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      • KCI등재

        Growth and Physiological Responses of Chinese Cabbage and Radish to Long-term Exposure to Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Temperature

        CHOIEUN YOUNG,서태철,이상규,조일환,James Stangoulis 한국원예학회 2011 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.52 No.4

        Future forecasts for climate change predict the global mean surface air temperature rise by 1 - 4℃ and double current atmospheric CO2 level before the end of 21 century. Increased atmospheric temperature and CO2 concentration are particularly important concerns for agricultural, horticultural and native plant production. In this study, effects of long-term exposure to elevated temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) on the growth and physiological responses of 3 cultivars of Chinese radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and 3 cultivars of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L.) were examined. In result,the radishes exposed to elevated CO2 for 90 days after sowing (DAS) resulted in little or no change in the root dry weights and the rate of photosynthesis compared with those grown in ambient levels of CO2. In contrast, long-term exposure to elevated CO2 in cabbage had variable effects on the leaf dry weight. As a result of acclimating to the elevated temperature, the radish ‘Chunha’ had a higher rate of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and internal CO2 concentration than in the control condition. Furthermore, the long-term exposure to a combination condition of elevated temperature and CO2 increased root dry weights of the radishes ‘Cheongdae’ and ‘Chunha’ more than elevated temperature alone. The combination of elevated CO2and temperature stimulated the growth of roots more than that of shoots in the radish ‘Chunha’, and thus may have led a higher rate of nutrient uptake than other radish cultivars. In contrast, when the cabbage ‘Chun-gwang’ was exposed to a combination of elevated temperature and CO2 for 90 DAS, the leaf dry weight decreased about 3-fold more than that only exposed to elevated CO2 with drastic decreases in stomatal conductance, internal CO2 and photosynthesis rate. When the cabbage ‘Samjin’ was exposed to either elevated temperature alone or both elevated temperature and CO2 for 80 DAS, the decrease in the leaf dry weight was less than that of the other cabbage cultivars. Results indicated that the radish ‘Chunha’ and the cabbage ‘Samjin’ tolerated either elevated temperature alone or combination condition of elevated temperature and CO2 more than other cultivars.

      • KCI등재

        Boron Availability Alters Its Distribution in Plant Parts of Tomato

        CHOIEUN YOUNG,박해인,주진희,윤용한 한국원예학회 2015 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.56 No.2

        This study was performed to investigate boron (B) distribution within various parts of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L. ‘Super Momotarou’) grown under either B supply (adequate, 0.5 mg·L-1) or no B (0 mg·L-1) condition. The objective was to examine how B supply affects plant growth, photosynthetic activity and the morphological response of the entire root system. When the plants were grown for 36 days under the B supply treatment, B concentration was greatest in the order of the leaf (54.3 μg·g-1), fruit cluster (27.8 μg·g-1), petiole (24.7 μg·g-1), and stem (14.1 μg·g-1). However, B deficient supply altered the B distribution so that the greatest concentration was found in the stem (7.82 μg·g-1); then the petiole (8.20 μg·g-1), the fruit cluster (5.5 μg·g-1), and lastly in the leaf (4.11 μg·g-1). No B treatment resulted an approximately 46% decrease in the calcium content of the leaf and an 87% decrease in the potassium content of the fruit cluster. No B treatment also led to a severe decrease in photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration, with an increase in the water vapor saturation deficit at the leaf surface. Microscopic investigation of the stomata 36 days after transplant revealed that a majority of the stomata in the epidermal layer of B-deficit leaves were closing. The total dry weights of the leaves, leaf petioles and stems of B-deficit leaves decreased by 36, 43, and 27%, respectively, at 22 days after transplant, and decreased by 60, 69, and 60%, respectively, at 36 days after transplant, compared to the values for the B-sufficient leaves. A 10-fold lower fruit cluster dry weight was also observed in the B-deficit plants. Under no B supply, the total root length at 35 days after transplant decreased by about 56%, while the average root diameter increased by 20%. This was associated with a significant decrease in the root length, which ranged between 0 and 0.2 mm in diameter, alongside a significant increase in the root length, which ranged larger than 0.9 mm in diameter. One explanation for this finding is that limited B availability leads to a lack of translocation of B to the leaf and reproductive tissues, and this alteration of B partitioning may then affect fruit quality as well as root growth. An improved understanding of B partitioning in plant tissues may help to improve B management and, in the long term, improve crop yields.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of Secondary-lateral Branch Removal during Watermelon Production

