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        공간직물형 에어 인솔의 공기압 차이가 젊은 성인의 균형 능력에 미치는 영향

        김기철,이전형,김상수,남휴형,Kim, Gi-Chul,Lee, Jeon-Hyeong,Kim, Sang-Su,Nam, Hue-Hyeong 대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 2015 PNF and Movement Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: This study examined the effects of space fabric type air insole pressure differences on young adults' dynamic balance ability. Method: The subjects of this study were 17 young female adults without musculoskeletal system disease. Balance ability was measured by dividing the subjects into three groups: an experimental group which did not wear an air insole (insole-off group), an experimental group which wore an air insole to which air pressure of $0.55kg/cm^2$ was applied (insole-0.55 group), and an experimental group which wore an air insole to which air pressure of $0.75kg/cm^2$ was applied (insole-0.75 group). For dynamic balance, the subjects stood on a balance pad, and perimeter length and medium speed were measured three times. The averaged values were recorded and statistically processed. Result: There were significant differences in average speed, and the insole-0.75 group's average speed decreased compared to the insole-off group and the insole-0.55 group. Although the total movement distance did not statistically differ, the insole-75 group's movement distance decreased compared to the insole-off group and the insole-0.55 group. Conclusion: Application of a space fabric type air insole, in particular insole-0.75, was helpful in improving balance ability. This is considered to occur because the space fabric structure was conducive to decreasing sway and producing balance.

      • KCI등재후보

        슈로스 운동이 시각장애학생의 시상면 자세 정렬에 미치는 효과

        김기철,황보필녀,Kim, Gi-chul,Hwangbo, Pil-neo 대한정형도수물리치료학회 2018 대한정형도수물리치료학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        Background: This study was conducted to prove the effects of the Schroth exercise on sagittal postural alignment to the visually impaired students. Methods: The subjects were 8 students who attend the special school in Daegu and performed the Schroth exercise 3 times per week for 3 weeks. Craniovertebral angle and pelvic alignment were measured to compare the effects of the exercise. Results: Craniovertebral angle and pelvic alignment on sagittal plane showed significant differences (p<.05). Conclusions: Schroth exercise was effective to improve postural alignment of sagittal plane to the visually impaired students and these results will have a positive impact on future study of improvement of postural alignment on sagittal plane to the visually impaired students.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        거울메타포와 '나다움'의 영성 형성

        김기철(Kim Gi Chul) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2014 신학사상 Vol.0 No.167

        삶 속에서 하나님을 드러내고 하나님께 받은 은혜를 반영하고 피조물들에게 하나님의 생명을 중개해 주는 역할을 감당하는 인간성을 거울에 비유하는 기독교전통에 근거하여, '나'를 온전히 보고 추구하려는 과정을 영성형성으로 일컬을 수 있다. 영성 형성의 삶은 '남과 다른 나'(개성)를 통해 '남과 같은 나'(하나님형상)를 추구하는 삶이기에, '나'로부터 시작되고 '나'에게로 돌아오는 과정이자 '나를 알고 나다워지는' 여정이다. 영성생활의 본질은 거울메타포를 통해 거울보기, 거울닦기, 거울비추기로 설명될 수 있다. 우리는 거울에 비친 '나'의 외관을 보려는 본래적 충동처럼, '나'의 내면을 보려는 충동을 가지고 있다. 심리적 거울(타자)을 보며 우리 자신의 내면, 인격 등을 볼 수 있다. 하지만, '나'의 내면을 온전히 반영해주는 심리적 거울을 경험하고 싶은 갈망은 온전히 충족되지 못한다. 우리가 '나'를 하나의 전체로서 온전히 볼 수 있는 길은 하나님형상에 있다. 하나님형상을 보며 '나'를 보는 것, '내'가 어떤 존재이고 무엇을 해야 하는 존재인지 알고 싶어 하는 것이 바로 영성 형성의 시작이다. 하나님형상은 우리에게 영적 거울이 된다. 영적 거울을 보며 하나님형상의 담지자로서의 '나', 하나님 닮음을 추구하는 존재로서의 '나'를 온전히 보게 된다. '나'의 근원과 사명을 보여주는 거울보기는 거울비추기로 이어진다. Throughout Church history, humanity has been compared to a mirror in that it reveals God in life, reflects God's grace, and mediates the life of God to other creatures. We can understand spiritual formation as a whole process of seeing and seeking 'myself' reflected on the spiritual mirror in each of us. The spiritual mirror can be regarded as the image of God and it shows and reminds us the fact that the essence of 'myself' is the spiritual being of God's imagebearer. Spiritual life requires seeing and knowing 'myself' to actualize it. In this sense spiritual life is about 'myself' and it is a journey of starting from and coming back to 'myself.' We are supposed to do "imaging God" through our own individualities in our spiritual journeys. We also desire of seeing our inner self as we desire of seeing our appearance wholly. We have a lifelong desire of seeing 'myself' and below this desire is situated our spirituality which can be explained as the impulses of seeing 'myself' wholly. Although we see the psychological mirror(other people) to see our inner self, psychological mirroring is not enough to see our inner self wholly. Nevertheless, it is very meaningful and important because it helps us keep building up our interpersonal relationships. Indeed, it meets our instincts of object-seeking, satisfies our stimulus hunger, helps us to be better human beings-with, and brings dynamics and vitality to our lives. The only and best way to see ourselves wholly is to see the image of God. The image of God can be described as the spiritual mirror in that we can see who I am and who I am supposed to be. Seeing the spiritual mirror is vitalized through reflecting it in life. If we explain spiritual formation of seeking the foundational self through the mirror metaphor, it can be described as looking at the mirror, being mirrored in, and mirroring out. Spiritual life of mirroring has its three characteristics. First, it is a life of actualizing the image of God in us throu

