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      • KCI등재

        몇가지 저장온도와 비천공 Breathable 필름이 아위버섯(Pleurotus ferulae) 저장수명과 품질에 미치는 영향

        최인이(In-Lee Choi),손진성(Jin Sung Son),김영재(Young Jae Kim),권태호(Tae Ho Kwon),강호민(Ho-Min Kang) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2012 시설원예‧식물공장 Vol.21 No.3

        본 실험은 다양한 저장온도 조건에서 아위버섯에 적합한 MAP용 포장재 구명을 위해 수행하였다. 저장중 생체중 감소는 저장온도가 낮을수록 적었는데, 모든 온도 처리(1, 8, 24℃)에서 저장 종료일까지 1.5% 이하로 낮았다. 1저장에서는 산소투과율이 1,300cc/m<SUP>2</SUP> · day · atm 인 필름 처리구가 가장 큰 저장수명(42일)을 보였으며 저장중 포장내 산소/이산화탄소의 대기조성 조건도 가장 적합한 MA조건인 5%/15% 수준이었으나,높은 에틸렌 농도와 이취를 보인 반면 3,000cc 처리구는 1,300cc 처리구와 비슷한 대기조성 조건을 갖추고 낮은 에틸렌 농도과 이취를 보였다. 따라서 1℃에서는 1,300cc와 3,000cc 필름이 적합하였다. 저장중 대기조성이 필름처리간 차이가 없었던 8℃ 저장에서는 에틸렌 농도가 두 번째로 낮았고 외관상 품질이 가장 높아 저장수명이 19일로 가장 길었던 3,000cc 필름이 적합하였다. 저장 온도가 높아 호흡이 급격히 빨라져 극도의 CA 조건이 만들어졌던 25oC에서는 외관상 품질에서 가장 양호하였던 1,300cc 필름으로 적합하였다. 또한 온도별 저장수명이 25℃에 비해 8℃는 4배, 1℃는 9배나 연장되어 수확 후 저온유통이 반드시 필요하다고 판단되었다. This study was carried out in order to investigate the effect of MA packaging material on quality and shelf life of ferulae mushroom (Pleurotus ferulae) at 1, 8, and 24℃ storage temperatures. We found that the fresh weight loss was less than 1.5% in all temperatures (1, 8, and 24℃) and non-perforated breathable films (1,300 cc, 3,000 cc, 5,000 cc, 7,000 cc, 10,000 cc, 15,000 cc, 20,000 cc, and 40,000 cc/ m<SUP>2</SUP> · day · atm oxygen transmission rate) treatments. The proper MA packaging material of ferulae mushroom was 1,300 cc and 3,000 cc films at 1℃ storage. Because 1,300 cc and 3,000 cc films showed proper level, 15% carbon dioxide and 5% oxygen concentration for MA storage, although the shelf life was higher in 1,300 cc (42 days) than 3,000 cc (38 days), and the ethylene concentration as well as off-order showed lower in 3,000 cc than 1,300 cc film. The 3,000 cc film was the most suitable for ferulae mushroom storage at 8℃, because atmosphere composition in package was not statistically significantly different among the film treatments. In addition, 3,000 cc film showed the second low ethylene concentration and the longest shelf-life of 19 days. The ferulae mushroom stored at 25℃ showed a vigorous respiration and resulted in an extreme CA condition in package at 5<SUP>th</SUP> day after storage, and showed the highest visual quality in 1,300 cc film. As the shelf life of ferulae mushroom at 1℃ and 8℃ storage were 8 times and 4 times longer than at 25℃ storage respectively, so the ferulae mushroom should be stored and distributed in cold chain system.

