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      • KCI등재

        Aramid Nanofibers Reinforced Polyacrylonitrile Nanocomposite Films with High Transparency and High Mechanical Properties

        Xue Bai,Yinghui Zhao,Zhenhu Song,Hui Chen,Sihang Zhang,Yonghui Luo,YingChun Gu,Shijian Tu,Guo Yao,Sheng Chen 한국섬유공학회 2022 Fibers and polymers Vol.23 No.3

        The preparation of polymer nanocomposites combined with high strength, toughness, and high transparencyremains a challenge. Aramid fibers are often used as fiber-reinforced materials for their superior mechanical and thermalproperties, but the weak interfacial force between aramid fibers and matrix polymer limits the application in compositematerials. In this work, aramid nanofibers were prepared by a two-step process, which included deprotonation and acidhydrothermal treatment to obtain better dispersions in general solvents. The hydrothermal aramid nanofibers (HANFs) wereused as reinforcing materials and blended with polyacrylonitrile (PAN) to prepare polyacrylonitrile/aramid nanofibers (PAN/HANFs) composite films with different mass fractions of HANFs. The morphologies of HANFs and the thermal, optical, andmechanical properties of composite films were investigated. Interestingly, when the mass fraction of aramid nanofibers wasless than 1.0 %, the composite films were synchronously strengthened and toughened. When the mass fraction of HANFswas 0.5 %, the tensile strength and toughness of the PAN/HANFs composite film reached 62.04 MPa and 22.56 MJ/m3,which were 74.23 % and 162.31 % higher than the pure PAN film, respectively. Besides, its average transmittance in thevisible light region remained 76.34 %. This work may offer a novel and facile strategy for high transparent reinforcedpolymer composites, which have potential applications in high strength fiber or optical film.

      • KCI등재


        Bai, Xue,Cao, Qidong,Davis, Steve 한국전산응용수학회 2003 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.12 No.1

        The rolling schedule procedure has been an important part of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. The performance of production planning in an ERP system depends on the selection of the three parameters in rolling schedule procedure: frozen interval, replanning interval, and planning horizon (forecast window). This research investigated, in a theoretical approach, the combined impact of selections of those three parameters. The proven mathematical theorems provided guidance to re-duction of instability (nervousness) and to seek the optimal balance between stability and responsiveness of ERP systems. Further the theorems are extended to incorporate the cost structure.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Congruity between Product and TV Reality Show on Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Consumer Factors

        Xue Bai,Kyung-Tae Kim 한국데이타베이스학회 2020 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.27 No.1

        This study examines the effect of congruity between product and TV reality show on purchase intention of Chinese consumers. A total of 110 respondents from Chinese consumers were collected using online surveys. The results were analyzed by SPSS 22.0. Multiple Linear Regression and process analysis were used to test the hypotheses. This article found that congruity between product and TV reality show, attitude toward product placement and recall of product affected consumers’ purchase intention. In addition, the frequency of consumer watching TV reality show and familiarity of product moderated the attitude toward product placement and recall of product. This study provides useful implications for sponsors to select product placement as one of their marketing promotion tool.

      • KCI등재

        Malmquist 지수 활용 한·중 해운기업 생산성 변화 연구

        ( Bai Xue ),조혁수 ( Cho Hyuk-soo ),( Fan Rong ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2019 해운물류연구 Vol.35 No.1

