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      • KCI등재

        Rates of Chlorimuron Applied in Glyphosate-Tolerant and Sulfonylurea-Tolerant Soybean

        Leandro Paiola Albrecht,Alfredo Junior Paiola Albrecht,André Felipe Moreira Silva,Fábio Henrique Krenchinski,Henrique Fabrício Placido,Ricardo Victoria Filho 한국작물학회 2018 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.21 No.3

        Susceptibility to chlorimuron varies according to soybean genotype. STS® (sulfonylurea-tolerant soybean) presents a high tolerance to some sulfonylureas; this feature is determined by semi-dominants alleles, Als1 and Als2. Experiments were conducted in the field for four seasons with two cultivars for season to evaluate the selectivity of chlorimuron rates in post-emergency (V4) of glyphosate-tolerant and sulfonylurea-tolerant soybean. Data analysis made it possible to infer that there was no significant effect on the productivity of the cultivars when they received application in post-emergency, of chlorimuron at the doses used (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 g ai ha-1). The maximum recommended rate for non-STS cultivars of chlorimuron is 20 g ai ha-1, or 4.5 times less than the maximum rate employed in this study. The soybean cultivars CD 250 RR/STS, CD 236 RR/STS, CD 2630 RR/STS, and BMX Turbo RR/STS were tolerant to the application, in post-emergency (V4) of the herbicide chlorimuron, until the rate of 90 g ai ha-1.

      • KCI등재

        Übersetzen als multifunktionale didaktische Methode im Fremdsprachenunterricht als Teil interkultureller Kommunikation

        Albrecht Huwe 한국외국어교육학회 2017 Foreign languages education Vol.24 No.2

        The knowledge, that the human brain has the faculty of multilingualism, is no result recently revealed by the picture giving processes of the modern brain research. It is simply a matter of fact, shown through everday life. (Nevertheless impressing is indeed the visualizing of the three-dimensional network systems which embed languages in the brain.) Also the knowledge, that languages are learned (and also forgotten) in early childhood age most easily, is not at all a new research result. So, if modern brain research may provide an original contribution in promotion of multilingualism or not, is not a so important question at this moment. The bottom line is the well-known fact, that promotion of language acquisition / learning should be realized in a motivating environment. This is an old pedagogical task. The modern brain research confirms the fact that the only one ideal language acquisition method does not exist. Since language acquisition / learning is realized on individually shaped different ways. To promote multilingualism in a person requires the knowledge of his / her individual language biography. This can be described by the so-called Laswell-formula. To shaper the focus onto the language learning group of grown-up persons, the best language learning method exists in conscious making. This method is not only related to the foreign language but also to the differences between foreign language and mother tongue and thereby to the special features of the mother tongue itself. However the degree of consciousness related to the mother tongue is usually very low. Translation with its two main methods, i.e. documentary and functional translation, is also a very useand helpful language learning method in grown-up persons. Since it makes conscious of the differences in semantics and syntax of the related language pair. Especially functional translation as one type of intercultural communication further makes conscious of the differences in communication situations between source and target language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Werk und Wirkung. Kommentar, Kritik und Übersetzung nach Friedrich Schlegel

        Albrecht Buschmann 서울대학교 독일어문화권연구소 2018 독일어문화권연구 Vol.27 No.-

        Unter welchen Voraussetzungen lässt sich heute Literaturkritik schreiben? Auf diese Frage antwortet der Aufsatz mit einem historischen Überblick über die geistesgeschichtlichen Bedingungen und den Wandel der methodischen Reflexionen von Kritik. Das Genre wird dabei als Vertreter jener Metatexte verstanden, die wie der Kommentar oder die Übersetzung einen Ausgangstext fortschreiben. Nach einem Rückblick auf die vormodernen Formen der Kritik in einem von Regelpoetiken bestimmten literarischen Feld (bis ins 18. Jahrhundert) liegt der Fokus der Darstellung auf der Herausbildung der modernen Kritik ab der Romantik. Als wichtigste Vordenker werden Friedrich Schlegel und Walter Benjamin präsentiert; für die ab dem 20. Jahrundert wachsende Kritik an der Kritik werden stellvertredend Niklas Luhmann und Jacques Derrida vorgestellt. Die Kritik ist seitdem stigmatisiert als eine aus der Aufklärung stammenden Diskursform, die systemisch blind ist für die ihr innewohnenden Widersprüche; ihre am weitesten verbreitete Schwundform, die Rezension in Publikumszeitschriften, wird geschmäht als Teil einer kapitalistischen Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie ohne theoretische Grundlage. Als Ausweg aus den grundsätzlichen Begrenzungen des Genres Kritik erscheint der Kommentar, wie er bereits von Schlegel und Benjamin mitgedacht wurde.