      • KCI등재

        칠레 야생화의 발아율에 미치는 광조건 그리고 GA<SUB>3</SUB>, KNO<SUB>3</SUB> 처리 효과

        최인이(In-Lee Choi),이동준(Dong-Jun Lee),이경수(Kyoung Soo Lee),손진성(Jin Sung Son),최경(Kyung Choi),박광우(Kwang-Woo Park),강호민(Ho-Min Kang) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2012 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        칠레산 야생화 종자는 발아율이 낮고, 종자의 등숙 정도가 불량하다. 이에 본 연구는 광조건 그리고 GA3(50mg/L, 100mg/L, 200mg/L)와 KNO3(0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%) 처리가 5종의 칠레산 야생화 종자의 발아율에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 수행되었다. 광조건 실험에서 Schizanthus candidus, Schizanthus hookerii, Schizanthus litoralis 종은 명조건에서는 발아가 전혀 이루어지지 않았다. GA3와 KNO3 처리에서는 Mimulus luteus, Schizanthus candidus, Schizanthus hookerii 종은 GA3-200mg/L 처리구에서 무처리구에 비해 각각 2.3배, 5.6배, 3.2배의 발아율 증가효과를 보였다. 그러나 Rhodophiala ananuca 종은 GA3-50mg/L 처리구에서 다소 높은 발아율을 나타냈다. 발아율이 낮은 칠레산 야생화 종자의 발아 촉진에는 식물 종자의 휴면타파의 효과가 있는 GA3 처리가 효과적인 것으로 생각된다. Chilean wild flower seeds showed low germination rate and lacked germination uniformity. This experiment was conducted to find out the effects of light conditions, GA3 (50 mg/L, 100 mg/L, 200 mg/L) and KNO3 (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%) treatments on germination of five species of Chilean wild flower seeds. The seeds of Schizanthus candidus, Schizanthus hookerii, and Schizanthus litoralis did not germinated in light condition. The others did not show a significant different germination rate under light and dark conditions. The germination rate of Mimulus luteus, Schizanthus candidus, Schizanthus hookerii increased 2.3, 5.6, and 3.2 times compared with control, respectively in GA3-200 mg/L treatment, but that of Rhodophiala ananuca enhanced slightly in GA3-50 mg/L treatment. Those results suggested that the germination rate of Chilean wild flower seeds enhanced by GA3 treatment that is very efficient in breaking seed dormancy.

      • KCI등재

        재배 시 탄산시비가 딸기 ‘매향’ 의 품질과 저장성에 미치는 영향

        최인이(Choi In-Lee),윤재수(Jae Su Yoon),윤혁성(Hyuk Sung Yoon),최기영(Ki-Young Choi),김일섭(Il-Seop Kim),강호민(Ho-Min Kang) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2017 시설원예‧식물공장 Vol.26 No.2

        ‘매향’ 딸기의 재배 시 1,000ppm 농도의 탄산시비가 품질과 저장성에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 딸기 수확 후 품질을 비교 하였는데, 경도, 당도, 그리고 산도가 무처리구에 비해 탄산가스 처리구에서 높은 수치를 나타내었다. 기존 유통조건인 관행저장 처리구는 10일간, 20,000cc OTR 필름으로 MA저장 처리구는 20일간 8oC에서 저장하였다. 저장 중 생체중 감소율은 탄산시비 처리에 관계없이 MA저장 처리구가 저장종료일까지 1%의 낮은 감소를 보였다. 저장 중 MA저장 처리구의 포장내 산소, 이산화탄소, 그리고 에틸렌가스 농도는 탄산시비처리에 따른 유의성있는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 저장종료일의 경도는 저장방법에 관계없이 탄산시비 처리구가 무처리구보다 높은 수치를 나타내었으나, 당도와 산도 그리고 과색은 처리에 따른 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 패널테스트를 통한 외관은 탄산시비 처리하여 MA저장한 처리구가 가장 우수하였으며, 이취는 탄산시비 처리하여 관행저장한 처리구가 가장 낮았다. 곰팡이 발생률은 두 저장방법 모두 무처리구에 비해 탄산시비 처리구가 낮은 수치를 보였다. 이상의 결과를 볼 때, 재배 중 탄산시비는 ‘매향’ 딸기의 경도를 높여 8℃ 저장 중 외관상 품질과 저장 후 경도를 높게 유지시켜 저장성을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 저장방법으로는 MA저장이 저장기간을 연장시킬 것으로 판단된다. This study was conducted to find out the effects of CO₂ fertilization (1,000ppm) on the quality and storability of ‘Maehyang’ strawberry fruits. Qualities such as firmness, soluble solid, and acidity of strawberry fruits showed higher numbers in those treated with CO₂ fertilization compared to those after harvest. Strawberry fruits were stored at 8℃; MA condition using 20,000 cc·m<SUP>-2</SUP>·day<SUP>-1</SUP>·atm<SUP>-1</SUP> OTR (oxygen transmission rate) films and conventional condition using unsealed PE box stored for 20 and 10 days, respectively. Fresh weight loss rate was less than 1.0% in MA storage regardless of CO₂ fertilization treatment. Concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethylene in OTR films did not show any significant difference between CO₂ fertilization treatment and control (nontreatment) during storage. CO₂ fertilization treatments maintained higher firmness after storage regardless of storage methods, but soluble solid, acidity, and surface color did not differ among the treatments. Visual quality and off-flavor based on sensory evaluation was the highest in CO₂ fertilization treated strawberry and stored at a MA condition, and was the lowest in CO₂ fertilization treated strawberry and those stored in a conventional condition, respectively. The fungal incidence rate of strawberry fruits showed less in CO₂ fertilization treatment than control during both MA and conventional storage. These results suggest that CO₂ fertilization can improve firmness, increase visual quality after harvest and storage at 8oC, and the MA storage method enhances the shelf-life of ‘Maehyang’ strawberry fruits.

