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      • 새마을運動의 繼承發展方向

        高秉浩,南基旻,趙喆柱 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1990 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        Looking back upon the Saemaul Undong, even since it began in the year 1970, it has been developed more powerfully and accomplished community development with the slogan of diligence, self-help and cooperation. As the result, most villages have gotten the improvement of physical environment, income increasing and positive changes in the attitudes and values of inhabitants. However, in spite of the Saemaul Undong's achievements, the movement has been faced to many kind of problems about the middle of the time of 1980's. And so nowadays, Saemaul Undong is not get out of a swamp of stagnation. Of course, it cannot he denied that it has made much contribution to the community development, but it is confronted with many serious problems. The reasons for the decline of Saemaul Undong are mainly the corruption of the headquarters of Saemaul Undong, disordered society, disparity of strata, depersonalization, the lack of new methodologies in the pursuit of Saemaul Undong, and etc. Recognizing these problems and to cope with the newly emerzing situation, a need has arisen for a change in Saemaul Undong. Therefore, these paper aims at researching for a new methodologies and strategies to carry out Saemaul Undong's progams continuously, and intends to suggest a new direction of sustaining Saemaul Undong. For the Purposes of suggesting altternatives continuously sustaining Saemaul Undong, this paper intends to formulate the principles and new directions of Saemaul Undong as follows : (1) The objectives and methodologies of Saemaul Undong should be reorganized in the context of new emerging situations. (2) Revitalizing local towns and rural areas must be pursued with special reference with hometown development. For the purpose, it is proper to organize a society for the support of hometown, and to invest money and resources in trying to help it. (3) In the spiritual aspect, it is desirable that the spirits of Saemaul Undong : diligence, self-help and cooperation should be expanded into a public interest and self-governing. (4) To induce residents to take part in and support Saemaul Undong, Noluntary Systems are formulated for securing public interest and a cultivation of personality. (5) A public movement creating a new nation, to meet a new twenty-frist centry, should be pushed ahead with a nation-wide development. (6) In a dimension of province level Saemaul Undong, the local branch of the headquarters of Saemaul Undong must take the initiative in doing Saemaul projects, and residents show their ability to carry out Saemaul Undong.

      • 충북 산업클러스터 기반확충을 위한 지역혁신의 방향

        고병호 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 2004 한국사회과학연구 Vol.26 No.2