        1992년 수교이후 비약적인 발전을 이룬 한·중 무역규모는 FTA 체결과 함께 급속하게 증가하고 있다. 국제무역에서 해운물류산업의 역할과 경제적 파급효과로 인해 한·중 해운기업에 대한 체계적인 연구가 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 한·중 해운기업을 대상으로 효율성 및 기술 변화 지수에 기반을 둔 맘퀴스트 생산성 지수를 산출하고 비교분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 연구기간 동안 중국 해운기업의 생산성 지수는 상승하였지만, 높은 변동성이 확인되었다. 이에 반해 한국 해운기업 생산성 변동 수준은 낮았지만, 맘퀴스트 생산성 지수는 전체적으로 하락하였다. 이러한 결과는 중국 해운기업의 지속적인 생산성 향상을 위한 노력의 결과로 판단된다. 이에 반해 한국 해운기업의 경우 기술 변화 지수는 상대적으로 높은 수준이지만, 효율성 지수는 연구기간 동안 지속적인 하락 추세를 보이고 있다. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992, Korea and China have been important trading partners. The trading volume have grown tremendously with FTA agreement between two countries. This study is intended to analyze performance of Koran and Chinese shipping companies based on Malmquist productivity index. We could use assets, capital, and employees as input variables to calculate the index. Also, sale was used as an output variable. The results indicate that the productivity index of Chinese shipping companies has increased despite the relatively high volatility. The index of Korean shipping companies was not high enough but it was stable. Chinese shipping companies keep working hard to improve efficiency and productivity. This is why the index of Chinese shipping companies have increased. However, the index of Korean shipping companies is not good enough. Therefore, it is required for them to improve the efficiency with advanced technologies.

      • KCI등재

        중국 수출입기업의 전자통관시스템 활용에 관한 연구: 기업, 화물, 파트너십, 시스템 특성을 중심으로

        ( Bai Xue ),조혁수 ( Cho Hyuksoo ),이정우 ( Lee Jungwoo ),( Fan Rong ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2021 해운물류연구 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구는 중국 수출입기업의 전자통관시스템 활용 결정요인에 대한 분석을 실시하였다. 기업, 파트너십, 화물, 시스템특성으로 구분하여 선행연구를 기반으로 가설설정 후 실증적인 검증을 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과에 의하면 기업특성 중 무역비중, 정보기술인력, 기업가정신이 해당기업의 전자통관시스템 활용과 밀접한 관련성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 파트너십 특성에서는 정보화 수준이 중요한 변수로 확인되었다. 화물특성에서는 화물의 저장성이 오히려 전자통관시스템 활용에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 시스템특성에서는 체계성, 유용성, 용이성이 중요한 결정요인으로 확인되었다. 이와 함께, 무역비중, 정보화, 유용성과 전자통관시스템 활용 사이의 관계는 지원정책에 따라 긍정적으로 조절되고 있음이 확인되었다. This study is designed to analyze the use of electronic customs clearance system in China. We have set various determinants relevant to firm, cargo, partnership and system. In addition, we analyze moderating effects of support policy by the Chinese government. Based on theoretical foundations and previous studies, we made several hypotheses among variables. Empirical findings show that trade participation, IT human resources and entrepreneurship play an important role to enhance the use of electronic customs clearance system. Information connectivity between companies is also a critical determinant. Well-organized, usefulness and ease of use of the system have a positive effect on the adopting of the electronic customs clearance system. Last, it is confirmed that a government supporting policy can positively moderate the relationships between determinants and the use of electronic customs clearance system.

