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        정보접근의 효율성을 위한 온라인 목록의 구성

        곽철완 한국문헌정보학회 1996 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구는 이용자가 어떤 접근점을 사용하여 온라인 목록을 탐색하여, 온라인 목록의 초기화면의 구성에 대하여 조사하였는데 그 목적이 있다. 노티스 시스템과 다이닉스 시스템이 비교되었으며, 데이터는 "2 X 2"의 설계로 수집되었다. 연구 결과, 초기화면의 형태가 이용자의 접근점 선택에 영향을 미치며, 특히 접근점의 배열과 세분화가 이용자의 탐색행태에 변화를 주는 것으로 나타났다. 위 결과는 온라인 목록의 설계에서 초기화면에 이용자에게 접근점 선택 없이 탐색어만 입력하도록 하고, 탐색 결과 화면에서 검색된 자료를 제시하여 이용자가 관련된 필드를 선택하게 하는 방법이 제안되었다. 이 방법은 이용자가 잘못된 접근점을 선택하였을을 때 발생할 수 있는 실패를 제거할 수 있을 것이다 The purpose of the study is to identify what search options are used to decide how to search on the online catalog system, and to suggest a format of the initial screen. NOTIS and Dynix systems were used. Data collection was conducted in accordance with a "2 X 2" design. The study shows the effect on user choices of the initial screen format, especially where the arrangement and breadth of search options are concerned. The availability of search options provides various users' search option selection. The results of the study suggest that users can input only search term(s) in the initial screen without choice of search option. Then, users may select search fields depending upon the results of searching. This method can reduce the search fail when users select wrong search option on the online catalog

      • KCI등재

        온라인 목록의 탐색유형 : 관련된 변수와 사용된 서지사항을 중심으로

        곽철완 한국문헌정보학회 1996 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        본 논문의 목적은 이용자가 온라인 목록을 탐색할 때, 어떤 서지정보를 이용하여 다음 화면으로 진행하며, 어떤 요소가 서지정보 선정에 영향을 미치는 가를 조사하는데 있다. 결과는 온라인 목록의 초기화면에서 실험 참가자가 선택한 접근점은 온라인 목록과 탐색질의에 따라 변하지만, 이용자의 종류의 따라서는 변하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 간략정보화면에서 상세정보화면으로 이동하기 위해 실험 참가자들은 서명을 가장 많이 사용하였고, 상세정보화면에서 탐색결과를 확인하기 위해서도 역시 서명을 가장 많이 사용하였다 The purpose of this study is to identify what fields are used to decide how to proceed to the next screen and what factors affect the selection of the fields used on the online catalog system. The initial search option chosen by the users differed statistically according to the type of online catalog system used and the type of query. However, the type of user did not affect the choices of the initial search option. On the citation list screen, the title field was the most frequently used to move to the citation screen. On the citation screen, also, the title field was the most frequently used for confirming a retrieved citation

      • 최초공모주의 성과에 관한 연구

        곽철효,김영혜 新羅大學校 2000 論文集 Vol.49 No.-

        Among the three anomalies related to the IPO market, most of the studies up to now have been focused on the short run underpricing, and studies concerning long run price behavior are insufficient in a way. But outside Korea, a number of studies show that short-selling has more advantage. On the other hand, in Korea studies concerning long run price behavior are lacking and cannot show the characteristic of the IPO with satisfaction. So the following study will try to take a look at long run performance of IPO. Therefore, IPO stocks employed here were from 269 firms, open to the market from 1988. 6. through 1994. 12. The main results of the tests can be summarized as follows. The long-run performance wasn't consistent with worldwide poor aftermarket evidence. On the contrary, the long-run performance produced better return compared with the average market return. Also, In the analysis of the cumulative abnormal returns for 36 months by way of the wealth relative, once used by Ritter, the Korean IPO stocks obtained superior long-run performance unlike in the previous research concerned. In conclusion, buying the IPO in the primary market and selling them in the secondary market seems, on average, to be a good strategy. Investors in Korean IPO market can gain excess return due to underpricing at the offering.

      • 우리나라 企業의 産業別 負債比率差異와 資本構造決定에 관한 硏究

        郭喆浩 新羅大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.41 No.1

        Theoretically, the determinants of capital structure have been known as corporate tax shield effects, non debt tax shields, bankruptcy costs and agency costs. But, they are not directly observable variables or attributes. These corporate attributes can be measured by using the proper proxy variables through the empirical analysis. ANOVA about the debt ratios between the seven industries showed the significant difference of industrial debt ratios at 10% significance level. This paper has measured the several proxy variables reflecting the corporate attributes, and performed the factor analysis. The five factors were selected on the base of their eigenvalues and the factor scores of the observations were calculated. Thereafter the cross-sectional regression analysis has been done by the use of the factor scores, TAXRATE and OMJR as independent variables. The theoretical attributes revealed the statistical significance as the actual determinants of corporate capital structure in Korea. But the agency costs may not be critical factor in determining the capital structure. As a result of regression analysis of seven industries, generally the determinations of capital structure in the Korea listed firms seems to be strongly affected by the factors which are related to the tax shield of depreciation, the firm's profitability, the firm's growth, and the solvency of debts. Other factors, however, may not affect all the firms equivalently, since there are differences in the size and the direction of influences to the debt ratio of each industry. As a result, in this study on the determinants of capital structure, the findings of factor analysis and regression analysis may be explained by the capital structure theory. In the future, finding out the proxy variables which can reflect the specific conditions around the firms in the empirical studies may provides the new explanations in determining the corporate capital structure.

