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      • 국내 자생 배향초의 화학형 분류와 수집지역에 따른 화학형의 분포

        채영암 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 1999 농업생명과학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Equilibrium headspace analysis connected with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to identify volatile compounds released from the leaves of 73 individual plants of Agastache rugosa collected from 11 sub-regions in South Korea. Chemometric investigation of the infra-specific variability in volatiles led to identify five main chemotypes; elaborated estragole (Type 1) as the major component, and the other four chemotypes, characteristically contain monoterpenois compounds, isomenthone (Type 2), pulegone (Type 3), limonene (Type 4) and isomenthone+pulegone (Type 5), In these chemotypes, pulegone, limonene and isomenthone+pulegone types revealed that the diversity of new chemotypes were present in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        카드뮴 장기간 투여에 따른 흰쥐의 신장내 카드뮴 축적량과 뇨중 배설량의 변화

        송인순,조영채,김수영,박암,손경선,이태용,이동배 大韓産業醫學會 1997 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        This study was performed to compare the cadmium accumulation levels in kidney with urinary cadmium excretion levels according to the duration of cadmium exposure in rats. Total 120 male rats, 6 weeks of age, were administered 0.5 mg/day of Cd to subcutaneously, intraperitoneally and orally 6 times per week for 12 weeks. The animals were sacrificed in the 1st day of 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th week after beginning of cadmium administrations. Body weight, hematologic values, enzyme activities, renal Cd levels, urinary Cd and proteins were calculated and each value was compared according to the Cd administration routes. The Cd accumulation levels in the kidney of rats increased remarkably for 6-8th weeks which were experimented and urinary Cd excretion levels and urinary protein levels showed the tendency of increasing with the Cd accumulations in kidneys, especially in the subcutaneous injected rats. On the other hand, there was a significant positive correlation among the total Cd administration, the Cd accumulation in the kidneys, the urinary Cd excretion and protein.

      • KCI등재후보

        特用作物의 種子更新 現況과 問題點

        Yong Am Chae(蔡永岩),Jung Il Lee(李正日) 한국육종학회 1985 한국육종학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Past progress of varietal improvement and current systems for seed production and distribution of several important industrial crops were discussed. Main problems for seed production and distribution appeared in this review are legal restriction of the number of industrial crops involved in the major crop seed law, registered seed production without financial support by govermental base, two-way systems for distribution of certified seed and incomplete seed production systems for F₁ variety of rape. The alternative ways to solve the problems are the legal involvement of more industrial crops needed pure seed production, financial support by governmental base for seed production like as rice and corn, unification of certified seed distribution systems, and F₁ seed production of rape by seed company or by governmental institution.

      • KCI등재후보

        綠豆×black gram 雜種의 世代進展에 따른 作物學的 特性과 耐病蟲性

        Yong Ho Kim(金龍昊),Young Am Chae(蔡永岩),Eun Hi Hong(洪殷熹) 한국육종학회 1993 한국육종학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        This study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of developing new mung bean lines through the understanding of genetic variation in agronomic characters as well as introgression of resistance gene to disease and insect in hybrid between mung bean and black gram. In advanced generations, the percentage of aborted seed, incidence of plant death and sterile plants were reduced. The number of bivalent of chromosome configuration in meiosis metaphase Ⅰ was increased according to generation advances, suggesting that chromosome configuration was closely related to the interspecific hybrid fertility. Correlation coefficients of yield and pod number were varied widely as generation advanced, but those of plant height and pod length were reduced. Crude protein and amino acid content of hybrid progenies were highter than those of parents as generation advanced. Hybrid progenies were more resistant than mung bean to Cercosporal Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew in field. Resistance to bruchid beetles in the laboratory test was shown in all hybrid progenies.

      • KCI등재후보

        Vigna屬의 種間交雜에 의한 交雜 親和性과 雜種 F₁의 特性

        Yong Ho Kim(金龍昊),Young Am Chae(蔡永岩),Eun Hi Hong(洪殷熹) 한국육종학회 1992 한국육종학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Crossability of interspecific hybridization in genus Vigna was measured in all possible combinations between adzuki bean and mung bean as female parents and mung bean, adzuki bean, black gram, rice bean and V.glabrescens as male parents. Incompatibility was found in interspecific hybrids when adzuki bean was crossed as female parent. Immature embryo culture derived from hybrids of adzuki bean×black gram and adzuki bean×V.glabrescens failed to regenerate plants, whereas regenerated plants of adzuki bean×rice bean and adzuki bean×mung bean were completely died at seedling stage after transferring. Some seedling were obtained through embryo culture of mung bean×adzuki bean or mung bean×V.glabrescens, but they were not survived at all. F₁ hybrids were flowering well but sterile in mung bean×rice bean and V.glabrescens×mung bean. Even though mung bean was fairly compatible with black gram, embryo culture was the only way to obtain hybrids. Hybrids were partially fertile and flowering well, but their pod set was low. Normal pollen germination and pollen tube growth were observed in all hybridizations among Vigna species. Mostly, pollen tubes reached ovules within 24 hours after pollination.