      • “유가와 묵가의 상호 보완” -현대 사회 친자윤리 사상 재건이 길-

        Xue Bai Cheng(薛栢成) 한림대학교 고령사회연구소 2016 한림고령사회연구 Vol.4 No.1

        혈연(血緣)에 기초한 가족애의 양로(養老)모델(가족 부양)은 유가(儒家)에서의 효친을 기반으로 하는 “추애(推 愛)”적 윤리이고 개인의 자유와 독립 그리고 사회적 수요를 기반으로 하는 양로(養老)모델(사회적 부양)은 묵가(墨 家)의 “겸애(兼愛)”적 윤리이다. 유가의 “추애(推愛)” 사상은 현대 사회 친자윤리 사상 재건의 기초이지만 경직화되어 있고, 묵가의 “겸애(兼愛)” 사상은 현대 사회 친자윤리 사상을 재건하는 방향이지만 상당히 이상적이라는 한계를 지닌다. 따라서 혈연(血緣)에 기초한 가족애의 양로모델(가족 부양)과 개인의 자유와 독립 그리고 사회적 수요를 기반으로 하는 양로모델(사회적 부양)의 유기적 결합은 “유가(儒家)와 묵가(墨家)의 상호 보완”이라는 윤리적 사상이다. 또한 유가와 묵가의 문화적 상호보완을 제기하는 것은 현시대 친자윤리 사상 재건에 있어 보편적 내용을 담고 있는데, 이는 가족부양과 사회적 부양의 미흡한 부분을 보완할 뿐만 아니라 오늘날 제기되고 있는 사회적 부양에 대해 동아시아 문화권의 윤리적 지도(指導) 역할을 할 수 있다. Elderly care models relying on blood ties are based on the extension of love between children and parents which Confucianism understands as natural. Elderly care models which rely on society and which stress social needs as well as the independence and liberty of individuals, could be based on Mohism, in which the core value is universal love. Although Confucianism could be the basis for revitalizing the norms of children-parent relationships, it is too rigid to apply in modern society. Although the universal love which Mohism stresses could be an adequate basis to rebuild the norms of children-parent relationships, it is too utopian to apply in modern society. This article proposes an ethical theory in which Confucianism and Mohism complement each other in order to balance the burden of elderly care between society and families. By revitalizing the norm of children-parent relationships, this combined ethical theory may provide ethical guidance for the social care of the elderly.

      • Exploration of a New Method of Spatial Analysis to Predict the Pedestrian Pattern in the Circulation Spaces of Shopping Centers: The Case of Shenzhen

        Bai, Xue,Yao, Shen Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat Korea 2018 International journal of high-rise buildings Vol.7 No.2

        Turner and Penn (1) from UCL have proved that Visibility Graph Analysis (VGA) can be used as a more accurate method to predict the pedestrian distribution in building spaces. However, this methodology neglects certain elements that are of special influence on pedestrian distribution in buildings, especially the entrances and exits. Based on Space Syntax, this dissertation improves on the traditional method of Visibility Graph Analysis, using three shopping centers in Shenzhen as examples, attempts to explore a new parameter - "attenuation index of pedestrians at the entrances and exits" - using relevant data of the entrances and exits of the three cases, and combines it with traditional VGA analysis through weighted calculation, in order to provide more accurate predictions of pedestrian patterns in shopping centers.

      • KCI등재

        중국 수출입기업 물류비용 변동성 결정요인과 효과 분석

        ( Bai Xue ),조혁수 ( Cho Hyuksoo ) 한국해운물류학회 2021 해운물류연구 Vol.37 No.3

        수출입기업의 물류비용은 기업성과에 직결되는 중요한 요소이다. 본 연구는 중국 수출입기업을 대상으로 물류비용 변동성에 미치는 요인을 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서는 AEO 인증제도 활용이 물류비용 변동성과 기업성과에 미치는 영향도 분석하고자 한다. 실증분석 결과 제품의 위험성 수준은 물류비용 변동성을 직접적으로 상승시키며, 표준화된 제품의 경우 변동성을 하락시킬 수 있다. 가격 지향적인 기업의 물류비용 변동성은 상대적으로 높으며, 포괄적인 운송계약 조건을 활용하는 기업의 변동성은 낮은 수준임이 확인되었다. 또한 높은 물류비용 변동성은 기업성과 하락으로 이어질 수 있다. AEO 인증제도 활용은 표준화된 제품을 수출입하는 기업의 물류비용 변동성도 최소화할 수 있다. 마지막으로 본 연구는 변동성 관련 포괄적인 결정요인 분석과 1차, 2차 자료를 병행을 향후 연구과제로 제안하고자 한다, This is study aims at investigating determinants and effects of logistics cost volatility on Chinese exporters and importers. In addition, we discuss moderating effects of AEO certification on the relationships among determinants, logistics cost volatility and firm performance. We collected data from 409 Chinese firms to test hypothesized relationships. In specific, the empirical analysis was conducted via SEM(Structural Equation Modeling). According to empirical findings, product risk and price orientation may cause increased rate of logistics cost volatility. However, the volatility can be decreased by product standardization and comprehensive terms of transportation contract. AEO certification can moderate positively the relationship between standardization and logistics cost volatility. Despite meaningful findings and contributions, there are some limitations This study suggests studying comprehensive determinants of logistics cost volatility and combining primary and secondary data for future research.

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