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        골다공증 치료제의 순응도

        이동옥 대한골다공증학회 2015 Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia Vol.13 No.2

        For the treatment of osteoporosis, patients’ compliance for medication is one of important factor for fracture prevention. Though various medications were developed for osteoporosis, still patients’ compliance for the medication is low. Clinical implication of treatment compliance in the treatment of osteoporosis and specific characteristics of various medications were reviewed.

      • 노인여성의 임금노동에 관한 태도와 사회적 인식 : 공중파 텔레비전 드라마를 중심으로

        이동옥 동덕여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2012 젠더연구 Vol.- No.17

        평균수명의 증가로 사회적으로 노인의 경제적 문제에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있다. 노인 중에서 여성 인구가 상대적으로 많기 때문에 노인 문제는 여성 문제로 인식된다. 하지만 노인 노동시장에서도 여성들은 주변화되어 있다. 이 연구는 드라마에 재현된 노인여성들이 임금노동에 관한 태도를 고찰하고 사회적 인식이 이들의 선택과 결정에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 살펴본다. 이 연구는 2011년 1월 1일부터 2012년 10월 15일까지 공중파 텔레비전에서 방영한 드라마 45편을 분석했다. 성별분업의 구도하에서 여성들은 자신의 위치를 집으로 인식하고 남편에게 의존해서 사는 삶을 '행복'으로 정의한다. 노인여성들은 임금노동을 하면서 남편, 자녀에게 경제적으로 의존하지 못한다는 사실 때문에 낮은 자아존중감을 갖는다. 그러나 여성들은 남편의 은퇴 이후 경제적 수입의 감소로 인해 임금노동의 요구를 드러낸다. 한편, 노인여성들은 가족사업에 참여하고 손자녀양육을 위해 직장을 그만두는데, 이러한 경험을 가족 내의 성역할로 해석했다. 또한 노인여성들은 남성들처럼 전문직에 종사하지만 대부분 여성의 일, 여성적인 일에 국한되었다. 드라마에서 노인여성들은 가족에 집착하는 미성숙한 존재로 재현되었다. 이러한 측면에서 다양한 분야에서 열심히 임금노동을 하는 노인여성들의 삶을 조명하고 창조할 필요성이 있다. 드라마에서 임금노동을 통해 경제적 독립을 달성하고 삶의 의미를 추구하는 노인여성을 재현하는 것은 여성들에게 새로운 역할모델을 제시하고 노동 의욕을 고취시키며 사회적으로 일자리를 요구하는 한편, 노인노동에 관한 사회적 인식을 변화시켜 성차별을 시정하는 데에 도움을 준다. With the increase of life expectancy, society has a strong interest in economic problems of old people. because women consist of the majority of old people compared to men, old people's issues are connected with women's issues. However, women are marginalized in labour market for old people. This research considers what attitude of labour the old women represented in dramas have and how the social recognition affects their choices and decisions. This research analyzed 45 dramas, whichi had been brodecasted on public TV from January 1, 2011 to October 15, 2012. The result of this research is as following: Under the modern gendered division of labor, women recognize that their position is home and they define the life that they are dependent on their husbands as 'happiness'. In this context, old women working in labour market have low self-esteem because they cannot depend on their husbands or adult children. The decrease of income after husbands' retirement has a negative impact on women's lives and leads to their need of labour. Meanwhile, they participate in family business and quit the job for taking care of grandchildren. These experiences were interpreted as the gendered role in family. Although old women work in a professional field like old men, they are restricted to the women's work and feminine work. In dramas old women were represented as the immature existences who obsess over family members. Dramas should reflect old women's lives working hared and produce them in the various fields. Old women need to be represented as the image that accomplishes the economic independence and seeks for meaning of life by labour, which is helpful to correct the gender discrimination in old people's labour market by providing women's role model and changing social recognition.