      • KCI등재후보

        A FACTUAL MYTH: American Soldiers, Project 100,000 and the New Standards Men

        Albrecht, Robert Thomas 서울대학교 미국학연구소 2012 미국학 Vol.35 No.2

        The term factual myth is used to describe a mixture of truth and distortion. Factual myths are significant since studies show that many members of the general American public rely on cues provided by elites to determine their support or opposition to the policies and activities of their government. When elites disseminate factual myths they do more than simply repeat a half-truth. They impact the democratic choices of significant segments of the American population. Factual myths should be distinguished from opinions. Factual myths are statements made as fact that are non-truths. Not all non-truths rise to the level of factual myths, but when a sufficient number of elites parrot the same non-truths, a factual myth is created that once entered into the public mind is very difficult to change. This paper illustrates the creation of a factual myth in American society in the period immediately before and following Operation Iraqi Freedom—the factual myth that US soldiers serving in Iraq were mentally or socially inferior to their peers in civilian society. Some of the people disseminating the factual myth probably believed its veracity because of a program operated several decades earlier by the Department of Defense that intentionally brought into military service men who were mentally unqualified to serve. This program, called Project 100,000 by its originator Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, brought approximately 354,000 mentally deficient young American men into military service during the Vietnam War. Some of these men served honorably and well while others failed. More than 2,000 of them died in combat. Many of these men, in their public interactions with others, unintentionally created a general impression of American soldiers as mentally inferior. It was an impression that persisted well beyond 1971 when the program ended. Examples of elite opinion expressed in the period following Operation Iraqi Freedom which led to the creation of a factual myth regarding the quality of the soldiers serving in Iraq are provided. A review of the research which establishes that elite opinion influences public opinion regarding the public’s perception of the validity of government actions and policies is covered. Then the basis for the factual myth is examined—Project 100,000. The paper closes with suggestions for mitigating the effects of factual myths in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Aesthetic Surgery and Social Change in South Korea

        ( Albrecht Eduardo Zachery ) 한국문화인류학회 2011 韓國文化人類學 Vol.44 No.2

        이 논문의 의도는 한국의 성형수술에 대한 인류학적 연구의 가능한 연구방법을 나타내고자 함이다. 이를 위해서, 한 가지 가설을 제기하고자 한다. 신체에 대한 변화는 한국 사회에서 일어나고 있는 광범위한 사회적 변화를 반영한다. 한국여성 사이에서 성형 수술의 인기는``가능성의 이념``임을 드러내며 또한 모든 것의 변화, 개선, 향상을 향한 것인가? 그러한 이념의 본질과 중요성은 무엇이며, 여성들의 시각과 그들의 신체를 대함에 있어서 초래될 결과는 무엇인가? The intention of this paper is to set out some possible research directions for an ethnographic study of aesthetic surgery in South Korea. To do this, I advance an initial hypothesis: that changes on the body somehow reflect the broader social changes occurring in South Korean society. Does the relative popularity of aesthetic surgery amongst South Korean women reveal an ``ideology of the possible``, in which anything and everything is subject to change, renewal, amelioration? What is the nature and significance of such an ideology, and what are the implications for the way women view and manage their bodies?

      • The Offer of Advanced Imaging Techniques Leads to Higher Acceptance Rates for Screening Colonoscopy - a Prospective Study

        Albrecht, Heinz,Gallitz, Julia,Hable, Robert,Vieth, Michael,Tontini, Gian Eugenio,Neurath, Markus Friedrich,Riemann, Jurgen Ferdinand,Neumann, Helmut Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2016 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.17 No.8

        Background: Colonoscopy plays a fundamental role in early diagnosis and management of colorectal cancer and requires public and professional acceptance to ensure the ongoing success of screening programs. The aim of the study was to prospectively assess whether patient acceptance rates to undergo screening colonoscopy could be improved by the offer of advanced imaging techniques. Materials and Methods: Overall, 372 randomly selected patients were prospectively included. A standardized questionnaire was developed that inquired of the patients their knowledge regarding advanced imaging techniques. Second, several media campaigns and information events were organized reporting about advanced imaging techniques, followed by repeated evaluation. After one year the evaluation ended. Results: At baseline, 64% of the patients declared that they had no knowledge about new endoscopic methods. After twelve months the overall grade of information increased significantly from 14% at baseline to 34%. The percentage of patients who decided to undergo colonoscopy because of the offer of new imaging methods also increased significantly from 12% at baseline to 42% after 12 months. Conclusions: Patients were highly interested in the offer of advanced imaging techniques. Knowledge about these techniques could relatively easy be provided using local media campaigns. The offer of advanced imaging techniques leads to higher acceptance rates for screening colonoscopies.

      • KCI등재

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