      • 프랑스의 新都市 開發에 관한 硏究 : L'lsle d'Abeau를 事例로 Exemple de l'Isle d'Abeau

        郭喆弘 慶尙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.26 No.2

        L'eude a vise a analyser la politique francaise de viles nouvelles, par I'exemple de I'Isle d'Abeau creee au pres de la metropole de Lyon. La creation de la ville nouvelle de I'lsele d'Abeau a ere motivee par trois ideas fondamentales. Il s'agis sait d'absorber une partie du developement de la metropole lyinnaise, de constituer un relais entre Lyon et Grenoble a proximite de laeroport international de Sastolas et de promouvoir un urbanisme de bourgs et de villages adapte au site. Les amenageurs, dans la planification de la ville nouvelle , soulignent I'mportance du centre urban pour creer un pole d'activites tertiaires et d'equipements, l'equilibreentre I'emploi et la population residente, I'm portance des infrastructures de transports et la continuite entre les divers elements constitutifs de la ville nouvelle; zones residentielles, zones d'activites, centre urbain et bases de loisirs. Pourtant, dans l'operation des traveaux, on a trop de problemes depuis la crise economique commencee en 1975. On devra donc d'avoir un souci d'assurer une grande flexibilite de la planification, pour faire face au contexte economique , demographique et politique Et, aussi, on ne doit pas negliger les opinions des habitants existants avant d'etablir le projet.

      • 초현실주의예술에서 나타난 풍경과 기억

        곽철원 韓南大學校 敎育硏究所 2011 교육연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The aim of this short essay is to explore the relationship between landscape and memory in three different paintings by surrealism artists. The drive to make sense of our surroundings by creating patterns out of different parts of the landscape is essential in human nature. 본고는 초현실주의 작가의 세 가지 다른 그림을 통해서 풍경과 기억 사이의 관계를 탐구하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 풍경에서 발견되는 창조적인 패턴들은 인간본성의 필수적인 요소를 반영한 것으로 해석되어진다. 예를 들어 칼라니쉬(Callanish) 스톤 서클 또는 잉글랜드 남부에 위치한 분필형태의 이회질(泥恢質)층과 같은 선사시대 건축물들은 초기문명의 별자리에 대한 인식에 따른 노력을 보여주고 있다. 러쉬모어산(Mt.Rushmore)은 현대적인 구조 또한 풍경에서 의미를 찾은 동일한 노력의 예이다. 영국의 역사학자인 Simon Schama는 1860년대에 수상동굴 연작을 그린 화가인 Gustave Courbet를 위와 같은 예로 들고 있다. Schama는 그의 저서(Landscape and Memory)에서 의인화된 풍경으로Courbet의 작품을 설명하고 있으며 바위의 표면에 보이는 여성음부모양의 표현들은 프로이트의 상상력을 받고 있지 않다고 기술했다. 그러나 초현실주의화가들은 우리가 살고 있는 외적풍경과 우리의 마음, 기억속의 내적풍경 사이를 탐구를 할 수 있었다. 그들은 프로이트의 꿈 이론을 따랐기 때문이다. 그들은 꿈과 같은 그들의 화면 속에서 완벽한 문학 작품과 같이 그들의 상상력을 조합할 수 있었고 또한 이해할 수 없는 혼동이나 정신 착란 같은 터무니없는 요소 또는 농담을 포함하여 명확하게 표현할 수 있었다. 그리고 그들의 그림은 꿈처럼 날카로운 또는 어두움과 몽환 같은 쾌적함 또는 비참한 감각을 표현할 수 있었다. 초현실주의화가들은 프로이드의 이론을 빌어 그들의 작품 속 여러 상징들을 해석할 수 있는 열쇠를 숨겨놓았다. 본고에서 예로 들고 있는 세 개의 그림들은 각기 다른 풍경과 기억의 예이며, 회화의 이미지에서 보이는 인간 내면의 기억과 감정이 서로 어떠한 관계를 가지는지를 프로이드의 정신분석학을 토대로 분석, 설명하였다.