      • KCI등재

        Uncomfortable Transit from Caregiving to Care Receiving: Elderly Women Encounter the Problematic Reciprocity of Caring

        이동옥,조은,장필화 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2008 Korea Journal Vol.48 No.4

        As Korean society turns into an aging society, the elderly are becoming one of the new social risk bearers due to the lack of an adequate care system. This paper deals with the experiences of elderly women who are transitioning from care giving to care receiving, representing the last phase of the gendered circuit of caring. Approaching the issue from a feminist perspective, this ethnography of the elderly reveals the perplexing position of Korean women, in particular, elderly women, and shows that Korean elderly women are the locus of contradictions and dilemmas that arise when the family, the state and the market contest, upon which the assumptions of intimacy and reciprocity, male breadwinner ideology and ideal independent elderly discourse are nested. As Korean society turns into an aging society, the elderly are becoming one of the new social risk bearers due to the lack of an adequate care system. This paper deals with the experiences of elderly women who are transitioning from care giving to care receiving, representing the last phase of the gendered circuit of caring. Approaching the issue from a feminist perspective, this ethnography of the elderly reveals the perplexing position of Korean women, in particular, elderly women, and shows that Korean elderly women are the locus of contradictions and dilemmas that arise when the family, the state and the market contest, upon which the assumptions of intimacy and reciprocity, male breadwinner ideology and ideal independent elderly discourse are nested.

      • 텔레비전 드라마에 나타난 노인여성의 역할분석과 힘기르기

        이동옥 동덕여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2009 젠더연구 Vol.- No.14

        This research attempts to analyze image of the elderly women represented in 10 television dramas, which were played between April, 2009 and February, 2010. Elderly women's role model represented in TV is mainly limited to motherhood, but it doesn't mean they are dependent, poor and powerless. Elderly Women in drama get over good and unselfish mothers. They try their best in spite of economic hardship, be the matriarch with wealth and power, and enjoy their life away from their adult children, etc. The women show us multiple role models. These role models supply elderly women with challenge for a new life who are not just not being tied up the gender role. Further, the role models propose the generational interaction, solidarity and vision for the future.

      • KCI등재

        중노년 여성주의 활동가의 리더십과 노인여성운동의 방향

        이동옥 계명대학교 여성학연구소 2019 젠더와 문화 Vol.12 No.1

        Based on in-depth interview, this research explores how middle and old-aged feminists perceive their age, roles, and leadership, showing that they are active in matters of networking, finance, and training young activists. The middle and old-aged feminists are ready to learn creativity and accept criticism from younger activists, as well as acquiring IT competence. They also reduce the amount of work undertaken and reflect on slowness. Middle and old-aged activists consider their retirement, complying with age-norms and making plans to act independently. In addition, the research participants explore older women's feminist activism, stressing the need to take the structure of gendered power beyond a psychological approach. They also take into account the issue of elderly care in the complex context of the giver and receiver of care, recognizing in particular a feminist approach to health, medicine, and death. Furthermore, these middle and old-aged activists identify ageism in feminism and are eager to promote conscious-raising of older women. When they display the leadership regarding this issue, the prospect of older women's activism is optimistic. Older women's labor movement should be activated, because the economic independence in old age affects the quality of life. 이 연구는 중노년 여성주의 활동가들이 연령적 층위에서 어떠한 역할을 요구받고 리더십을 발휘하는지 심층면접을 통해 살펴본다. 활동가들은 네 트워킹, 재정, 후배양성을 위해 노력하고, 후배의 창의성과 비판의식을 배 우며 정보화능력을 습득한다. 활동가들은 느림을 성찰하고 일의 양을 줄 이면서도 후배들의 능력을 인정한다. 또한 이들은 은퇴를 고려하고 독자 적 활동을 계획한다. 한편, 중노년 활동가들은 노인여성이 주체가 되는 당 사자운동을 구상한다. 이들은 치유중심의 심리적 접근에서 성별 권력의 구조적 접근, 노인여성의 위치에서 노인돌봄의 해석, 그리고 의료에 관한 여성주의 관점의 필요성을 인식한다. 활동가들이 연령차별을 인식하고 자 신의 계획과 노년의 쟁점을 연결시키고 리더십을 실천하는 것은 노인여성 운동의 가능성을 열어 놓는다.