        CHOIEUN YOUNG,조일환,문지혜,우영회 한국원예학회 2012 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.53 No.1

        The cultural practice of removal of the secondary-lateral branch of watermelon during the production in greenhouse requires intensive input of human labor. Secondary-lateral branch removal practices were examined in horizontally trained two watermelon cultivars (Citrullus lanatus), ‘Sambock-gul’ and ‘Speed-honey’ to determine the comparative differences in labor input as well as to understand their impact on plant and fruit growth and fruit sugar accumulation. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 consisted of two treatments for plants trained with one main stem and two lateral branches: removal of the entire secondary-lateral branch or removal of the secondary-lateral branch below the fruit set node (partial removal). Experiment 2 consisted of three treatments for plants trained with either two or three lateral branches after topping the main stem: removal of the entire secondary-lateral branch, removal of the secondary-lateral branch below fruit set node, or removal of the secondary-lateral branch below the 5th node above fruit set node. Results showed that removal of the secondary-lateral branch below the fruit set node lowered human labor input by 50% compared with removal of the entire secondary-lateral branch. Additionally,some physiological benefits were also found for the plant treated by partial removal of the secondary-lateral branch. While fruit growth rate and fruit sucrose accumulation were much slower than those under other treatments until 3weeks after pollination, 4 weeks after pollination sucrose accumulation started to increase steeply, and reached the highest concentration observed, 18.2 mg・mL-1. A greater increase in the length of fine roots, 0.2 mm in diameter, was observed under the partial removal treatment than for the entire removal treatment. During the fruit ripening period,the younger and developing leaves on secondary-lateral branches had a higher growth rate and higher photosynthetic activity than those of leaves on lateral branches. The integrated data indicate that active leaves on the secondary-lateral branch are likely to compete with the fruit as a sink during the fruit growing period, leading to slow fruit growth. However, during fruit ripening, the leaves on the secondary-lateral branch are likely to become a supportive source of carbon, leading to enhancement of sucrose accumulation in fruit.

      • KCI등재

        Scheduling Non-drainage Irrigation in Coir Substrate Hydroponics with Different Percentages of Chips and Dust for Tomato Cultivation using a Frequency Domain Reflectometry Sensor

        CHOIEUN YOUNG,최기영,이용범 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2013 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        This study examined an automated irrigation technique by a frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) sensor for scheduling irrigation for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. ‘Starbuck F1’) cultivation aimed at avoiding effluent from an open hydroponic system with coir substrate containing different ratios of chip-to-dust (v/v) content. Specifically, the objectives were to undertake preliminary measurements of irrigation volumes, leachate volume, volumetric water content and electrical conductivity (EC) in the substrate, plant growth, fruit yield, and water use efficiency resulting from variation in chip content as an initial experiment. Commercial coir substrates containing different percentages of chips and dust (0 and 100%, 30 and 70%, 50 and 50%, or 70 and 30%), two-story coir substrates with different percentages of chips in the lower layer and dust in the upper layer (15 and 85%, 25 and 75%, or 35 and 65%), or rockwool slabs were used. The results showed that a negligible or no leachate was found for all treatments when plants were grown under a technique for scheduling non-drainage irrigation using a frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) sensor. Daily irrigation volume was affected by chip content in both commercial and two-story slabs. The highest plant growth, marketable fruit weight, and water-use efficiency were observed in the plants grown in the commercial coir slab containing 0% chips and 100% dust, indicating that the FDR sensor-automated irrigation may be more useful for tomato cultivation in coir substrate containing 0% chips and 100% dust using water efficiently and minimizing or avoiding leachate and thus increasing yield and reducing pollution. Detailed experiment is necessary to closely focus on determining appropriate irrigation volume at each of irrigation as well as duration of each individual irrigation cycle depending on different physical properties of substrates using an automated irrigation system operated by the FDR sensor.