        국가운영 패러다임의 흐름이 투입주도형 성장전략에서 혁신주도형 성장전략으로 급속하게 변화되고 있다. 지역화된 기술복합체의 존재(the existence of regionalized technology complex)가 주목을 받고 있다. 그 핵심은 지역전략산업 육성과 지역혁신 체계구축이다. 지역혁신이란 지역의 인적자원개발, 과학기술, 산업생산, 기업지원 등의 분야에서 지역별 여건과 특성에 따라 지역의 발전역량을 창출, 활용, 확산시키는 것이다. 한마디로 지역혁신이란 21세기의 지역발전 모형이다. 혁신이란 새로워지는 것이며, 나아지는 것이다. 지역발전을 위한 혁신주도형 성장전략인 것이다. 그런데 혁신이 무엇이냐 하는 데에 대한 원론적인 이해부터도 되어 있지 않은 상태에서 혁신성과를 뒤쫓다 보니 혁신의 피로감이 쌓이는 것이 현실이다. 지역혁신에 대한 몰이해, 혁신의 착근(embeddedness)과 저변확대의 부족, 혁신의 논리와 상호작용만을 강조하다 보니 실제 눈에 보이는 가시적인 성과를 거두는데 상당히 어려움이 많다. 충북도 마찬가지이며 문제는 전국적인 혁신 현상 속에 차별화된 충북의 혁신 실체를 발견하기 어렵다는 점이다. 특히 혁신과 도민의 인식사이에는 엄연한 갭이 느껴진다. 충북하면 BT, IT산업과 오송, 오창이라고 할 만큼 인식도가 높아져 있으나 과연 그런가 하는 데에는 의문의 여지가 많다. 과연 'Biotopia 충북'의 컨셉이 지역혁신의 궁극적 목표인가. 충북의 혁신은 다른 지역과 뭔가 다른 차별성을 가져야 한다. 즉 충북의 고유한 혁신모형, 충북의 독특한 혁신 모양의 개발이 필요하다. 충북의 자원과 기업, 기술을 바탕으로 한 혁신이 무엇보다 중요하다. 충북친화형 혁신개념의 정립과 혁신의 저변확대가 필요하다. 따라서 이 글은 충북이 가지고 있는 혁신체제의 문제가 무엇이고 걸림돌은 무엇인지 살펴보고, 충북 지역혁신체계의 기반확충에 논점을 두고 전략산업, 기술개발과 연계한 제도적, 생태적 측면의 종합적 혁신체계의 '방향을 제시한다. 특히 충북 산업클러스터의 기반확충을 위한 혁신체계의 나아가야 할 방향, 산ㆍ학ㆍ연ㆍ관 협력의 네트워킹 및 지역사회적 접근 등 정책적 대안을 검토한다. Today, the concept of ‘Innovation Systems’ is widely used in discourse and policies to stimulate economic development through upgrading firms and technology for enhanced competitiveness. New attention to existing innovation systems is coming from a globalizing knowledge economy. Recently, regional innovation systems(RIS) are being elaborated in the regional dimension of national growth and development. Of particular interest is the growth of academic study and practical policy towards assisting formation of regional innovation systems. Especially, the Korean Government has tried to assist formation of new approaches give insight into the real nature of competitiveness and the interlinked roles of science, research and innovation for the future. The ultimate purpose is to enhance regional competitiveness and to achieve balanced development. Most of all, this paper is intended to catch up with the backgrounds, trends and concepts of regional innovation systems, and look more closely at the problems of industrial clusters in Chungbuk Region in the process pursuing the regional innovation systems. In this context, this paper focuses on how to network connections among institutes, universities, R&D, for activating industrial clusters in Chungbuk Region, futhermore, to suggest the directions for assisting formation of RIS and desirable strategic alternatives for establishing the basis of promoting RIS in the dimension of institutional, ecological and social environment.

      • 캄보디아의 토지제도 특성과 토지이용계획

        고병호 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 2005 한국사회과학연구 Vol.26 No.3

        캄보디아는 민주적이고 시장지향적 경제구조로 발전됨에 따라 토지와 관련한 수많은 문제에 봉착하고 있다. 캄보디아에 있어 국가재건의 주안점은 무엇보다도 토지제도의 확립과, 이에 따른 토지이용의 효율성을 확보하는데 주어져 있다. 이에 따라 토지개혁과 토지제도의 정비 및 합리적인 토지이용의 필요성이 끊임없이 제기되어져 왔다. 현재 캄보디아가 당면하고 있는 토지관리문제 및 제도적 정비를 위한 노력과 현재의 상참을 평가하면서, 제3세계의 토지문제의 특성과 이를 해결하기 위한 세제적인 관심 아래 사례지역으로 부각되고 있는 캄보디아의 토지제도와 토지이용정책을 검토하고 평가하는데 이 연구의 의의가 있다. 나아가 문제해결의 대안 중의 하나인 참여적 토지이용계획(Participatory Land Use Planning)을 중심으로 주민참여와 협의, 조정을 통한 토지분쟁의 해결과 자원의 보전과 효율적 토지이용에 접근하고자 하는 것이다. Now Cambodian society is confronted with a number of problematic issues regarding land as it continues to develop as a democratic, market-based economy. The distribution of land related resources and the definition of rights and responsibility over them is of fundamental importance to Cambodia's development as well as establishing rational and efficient land use planning. The chaos that is Cambodian land management is a major obstacle to national development. Few have titles to the land they live on or farm, and the powerful frequently lay claim legally or illegally to the vast swaths of land. No reliable system exists to mediate these disputes. Facing these land issues, objectives of the preparation of the land management in Cambodia is to reduce poverty, prevent land anarchy and promote equitable, efficient land use through sustainable and rational land use planning. Therefore, reforming the land sector in Cambodia is one of the corner stones of the state reform program and for sustainable development of the country. In this context, most of all, this paper focuses on looking more closely at the problems of land disputes and present in Cambodia. secondly, it aims at suggesting the directions for strategic alternatives for establishing desirable land management system and participatory land use planning in Cambodia. Furthermore, this paper is for providing a schematic basic framework and vision for land policy in Cambodia. In looking ahead, this is intended to approach the desirable strategy of the Cambodian land Policy.

