and place, but rather as a central figure emblematic of 1920s American modernism.

      • KCI등재

        제임스 웰든 존슨의 『한때 흑인이었던 남자의 자서전』에 나타난 정체성, 음악, 백인행세

        한재환 ( Jaehwan Han ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2017 현대영미소설 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze James Weldon Johnson`s The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man in terms of identity, music, and passing. The unnamed protagonist of this novel experiences the identity crisis when he is told that he is not white when young. Though he tries to devote himself for the racial uplift of black people, his ontological situation makes him hard to maintain his original attitude, making him decide to pass for white at the end. In this paper, I attempt to find the ways in which Johnson, a Harlem Renaissance writer, tries to show the identity crisis of the protagonist by making connections with the theme of music and passing in the novel. Concerning the theme of identity, the protagonist seeks to work for black people as his friend Shiny influences him to become a person who works for his race. But when he witnesses the lynching scene in the South, the protagonist shrinks himself to pass for white, earning money and marrying a white woman. Though he seems to be happy with his changed life with his two kids, he is in agony about his decision. When it comes to music, the protagonist wanted to be a ragtime musician in order to boost the black music and art, even after his confrontation with a German pianist who plays a wonderful ragtime. But, as he decides to pass for white after the lynching incident, he takes advantage of music to woo a white woman and for his achievement of the American dream. Regarding the theme of passing, the protagonist`s light-complexioned skin enables him to pass for a white. Therefore, his passing helps him to achieve an American dream. But, his passing brings about isolation, shame, and sense of guilty. We can find that the protagonist`s identity crisis and passing are the result of the racist American society in the early 1900s. So, I argue that James Weldon Johnson successfully represents the dilemma of a mulatto through the form of autobiography in his novel.

      • KCI등재

        무선센서 네트워크 기술 기반 액화가스 저장탱크 내 잔량 모니터링 시스템 구현

        김민규 ( Min-kyu Kim ),한해진 ( Hae-jin Han ),한재환 ( Jaehwan Han ) 한국센서학회 2018 센서학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        This paper relates to a technology for monitoring a liquefied gas storage tank in the special gas field where demand is increasing owing to the continuous growth of related fields such as the semiconductor, display, and ICT convergence electronics industries. We have proposed a system for real - time monitoring using wireless sensor network technology, and implemented a system consisting of a sensor unit, transmitter module, and receiver module to be attached to a liquefied gas storage tank. The system was applied to LCO2 tanks among various liquefied gas storage tanks to verify the feasibility. The storage tanks employed in the experiments has capacities of 16,179 l and was 1,920 mm in inner diameter. Furthermore, the density was 1.03 g/l. The measured data were compared with reference data on the remaining gas level versus the CO<sub>2</sub> height of the surface, expressed using a conventional water meter, provided by an existing storage tank supplier. The experimental results show that the data is similar to the standard data provided by the tank supplier, and has a high accuracy and reliability within an error range of 0.03%.

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