      • KCI등재

        스트레칭과 마사지 기법이 넙다리뒤근의 유연성 및 아래 허리뼈의 동적 안정성에 미치는 영향

        김기철 ( Gi Chul Kim ),이전형 ( Jeon Hyeong Lee ),권상민 ( Sang Min Kwon ) 대한물리의학회 2013 대한물리의학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        PURPOSE: This study aims to provide effects of therapeutic techniques as well as basic materials of safety by comparing and analyzing the effects of hamstring flexibility and dynamic stability of lower lumbar according to Stretching and Massage Techniques to adults with reduced the flexibility of hamstring. METHODS: This study conducted differential diagnosis through sit and reach test(SRT) and Schober test to select subjects who have shortened hamstring without any spinal problem. Selected subjects were divided into two groups randomly; HSG(Hamstring Stretching Group, n=8) and HMG(Hamstring Massage Group, n=8) and they received treatment for 2 weeks. To take statistics, SRT and dynamic view using x-ray were used. RESULTS: On SRT, HSG and HMG showed significant difference between pre and post test. A comparison of the difference value between HSG and HMG, HSG(9.73±1.78) has more remarkable outcome than HMG(2.78±0.56). Lower lumbar intervertebral disc length test for Intervertebral disc length(IDL)L45 and IDLL5S1 did not show significant differences between two groups and difference value. CONCLUSION: This study showed that stretching is more effective to improve hamstring flexibility than massage technique. Especially, flexibility increase of the hamstring in vertebral stabilization cannot affect improvement possibility will make a flexibility in order and the intervention and stabilization exercise of the spine.

      • KCI등재

        해석 (解釋) 에서 감상 (感想) 까지: 말씀 묵상 (렉시오 디비나) 에서 정서의 역할

        김기철(Kim, Gi-Chul) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2018 신학사상 Vol.0 No.180