      • 都市生活圈의 槪念考察과 計劃模型 設定에 關한 硏究 : with Special Reference to Model Building of Neighborgood System in Korea

        高秉浩 淸州大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.16 No.1

        Recently the urban societies have changed marvellously with the modernization and rapid urban growth throughout the world. Especially the urban society in Korea has faced many constraints and thresholds in reaching a well-balanced community life at an independently self-sufficient level. Any place in modern urban societies we can easily find the urban pathology, the degeneration of living environment, personal disorganization, lacking in community facilities and many kinds of encountered problems. Recognizing these crises, more recently the neighborhood unit concept has reemerged as a possible answer to that problems and conceived as an effective mean to revitalize the urban society which has been degenerated, in Korea as well as in any other countries. The neighborhood unit concept derives its origin from "the Neighborhood Unit Formula" written by Clarence Arthur Perry in the Regional Survey of New York and its Environment (1929). At the early stage of that Idea, the purpose was to achieve a well-equipped environment, amenities and convenience of community life, that is to say, it showed a tendency toward a good living environment through the physicyl-oriented planning. But these days the term neighborhood has been widely, various and often inconsistently used both in physical planning and in sociology. At times it seems to refer to an area having certain physical properties, at times to an area in which a set of human activties or relationships occur. And so we can state the neighborhood unit is defined as `a distinct territorial group', distinct by virtue of the specific physical characteristics of the area and the specific social characteristics of its inhabitants. And now, it appears that neighborhood plays important role of planning unit of community development. However, in spite of realizing the importance of neighborhood unit concept in community level development planning, the methologies and planning criteria of neighborhood unit planning have not evolved and agreed, and now planners and officials are sometimes puzzled about how to cope with encountered problems at community level and to take planning criteia. Certainly it seems that there are several problems in the neighborhood unit planning, and therefore this study is aimed at establishing the planning paradigm of neighborhood unit development, in more detail, finding the proper size of neighborhood, systematizing the neighborhood unit hierarchical structure, and formulating the methodologies in catching hold of neighborhood boundaries and planning paractice. In this context, it is proposed that this study put heavy emphasis on the systematic framework of planning paradigm as well as a retrospective review on the neighborhood unit concept, especially in Korea. Five steps will be followed in turn for this study. (1) retrospective review on the neighborhood concept. (2) theoretical approach to the development of neighborhood planning in western countries. (3) identification of the boundaries of existing neighborhood. (4) basic thinking for establishing neighborhood planning paradigm. ㆍ to identify the boundaries of existing neighborhood. ㆍ to divide and systematize the neighborhood unit hierarchy. ㆍ catching hold of community facilities and setting the systematic facilities hierarchy for improving utility. ㆍ to identify social elements to revitalizing social function. (5) establishing of neighborhood planning model.

