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      • KCI등재

        Enumeration of edible and useful ferns (Pteridophytes) in the Bhutan Himalayas

        Rinchen DORJI,Choki GYELTSHEN,Phuentsho PHUENTSHO,Karma Ugyen WANGMO,Kencho DORJI 한국식물분류학회 2022 식물 분류학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        Bhutan is endowed with rich biodiversity with several edible and useful fern species. Ferns have been used by local communities for centuries as vegetables, ethnobotanical artifacts, and as medicines. Owing to the limited study of edible and useful pteridophytes in the country, the knowledgebase remains poor. In this study, we attempt to document edible and useful fern species in the country scientifically while also providing an annotated checklist.

      • KCI등재

        Nineteen new records of plant species including two new genera recorded from the Bhutan Himalayas

        Rinchen DORJI,Phuentsho PHUENTSHO,Kencho DORJI,Sangay TSHEWANG,Phuntsho WANGDI,Kezang TOBGAY,Nima GYELTSHEN,Choki GYELTSHEN 한국식물분류학회 2022 식물 분류학회지 Vol.52 No.3

        Through the collection of herbarium specimens in Bhutan over the years, new plant species are discovered nearly annually. Thus, this paper reports two new genera and 19 new records of flowering plant species from Bhutan. The new genera include Eurycorymbus of the family Sapindaceae and Homalium of the family Salicaceae. The new records of plant species are Eranthemum erythrochilum (Acanthaceae), Hemidesmus indicus (Apocynaceae), Ilex umbellulata (Aquifoliaceae), Canarium strictum (Burseraceae), Ehretia acuminate (Boraginaceae), Vaccinium sikkimense (Ericaceae), Nothapodytes foetida (Icacinaceae), Machilus edulis (Lauraceae), Grewia asiatica (Malvaceae), Hibiscus fragrans (Malvaceae), Cipadessa baccifera (Meliaceae), Baccaurea javanica (Phyllanthaceae), Canthiumera glabra (Rubiaceae), Homalium napaulense (Salicaceae), Eurycorymbus cavaleriei (Sapindaceae), Acmella radicans (Asteraceae), Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae), Cleome rutidosperma (Cleomaceae), and Cuphea carthagenensis (Lythraceae). Morphological determinations of the genera and species were carried out at the National Herbarium (THIM) of the National Biodiversity Centre of Bhutan. Brief descriptions of the species, phenology, and photo plates are provided in this annotated checklist.

      • KCI등재

        The Association of Heart Rate Variability with Parkinsonian Motor Symptom Duration

        Dorji Harnod,Tomor Harnod,Shu-Hui Wen,Shin-Yuan Chen 연세대학교의과대학 2014 Yonsei medical journal Vol.55 No.5

        Purpose: Impaired cardiovascular autonomic regulation is a non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and may increase long-term morbidity. This study appliedfrequency-domain analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) to understand the progression of sympathetic and parasympathetic cardiac regulation in patients with PD. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 21 male and 11 female Taiwanese patients with advanced PD and 32 healthy gender- and age-matched subjects were enrolled. To minimize artifacts due to subject motion, daytime electrocardiogramsfor 5 minutes were recorded in awake patients during levodopa-on periods and controls. Using fast Fourier transformation, heart rate variables were quantified into a high-frequency power component [0.15--0.45 Hz, considered to reflect vagal (parasympathetic) regulation], low-frequency power component (0.04--0.15 Hz, reflecting mixed sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation), and low-frequency power in normalized units (reflecting sympathetic regulation). The significance of between-group differences was analyzed using the paired t-test. Pearson correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis were applied to assessthe correlation of patient age, PD duration, and disease severity (represented by the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale) with each heart rate variables. Results: Impaired HRV is significantly correlated with the duration of PD, but not with disease severity and patient age. Meanwhile, parasympathetic heart rate variableis more likely than sympathetic heart rate variable to be affected by PD. Conclusion:PD is more likely to affect cardiac parasympathetic regulation than sympatheticregulation by time and the heart rate variables have the association with Parkinsonian motor symptom duration.