      • 담배 疫病 抵抗性 細胞株의 選拔과 再分化

        金龍昊,蔡永岩 서울大學校 農科大學 1985 서울대농학연구지 Vol.10 No.1

        本 實驗은 callus水準에서 담배 역병 저항성 세포주의 선발 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 실험을 수행하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 1. 담배 심부 절편을 배양하여 callus를 유기시키는데는 IAA 2mg/l+kinetin 0.2mg/l가 添加된 Murashige-Skoog(MS) 배지가 가장 良好하였다. 2. Callus에 接種原을 接種시킬 때 反應을 잘 觀察할 수 있는 接種原의 濃度는 callus當 3個정도의 유주자낭(유주자 30∼60개)이 가장 適當했다. 3. 接種後 callus의 反應에는 호르몬의 濃度가 影響을 미쳤는데 IAA 2mg/l+kinetin 0.2mg/l은 低抗性을 IAA 2mg/l+kinetin 0.2mg/l은 罹病性을 많이 發現시켰다. 4. 低抗性 反應을 보인 callus를 繼代培養하여 再接種한 結果 低抗性 程度는 처음 반응과 같았다. 5. Callus에서 shoot의 分化는 BA 2mg/l를 첨가한 MS배지가 가장 좋았으며, 뿌리의 分化는 호르몬이 添加되지 않은 MS배지가 가장 良好했다. 6. 低抗性 callus에서 分化시킨 植物體를 土壤接種했을 때의 反應은 callus에서의 反應과 같아 callus水準에서 선발한 低抗性은 再分化 植物體에서도 유지됨을 알 수 있어 callus水準에서의 耐病性 細胞株의 選拔 可能性이 입증되었다. This experiment was carried out to know the possibility for the selection of resistant cell line at callus level. Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae was used as inoculum. The results are summarized as follows; 1. Addition of 2mg/l IAA and 0.2mg/l kinetin to Murashige-Skoog basal medium was the best hormonal combination for callus induction in tobacco pith culture. 2. Three zoosporangia per callus piece was optimum level to distinguish the response of calli. 3. The effect of differing cytokinin and auxin concentration on the resistance of tobacoo tissue culture were important. "Hypersensitive reaction" was observed when adding IAA 2mg/l and 0.2mg/l kinetin, however, hypersensitive reaction did not occur in case of IAA 2mg/l and 2mg/l kinetin addition to the medium. 4. Resistance was maintained in subculture of resistant calli. 5. Shoots were developed when adding BA 2mg/l to Murashige-Skoog medium, and roots were differentiated in free hormonal Murashige-Skoog medium. 6. The results of seeding test was so well corresponded with that of callus lines could be selected as breeding materials based on callus reaction to the pathogen.

      • KCI등재후보

        In vitro breeding for salt-tolerance rice Ⅲ. Detection of reliable selection criterion for salt-tolerance evaluation

        Young Am Chae(蔡永岩),Yong Ho Kim(金龍昊),Jung Gee Heu(許貞基) 한국육종학회 1989 한국육종학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Proline, Na, K and Ca ion contents in the callus cells cultured on the medium with and without NaCl were analyzed to determine reliable selection marker for salt-tolerance evaluation and later in quantitative genetic analysis of salt-tolerance. Even though there was no statistically significant varietal difference in proline content of the callus grown on salt-free medium, proline accumulation ability of the callus was significantly different under salt-stress while the cation contents in the callus grown both on the media with and without NaCl was significantly different. The rank of proline content in the 10 different varietal callus cultured on salt-free medium was highly coincided with the rank of proline accumulation under saline stress but three was no such relationship in case of the cation contents. Larger variability in proline accumulation even under NaCl-stress could provide easier identfication of the salt-tolerant callus. The range of variation in the cation contents was much narrowed under saline condition. Thus measure of proline accumulation in callus may be the most reliable selection criterion for salt-tolerance evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        겨울유채의 개화습성에 관한 연구

        채영암,권용웅,이정일,Young-Am Chae,Yong-Woong Kwon,Jung-Il Lee 한국작물학회 1981 Korean journal of crop science Vol.26 No.3

