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      • KCI등재

        Pari.s et défi.s dans la traduction de la poésie

        Carmen ANDREI 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2022 에피스테메 Vol.- No.27

        The present article revisits ideas punctually treated in Carmen Andrei, Vers la maîtrise de la traduction littéraire. Vade-mecum théorique et pratique (Galaţi, Galati University Press, 2014), in the chapter entitled ‘Traduire la poésie’ [Translating Poetry], refining them by a case study involving two very different translation versions of the famous prose poem by Charles Baudelaire, Chacun sa chimère, one by Dan Dănilă, and the other an anonymous one found on the internet. My choice is justified beyond the title: the translation of poetry has forever been a challenge to the conscience and the critical spirit of the experts in this particular type of ‘specialised’ discourse, requiring a specific set of skills. It goes without saying that translating poetry means entering an infinitely complex system, in a third language. Meaning retrieval and ‘faithful’ prosodic imitation? Reputedly untranslatable, even impossible since value and truth are intrinsic to it, the translation of poetry puts forth genuine bets and challenges to reveal, and difficulties and dilemmas to surmount. Avoiding standardising, even stigmatising typologies, and making good use of creativity are among the pre-requisites of a good translation of poetry. Dans cet article, je reprends des propos auxquels j’ai réfléchi ponctuellement dans Carmen Andrei, Vers la maîtrise de la traduction littéraire. Vade-mecum théorique et pratique (Galaţi, Galati University Press, 2014), chapitre « Traduire la poésie » en les raffinant par une étude de cas sur deux traductions riches mais surtout différentes du célèbre poème en prose de Charles Baudelaire, Chacun sa chimère, la première appartenant à Dan Dănilă, la seconde, anonyme, puisée sur la Grande Toile. Mon choix se justifie à plus d’un titre : la traduction poétique a longuement travaillé la conscience et l’esprit critique des théoriciens et des praticiens de ce type de discours « spécialisé », de niche ou créneau exigeant une adresse particulière. Il est admis à l’unanimité que traduire la poésie, c’est se placer dans un système infiniment complexe, dans une troisième langue. Restitution du sens et imitation prosodique « fidèles » ? Réputée intraduisible, impossible puisque valeur et vérité lui sont immanente, la traduction poétique lance de vrais paris et défis à relever, des difficultés et des dilemmes à surmonter (garde au nivellement). Eviter les typologies qui standardisent, voire stigmatisent, bien peser la créativité (entre les affres du style flaubertiens et le respect du continu rhythmique meschonniciens) sont parmi les préconditions d’une bonne traduction poétique.

      • KCI등재후보

        The heartland no more: Russia’s weakness and Eurasia’s meltdown

        Andrei P. Tsygankov 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2012 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.3 No.1

        The Eurasian region continues to disintegrate, and neither Russia nor the West has been able to arrest the destabilizing dynamics. Evidence of rising instability throughout the region include the August 2008 Russia-Georgia war, terrorist attacks in the Northern Caucasus, the persistent failure of Western forces to stabilize Afghanistan, the inability of Central Asian rulers to reign in local clans and drug lords, and the paralysis of legitimately elected bodies of power in Ukraine and Moldova. The West’s attempts to secure and stabilize Eurasia after the end of the Cold War have not led to success. Russia too has greatly contributed to the Eurasian meltdown. The Soviet collapse and the subsequent retreat of Russia from the region have greatly destabilized the area. The relative recovery of the Russian economy during the post-Yeltsin decade began to revive Russia’s standing in Eurasia, yet Moscow could ill afford serious efforts to stabilize and pacify the region. Russia’s resurgence is a response to its lacking recognition as a vital power and partner of the West. If Russia chooses to dedicate itself to obstructing Western policies in Eurasia, we will see more of the collapsing dynamics in the region. Preventing this requires recognizing Russia’s role in stabilizing the region and working with Russia in developing a joint assessment of threat and establishing a collective security arrangement in Eurasia.

      • KCI등재

        Euphony in the Septuagint: Genesis 49 and Exodus 15 as Study Cases

        Andrei S. Denitsky (재)대한성서공회 성경원문연구소 2014 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.35

        This article takes a closer look at some poetic passages in the Septuagint in order to determine if a certain quest for more formal regularity could have influenced translator’s choices. This factor has been usually neglected so far because the Septuagint itself was not regarded as a literary text that can make an aesthetic impact on the reader. Anyway, the study demonstrates that at times translational anomalies can be explained, alongside with other reasons, by translator’s intention to produce more alliterations and assonances and more rhythmic regularities than a standard equivalent would. Still, this research demands a rather balanced methodology so that meaningful solutions can be distinguished from mere coincidences. So the methodology is discussed here in detail. Another aspect which is considered in this study is the role played by the Septuagint in the history of Greek literature. One may ask if some Septuagint texts influenced to a certain degree the future rise of the Byzantine rhythmic poetry, and the present study gives a cautious approval to this hypothesis.

      • KCI등재

        Bible Translation between Anthropology and Theology

        Andrei S. Denitsky (재)대한성서공회 성경원문연구소 2014 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.34

        This paper gives a brief overview of this new trend, based on the author’s twenty years of experience in this field in Russia and neighbouring countries, first as a Bible translator and editor with the Bible society, then as a translation consultant with the Institute for Bible Translation in Moscow, Russia. The area of Biblical studies used to be dominated by theology, but theology lost its central importance in the latter 20th century, replaced by linguistics, anthropology and other humanities disciplines. However, theology is slowly regaining its former importance under new circumstances and in a new way. This shift is primarily associated with the name of Eugene Nida and his colleagues who developed a profound theoretical foundation and a set of elaborate methodologies for Bible translators. Those changes eventually led to the appearance of some newer approaches, the two most prominent being relevance and functionalist theories. This tendency is yet more visible with the skopos or functionalist theory, initially proposed by K. Reiß and H. Vermeer, later developed and made globally known by C. Nord. New approaches are appearing, some trying to domesticate the text as much as possible, others on the contrary, insisting on radical foreignisation of the Bible. The principle of iconicity that S. Crisp promotes can however give some room for translations different from the standard ‘meaning-based’ ones while avoiding the naivity of so-called essential literalness. Anthropology takes an important place in translational studies but theology mostly remains an uncharted area, so creating some sort of an ‘iconic theology’ of translation may help to correct this imbalance. The current problems of Bible translation have some clearly theological components so they should be studied, discussed and dealt with accordingly. To sum up, we are facing a situation which is fundamentally different from the one that was present in the “missionary era”, so theologians and anthropologists should become friends if they want to be successful as Bible translators.

      • KCI등재

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