      • Membrane capacitive deionisation as an alternative to the 2nd pass for seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant for bromide removal

        Dorji, Pema,Choi, Jongmoon,Kim, David Inhyuk,Phuntsho, Sherub,Hong, Seungkwan,Shon, Ho Kyong Elsevier 2018 Desalination Vol.433 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Most Australian surface and ground waters have relatively high concentration of bromide between 400 and 8000 μg/L and even higher concentration in seawater between 60,000–78,000 μg/L. Although bromide is not regulated, even at low concentrations of 50–100 μg/L, it can lead to the formation of several types of harmful disinfection by-products (DBPs) during the disinfection process. One of the major concerns with brominated DBPs is the formation of bromate (BrO<SUB>3</SUB> <SUP>−</SUP>), a serious carcinogen that is formed when water containing a high concentration of bromide is disinfected. As a result, bromate is highly regulated in Australian water standards with the maximum concentration of 20 μg/L in the drinking water. Since seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plays an important role in augmenting fresh water supplies in Australia, SWRO plants in Australia usually adopt 2nd pass brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) for effective bromide removal, which is not only energy-intensive to operate but also has higher capital cost. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of membrane capacitive deionisation (MCDI) as one of the alternatives to the 2nd pass BWRO for effective bromide removal in a more energy efficient way.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Energy efficient SWRO was investigated. </LI> <LI> Demonstrated practical application of MCDI for bromide removal </LI> <LI> A significant reduction in energy consumption compared to 2nd pass RO </LI> <LI> Significantly low concentration of bromide can be obtained in the product water. </LI> <LI> RO-MCDI hybrid is proposed as a favourable alternative to 2nd pass RO. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        Rong-zom-pa’s Ontological Abyss : Where the Positivistic Ontology of the Tathāgatagarbha School and the Negativistic Ontology of the Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhānavāda School Meet

        Dorji Wangchuk 금강대학교 불교문화연구소 2017 불교학 리뷰 Vol.21 No.-

        몇 년 전, 나는 닝마파(rNying-ma school) 중진 학자들의 여래장 이론에 대한 다양한 해석을 발표하며, 사캬파(Sa-skya school), 겔룩파(dGe-lugs school), 그리고 조낭파(Jo-nang school)와 같은 주류학파 학자들의 여래장 해석과 비교・대조를 시도했다(Wangchuk 2004). 그 발표에서 나는 11세기 닝마파였던 롱솜빠(Rong-zom-pa)가 여래장 경전들로 인해 여래장 이론을 인식하고는 있었지만, 그 이론에 대해서 거의 침묵한 듯한 면모도 지적했었다. 될포파(Dol- po-pa)는 여래장의 입장에서 자기-발생적 인식(svayaṃbhūjñāna)을 해석했지만, 롬솜파는 오히려 자기-발생적인 식의 입장에서 여래장을 해석한 것으로 보인다. 이 논문에서 나는 어떻게 롱솜빠가 여래장 이론을 해석했는지 좀 더 들여다 보고자 한다. 논문은 네 부분으로 나눠진다. 첫번째 부분은 여래장 이론에 대한 롱솜빠 해석의 간략한 교의적-해석적 배경을 제시하고자 한다. 두 번째 부분은 일체법부주론파(一切法不住論派, Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhānavāda) 존재론에 대한 롱솜빠의 이해를 다루고자 한다. 여기에서 존재론이라는 단어는 현상의 진정한 실제에 대한 이론이라는 의미로 사용되며, 일체법부주론파는 그 자체적으로 진정한 실제에 대한 이론을 가졌는데, 그 것은 롱솜빠에 따르면 “두 가지 실제(이제二諦)의 불가분성”이다. 세 번째 부분은 어떻게 롱솜빠가 여래장 존재론을 다뤘는지 간략히 탐구한다. 마지막으로, 네 번째 부분에서는 긍정적 존재론과 부정적 존재론이 롱솜빠에게서 조화될 수 있는지 없는지에 대한 질문에 답하고자 한다. 여래장 학파와 일체법부주론파의 전반적인 철학 교리는 다르지만, 공통적으로 한 핵심 지점이 있는듯 보인다. 즉 보성론 (Ratnagotravibhāga) 1장 55-57게송에도 드러나 있는 ‘무기반성(substratum- less-ness)’에 대한 아이디어이다. 따라서 ‘(형이상학적) 무기반성(groundless- ness)과 무근거성(rootless-ness)’이라는 아이디어는 긍정적 존재론과 부정적 존재론을 조화시키는데 큰 역할을 할 것이다. Several years ago, I have made an attempt to present the various interpretations of the Tathāgatagarbha theory by leading scholars of the rNying- ma school, and by comparing and contrasting them with the interpretations of it offered by those scholars from the main-stream Sa-skya, dGe-lugs, and Jo-nang schools (Wangchuk 2004). There I also pointed out that although Rong-zom-pa, an eleventh-century rNying-ma scholar, was aware of the Tathāgagarbha theory from the Tathāgagarbha Sūtric scriptures, seems to be quite reticent about the theory. He does not interpret svayaṃbhūjñāna in the light of tathāgagarbha (as Dol-po-pa is wont to do) but seems to interpret the latter in the light of the former. In this paper, I wish to take a closer look at how Rong-zom-pa interprets the Tathāgatagarbha theory. My paper is divided into four sections. Section one attempts to provide a brief doctrinal-historical background to Rong- zom-pa’s interpretation of the Tathāgatagarbha theory. Section two deals with his understanding of the Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhānavāda ontology. The word ontology is used here in the sense of the theory about the true reality of phenomena, and the Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhānavāda, too, has its own theory of true reality, which, according to Rong-zom-pa, is the “indivisibility of the two modes of reality.” Section three examines briefly how Rong-zom- pa deals with the Tathāgatagarbha ontology. Finally, section four is devoted to answering the question as to whether the positivistic and negativistic ontologies can be reconcilable for Rong-zom-pa. I contend that although the overall philosophical doctrines of the Tathāgatagarbha school and Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhānavāda school are different, there seems to be one crucial point of commonality, namely, the idea of “substratum-less-ness,” also expressed by Ratnagotravibhāga 1.55-57. It thus appears that the idea of “(metaphysical) groundless-ness and root-less-ness” would play pivotal role in reconciling the positivistic and negativistic ontologies.


