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Autoassociative Memory Trained by Order Statistics for Noise Reduction
Jinsoo Bae,Sun Yong Kim,Seong Ro Lee,Seong Ill Park,Iickho Song 한국정보과학회 1996 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Vol.1 No.3
In this paper, noise reduction using the autoassociative memory is considered for possible applications to constant signal detection. We use order statistics to help the neural network learn the noise characteristics. In essence, the performance of this neural network is shown to not depend on the distribution of noise, based on simulations for six well known noise probability density functions.
Explicit correlation coefficients among random variables, ranks, and magnitude ranks
Bae, Jinsoo,Kwon, Hyoungmoon,Park, So Ryoung,Lee, Jumi,Song, Iickho IEEE 2006 IEEE transactions on information theory Vol.52 No.5
In this correspondence, we address the derivation of joint distributions and correlation coefficients for seven pairs of statistics used commonly in a number of signal detection schemes. The upper and lower bounds of the correlation coefficients are obtained, and relationships among the correlation coefficients are derived. Explicit values of the correlation coefficients evaluated for some specific noise distributions are shown for easy reference.
BAE, Jinsoo,PARK, Seong Ill,KIM, Yun Hee,YOON, Seokho,OH, Jongho,SONG, Iickho,OH, Seong-Jun The Institute of Electronics, Information and Comm 2010 IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, Vol.93 No.11
<P>Based on the characteristics of the thresholds of two detection schemes employing locally optimum test statistics, a sequential detection design procedure is proposed and analyzed. The proposed sequential test, called the sequential locally optimum test (SLOT), inherently provides finite stopping time (terminates with probability one within the finite horizon), and thereby avoids undesirable forced termination. The performance of the SLOT is compared with that of the fixed sample-size test, sequential probability ratio test (SPRT), truncated SPRT, and 2-SPRT. It is observed that the SLOT requires smaller average sample numbers than other schemes at most values of the normalized signal amplitude while maintaining the error performance close to the SPRT.</P>
음악의 스펙트럼 분석과 1/f 스펙트럼 특성을 이용한 대표부분 추출
배진수(Jinsoo Bae) 한국통신학회 2007 한국통신학회논문지 Vol.32 No.12C
현재 유통되고 있는 디지털 음악 파일에서 일정 길이를 갖는 대표 부분을 주파수 신호 처리 기법을 통해 추출하는 방법을 제안한다. 인기곡의 저주파 스펙트럼이 1/f 특성을 갖는다는 가설을 바탕으로 대표 부분 추출 시스템을 구현하였다. 추출 시스템은 크게 음악의 검정 스펙트럼을 얻어 내는 전처리 과정과 유사도를 비교하여 점수화 하는 과정으로 나눌 수 있다. 구현된 시스템으로 교향곡과 인기 가요를 분석하는 모의 실험을 통해 곡들의 듣기 좋다고 생각되는 일부분을 추출하였으며, 이 연구를 통해 음악 컨텐츠의 미리 듣기 자동 추출 제공을 제안한다. A digital formatted music can be summarized with a fixed length using spectrum signal processing in this paper. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that the power spectrum of a popular music has 1/f shape. Based on this hypothesis, a music is summarized by a system proposed in the paper. The system consists of a pre-processing block obtaining a test spectrum and a decision block calculating similarities. It is noteworthy that a digital formatted music can be summarized automatically using a similar system based on various hypotheses.
유무선 광대역인터넷서비스: 이들은 태체재인가 보완재인가?
배진수 ( Jinsoo Bae ),최윤정 ( Yun Jeong Choi ),한종희 ( Jong Hee Hahn ) 연세대학교 경제연구소 2015 延世經濟硏究 Vol.22 No.2
This paper investigates whether fixed and mobile broadband services are substitutes or complements using firm-level panel data obtained from three major telecommunications operators in South Korea. We employ a multi-level demand model based on Hausman et al. (1994), which allows for the possibility of complementarity between differentiated services. The estimated price elasticities of demand indicate that mobile broadband is a (weak) substitute for fixed broadband while broadband is complementary to mobile broadband. This is in contrast with the previous studies based on logit models which essentially assume substitution between different technologies. This result implies that fixed and mobile internet services constitute distinctive antitrust markets at least in the early stage of mobile broadband development.
Negative roles of MAPK signaling cascades for itrogen-fixing nodule formation in Medicago truncatula
Wonsil Bae,Jinsoo Lee,Hojin Ryu 한국육종학회 2015 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2015 No.07
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascades play critical roles in various cellular events including abiotic/biotic stress responses, innate immunity, hormone signaling and cell specificity in plants. The MAPK-mediated stress and ethylene signaling are recently known to be involved in nitogen-fixing symbiotic interactions; however, the biological role of MAPK for nodule development in legume plants is largely unknown. We here elucidated that MtMKK5-MtMPK3/6 cascade negatively regulate the nitrogen fixing nodule formation in Medicago truncatula. MtMKK5, an ortholog of SIMKK, overexpression significantly reduces the nodule formation in M. truncatula roots. MtMKK5 directly activates MtMPK3/6 by phosphorylation on the TEY motif within the activation loop in the cytoplasm, which might link to EFD as a negative regulator for nodule formation. EFD has a putative MAPK phosphorylation Thr residue and could be a target of the activated MtMPK3/6 in the nucleus. Consistently, a MAPK specific inhibitor U0126 enhances nodule formation and confers similar nodule phenotypes to the efd-1 mutant such as lower proliferation and differentiation to symbiotic tissues. Our works thus reveal a key negative signaling module mediated by MtMKK5-MtMPK3/6-EFD for symbiotic nitrogen fixing nodule organogenesis.
Geometric Image Compensation Method for a Portable Projector Based on Prewarping Using 2D Homography
( Jinsoo Cho ),( Jongkil Won ),( Jongwoo Bae ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2013 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.7 No.9
As portable multimedia devices become more popular and smaller, the use of portable projectors is also rapidly increasing. However, when portable projectors are used in mobile environments in which a dedicated planar screen is not available, the problem of geometric distortion of the projected image often arises. In this paper, we present a geometric image compensation method for portable projectors to compensate for geometric distortions of images projected on various types of planar or nonplanar projection surfaces. The proposed method is based on extraction of the two-dimensional (2D) geometric information of a projection area, setting of the compensation area, and prewarping using 2D homography. The experimental results show that the proposed method allows effective compensation for waved and arbitrarily shaped projection areas, as well as tilted and bent surfaces that are often found in the mobile environment. Furthermore, the proposed method is more computationally efficient than conventional image compensation methods that use 3D geometric information.