      • KCI등재

        Active MAP가 파프리카 신선편이 저장성에 미치는 영향

        최인이(In-Lee Choi),유태종(Tae-Jong Yoo),정현진(Hyun-Jin Jung),김일섭(Il Seop Kim),강호민(Ho Min Kang),이용범(Yong Beom Lee) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2011 시설원예‧식물공장 Vol.20 No.3

        파프리카 신서편이 제품화 및 품질과 저장성 향상을 위해 Active MA 조건을 비교 규명 하였다. Active MA 처리구와 진공처리, 일반 MA 포장 처리를 하였으며 생체중, 산소, 이산화탄소, 에틸렌 농도와 경도, 이취 전해질 누출량을 측정하였다. 생체중은 진공처리가 가장 큰 감소를 보였고 5 : 5 : 90(CO₂: O₂: N₂), 가장 낮은 감소 보였으며 다른 처리에서는 처리간의 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 산소, 이산화 탄소, 에틸렌 농도 변화는 30 : 10 : 60(CO₂: O₂: N₂) 처리가 산소 감소율과 이산화 탄소 증가율이 가장 크게 측정되었으며 그 외 처리는 감소율과 증가율에서 특별한 특징을 나타내지는 않았다. 에틸렌 농도는 30 : 10 : 60 처리조건이 가장 크게 측정 되었으며 MA 조건이 가장 적은 농도로 측정 되었다. 경도는 진공처리 조건이 가장 낮게 측정되었으며 이취의 경우 30 : 10 : 60 처리조건과 진공 포장 처리구의 이취 발생량이 가장 많은 것으로 평가 되었다. 전해질 용출량은 진공조건 처리가 70%로 가장 많았고 30 : 10 : 60 처리가 35%로 Active MA 조건에서 가장 많은 누출을 보였다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때, 진공처리와 고농도 이산화탄소 처리는 파프리카 신선편이 포장 처리에 적합하지 않으며 Active MA 처리시 10 : 70 : 20(CO₂: O₂: N₂)와 0 : 20 : 80이 가장 적합하다고 사료된다. The processing techniques are need to use the non-marketable paprika fruit because paprika that is difficult crop for cultivation and produced easily non-marketable fruits, such as physiological disorder fruit, malformed fruit, and small size fruit. This study was carried out to investigate the proper active modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) condition for enhancing the storability of fresh-cut paprika fruit. The fresh-cut paprika (cv ‘Score’, seminis) put into 7 ㎝ × 0.7 ㎝ size and packed them in 20 g bags. The active MAP and vacuum treated paprika fruits were packaged with LLDPE/Nylon, EVOH, Tie film, and injected partial pressures of CO₂ and O₂, and N₂ in the packages immediately after sealing to treat active MAP. The ratio of CO₂, O₂, and N₂ of active MAP conditions were 0 : 20 : 80 (air), 5 : 5 : 90, 30 : 10 : 60, 10 : 70 : 20 and vacuum treatment did not contain any gas. The passive packaging treated paprika packaged with 40 ㎛ ceramic film. After 7 days of storage at 9℃, the fresh weight decreased less than 2% in all treatments, and showed lower in 5 : 5 : 90 (CO₂ : O₂ : N₂) active-MAP treatment and higher in vacuum treatment than other treatments. The CO₂ and O₂ concentration in packages did not change remarkably in active-MA treatments except 30 : 10 : 60 active-MAP treatment that showed sharply decreased O₂, concentration and increased CO₂ concentration at 1st day of storage at 9℃. The ethylene concentration in package was the highest in 30 : 10 : 60 active-MAP treatment and the lowest in the passive MAP treatment that packaged with gas permeable film during 9℃ storage for 7 days. The 30 : 10 : 60 active-MAP treatments were not proper condition to storage fresh-cut paprika. The visual quality was maintained higher in 0 : 20 : 80 (air), 5 : 5 : 90, and 10 : 70 : 20 active MAP treatments and passive MAP treatment than others and the firmness, off-odor, and electrolyte leakage was investigated at 7<SUP>th</SUP> day of storage at 9℃. The 5 : 5 : 90 and 10 : 70 : 20 active-MAP treatment showed higher firmness and lower off-odor than other treatments after 7<SUP>th</SUP> day of storage at 9℃. In addition, the electrolyte leakage was reduced less than 20% at 0 : 20 : 80 (air), 5 : 5 : 90, 10 : 70 : 20, and passive MA treatments. Therefore, 10 : 70 : 20 (CO₂ : O₂ : N₂) and 0 : 20 : 80 (air) might be recommended for proper active MAP conditions.