        Bromide and iodide selectivity in membrane capacitive deionisation, and its potential application to reduce the formation of disinfection by-products in water treatment

        Dorji, Pema,Kim, David Inhyuk,Jiang, Jiaxi,Choi, Jongmoon,Phuntsho, Sherub,Hong, Seungkwan,Shon, Ho Kyong Pergamon Press 2019 Chemosphere Vol. No.

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The formation of toxic disinfection by-products during water disinfection due to the presence of bromide and iodide is a major concern. Current treatment technologies such as membrane, adsorption and electrochemical processes have been known to have limitations such as high energy demand and excessive chemical use. In this study, the selectivity between bromide and iodide, and their removal in membrane capacitive deionisation (MCDI) was evaluated. The results showed that iodide was more selectively removed over bromide from several binary feed waters containing bromide and iodide under various initial concentrations and applied voltages. Even in the presence of significant background concentration of sodium chloride, definite selectivity of iodide over bromide was observed. The high partial-charge transfer coefficient of iodide compared to bromide could be a feasible explanation for high iodide selectivity since both bromide and iodide have similar ionic charge and hydrated radius. The result also shows that MCDI can be a potential alternative for the removal of bromide and iodide during water treatment.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Bromide and iodide selectivity in MCDI were systematically assessed. </LI> <LI> MCDI can significantly reduce bromide and iodide concentration in the water. </LI> <LI> Iodide showed preferential adsorption compared to bromide. </LI> <LI> Electronegativity of ions can also affect ion selectivity in MCDI. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>


        Mithun (Bos frontalis): the neglected cattle species and their significance to ethnic communities in the Eastern Himalaya - A review

        Dorji, Tashi,Wangdi, Jigme,Shaoliang, Yi,Chettri, Nakul,Wangchuk, Kesang Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2021 Animal Bioscience Vol.34 No.11