        본 논문은 렉시오 디비나에서의 묵상과 기도 경험에 초점을 맞추어, 말씀읽기가 하나님과의 친밀한 소통과 깊은 교제 그리고 영적 성숙을 추구하는 훌륭한 수단이 되기 위해서는 정서적 경험이 동반되어야 함을 강조하고 있다. 기독교 전통 속에서 하나님과의 깊은 친밀감과 영적 성숙을 위해 렉시오 디비나를 비롯한 말씀 묵상 훈련들이 시행되어져 왔다. 그런데 우리나라 개신 교신앙인들은 인지적, 의지적 깨달음을 강조하는 전통에 충실해오며, 성서 읽기에서 하나님 뜻 깨닫기에 주된 관심을 두었지만 하나님 심정 느끼기까지는 충분히 나아가지 못했다고 할 수 있다. 이런 의미에서 성경읽기 훈련은 좀 더 적극적인 변화가 필요하다. 정서적 작용에 대한 새로운 관심과 함께 성서를 읽으며 하나님의 뜻 깨닫기에 만족하기 보다는 하나님의 심정 느끼기 까지 나아가야 할 것이다. 즉, 해석에서 감상까지 나아갈 수 있어야 한다. 렉시오 디비나의 두 번째 생각하기 단계는 묵상을 통해 하나님의 뜻을 깨닫고, 하나님의 뜻과 독자의 뜻이 상호주관적으로 만나는 경험을 하며, 독자가 자신의 신앙정서 혹은 심정과 맞닿는 경험을 하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 세 번째 기도하기 단계는 기도를 통해 자신의 심정을 하나님께 토로하며, ‘하나님’의 심정을 느끼고, 하나님 심정이 내 심정이 되고 내 심정이 하나님 심정이 되는 깊은 정서적 교류 경험을 통해 하나님과의 진정한 함께함, 온전한 하나됨을 경험하는 것으로, 이는 궁극적으로 신앙인의 삶의 변화를 가져올 수 있는 영적 경험이라고 할 수 있다. 결국, 성서 읽기에서 인지적 깨달음만으로는 지속적이고 온전한 실천력이 나올 수 없고, 정서적 경험이 함께 이루어질 때 말씀에 대한 깨달음이 더 깊어질 수 있고, 진정한 영적 성숙을 가져올 수 있다고 할 수 있다. In this article, focusing on the meditation and prayer stages in the practice of Lectio Divina, I emphasize that the Bible reading should be accompanied by the affectional experience in order to lead us into an intimate communication, deep fellowship with God and spiritual maturity. However, in our Korean church setting, in general, the Bible reading tends to be regarded as a means of knowing God’s will for the readers. We need to rethink of our Bible reading styles and raise a question, “What is the role of our affections or emotions while reading the Bible?”We can continue to walk further, beyond the stage of knowing God’s will, toward the stage of feeling God’s heart as we read the Bible. Then, we can experience a deep emotional communication with God which propels us toward the spiritual intimacy, companionship with God, and the transformation of our lives. The second and third stages of Lectio Divina show us a good example for the combination between a cognitive experience and an emotive one. The second stage of Meditatio can guide us to know God’s will and thought and the intersubjective communication with God. In the third stage of Oratio, we can bring our affections stemmed from our intersubjective communication with God to God through our prayers. Then, we are able to have a spiritual experience through which our affection and God’s affection can communicate, intersubjectively. In this manner, we can practice the Bible reading in deepening our relationships with God and seeking for spiritual maturity by feeling and revealing out true affections in our relationships with God.

      • KCI등재

        앞쪽머리자세가 있는 만성 목통증 환자에게 압력 바이오피드백 장비를 이용한 목안정화운동 적용이 목통증과 앞쪽머리자세, 음향학적 특성 변화에 미치는 효과

        김기철 ( Gi-chul Kim ),황보필녀 ( Pil-neo Hwangbo ) 대한물리의학회 2019 대한물리의학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        PURPOSE: This study was conducted to measure the effects of cervical stabilization exercises on neck pain, forward head posture, and the acoustic characteristics frequency and amplitude modulation of patients with chronic neck pain caused by forward head posture using pressure biofeedback. METHODS: 20 patients with chronic neck pain and voice disorders presenting at the S Exercise Center in Daegu, Korea, were included in the study. A cervical stabilization exercise program of 50 minutes per session was performed three times a week for eight weeks. Pressure biofeedback was utilized to determine the impact of the exercises on neck pain, forward head posture, and the acoustic characteristics of the patients. The measurements were taken prior to and after the intervention to determine any changes. RESULTS: A significant improvement in neck pain, craniovertebral angle and the acoustic characteristics frequency and amplitude modulation of the patients was demonstrated after the intervention (p<.05). CONCLUSION: Cervical stabilization exercises were demonstrated to have a significantly positive effect on neck pain, forward head posture, and vocalization stability in patients with chronic neck pain in the current study based on measurements taken using a pressure biofeedback system. This indicates that an improvement in forward head posture positively impacts postural stability and vocalization. Future studies investigating a greater range of interventions designed to improve neck pain and acoustical effects in patients with chronic neck pain and forward head posture patients are warranted.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정상 성인의 슬괵근 유연성 정도에 따른 체간 굴곡시 요추의 운동학적 분석

        김기철 ( Gi Chul Kim ),황보각 ( Bo Gak Hwang ) 대한물리의학회 2012 대한물리의학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        PURPOSE: This study aims to examine the effects of trunk flexion on the kinetic characteristics of the lumbar according to the degree of hamstring flexibility. METHODS: This study has as its subjects 29 young adults and divides them into the group (NSRTG, n=15) with the normal length of hamstrings according to SRT and the group (SSRTG, n=14) tending to have shortened hamstrings. Sit and Reach Test was conducted to evaluate the degree of hamstring flexibility. And to examine the kinetic difference of the lumbar at the trunk flexion, it was compared and analyzed by using the picture archiving and communication system (PACS). RESULTS: SSRTG showed more significant difference than NSRTG in the analysis on the trunk flexion of NSRTG and SSRTG. CONCLUSION: According to the analysis, the shortening of hamstrings is the factor that affects the dynamic stability of the lower lumbar through the reduction of the pelvic anterior tilt at the trunk flexion.

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