      • KCI등재

        저장 환경과 숙기 정도가 파프리카 과실의 저장에 미치는 영향

        최인이(In-Lee Choi),김일섭(Il Seop Kim),강호민(Ho-Min Kang) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2008 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        우리나라 수출 작물로 가장 큰 비중을 차지하는 파프리카의 두 품종을 성숙 정도와 저장 조건을 달리하여 저장성을 비교하였다. 국내에서 많이 재배되는 'Special'과 'Fiesta' 두 품종을 수경재배하여 미숙과와 완숙과 상태로 수확한 후 무공 필름과 유공 필름으로 포장하여 4℃와 9℃에 저장하였다. 가장 긴 저장 수명을 보인 저장 조건을 4℃에 포장 내 5%의 이산화탄소와 10%의 산소 농도를 보인 무공처리였다. 무공처리의 경우 저장온도, 품종, 숙기정도에 관계없이 3~9㎕/l의 에틸렌 농도를 보였으나 경도와 생체중 유지에 효과적이었으며 유공처리와 비교해서 부패율에도 차이가 크지 않았다. 50% 착색된 반숙과의 과피색은 9℃와 무공 필름 처리에서 많이 착색되었으나, 완숙과 수준까지 진전되지는 못하였다. 4℃에서 20일간 저장한 후 상온에서 3일간 정치한 완숙 'Special'의 저온 장해 정도를 전해질 용출량과 호흡 속도로 비교한 결과, 무공필름 포장에서 가징 효과적으로 억제되었다. 따라서 파프리카의 장기 유통 및 저장을 위해서는 적절한 무공필름 포장과 저온장해가 발생하지 않는 범위의 저장장이 필요하리라 생각된다. The sweet pepper (paprika) is one of the most important exported vegetable crops in Korea. This study evaluated the storability of sweet pepper fruits between 2 cultivars with different maturities under different storage conditions. The sweet peppers ('Special' and 'Fiesta') were grown in a rockwool hydroponic system, and harvested two different maturities: half-maturity and full-maturity levels. The sweet pepper fruits were stored in MA(non-ventilated) and non-MA(ventilated) conditions at 4 and 9℃ for 20 days. The storability of sweet pepper fruit was the highest in 4℃ MA conditions that remained 5% carbon dioxide and 10% oxygen during the storage. The ethylene concentration in MA condition showed 2~8 ㎕/l regardless of storage temperatures, cultivars and maturities. The fruits packaged with non-ventilated film, showed lower weight loss, and higher firmness, and there was no different about decay ratio compared to the fruits packed ventilated film. The coloration of semi-matured fruit that colored 50% before storage progressed taster in non-ventilated packaging condition at 9℃, but their color did not changed as same as level of full-matured fruit. The electrolyte leakages and respiratory rate that estimated degree of chilling injury was highest in non-MA(ventilated) conditions of 'Special' full matured fruit placed at room temperature for 3 days following storage at 4℃ for 20 days. It may be suggested that sweet pepper fruit packed sealed (nonventilated) film and stored at non-chilling temperature can be maintained better quality for long term storage.