        Objective: This review consolidates the available information on the socio-economic and ecological significance of Mithun in the lives of ethnic communities in the Eastern Himalaya. Methods: Standard guidelines were followed for the review and data collection was carried out at three stages; literature search, literature screening, and literature review and analysis. Results: Records indicate a long association of Mithun with the ethnic groups. Mithun serves as a symbol of pride and local currency for barter trade in the ethnic society. Its utilities range from being used as a bride price to settling legal disputes. Several cultural festivals and local ceremonies are celebrated around this bovine. Due to its semi-wild nature, this animal also has an ecological role to conserve broad leaf sub-tropical forests. However, it remains neglected and has not received policy attention, leading to a stagnated growth. The institutions for Mithun research and development are also weak. Furthermore, the species is under threat from new diseases and habitat alteration triggered by climate change. Conclusion: Founded on the current state of knowledge, there is a need for institutional development, strengthening institutional linkages, and promoting regional cooperation among Mithun rearing countries for further research and development of this unique cattle.


        Genetic Diversity of Indigenous Cattle Populations in Bhutan: Implications for Conservation

        Dorji, T.,Hanotte, O.,Arbenz, M.,Rege, J.E.O.,Roder, W. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.7

        The Genetic diversity and relationship of native Siri (Bos indicus) cattle populations of Bhutan were evaluated using 20 microsatellite markers. A total of 120 Siri cattle were sampled and were grouped into four populations according to their geographical locations which were named Siri West, Siri South, Siri Central and Siri East cattle. For each, 30 individuals were sampled. In addition, 30 samples each of Indian Jaba (B. indicus), Tibetan Goleng (B. taurus), Nepal Hill cattle (B. indicus), Holstein Friesian (B.taurus) and Mithun (B. frontalis) were typed. The mean number of alleles per loci (MNA) and observed heterozygosity (Ho) were high in the Siri populations ($MNA=7.2{\pm}0.3$ to $8.9{\pm}0.5$ and $Ho=0.67{\pm}0.04$ to $0.73{\pm}0.03$). The smallest coefficient of genetic differentiation and genetic distance ($F_{ST}=0.015$ and $D_A=0.073$) were obtained between Siri West and Siri Central populations. Siri East population is genetically distinct from the other Siri populations being close to the Indian Jaba ($F_{ST}=0.024$ and $D_A=0.084$). A high bootstrap value of 96% supported the close relationship of Siri South, Siri Central and Siri West, while the relationship between Siri East and Jaba was also supported by a high bootstrap value (82%). Data from principal component analysis and individual assignment test were in concordance with the inference from genetic distance and differentiation. In conclusion we identified two separate Siri cattle populations in Bhutan at the genetic level. One population included Siri cattle sampled from the West, Central and South of the country and the other Siri cattle was sampled from the East of the country. We suggest that Siri cattle conservation program in Bhutan should focus on the former population as it has received less genetic influence from other cattle breeds.

      • KCI등재

        Interaction of Acinetobacter baumannii 19606 and 1656-2 with Acanthamoeba castellanii

        Migma Dorji Tamang,Shukho Kim,김성민,Hyun-Hee Kong,김정민 한국미생물학회 2011 The journal of microbiology Vol.49 No.5

        Acinetobacter baumannii is virtually avirulent for healthy people but maintains a high virulence among critically ill patients or immuno-compromised individuals. The ability of A. baumannii to adhere to cells and persist on surfaces as biofilms could be central to its pathogenicity. In the present study, we compared the virulence of the A. baumannii 1656-2 clinical strain, which is able to form a thick biofilm, with the virulence of the A. baumannii type strain (ATCC 19606^T). Acanthamoeba castellanii, a single-celled organism, was used as the host model system to study the virulence of A. baumannii. Compared to A. baumannii ATCC 19606^T, A. baumannii 1656-2 exhibited a higher ability to adhere and invade A. castellanii cells and had a higher killing rate of A. castellanii cells. Furthermore, co-incubation of the amoeba cells and the cell-free supernatant of A. baumannii resulted in the cell death of the amoebae. Heat inactivation or proteinase K treatment of the supernatant did not eliminate its cytotoxicity, suggesting heat stable non-protein factors are responsible for its cytotoxicity to A. castellanii cells. In conclusion, this study for the first time has revealed the capacity of the A. baumannii strain and/or its metabolic products to induce cytotoxicity in A. castellanii cells.

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