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        사진측정(寫眞測定)에 의한 백제석탑(百濟石塔)의 조형미(造形美)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        유복모,강인준,정창식,송인성,Yeu, Bock Mo,Kang, In Joon,Jong, Chang Sik,Song, In Seong 대한토목학회 1985 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 현존(現存)하는 백제시대(百濟時代)의 두 석탑(石塔)인 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)과 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)의 조형(造形)에 관한 기하학적(幾何學的) 해석(解析)이다. 두 석탑(石塔)을 지상측정용(地上測定用) Camera P31과 정밀입체도화(情密立體圖化)에 A-10을 이용하여 현존(現存) 복발(覆鉢)부분까지 남아있는 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)과 손상부분이 많은 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)을 비교고찰(比較考察)한 결과 같은 조형원리(造形原理) 즉, 기준면(基準面)(module)으로부터 정삼각형을 작도하고 그 정삼각형의 정점(頂點) 윗부분에 있는 옥개석폭(屋蓋石幅)의 비(比)가 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5)로 체감(遞減)되어 나가는 것을 알 수 있었고, 손상되기전의 복발(覆鉢)부분까지의 높이를 추정(推定)할 수 있었다. This paper is a study on a analysis of geometrical composition about two Back-Jae stone pagodas-stone pagoda at the site of Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa Temple in Iksan and five storied stone pagoda at the site of Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa Temple in Puy$\check{o}$, existing stone pagodas which Were built in Back-Jae Dynasty. By using P31 terrestrial metric camera and A-10 for precision stereo plot, Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa stone pagoda which has Bock-bal and Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa stone pagoda which has many broken area are analyzed comparatively. From this result same geometric composition principle; orthotrigon is drawn in respect to module and the length ratio of the widths of Okgesuks which exist at the end-point of the orthotrigon, is found to be decrease as 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5) also the height up to Bock-bal before broken, is able to estimate.

      • KCI등재

        구기자를 첨가한 쿠키의 품질특성과 항산화효과

        박복희,조희숙,박선영 한국조리과학회 2005 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidative effect and quality characteristics of cookies made with Lvcii fructus powder(LFP). The cookies were stored at 50 ℃ for 40 days. The LFP additive increased the moisture, ash, crude protein and volume of the cookies. When LFP was added at 5% into the cookies, the spread ratio was higher than for the control, the 10% and the 20% LFP cookies. As more LFP was added, the L-value decreased, and the a--values and b-values increased for thecolor values. For the textural characteristics, springiness and cohesiveness of the control cookies were the highest among the samples, the other side, brittleness and gwemwness were higher in cookies made with LFP than in the control cookies. Overall, the cookies made with 5% LFP were preferred more than the other cookies, as tested forby sensory evaluation. The cookies made with LFP contained mostly palmitic acid (C16:0) followed by oleic acid (C18:1) and stearic acid (CI8:0). The acid value, peroxide value, and thiobarhituric acid value were lower in cookies made with 5% and 10% LFP than in those cookies made with 20% LFP and the control cookies.

      • 광주지역 초등학교 영양사의 급식관련 업무 및 초등학생의 식습관조사

        박복희,정경일 목포대학교 생활과학연구소 2000 생활과학논집 Vol.3 No.-

        This study was carried out with 342 elementary school children to investigate their dietary habits and flood preferences in Gwangju. Seventy-six elementary school dietitians took part in the survey to answer the business-related school lunch programs questions. The results were summarized as follows : 1. A dietitian's career was mostly from three to five years and the medium used in nutritional education was only printed matters. The difficult aspects in meal management were mostly a dietitian's position in the school (55.1%), followed by a lack of cooperation from staff members to the dietitians (25.0%). 2. In the survey, 94.7% of dietitians requested retraining, as a necessary supplement to their special education. 3. 85.5% of the school lunch program was single cooking style and food was served in the dining room (53.3%). The number of students served were 500~1.000 (38.2%). Years of service of meals are 3~6 years (40.8%) and the lunch fee is 1,000~1,500 won (86.8%) and provided by government funds, parents and aid associations. 4. The menu planning period was made out each month and the use of standardized recipes was extremely low compared with other cities. 55.3% of schools used free collecting by contract to handle leftover food. Due to the high percentage of leftover flood, there was a need for education on reducing leftover food (57.9%). 5. In the research of children's food habits, most children ate breakfast, consisting of mainly boiled rice and soup. Eating time spended 10~20 minutes and the time of meals was sometimes irregular. Between lunch and dinner, they usually ate a snack. The most popular fast flood was ice-cream which they ate 1~2 times per week. The main reasons for consuming fast flood were taste (40.6%) and snacking (40.9%). After eating the fast food, children prefered the sweet food (41.8%). 6. The most favored flood were ssal bab, chajangmyon, fermented soy-bean paste soup, jangzorim, sweet and sour pork, pork cutlet, korean cabbage, squid jod and sweet radish. In consideration of these results, dietitians must make an effort to supply children with various nutrients, and increase sanitation in the cafeterias as well as persons engaged in cooking. Most importantly, I thought it should be supported by establishing a position for a dietitian in the school. Recently, the Importance of Kimchi is widely publicized to children and is regarded as health food, but actually not many children ate Kimchi. Therefore, the development of Kimchi which they prefered is necessary.