      • KCI등재

        열수처리가 생리장해과를 이용한 파프리카 신선편이의 저장성에 미치는 영향

        최인이 ( In Lee Choi ),정현진 ( Hyun Jin Jung ),김일섭 ( Il Seop Kim ),강호민 ( Ho Min Kang ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원(구 농업과학연구소) 2009 강원 농업생명환경연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Experiments were performed to understand the effect of hot water treatment on storability of fresh cut paprikas which are normal fruits and disorder fruits, such as blossom end rot and button. The fresh weight loss of fresh cut packed with 25um ceramic film was less than 1%. and there were not quality deterioration due to fresh weight loss. A carbon dioxide content in 25um ceramic film was increased rapidly after 5 days storage at 10℃, and that of `Helsingki` was higher than that of `Special`. The carbon dioxide content of `Helsingki` did not show any significantly difference, but fresh cut treated hot water showed higher carbon dioxide content than control. There were not a tendency among normal and disorder fruits A oxygen content in 25um ceramic film was decreased constantly during storage, and reduced to less than 5% after 10 days storage at 1 0℃. Although there were not significantly different between treatment, the oxygen content of normal fruit fresh cut treated hot water showed the highest. The ethylene content in 25um ceramic film was increased for early storage period, and decreased after 3 days storage at 10℃. The content of ethylene was less than 3 ㎕/ℓ after 3 days storage at 10℃. The hot water treatment did not influence the ethylene content in film. The visual quality of fresh cut was maintained higher in normal fruits than disorder fruits. and that of `Special` cultivar showed higher than `Helsinki` cultivars. But the hot water treatment decreased the visual quality of fresh cut. There was not significantly different in water exhaust contents of freus cut. The soluble solide of `Special` cultivar was reduced by hot water treatment, but that of `Helsingki` did not any difference among treatments and fruit types.

      • KCI등재

        MA저장 중 파프리카 과실의 품종별 품질 및 저장성 비교

        최인이(In-Lee Choi),이용범(Yong Beom Lee),김일섭(Il Seop Kim),강호민(Ho-Min Kang) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2012 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구는 장기 저장 유통을 위해 MA 저장에 적합한 품종 선발을 위해 2011년에 9개, 2012년에 12개의 파프리카 품종을 대상으로 품질과 저장성을 비교하였다. 2011년도 실험에서는 빨간색 품종 중에 과중, 경도 그리고 당도이 높고, 에틸렌 발생률이 낮으며 저장수 명도 23일로 두 번째로 길었던 ‘Mosanto 7044’이 노란색 품종에서는 경도와 당도가 높고, 에틸렌 발생률이 낮았던 ‘Stayer’가 우수하였다. 2012년도 실험에서는 빨간색 품종 중에 과중, 과피두께, 경도가 높고, 부패율과 에틸렌 발생률이 낮으며 저장 수명이 28일로 세 번째로 길었던 ‘Nagano’가, 노란색 품종에서는 과피두께, 당도, 비타민 C 함량이 상대적으로 높았고, 에틸렌 발생률이 낮으며 저장수명이 26일로 가장 길었던 ‘Freestar’가 가장 우수하였다. 과실 품질 특성과 저장수명과의 상관관계를 비교한 결과 에틸렌(r = ?0.5504)과 당도(r = 0.6112)가 고도의 상관 관계를 보였다. This study was carried out to compare the storability in MA storage and quality of paprika fruits among 9 cultivars grown in 2011 and 12 cultivars in 2012. ‘Mosanto7044’ was the most proper cultivar in red-type paprika has grown in 2011 for MA storage, because it showed relatively higher fruit weight, firmness, soluble solid content, and the lowest ethylene production rate, as well as the second longest shelf life. ‘Stayer’ was suitable cultivar in yellow-type paprika cultivated in 2011, because it showed higher firmness, soluble solid content and lower ethylene production rate than other cultivars. ‘Nagano’ was the most proper cultivar in red-type paprika has grown in 2012 for MA storage. Because it showed relatively higher fruit weight, firmness, flesh thickness and the lowest ethylene production rate and decay ratio, although the shelf life of ‘Nagano’ was the third longest (28 days). ‘Freestar’ was the excellent cultivar in yellow-type paprika cultivated in 2012, because it showed higher firmness, vitamin C content and lower respiration rate than other cultivars and the longest shelf life of 26 days. The shelf life had a high correlationship with ethylene production rate (r = ?0.5504), and soluble solid (r = 0.6112), as comparing with the shelf life and the fruit characteristics of 21 cultivars paprika has grown in 2011 and 2012.