      • 地域開發의 理論的 考察과 體系化에 關한 試論的 硏究

        高秉浩 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 1988 産業科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        From the beginning of the twentieth centrry down to this decade, the policies and methodologies of regional development have changed gradually in accordance with the shift of the developmental environment. Especially, since the end of the Second World war, developing countries have pursued national economic development and simultaneously regional development for the purpose of distributing economic activities spatially. This period was marked by economic rationalism based on the efficiency strategies and quantitative growth. But, in the process of the economic development developing countries have confr onted with many kinds of negative problems such as regional disparity, depression in the rural areas, population concentration and industrial polarization to the me tropolitan areas, inequality of income and opportunities, environmental pollution and so on. Recognizing those problems, since the early part of 1970s, polices and strategies of regional development have directed toward equity-oriented development policies, that is to say, well balanced socio-economic development. However, looking back upon the policies and methodologies of regional development, those are destitute of a theoretical framework to explain all of the regional development phenomena systimatically. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a paradigm and to explain those theories and methodologies in detail. Thus, this paper aims at searching for development and systematizing them. For the purpose, at first, it may begin by deviding the existing theories and methodologies about regional development into four categories in terms of spatial development. Those categories are ① functional spatial theory, ②spatial economic theory, ③ spatial system theory and ④ spatial policy theory. Another purpose of this paper is to establish a theoritical development through explaining the existing policies, methodologies and theories.