      • KCI등재

        Physiological and Morphological Responses in Boron-Deficit Chinese Cabbage

        CHOIEUN YOUNG,전윤아,최기영,James Stangoulis 한국원예학회 2016 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.57 No.4

        This study aimed to investigate the effects of low boron (B) supply on plant growth, gas exchange, leaf B concentration and distribution during the development of B deficiency, and B symptom development in the Chinesecabbage (Brassica campestris L. ‘Chun-gwang’). Low B supply (deficiency) led to a significant (p <0.05) decrease in total leaf number, maximum leaf width and length by around 40, 46 and 59%, respectively, when compared withthose of B-sufficient (0.5 mg B·L-1) cabbage at 32 days after transplanting (DAT). Measurement of gas exchange in the leaves revealed that the photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate within B-deficient leaves significantly decreased, whereas leaf to air vapor pressure deficit (VpdL) and leaf temperature increased. Microscopic investigations revealed that the majority of stomatal pores in the epidermal layer of the B-deficient leaves were closed. A 56% decrease in total root length and a 35% increase in average root diameter was also observed in B-deficient cabbage. The increase in the average root diameter of B-deficient cabbage was associated with a decrease in fine root length within a range of 0 and 0.2 mm in diameter, as well as an increase in the root length of 0.9 mm in diameter. No visual symptoms of B deficiency were detected in the old leaf tissue of B-deficient cabbage at 26 DAT, of which the B concentration was 2-fold higher (16.8 ± 2.9 μg·g-1), although symptoms developed on other leaves (8.9 ± 0.8 μg·g-1). Standardized measurements of brown streaks (necrosis), and leaf area affected by corking symptoms versus total leaf area indicated that symptoms developed continuously, while leaf growth ceased.

      • KCI등재

        온도와 관수 주기가 오이 포트 묘의 광합성, 생육 및 생장 해석에 미치는 영향

        안진희,CHOIEUN YOUNG,이용범,최기영 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2023 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        This study was conducted in an indoor cultivation room and chamber where environmental control is possible to investigate the effect of temperature and irrigation interval on photosynthesis, growth and growth analysis of potted seedling cucumber. The light intensity (70 W·m-2) and humidity (65%) were set to be the same. The experimental treatments were six combinations of three different temperatures, 15/10℃, 25/20℃, and 35/25°C, and two irrigation intervals, 100 mL per day (S) and 200 mL every 2 days (L). The treatments were named 15S, 15L, 25S, 25L, 35S, and 35L. Seedlings at 0.5 cm in height were planted in pots (volume:1 L) filled with sandy loam and treated for 21 days. Photosynthesis, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance at 14 days after treatment were highest in 25S. These were higher in S treatments with a shorter irrigation interval than L treatments. Total amount of irrigation water was supplied evenly at 2 L, but the soil moisture content was highest at 15S and lowest at 25S > 15L > 25L, 35S and 35L in that order. Humidity showed a similar trend at 15/10℃ (61.1%) and 25/20℃ (67.2%), but it was as high at 35/25°C (80.5%). Cucumber growth (plant height, leaf length, leaf width, chlorophyll content, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight) on day 21 was the highest in 25S. Growth parameters were higher in S with shorter irrigation intervals. Yellow symptom of leaf was occurred in 89.9% at 35S and 35L, where the temperature was high. Relative growth rate (RGR) and specific leaf weight (SLA) were high at 25/20℃ (25S, 25L), RGR tended to be high in the S treatment, and SLA in the L treatment. Water use efficiency (WUE) was high in the order of 25S, 25L > 15S > 15L, 35S, and 35L. As a result of the above, the growth and WUE were high at the temperature of 25/20℃. 본 연구는 오이(Cucumis sativus L.)의 광합성, 생육 및 수분이용효율을 분석하고 생장해석을 통해 생육 온도와 관수 주기가 식물에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 환경 제어가 가능한 실내 재배상에서 광도(70W·m-2)와 상대습도(65%)를 동일하게 설정하여 수행하였다. 처리는 주/야간 온도(℃)를15/10℃, 25/20℃및 35/25℃로 3처리하였고, 각 온도별 관수 주기를 1일 1회 100mL(S), 2일 1회 200mL(L)로 달리 공급하는 처리를 조합하여 총 6개(15S, 15L, 25S, 25L, 35S, 35L) 처리를 하였다. 초장이 0.5cm인 오이묘 ‘아시아 은천’을 양질사토로 충진한 1L 원형 포트에 정식하여 21일간 처리하였다. 처리 14일째 광합성, 증산율과 기공전도도는 25S에서 가장 높았고, 관수 주기가 짧은 S처리에서 L처리보다 높았다. 처리 기간 중 총 관수량이 2L로 동일하게 공급되었지만 토양함수율은 15S에서 가장 높았고 25S > 15L > 25L, 35S, 35L 순으로 낮았다. 상대습도는 15/10℃(61.1%)와 25/20℃ (67.2%)는 비슷한 경향을 보였지만 35/25℃에서는 80.5%로 높았다. 21일째 오이 생육은 25S에서 가장 높았고, 초장, 생체중과 건물중은 관수 주기에 영향을 받았다. 잎끝 황화 현상은 온도가 높았던 35S, 35L에서 89.9% 발생하였다. 상대생장률(RGR)과 비엽중(SLA)은 25/20℃(25S, 25L)에서 높았고, RGR은 관수 주기가 짧은 S처리, SLA은 L처리에서 높은 경향을 보였다. 수분이용효율(WUE)은 25S, 25L > 15S > 15L, 35S, 35L 순으로 높았다. 이상의 결과 적온인 25/20℃에서 생육과 수분이용효율도 높았다. 그러나 35/25℃(35S, 35L) 처리에서는 토양 함수량이 낮았고, 잎끝 황화현상이 발생하였으며, 15/10℃(15S, 15L)에서 토양 함수율이 높고 광합성과 생장이 낮았다.