      • KCI등재

        비천공 Breathable필름이 장거리 모의 수출 조건에서 파프리카의 MA 저장중 품질과 저장수명에 미치는 영향

        최인이(In-Lee Choi),유태종(Tae-Jong Yoo),김일섭(Il Seop Kim),이용범(Yong Beom Lee),강호민(Ho Min Kang) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2011 시설원예‧식물공장 Vol.20 No.2

        캐나다까지 장거리 수출조건은 선적 후 통관까지 20일 동안은 7土1℃와 90% 상대습도가 유지되었고, 이후 저장창고 이송전에 3시간만에 13℃까지 상승한 후 저장창고 이송후 3일간 3~4℃와 90% 상대습도를 나타내었다. 이 후 상온조건의 판매소에서는 16℃에 60% 이하의 상대습도를 나타내었다. 이상의 유통조건을 기초로 7℃, 90% 상대습도에서 15일간 저장한 후 20℃, 55% 상대습도에서 7일간 저장하는 조건에서 MA저장 실험을 실시하였다. 포장방법에는 무처리와 기존의 유공포장(6㎜ 직경의 구멍이 18holes/㎡) 그리고 레이저로 가공한 3가지 비천공 필름 (산소 투과도 5,000과 20,000 그리고 100,000㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm)로 하였다. 저장 중 생체중 감소는 3가지 비천공 필름처리구에서는 1% 이하였으나, 유공처리과 무처리는 4% 이상으로 품질 저하가 나타났다. 상온으로 이동한 저장 15일 후 포장재내 대기조성이 5,000㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm 비천공필름처리는 산소 5%, 이산화탄소 15%를 나타 내었고, 20,000㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm 비천공필름처리는 산소 16%, 이산화탄소 4~5%를 나타내어, 이들처리에서는 이산화탄소 농도가 파프리카의 적정 범위를 상회하였다. 포징재내 에틸렌 농도는 처리간 큰차이가 없었다. 저장 중 외관상 품질은 이산화탄소 농도가 적절하게 유지되었던 100,000㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm 비천공필름처리에서 가장 높게 유지되었으며, 경도와 당도는 비천공 필름긴 차이에 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 20일 이상의 장기 유통 중 판매가 상온에서 이루어질 경우 포장내 이산화탄소 농도가 3% 이하로 유지될 수 있는 100,000㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm의 통기성을 가장 포장재가 파프리카 MAP에 적합하다고 사료된다. The aim of this study was investigated long distance export condition of paprika from Korea to Canada, and evaluated the effect of non-perforated breathable films on the storability of paprika during MA storage in the simulated long distance export condition. The long distance export condition of paprika from Korea to Canada was 7 ± 1℃ and RH 90% during shipping for 20 days, and then the temperature of that was increased to 13℃ for 3 hours during transferring from refrigerated container to storage room in Canada, and decreased 3~4℃ for 3 days before distributing to local markets. The temperature and relative humidity of local markets was 16℃ and 60%, respectively. The packing material treatments were non-packing, as control, perforated film (6 ㎜ diameter hole, 18 holes/㎡), and 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated films (oxygen transmission rate was 5,000, 20,000 and 100,000 ㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm). Under the simulated long distance export condition; 7℃ and RH 90% for 15 days and then 20℃ and RH 55% for 7 days, the fresh weight loss of paprika was less than 1% in 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated film treatments but was more than 4% in control and perforated film treatment that showed severe deterioration of visual quality after 20 days of storage. The atmosphere of paprika packages was changed 5% oxygen and 15% carbon dioxide in 5,000 ㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm treatment, and 16% oxygen and 4~5% carbon dioxide in 20,000 ㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍarm treatment during room temperature storage after cold storage for 15 days. A carbon dioxide concentration of these 2 treatments was exceeded the optimal MA and CA condition. There was no significant difference in ethylene concentration among 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated film treatments. A paprika packed with 100,000 ㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm non-perforated film showed the highest visual quality under the simulated long distance export condition. However, the firmness and soluble solids did not show any significant difference among 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated film treatments. Therefore, we may suggest that 100,000 ㏄/㎡ㆍdayㆍatm laser treated non-perforated film was the proper film for MAP of paprika under long distance export condition that was 7 ± 1℃ and RH 90% for 15 days, and then 20℃ and RH 55% for 7 days.