      • 어린이들의 태권도 수련이 신체 조성과 체력 발달에 미치는 영향

        이동옥,양윤권 건국대학교 교육연구소 2000 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate of body composition and physical fitness between the taekwondo trained and beginner. The subjects consist of trained group and beginner group . The trained group(10) were trained for over 2years(24 months). The beginner group(10) were trained below 3months. The conclusions of the study are as follow: 1.Body composition 1) The %fat of Beginner group was higher than Trained group by 1.20% but not significant. 2) The fat mass of Trained group was higher than the beginner group by 0.51kg but not significant. 3) The lean body weight of Trained group was significantly(p〈.05) higher than the Beginner group by 3.68㎏. 4) The soft lean mass of Trained group was significantly(p〈.05) higher than the Beginner group by 3.48㎏. 5) The total body water of Trained group was significantly(p〈.05) higher than the Beginner group by 2.56ℓ. 2.Physical fitness 1) Muscle strength (1) Grip strength The right grip strength of Trained group was significantly(p〈.05) higher than the Beginner group by 4.15㎏. The left grip strength of Trained group was higher than the Beginner group By 2.70㎏ but not significant. (2) Back Strength The back strength of Trained group was higher than the Beginner group by 8.95㎏ but not significant. 2)Muscle endurance (1) The sit-up was of Trained group was very significantly (p〈.01) higher than the Beginner group by 10.30 beats/30sec. 3)Agility (1) Burpee test The burpee test of Trained group was higher than the Beginner group by 2.80beats/30sec but not significant. (2) Whole reaction test The whole reaction test of Trained group was lower than the Beginner group by 0.10 but not significant. 1) Power (1) Sargent jump The sargent jump of Trained group was significantly(p〈.05) higher than the beginner group by 8.40㎝. 5) Balance The stork standing test of Trained group was very significantly(p〈.01) higher than the Beginner group by 3.41sec. 6) Flexibility (1) Trunk flexion The trunk flexion of Trained group was significantly(p〈.05) higher than the Beginner group by 3.24㎝. (2) Trunk extension The trunk extension was of Trained group was lower than the Beginner group by 5.70㎝ but not significant. As seen above, the two groups showed significant differences in their body composition and motor ability through taekwondo practice. In this regard, the author suggest that the regular participation in taekwondo practice is an important role in improvement of the body composition and physical fitness

      • 한국 청소년들의 신체조성 및 체력발달경향에 관한 연구

        이동옥,이창진 건국대학교 교육연구소 2001 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze body composition and physical fitness development trend of Korean youth. The subjects were 1,237 Korean youth, 623 male(323 middle school students, 300 high school students) and 614 female(313 middle school students, 30 high school students), from the first grade of middle school to the third grade of high school. Body composition was measured by InBody 2.0 of a segmental multifrequency impedance analyzer. The measured items were total body water, fat mass, fat free mass, %body fat, waist hip ratio, body mass index and basal metabolic rate. Physical fitness was measured by the same method. The measured items were strength(left/right grip strength, back strength), balance (stork stand), speed(50m dash), power(stand long jump), muscular endurance(sit-up), flexibility(sit and reach), agility(whole body reaction test), and cardiovascular endurance(1,200m, 1,600m run). The data were analyzed with One-Way ANOVA using SPSS Version 10.0 The results were as follows: 1.Depending on the development stage of students, body composition of male subjects had significant differences in total body water, fat free mass, %body fat, waist hip ratio, body mass index and basal metabolic rate except fat mass, and that of female subjects gad significant differences in total body water, fat mass, fat free mass, %body fat, body mass index and basal metabolic rate except waist hip ratio. 2.Depending on the development stage of students, physical fitness of youths was statistically significant in strength, muscular endurance, agility, balance, power, speed, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance both in male and female.

      • 무용동작 수행 결정요인 분석

        이동옥,임청하 건국대학교 교육연구소 2001 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        The study was designed to identify how the factorial structure for Deciding performance of Dance Movement. The subjects participating in this study were 31 women who was experienced the Dance. In order to accomplish this purpose, the 9 selected Dance Movement test were conducted to S college in Seoul. Factor analysis was applied for analyzing factorial structure of Dance Movement The implications of the study were was as follows ; 1.Among the factors of Dance Movement, Agility gad a significant impact. 2.At the excellent Dance Movement, Agility, Balance, Flexibility were very important factors for deciding performance outcomes.

      • 아침결식이 여고생의 체력과 신체조성에 미치는 영향

        이동옥,김현숙,송애경 建國大學校 敎育硏究所 2003 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        This study was intended to make a comparative analysis of the effect of female high school students' absence of breakfast on the composition of physical strength and body. This study was conducted for 30 subjects in the group of female high school students omitting breakfast, those female students enrolled in the high school attached to ´K´University. As the research method, this study made a measurement and comparison of body fat by group, conducted the physical strength test on six items and conducted the questionnaire research and analyzed its results. As a result, it was found that there was not a overall significant difference in body fat, physical strength and that breakfast did not have an effect on body composition and scholastic achievement as well. This run counter to the findings of previous studies and expectation of this study. Accordingly, it is necessary to male a systematic study of the effect of female high school students' absence of breakfast on the composition of physical strength and body for more subjects for a longer period of research.

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