      • KCI등재

        Irrigation Control for Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Coir Substrate Hydroponic System

        유형주,CHOIEUN YOUNG,이용범 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2015 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        The objectives of this study were to determine optimal length of off-time between irrigation cycles to improve irrigation efficiency using a frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) sensor-automated irrigation (FAI) system for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivation aimed at minimizing effluent from coir substrate hydroponics. For treatments, the 5-minute off-time length between 3-minute run-times (defined as 3R5F), 10-minute off-time length between 3-minute run-times (defined as 3R10F), or 15-minute off-time length between 5-minute run-times (defined as 5R15F) were set. During the 3-minute or 5-minute run-time, a 60mL or 80mL of nutrient solution was irrigated to each plant, respectively. Until 62 days after transplant (DAT) during the autumn to winter cultivation, daily irrigation volume was in the order of 3R5F (858mL) > 5R15F (409mL) > 3R10F (306mL) treatment, and daily drainage ratio was in the order of 3R5F (44%) > 5R15F (23%) > 3R10F (14%). Between 63 and 102 DAT, daily irrigated volume was in the order of 5R15F (888mL) > 3R5F (695mL) > 3R10F (524mL) with the highest drainage ratio, 19% (±2.6), at the 5R15F treatment. During the spring to summer cultivation, daily irrigation volume and drainage ratio per plant was higher in the 3R5F treatment than that of the 3R10F treatment. For both cultivations, a higher water use efficiency (WUE) was observed under the 3R10F treatment. Integrated all the data suggest that the optimal off-time length is 10 minutes.

      • KCI우수등재

        대학생들의 실측 최대산소섭취량과 심폐지구력 관련 현장검사 추정 최대산소섭취량과의 차이: 파일럿 스터디

        최은주(ChoiEun-ju),이연숙(LeeYeon-sook),소위영(SoWi-young) 한국체육학회 2017 한국체육학회지 Vol.56 No.1