      • 새마을運動과 地域開發의 連繫化 構想

        高秉浩 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1987 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        Ⅰ. Introduction The conception of a linked development between the Saemaul Undong and the regional development in this paper originated in the recognition of the same old practice and the perfunctory movement of the Saemaul Undong which could not cope with the economic, social and political situations since the beginning of 1980's, and so, receutly the transformation of Saemaul Undong's objectives, methodologies is required. Looking back upon the Saemaul Undong, even since it began in the year 1970, it has been developed more powerfully with the slogan of diligence, self-help and cooperation throughout the country. As the result, most of villages have accomplished improved life environments, increased income and changes in the attitudes and values of inhabitants through their participation and cooperation in village-level developing projects. However, in spite of the Saemaul Undong's achievements, the movement has been faced to many kinds of problems about the time of 1980's. The important reasons are as follows : the lack of new methodologies to expand and revitalize the movement, routinized patterns of development projects, making political capital of the movement, the limit of village-level development and the deficiency of countermeasures to cope with newly emerging situations. Therefore, A need has arisen for a change in the Saemaul Undong. One of the most important anticipated changes is relative to the regional development, that is to say, in the light of future national development the Saemaul Undong must be carried out in the context of the balanced regional development. Considering those reasons mentioned above, this paper is intended to link the regional development to the Saemaul Undong. Namely the purpose of this paper is how to link the Saemaul Undong to the regional development in a small area unit. Ⅱ. An Overview of the Regional Development Policy and its Future It is necessary to overview the historical background of the regional development for the purpose of this study, and to catch hold of the trend of the future regional development. During the last two decades, the policies and strategies of regional development have changed gradually in accordance with the shift of the economic and social environment, which is mainly distinguished by economic growth, rapid urbanization, spatial polarization and differentiation of the social structure in Korea. The early stage of the national development was marked by economic rationalism based on efficiency and quantitative growth, and then the resultant outcome was the achievement of an accelerated economic growth. But we have confronted with many kinds of negative problems such as regional disparity, inequality of opportunities, population concentration and industrial polarization to the metropolitan areas, depression in the rural areas, urban congestion, environmental pollution and so on. Recognizing those problems, recently the trends and strategies of regional development have directed to equity-oriented policies. In order to deal with the negative problems, most of all, it is necessary to establish the principle of well balanced socio-economic development between growth region(center) and depressed rural region(periphery). Especially, the government announced the second ten-years National Land Development Plan in 1981. The government plan for balanced regional development divided the country into twenty-eight "Integrated Settlement Area (生活圈)" to be developed on the basis of their spatial and functional relationships. The main focus of the Intergrated Settlement Area is how to accomplish the balanced regional development, linking local cities to its surrounding rural areas. In this context, the Saemaul Undong should be toward the integrated development in the regional dimension beyond the village-level development. Ⅲ. Contents and Theoretical Background of the Saemaul Undong The basic unit of the Saemaul Undong is the village. In principle it was advertised as a movement for rural community development and spiritual revolution. The Saemaul Undong has changed rural areas into new vital communities, bringing a fresh and revolutionary air into lagging rual areas. In the initial stage, the purpose of the movement is the eradication of poverty and so, to change poverty-stricken rural areas into the most prosperous communities. In a provincial governors conference on April 22, 1970, President Park emphasized that "self-helping" villages could easily overcome the rural poverty. The Saemaul Undong is a new community movement in which people cooperate together in order to construct better and richer villages, and as the consequence, to achive the national development. In this regard, the nature of the Saemaul Undong is as follows : The Saemaul Undong is a new community movement in which people cooperate together in order to construct better and richer villages, and as the consequence, a richer and stronger nation. In this regard, the nature of the Saemaul Undong is : 1) spiritual enlightment to keep all the people voluntarily participate in the activity. 2) social development and physical improvement through which the people can enjoy affuent lives in better villages. 3) economic development through which villagers raise productivity of labor and increase per capita income. As stated above, the Saemaul Undong has developed rural communities through the villager's cooperative endeavors, and so, the movement established objectives and methodologies of it, but the movement doesn't have theoritical framework as Korean planners proclaim the Saemaul Undong to have been a movement without a theory. However, looking into the movement, we can find that the Saemaul Undong has something to do with some kinds of development theories. That is to say, the theoritical background of the Saemaul Undong is related to community development theory, rural development theory, bottom-up approach, basic needs approach and modernization theory. Ⅳ. Interrelationships between the Saemaul Undong and the Regional Development A prerequisite to link the Saemaul Undong to the regional development is to understand the interrelationships between the Saemaul Undong and the regional development. The Saemaul Undong is differentiated from the regional development in some aspects, but the two are also similar in other aspects : 1) The Saemaul Undong is village-level development through villager's cooperation and self-help, but the regional development make a region an object of development projects. 2) The Saemaul Undong is carried out through citizen participation, but the regional development is supported by central and local government. 3) The main objective of the Saemaul Undong is the community development, achieving living environment, spiritual enlightment and increasing income. But generally speaking, the principal goal of the regional development is to solve regional problems : regional disparities, depressed rural area's poverty, industrial polarization, population concentration to a metropolitan area and so on. 4) The Saemaul Undong does not ensure the sale economies. Therefore, the movement is toward solving encountered villager's common needs. But the regional development is executed beyond the scale which maintains a population threshold and a range of goods. Ⅴ. Strategies for the Linked Development between the Saemaul Undong and the Regional Development A need has arisen for a change in the aspect of spatial linkage. A single village was discovered to be rather small and inappropriate to be developed as a self-sufficient, growing and independent regional unit. As a consequence, the necessity to link the Saemaul Undong to the regional development is recognized. And then, how the linked development could be achieved? First of all, it is important that the linked development is aimed at combining several homogeneous villages with close interregional ties into a single integrated development region, and also it is necessary to transform the village-oriented approach into a regional-evel approach. Strategies and methodologies for the linked development are suggested as follows : 1) At first, the existing policies and future trends relevant to the regional development must be scrutinized. That may throw some light on the framework of the linked development. 2) Considering the limit of village-level development, the scale of projects and the boundary of the Saemaul Undong must be expanded. It is proper that, 5∼10 villages should be integrated into a single development region. 3) The objectives of the Saemaul Undong should be redrganized in the context of regional development. 4) Micro-level regional development with special reference to area-wide development in the Saemaul Undong is a proper alternative to the linked development. In this case, it is necessary to pursue area-wide projects in need of scale-economies in regional level. Especially, in the construction of public facilities and income-increasing projects, population threshold and market of goods should be considered. 5) It is desirable that the linked development should be toward better promoting local divesification and greater potential for self-reliance. Ⅵ. Concluding Remarks : Synopsis and policy-oriented Comment 1) In the spiritual aspect, it is desired that the spirits of the Saemaul Undong : diligence, self-help and cooperation should be expanded into an interregional cooperation mind. The mind is to encourage the people to develop a regional unit in which they can lead their lives together. 2) In the ideological aspect, it is necessary to foster a regionalism, namely, regional consciousness. For the purpose of fostering regionalism, the spirit of Saemaul Undong must be transformed into the mind which thinks much of a regional solidarity than their own villages. 3) In the aspect of spatial development, the hierarchy of "Integrated Settlement Area" must be established. And then, the connection between local cities and its surrounding rural areas should be taken into account. Especially, public facilities, transportation routes and economic activities which link the centers to peripheral rural areas have to be supplied sufficiently. 4) Considering the aspect of spatial policy, the linked development should be towards an integrated regional development by which isolated development of the Saemaul Undong and polarization development of the local centers could be united. 5) In respect of objectives, it is proper to transform the village leval goal-oriented approach into the goal setting in the regional dimension. 6) In the aspect of regional policy, the linked development seeks to get a interregional balanced development. To solve regional problems such as regional disparities and deficiency of public facilities in the rural areas is an important task of it. 7) In the aspect of a living environment, convenient facilities must be systematized according to the hierarchy of Integrated Settlement Area. Particulary, development projects make sure of both a population threshold and a market area. 8) As for a environment for production, the regional economic base must be constructed. The regional economic structure should be expanded so as to ensure the scale economics. 9) In the aspect of the regional administration, the community organizations and indigenous groups need to change their systems into a new regional based committee in a view of an area-wide approach. 10) As for development methodologies, it is desired that the linked development is to be toward both Top-down approach and development from below. 11) As for development theories, the linked development is connected with community development theory, rural development theory, basic needs approach, a modernization theory and a bottom-up approach. 12) Lastly, in order for the Saemaul Undong to steadily develop and maintain it self, the capacity to cope with political, economic and socio-cultural changes must be fostered. Self-direction based on the complete participation of all the inhabitants will be the hallmark of its future success. Especially, recognizing the era of localism, with an expectation of the activation of the Saemaul Undong, it is necessary for the movement to transform itself into "new nation movement," "new integrated settlement area movement," "my town movement," or "Mass Saemaul Undong".