      • KCI등재

        하도를 이용한 오수혈 오행배속 원리 고찰

        최인서 ( In Suh Choi ),이봉효 ( Bong Hyo Lee ) 경락경혈학회 2014 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.31 No.2

        Five transport points are often used in acupuncture treatment. However, there is no clear explanation about the reason why the five transport points are matched five phases in this manner. Therefore, we reviewed the literatures and theses about the principal of matching and researched a new way to understand the reason. Methods : We found 8 theses and 3 literatures related to the matching of five transport points to five phases by searching the web sites. And, we reviewed the principal of matching and researched another new way to understand the reason why they are matched so. Results and Conclusions : In the viewpoint of the natural state and function of five phases, the start points arising in yin- and yang-meridian are matched to wood and metal respectively. Therefore, well point matches the wood and metal in yin- and yang-meridian respectively. And by following the flow of five transport points, the other points match with fire, earth, metal, water in yin-meridian and water, wood, fire, and earth in yang-meridian.

      • KCI등재

        Quantum dot LED (QD-LED)와 White-LED 보광에 따른 방울토마토 과실의 품질, 수확량 및 경제성 비교

        이주환 ( Joo Hwan Lee ),최담희 ( Dam Hee Choi ),노유한 ( Yoo Han Roh ),권용범 ( Yong Beom Kwon ),아포라비아비오둔사무엘 ( Abiodun Samuel Afolabi ),최인이 ( In-lee Choi ),김용득 ( Yongduk Kim ),신정철 ( Jung Chul Shin ),김민하 ( Minha K 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2022 강원 농업생명환경연구 Vol.34 No.0

        본 연구는 햇빛을 대조구로 설정하고 White 및 QD-LED를 이용하여 방울토마토의 군락 위 보광을 하였으며, 과실의 수확량 및 내·외적 품질변화에 대해 알아보고 경제적이며 효과적인 광원을 선발하기 위해 수행하였다. 인공광원을 통한 보광은 대조구보다 평균 45.4% 광도를 높였으며 Fv/Fm은 9.2% 증가했다. 광도 변화와 함께 광원의 광질에 따라서도 차이를 보였는데, QD-LED에서 가장 높은 a*/b*값으로 White-LED 및 대조구보다 변색기의 진행이 빨라 숙기가 가장 많이 단축됨을 알 수 있었다. 또한 과장, 과폭, 과실수, 과방무게에서 보광처리구가 대조구보다 높은 값을 보였으며, 그 중 QD-LED가 결과값이 가장 높았다. 당도는 같은 기간 내 성숙이 가장 빨랐던 QD-LED가 가장 높았고 산도 및 경도는 가장 낮았다. DPPH 라디컬 소거능과 Ascorbic acid는 보광처리가 대조구보다 높은 값을 보였고 보광처리구에서는 QD-LED가 White-LED보다 더 좋은 효과를 나타냈으며, 기형과 발생률도 QD-LED에서 가장 낮았다. 두 광원의 경제적인 측면을 고려할 때 QD-LED는 White-LED에 비해 상대적으로 전력 소비가 적고 비용이 저렴하며 에너지 사용 효율이 훨씬 높았다. 이 모든 요소를 종합하면 방울토마토의 군락 위에 대한 보광은 효과적이며 광원으로는 QD-LED를 사용하는 것이 가장 적합하다고 판단된다. This study was conducted to investigate the yield of fruits and changes in internal and external quality, and to select an economical and effective light source. Sunlight was set as a control, and lights were supplemented on the upper canopy of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) using white and QD-LED. The supplemental light through the artificial light source increased the light intensity by 45.4% on average compared to the control, and the Fv/Fm increased by 9.2%. There was a difference in light quality as well as a change in light intensity, and it was found that the QD-LED with the highest a*/b* value progressed faster at the breaking stage and the maturation period was greatly shortened compared to that of White-LED and the control. The supplemental lighting treated group showed higher values than the control group for length, width, number of fruit, and weight of cluster, and among them, QD-LED showed the highest value. The QD-LED, which matured tomatoes the fastest within the same period, resulted in the highest soluble solids and the lowest titratable acidity and firmness. For DPPH radical scavenging activity and ascorbic acid, the supplemental lighting treatment showed higher values than the control group, and QD-LED showed better effects than White-LED in the supplemental lighting treatment. Additionally, the malformed fruit incidence rates were the lowest in QD-LED. Considering the economical aspect of both light sources, the QD-LED showed a relatively lower electrical power consumption, lower cost, and a much higher energy use efficiency than White-LED. We conclude that supplemental lightning on the upper canopy of cherry tomatoes is effective and QD-LED is the most suitable for use.

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