        본 연구는 대학생들에게 있어서 4가지의 현장검사(퀸스 스텝검사, 1마일 걷기검사, 12분 달리기검사, 15분 달리기검사) 중 어느 현장검사의 최대산소섭취량 추정치가 점증적 운동부하 검사를 통하여 도출된 실제 최대산소섭취량과 일치하는 결과를 나타내는지를 확인하고자 하는데 있다. 본 연구의 대상자는 충북소재 K대학교 대학생 39명(남학생 23명; 여학생 16명)으로 구성되었다. 실측된 최대산소섭취량과 4가지의 현장검사를 비교하기 위하여 일원분산분석(one-way analysis of variance)을 실시하였으며, 사후검증으로 Tukey의 방법을 실시하였다. 남학생의 경우, 실측 최대산소섭취량은 55.69±7.23 ml/kg/min으로서 퀸스 스텝검사 55.45±5.69 ml/kg/min, 1마일 걷기검사 56.29±3.89 ml/kg/min와 통계적인 유의한 차이는 없었으나(p>0.05), 12분 달리기 검사 48.43±7.88 ml/kg/min, 15분 달리기 검사 46.07±4.65 ml/kg/min와 통계적인 유의차가 나타났다(p< 0.05). 여학생의 경우, 실측 최대산소섭취량은 45.30±4.78 ml/kg/min으로서 1마일 걷기검사 47.92±3.58 ml/kg/min와 통계적인 유의한 차이는 없었으나(p >0.05), 퀸스 스텝검사 36.58±3.16 ml/kg/min, 12분 달리기 검사 32.46±7.64 ml/kg/min, 15분 달리기 검사 36.69±4.49 ml/kg/min와 통계적인 유의차가 나타났다(p<0.05). 남학생의 경우 실측 최대산소섭취량을 가장 잘 대변하는 현장검사로는 1마일 걷기검사와 퀸스 스텝검사로 권장될 수 있으며, 여학생의 경우 1마일 걷기검사가 권장될 수 있을 것이다. This study was performed to identify the degree of agreement between VO<sub>2</sub>max measured using one of four types of field tests (Queens College Step Test, Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test, Cooper 12-Minute Run Test, and Balke 15 Minute Test) with actual VO<sub>2</sub>max measured using the Graded Exercise Test in Korean college students. This study included 39 subjects from K University (male=23; female=16) in Chungbuk province. One-way analysis of variance was conducted to compare actual VO<sub>2</sub>max with VO<sub>2</sub>max measured using the four field tests, and a post-hoc test (Tukey) was then conducted. In male students, actual VO<sub>2</sub>max was 55.69±7.23 ml/kg/min, and there were no significant differences with VO<sub>2</sub>max values measured with the Queens College Step Test (55.45±5.69 ml/kg/min) and Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test (56.29±3.89 ml/kg/min; p>0.05); however, there were significant differences with VO<sub>2</sub>max values measured with the Cooper 12-Minute Run Test (48.43±7.88 ml/kg/min) and Balke 15 Minute Test(46.07±4.65 ml/kg/min; p< 0.05). In female students, actual VO<sub>2</sub>max was 45.30±4.78 ml/kg/min, and there was no significant difference with the VO<sub>2</sub>max value measured with the Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test (47.92±3.58 ml/kg/min; p >0.05), however there were significant differences with the VO<sub>2</sub>max values measured with the Queens College Step Test (36.58±3.16 ml/kg/min), Cooper 12-Minute Run Test (32.46±7.64 ml/kg/min), and Balke 15 Minute Test (36.69±4.49 ml/kg/min) (p<0.05). It was found that the Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test and Queens College Step Test were recommended for measuring actual VO<sub>2</sub>max in male students and only the Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test was recommended for measuring actual VO<sub>2</sub>max in female students.

      • KCI등재

        고온기 야간시간 근권냉방이 파프리카 배지온도와 생리적 반응에 미치는 영향

        최기영,고지연,CHOIEUN YOUNG,이한철,이성은,이용범 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2013 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        This study examined a technique for cooling root zone aimed at lowering substrate temperature for sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L. ‘Orange glory’) cultivation in coir substrate hydroponics during hot season, from the 16th of July to 15th of ℃tober in 2012. The root zone cooling technique was applied by using an air duct (∅12 cm,hole size 0.1 mm) to blow cool air between two slabs during night (5p.m. to 3a.m.). Between the 23rd of July and 31st of August (hot temperature period), average daily substrate temperature was 24.7℃ under the root zone cooling,whereas it was 28.2℃ under condition of no cooling (control). In sunny day (600~700 W m−2 · s−1), average substrate temperatures during the day (6a.m. to 8p.m.) and night (8p.m. to 6a.m.) were lower about 1.7℃ and 3.3℃,respectively, under the cooling treatment, compared to that of control. The degree of temperature reduction in the substrate was averagely 0.5℃ per hour under the cooling treatment during 6p.m. to 8p.m.; however, there was no decrease in the temperature under the control. The temperature difference between the cooling and control treatments was 1.3℃ and 0.6℃ in the upper and lower part of the slab, respectively. During the hot temperature period,about 32.5% reduction in the substrate temperature was observed under the cooling treatment, compared to the control. Photosynthesis, transpiration rate, and leaf water potential of plants grown under the cooling treatment were significantly higher than those under the control. The first flowering date in the cooling was faster about 4 days than in the control. Also, the number of fruits was significantly higher than that in the control. No differences in plant height,stem thickness, number of internode, and leaf width were found between the plants grown under the cooling and control,except for the leaf length with a shorter length under the cooling treatment. However, root zone cooling influenced negligibly on eliminating delay in fruiting caused by excessively higher air temperature (> 28℃), although the substrate temperature was reduced by 3℃ to 5.6℃. These results suggest that the technique of lowering substrate temperature by using air-duct blow needs to be incorporated into the lowering growing temperature system for growth and fruit set of health paprika. 본 실험은 고온기 근권냉방이 파프리카의 배지온도 하강과 파프리카의 생리적 반응에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 7월 16일부터 10월 15일까지 코이어 배지에서 재배하였다. 냉방방식은 공기순환 덕트(지름 12cm, 미세구멍(0.1mm)으로 찬 공기(7월~8월; 20 ± 2℃, 9월; 23 ± 2℃)를 야간시간(오후 5시~오전 3시) 공급하였다. 고온기(7월 23일부터 8월 31일) 중 파프리카 배지의일평균 온도가 냉방처리구는 24.7℃, 대조구는 28.2℃로,냉방처리구에서 대조구보다 3.0~5.6℃ 배지온도가 낮아졌다. 하루 중 맑은 날(650~700W · m−2) 주간(오전 5시~오후 8시)/야간(오후8시~오전5시) 냉방처리구 배지 온도는 대조구보다 1.7℃/3.3℃ 낮아졌다. 오후 6시에서 8시까지 초저녁 배지온도 하강속도가 냉방처리구에서는 평균 0.5℃/h, 대조구는 0℃/h였다. 배지 상부와 하부 간의대조구 대비 냉방처리구의 온도차도 각각 1.3℃, 0.6℃ 였다. 냉방처리는 고온(28~32℃) 배지 온도 노출율을 대조구 대비 32.5% 감소시켰다. 냉방처리구의 파프리카 광합성, 증산율 및 수분포텐셜은 대조구보다 높았다. 첫 개화시기도 대조구보다 4일앞당겨지고, 착과수도 증가하였다. 냉방처리구의 엽장은짧아졌으나, 초장, 경경, 분지수, 엽폭 등은 차이가 없었다. 야간 근권냉방으로 배지 온도가 3.0~5.6℃를 낮추었으나, 고온기 온실 온도가 고온에서는 파프리카 착과가지연되므로, 지상부 온도 하강 방법을 병행하면 파프리카 생육과 착과에 효과적이라 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        유럽계 장과형과 중과형 오이 품종의 사막기후 적응성 검증을 위한 생육 및 수량 특성 비교