      • 地域經濟圈의 設定과 忠北地域經濟의 活性化 方案

        高秉浩 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1989 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Since the beginning of 1980's, the policies and strategies of national development have changed gradually from the top-down approach to the bottom-up approach in accordance with the shift of the economic and social environment. Especially, in the aspect of regional development the conception of development from below has heen accepted widely to resolve encountered regional problems such as regional disparity, depression in regional economies and deterioration. The purposes of this paper for activation of Chungbuk regions economies really originate in the recognition of above regional problems. Looking ahead to the future of regional development, first of all, how to activate regional economies is the key of regional prosperity. Accordingly, in a viewpoint of bottom-up approach, the methodologies and measures to activate regional economies through mobilization of regional resources, intensive investments to local areas, fostering local industries and improving physical environment. And also, to increase the efficiency of regional economies, the delineation of economic region must be pursued in order to coincide with the regional economic activities and flows. The delineation of economic region involves the grouping together of local units (cities, towns and counties) which display a considerable degree of economic characteristics. The concern is thus more with economic interdependence and linkage between local units. In delineateing economic region of Chungbuk region, the economic geographical factors, economic flows and G.R.P should be considerd on the basis of economic homogeneity. Traditionally, Chungbuk region has been formed into Chongju region, Chungju region and Jechon region. Above three regions individually their own unique features, economic characteristics and residential environments, Largely Those regional attributes and economic conditions are linked to the formation of economic regional boundaries. Therefore, Chungbuk regions economic boundaries should be delineated according to the traditional economic environment. That is to say, above three regions (Chongju, Chungju and Jechon) traditional economic boundaries fundamentally may be the main criteria. However, in the case of Chongju region it contains Yongdong region, the southern part of the Chongju region. But actually, Yongdong region is far from Chongju region as well as different each other in the tradition economic environment. Considering above-mentioned conditions, in this study, 4 regions are set up which consist of Chongju economic region(1), Chungju economic region(2), Jechon economic region(3) and Yongdong economic region(4) In addition, each economic region is suggested to divide into several urban economic regions and rural economic region.