        유채의 개화습성을 용당품종을 공시하여 분석한 결과를 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 1. 개체당 총개화수는 1,400~l,500개이었고 개화는 4월13일에 시작하였으며, 개체당 개화소요 일수는 30일이었다. 2. 개체당 협수는 560~630게 정도이었고 개체당 1차 분지는 18~20개이었다. 3. 협을 형성하는데 평균 5일이 소요되있고 분지의 부위에 따른 개화속도는 차이가 없었다. 4. 분지별 개화기간은 상부분지로 갈수록 0.45일씩 단축되었고 분지부위가 상위로 갈수록 협수는 1개 정도씩 감소했다. 5. 유분함량은 하부와 상부분지에서 높고 중부분지에서는 유의하게 낮았다. To know the characteristics of flowering in rape, flower numbers, flowering speed, flowering period, pod numbers, pod formation period, and oil content were examined by individual plant and by each of branches per plant. The results are; 1) plant had in average 1, 400 to 1, 500 flowers, 2) completion of flowering per plant took 30 days, 3) pod numbers per plant was ranged from 560 to 630, 4) plant had 18 to 20 primary branches, 5) five days were needed for pod formation, 6) no difference in flowering speed by the position of branches, 7) flowering period was shortened by 0.5 days per branch by going to upper part, 8) oil content of seeds was significantly higher on the upper and lower part than on the middle part branches.


        Enhanced Essential Oil Formation by Two-phase Culture of Mentha piperita Cells in Shake Flask and Air-lift Bioreactors

        Kim, Teresa,Kim, Tae Yong,Bae, Geun Won,Chae, Young Am,Lee, Hyong Joo,Chung, In Sik 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 1995 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.5 No.6

        Effect of two-phase culture on Mentha piperita cell growth and essential oil formation was investigated using shake flask and air-lift bioreactors. LiChroprep RP-8(RP-8) addition did not impair M. piperita cell growth, but resulted in stimulated formation of essential oils and increased ratios of extracellular oil to intracellular oil formation. However, the combined use of RP-8 and chitosan elicitor was not synergistic. Volumetric productivity of essential oils in RP-8 treated culture using cell-recycled air-lift bioreactor was 6.9 ㎍/ℓ·day which was substantially higher than that obtainable from the control. Our results demonstrate the potential of a second phase to enhance overall productivity for M. piperita cell culture.

      • KCI등재

        다량 뿌리혹 형성 콩 계통의 도입 개발 및 생육특성구명 1 : 돌연변이유기에 의한 콩 초다뿌리혹형성 계통선발

        Hong Suk Lee,Young Am Chae,Eui Ho Park,Yong Wook Kim,Kwang Il Yun,Suk Ha Lee 韓國作物學會 1997 한국작물학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        콩에서 돌연변이를 효율적으로 유기시킬 수 있는 적정 EMS농도를 결정하기 위하여, 황금콩, 장엽콩, 검정콩 001에 30, 50, 70mM EMS세 수준으로 처리 한 다음 M1 종자의 포장발아율과 M2 세대의 돌연변이체 출현빈도율을 조사하였으며 다량 뿌리혹형성 변이체 선발을 위하여 신팔달콩002 종자 약 18,000립에 30mM EMS를 처리하여 M2 세대에서 선발하고, 선발된 변이체의 뿌리혹 형성능력을 미국 초다뿌리혹형성 nts계통과 비교한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. M1 종자의 포장출현율은 검정콩 001가 황금콩과 장엽콩보다 높은 경향이었으며, 세 품종 모두 EMS처리 농도가 증가함에 따라 포장출현율이 낮았다. 2. M2 세대에서 돌연변이개체는 엽록소 결핍개체가 가장 많이 출현하였는데, 그외에도 생장점괴사, 엽이상, 엽수변이체, 단경 등 다양한 변이양상을 보였다. 3. 30mM EMS처리가 포장발아율도 높고, 돌연변이개체 출현율도 50, 70mM에 비하여 양호한 편으로 판단되었다. 4. 신팔달콩 002로부터 30mM EMS처리에 의하여 M2 세대에서 뿌리혹 형성 nts계통보다도 많은 뿌리혹이 형성되었으며, 뿌리혹형성도 일찍 시작되었다. Development of soybean cultivars with great nodulation and high nitrogen fixation activity, derived mostly from mutagenesis, may decrease inputs of chemical fertilizer nitrogen into the soil-plant system. Soybean seeds (cv. Jangyupkong, Hwanggeumkong, and Geomjungkong 1) were treated with three different levels of EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate) concentration(30, 50, and 70mM). Increasing the doses of EMS resulted in decreased field emergence rate of seeds, whereas it did not increase M2 mutation frequencies. This indicated that the most efficient concentration of EMS was 30mM for generating mutants. Extensive mutagenesis of Sinpaldalkong 2 with 30mM EMS was undertaken to isolate soybean mutants with greater nodulation. Approximately 8, 200 M2 families were screened for greater nodulation on 5 mM nitrate after inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain YCK213-KFCC-10728. Mutant SS-2 nodulated more than the wild type. Comparison of supernodulation between SS-2 and two nts mutants(nts 1007 and nts 1116) revealed that SS-2 showed the supernodulation character at an earlier growth stage than the two nts mutants. Further studies should be needed to characterize the difference in timing of nodulation between SS-2 and nts mutants.

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