      • 韓國 都市의 工業構造에 關한 硏究

        郭喆弘 동국지리학회 1981 東國地理 Vol.- No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the regional and employmental structure of manufacturing industries in 36 urban areas of Korea. The analysis techniques of manufacturing industries are Lorenz Curve, Location Quotient and Localization Curve. The benchmark is the number of workers calculated from the original cards of Mining and Manufacturing Census by Korean Economic Planning Board. Thg results are as follows : (1) The distribution of total manufacturing is divided into two areas. One is Capital Region of which the core is Seoul and Incheon. The other is South-East Coast Region which consists of Ulsan, Busan Masan. Because these two areas connect each other by Daegu, Kumi and Dae-jeon, it can be said that Korean manufacturing industries are agglomerated along the Kyung-Bu expressway. This manufacturing distribution is similar to the population distribution, but by means of Localization Curve it has more influence upon the region than upon the population. (2) Manufacturing high density areas, measured by the nember of workers per city population, are the cities that were made the combinat-industrial parks by national policy, and their population ranks are medium. In addition, the rapid manufacturing growth cities, measured by the increasing rate of workers, are almost the same as the above cities. Therefore, in Korean Manufacturing location and growth, the national economic policy is the most important factor. (3) The manufacturing employment structure by Lorenz Curve is much specialized structure. Because the structure is more specialized than that of 1968, Korean manufacturing industries are more concentrating on textile and machinery. On the other hand, the heavy manufacturing industries are increasing in their weight but still they are below 50 percent. (4) The typical categories of the cities are textile, machinery, food & beverage and chemical in number. Most of the manufactured cities are made combination with textile but non-manufactured ones strong combination with food & beverage. In general, according to city's population ranks from large cities to small cities, the manufacturing category-combination patterns are as follower ; 1. textile+machinery 2. machinery+textile 3. textile+machinery 4. food & beverage (5) In research of the specialized categories of cities by means of Location Quotient, the cities of large population ahve been specialized in the categories of textile, paper & printing, machinery and so forth, but the cities of small population in the categories of food & beverage. (6) In research of the category ranks of cities, the ranks are divided into three classes-textile, machinery, food & beverage belong to high rank; chemical, clay & glass to middle rank; wood & furniture, paper & printing, metal and so forth, to low rank. In the end, the writer has the idea that it is necessary for the strong national policy to make manufacturing industries scattered to the small inland cities and non-manufactured cities from giant cities. This is the best way for scattering population from giant cities and for developing small cities.

      • 無裁定機會와 企業의 資本構造決定

        郭喆孝 新羅大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        Asset pricing in the context of uncertain economy is based on the absence of arbitrage opportunity. If an arbitrage opportunity were present in an economy, then to increase utility at no risk, everyone would use it and could obtain arbitrage profit. But a "well-functioning" economy would not contain any of these arbitrage opportunities. MM prove their irrelevance theorem by using no arbitrage opportunities. We also discuss the impact of capital structure on the form value with it. But the assumptions used here are less restrictive than those of MM. In case of no taxes, Although MM assumed the risk free debt, debt is risky since the economic model in this paper assumes the state dependent cash flows. But the result is the same. The frictions in the capital market change total cash flow distributed between the security-holders. The change of the capital structure influences on the firm value The market frictions are the corporate taxes, the bankruptcy costs, the personal taxes and the agency costs. When only the corporate tax is considered, the optimal debt / equity ratio would be to have all debt because of the increasement of interest tax shield. But the bankruptcy costs would reduce the advantages of debt financing. Then the optimal capital structure may be when the marginal tax shield equals to marginal bankruptcy cost. Finally, the corporate tax and the personal taxes would make the model complex.

      • 회전원통을 이용한 초고압 변압기의 유동대전에 관한 연구

        곽희로,권동진,손철근 崇實大學校 生産技術硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        This paper presents the measurement method using a spinning cylinder system for streaming electrification of transformer oil. The spinning cylinder system has a simple mechanical construction, and requires less oil compared to the other methods. Also, the effects of various admixtures on the static electrification properties of transformer oil can be easily investigated. Experiments showed that addition of the BTA reduced the streaming electrification and the polarity of static electrification was converted to negative at 50∼70[ppm] of BTA.

      • 合倂理論과 多角的合倂의 富의 再分配效果

        郭喆孝 新羅大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        External growth of firms is very important in their survival. Mergers and acquisitions have long played a role in the growth of firms. A number of merger gains and wealth redistribution effect of conglomerate merger have been discussed in this paper. Firstly, sources of merger benefits is different by the types of merger. Horizontal mergers and vertical mergers have more operating synergy than financial synergy, but financial synergy is more than operating synergy in conglomerate merger. Accordings to the result of empirical study, there is no economical synergy in conglomerate merger. Thus post-merger firm value been equivalent to the sum of pre-merger values of the participating firms. Therefore gains from merger seem to represent the characteristics and motives of the company. Secondly, under the assumption of no synergy, there is possibility of wealth redistribution between securityholders. On one hand, by the implication of OPM, because of diversification effect of conglomerate merger, firm`s risk is reduced and this increases debtholder`s wealth. Conversely, equity holder`s wealth is reduced. On the other hand, when motives of conglomerate merger, according to agency problems, are in incentives of stockholder and management, equityholders have positive abnormal return. Finally, if wealth redistribution effect of conglomerate merger is clearly determined by the characteristics of the participating firms, it will be useful in management decision makings.

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