      • 우리나라 地域計劃의 變遷過程과 體系構想

        高秉浩 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1990 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        Regional planning in primarily concerned with the physical, economic and social development within regions, and especially sets the goal at distributing of resources between regions to achieve certain regional and national objectives, and improving the living environment. On the otherhand, in the planning circle, regional planning is administrative processes operating between the central/national and the peripheral/local. In this meaning, regional planning is perceived as a framework for the steering and management of change at some intermediate level between central (top-down approach) and local administrations (bottom-up approach). But throughout the world as well as in Korea, it appears that the meaning of regional planning has not very cleared defined, nor are its roles fully worked out or generally agreed. Therefore, the general meaning and roles of regional planning must be formulated and also systematic framework has to be established. And so, this study aims at conceptualizing the meaning and roles of regional planning. Especially this paper intends to investigate the historial processes of the regional planning in Korea and to surgest the systematic regional planning hierarchical structure. Main emphasis is given to this study as follows. Firstly, the general view of the meaning of regional planning. Secondly, ideolgical background of regional planning doctrine. Thirdly, functional problems and regionalism in regional environment. Fourthly, the historical processes of regional planning in Korea. Fifthly, systematic model-building of regional planning hierarchical structure.

      • 地方化時代의 都市ㆍ農村連繫開發戰略에 關한 硏究 : 忠北地域發展을 中心으로 With Special Reference to Chungbuk Region

        高秉浩 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1988 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The conception of a linked development approach in the era of localism between local cities and their rural areas in this paper originated in the recognition of the critical regional problems during the last three decades. Looking back upon the process of the national develpment, econmic, social and political situations since of 1960's have marvellously changed toward a national economic growth and industria lization. But the negative aspects of the accelerated economic gowth and develpoment have been confronted with serious regional problems such as spatial cocentration and industrial plarization to a capital area and large cities, regional disparity, inequality of opportunties, depression in local regions and rural areas, and so on. Therefore, it is the time to deal with those regional problems and to establish on the principle of solving regional problems. And so we must step in a stage of searching for new strategies and methodologies to solve them. A linked development approach between local cities and rural areas is one of such endeavours, and has purposes in pursuit of a balanced and integrated regional development. Obviously an idea of the linked development is a proper alternative for improving local cities and their surronding rural areas. The theoretical base of the approach derives its framework from such theories: central place therory: center-periphery model; agropolitan district; key settlement policy; micropolitan development; rural center planning therory; strategy of human settlement area. The methodologies of the linked development lay stress on an integrated development between local center and its surrounding area, and to activate functional linkages between the two. And then, how the linked development could be achieved? Strategies and methodologies for the approach might be suggested as follows : (1) At first, the theoretical base of urban and rural development relevant to the approach must be scrutinized. That may throw some light on establishing a linked development model. (2) A prerequisite to pursue the approach is to understand the interrelation ships and existing situation between local cities and their rural periphery. That is to say, it is necessary to analize the problem area at regional-level. (3) In the aspect of spatial development, the hierarchy of "Integrated Settlement Area" must be analize d, and then the hierarchy of central places might be established. For example, in this paper, 4 categories of central places are suggested according to the scale and central functions of them. They are regional city, rural center, locality town and rural key village. (4) The main emphasis of the linked development should be towards an integrated rural development by which isolated development of rural village and polarization development of the local centers could be united. (5) In the aspect of a living environment, public facilities and service delievery system must be systematized in accordance with the wierarchy of central Places. particularly, to solve deficiency and inconvenience of public facilities is an important task of it. (6) As for development strategies, some kinds of methodologies must be pursued to achieve a linked development : the activation of the communial organization ; developing a socio-cultural homogeneity based on regionalism ; rural industrialization ; developing symbiosis between local cities and rural areas : improving the functional linkage and trans portion routes ; mobilizing local resources and potentials for self-reliance. Lastly, relating to the case study region, Chungbuk, a linked development should be toward improving the small towns (locality towns)and their surrounding rural areas through integrated development. In the case of Chungbuk region, all of the most small towns are premodernized, and their market systems and public facilities are below the common level of the other regions. Above all, the most important task of Chungbuk region development, is the activation of small towns and their socio-economic environment, Moreover, it is necessary to promote an territorial development towards a urban and rural spatial continuum, and Chungbuk region's resources must be exploted by means of regional specification.

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