      • 우리나라 학회의 학술정보 유통기능 연구

        한복희 충남대학교 사회과학대학 문헌정보학과 1990 創立十周年 紀念論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Historically scientific societies were designed as the primary agent for the communication of scientific information through publication and other forms of the dissemination. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The primary function of the scoieties, such as : to publish journals, seminars, sponsor annual mettings and symposia. 2) There is difference and similarity of the society's ativities among the individual academic fields. 3) There is relationship between the history of societies and the number of the titles of the scientific journal. 4) Societies have continued to advance the production of knowledge through the new journal foundation.

      • 日人의 韓民族에 대한 虐待와 差別에 관한 調査硏究 : 植民地支配下의 우리民族의 强制連行과 虐待에 관한 記錄을 中心으로 Specially on Illegal Arrest and Indiscriminate Slaughter to Korean People under the Japanese colonial Regime

        李福淑 건국대학교 1977 學術誌 Vol.21 No.1

        The aim of this study was focussed to having the coming generations of our conceive how severe cruelty and segregation our ancestors had undergone, while inspiring national self-reliance to the second generation that is getting unconcious of its past to have them possess right view on Japan. Based on the record of Korean or Japanese on cruelty and segregation of Japanese toward Korean People, the author could describe the detailed topics as follows ; (1) The illegal arrest and indiscriminate slaughter of Korean people. (2) The testimony from some of Japanese on actual instances of cruelty imposed on Korean people. (3) The true story of slaughters on Korean people right after the Kwandong(Tokyo) Earth-quake. (4) The aggressive colonial of imperial Japanese regime on Korean people.

      • Antonin Dvorak의 연가곡 Zigeunermelodien Op.55의 분석 연구

        金福順 관동대학교 1995 關大論文集 Vol.23 No.1

        Zigeunermelodien Op.55 was composed by Antonin Dvorak who advocated Czechoslovakian nationalism. It expresses Dvorak's national emotion and longing for gypsy freedom through folk melodies. In other words, emphasizing the national identity, it reveals wonderfully his affection and passion towards his own country using a Slavic melody. Here, especially, Dvorak's facile use of form, melody, rhythm, and simple harmony are remarkable. Upon analyzing this work, I have found out that this song shows a striking contrast to of Italy, France, and Germany. I have also realized why this national music is loved constantly all over the world. Finally, it is strongly suggested that a profound investigations of the Korean folk theme, I belive, will produce the world-famous works of music.

      • KCI등재

        의학적 관점으로 본 뷔히너의 『보이첵』 연구

        김복희 한국뷔히너학회 2004 뷔히너와 현대문학 Vol.23 No.-

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, die historische Bedeutung und die Perso¨nlichkeit des Arztes im Drama Woyzeck herauszufinden. Demgema¨ß werden die Person "Arzt" und die medizinsche Fachsprache hier in einer knappen Weise behundelt. Hierbei werden drei Schwerpunte gesetzt. Zuerst wird ein kurzer U¨berblick fiber die medizinische Entwicklungsstufe der vier hundschriftlichen Entstehungstexte von Bu¨chner gegeben. Dadurch wird die Entwicklung der medizinischen Thematik im Drama klar aufgezeigt. Zweitens werden die beiden Vorbilder des Doktors, Wilbrund und v. Liebig, als zeitgeno¨ssische Belege betrachtet, die weitaus gro¨ßeren Einfluss auf die Gestaltung der Doktofigur ausgeu¨bt haben. Zum Schluss werden Sinn und Anwedungsmo¨glichkeit des medizinischen Terminologie in dieser Zeit als Zeitdokument untersucht. Die Fachtexte im Drama sind stark literaturorientiert und sttitzen sich dabei ha¨ufig auf mannigfaltige Meta-Information durch Zitate, Anmerkungen u.a.; so kommt in Woyzeck die medizinische Fachsprache durch begrifflich markierte Texte aus dem medizinischen Bereich vor. Diese fachbezogenen Texte, die als zeitgo¨ssische Belegtexte bezeichnet werden ko¨nnen, sind als Zitate in der gesprochenen Sprache im zeitgenossischen Fachbereich nachweisbar.

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