        윤서아,김정만,CHOIEUN YOUNG,최기영,최경이,남기정,오석귀,배종향,이용범 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2022 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        This study aimed to examine cucumber (Cucumis sativus) varieties adaptive to the desert climate by comparing and analyzing the growth, yield, and water consumption. Two long-sized cucumber varieties, ‘Gulfstream’ and ‘Imea’ and two medium-sized cucumbers, ‘Nagene’ and ‘Sausan’ were cultivated in coir substrate hydroponics under hot and humid greenhouse conditions from March 2 to June 20, 2020. On the 113 DAT, ‘Nagene’ had the longest plant height and the highest internode number. The marketable fruit number per plant was higher in the medium-sized varieties, which had more internode number. The marketable fruit number was 31.3 for ‘Gulfstream’, 30.7 for ‘Imea’, 57.8 for ‘Nagene’, or 56.0 for ‘Sausan’ with no significant difference in total fruit weights per plant. The water consumption required to produce 200 g of fruit was lower in the ‘Nagene’ (2.39 L) with the highest water use efficiency (WUE). Therefore, ‘Nagene’ variety may have higher adaptability to desert high temperature compared to the long-sized varieties, and it is going to be necessary to verify more medium-sized cucumber varieties. 본 연구는 유럽계 장과형과 중과형 오이 품종을 고온·다습 조건에서 재배하여 품종별 생육과 수량 특성 및 수분소모량을 비교 분석하여 중과형 오이 품종에 대해 사막기후 적용 가능성을 검토하고자 수행되었다. 유럽형 장과종 오이 2품종(Cucumis sativus ‘Gulfstream’, ‘Imea’)과 중과종 오이 2품종(C. sativus ‘Nagene’, ‘Sausan’)을 연동형 플라스틱온실에서 2020년 3월 2일부터 6월 20일까지 코이어 수경재배로 재배하였다. 개체당 생산한 상품과수는 장과종 ‘Gulfstream’이 31.3개, ‘Imea’가 30.7개, 중과종 ‘Nagene’이 57.8개, ‘Sausan’이 56개로 마디수가 더 많았던 중과종이 상품과수가 더 많았으며 개체당 생산된 총상품과중은 유의차가 없었다. 과실 200g을 생산하기 위해 소요된 물량은 ‘Nagene’이 2.39L로 가장 적었으며, 수분이용이용효율(WUE)은 ‘Nagene’ 품종이 가장 높았다. 따라서, 상품과수와 물소비량을 고려할 때 장과종보다는 중과종인 ‘Nagene’이 사막 고온 적응성이 더 높을 것으로 판단되고 앞으로 더 많은 중과종 품종에 대한 검증이 필요할 것으로 보인다.

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