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        이정원 소장 필사 18장본 심청전의 이본론

        이정원 판소리학회 2018 판소리연구 Vol.45 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the Leejeongwon 18-chapter version of Simcheongjeon. According to the classification by Kim Youngsoo and Shin Horim, the Leejeongwon 18-chapter version belongs to Simpanggyu and Jangja groups. I compared the Leejeongwon 18-chapter version with a few versions of the Simpanggyu group (Choijaenam 22-chapter version, Paksunho 43-chapter version, Kimgwangsun 19-chapter version, and Jeongmunyoun 19-chapter version). As a result, I could determine that the Leejeongwon version was written earlier than the other versions and it directly influenced the Choijaenam version. According to manuscript records, it is estimated that the Leejeongwon version was written in 1829, because the Leejeongwon version was not influenced by Shinjaehyo version written by 1870. And the Leejeongwon version is supposed to have been written in Kyuongsang province because Kyoungsang dialect was mainly used in it and references to the area name of Yeju, Ulsan, which is in Kyoungsang province, were found in it. The distinguishing features of the Leejeongwon version are as below. First, it presents the typical Simcheongjeon in Gasa style. Second, it exhibits a transition period from Jangja group to Jangja’s wife group. Considering these features, we can gather three useful points from the Leejeongwon version. First, the Leejeongwon version is one of the earlier versions of Simcheongjeon whose time and geographical area of writing have been confirmed. Second, the Leejeongwon version is the full script of the earlier versions of Simcheongjeon in Gasa style. Third, the Leejeongwon version uses the Kyoungsang dialect of a certain period. 이 논문은 이정원 소장 필사 18장본 심청전을 학계에 소개하고자 한다. 이정원본은 김영수와 신호림의 분류에 따르면 심팽규 계열과 장자 계열에 속한다. 이정원본의 이본론을 위해 심팽규 계열인 최재남22장본, 박순호43장본, 김광순19장본, 정문연19장본과 대비하였다. 그 결과 이정원본은 비교 대상 이본들보다 앞선 이본이고 특히 최재남본에는 직접적인 영향을 준 이본임을 확인할 수 있었다. 이정원본의 필사 시기는 필사기(기축팔월십일닐등서우 짐)로 볼 때 1829년으로 추정된다. 이는 이정원본이 1870년 무렵에 나온 신재효본의 영향을 받지 않은 이본으로 확인되기 때문이다. 필사 지역은 경상도로 추정된다. 이는 이정원본에서 경상 방언이 보편적으로 쓰였고, 예주・울산과 같은 지역명이 발견되기 때문이다. 이정원본의 이본적 특징은 크게 두 가지이다. 첫째, 이정원본은 가사체 심청전의 전형적인 모습을 보인다. 둘째, 이정원본은 장자 계열에서 장자부인 계열으로 이행기 양상을 보인다. 이러한 특징에 기반하여 이정원본은 다음의 가치를 지닌다. 첫째 필사 시기와 지역을 확정할 수 있는 초기 심청전이다. 둘째 가사체 심청전 중 이른 시기의 완본이다. 셋째 이정원본은 특정 시기 경상 지역 문헌 방언을 보여주는 이본이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        EFL 학습자의 번역에 대한 인식과 번역 전략 사용

        이정원 한국현대영어영문학회 2019 현대영어영문학 Vol.63 No.1

        The present study aims at investigating EFL learners’ perception of translation and translation strategies they use when they learn English. For this study, 698 college students were asked to respond to two survey questionnaires: perception of translation and translation strategy use. The findings were as follows: 1) the learners, low-level learners in particular, generally perceived that translation plays a positive role in their English learning, though they responded negatively to some items; 2) they showed a medium to high level of translation strategy use, and less proficient learners used significantly more of the strategies related to listening, speaking, and reading skills; 3) their perception of translation use had a close relationship to their translation strategy use; and 4) less proficient learners appeared to perceive more of the importance of using translation, and they used translation strategies more frequently. Teaching implication is also addressed.

      • KCI등재

        창의적 인력 양성을 위한 융합적 교육 방안 - 외국어 계열 학생을 중심으로

        이정원,문상호,Lee, Jungwon,Moon, Sang-Ho 한국정보통신학회 2014 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.18 No.8

        본 논문에서는 외국어 계열과 IT 계열의 창의적 인력 양성을 위한 융합적 교육 방안에 관한 제언을 목적으로 한다. 학계와 기업, 그리고 정부는 지금까지 대학졸업자의 취업을 위해서 수많은 변화와 노력을 시도하였고, 더 나은 방향을 제시하고자 여러 사업과 계획들을 추진하였다. 그러나 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 여전히 대학졸업생의 취업률이 심각한 사회문제로 남아 있는 게 현실이다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 본 논문에서는 국내 대학 및 전문대학의 취업률을 고찰하고, 상대적으로 취업률이 저조한 외국어 계열 대학의 취업률을 높이기 위해서 IT 계열과의 융합교육 방안을 제안한다. 세부적으로 창의성, 차별성, 현지성, 그리고 융합성이라는 새로운 패러다임을 만들고, 이를 바탕으로 노동시장의 한계점을 극복할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. The purpose of this paper is to propose convergence education for creative manpower training between foreign language and Information technology department's students. Academia and industry, and government have attempted a number of changes and efforts for the employment of university graduated students and they have also promoted various projects and plans to suggest a better way. But the graduates employment rate is still left as serious social problem. To solve this problem, we seek to propose convergence education plan to enhance the employment rate of foreign language department that is relatively low unlike other departments. This proposal will make a new paradigm in education - Creativity, Difference, Locality, and Convergence. Based on these paradigms, it is expected to overcome the limitation of labor market.

      • 불어의 음절구조 분석 : 억양과 강세음절

        이정원 한국음성과학회 1997 음성과학 Vol.1 No.-

        This study aims to present some notes on the French syllabic structure based on the relation between the intonation pattern and the stressed syllable. The recent phonetico-phonological study is mainly focussed on the notion of syllable. However it is quite difficult to analyse the syllable structure because of its complexity. In this paper I have tried to analyse the French syllabic structure both in phonetics and in phonology. This paper contains three parts. First of all, in section 2, the notion of syllable and the French prosodic phenomena are reviewed phonetically, and is phonologically focused on the intonation pattern. Secondly, in section 3, I have analyzed the relation between the intonation pattern and the stressed syllable in French based on CSL analyses. Finally, in section 4, I have suggested some syllabic structure patterns in French based on the analyses in section 3. This is an attempt to further the inter-disciplinary study between phonetics and phonology, and also an attempt to settle on a model of phonological French syllabic structure. I have left the application of the result of this study as a future subject to study. But still, the result of this study can serve as a basic reference for those who are studying French and for students who are would like to learn about French syllabic structure.

      • KCI등재

        어휘 사이즈 평가에서 “모름” 선택지의 역할

        이정원 한국현대영어영문학회 2023 현대영어영문학 Vol.67 No.1

        The current study aims at examining whether an “I don’t know” option affects EFL learners’ guessing behavior in the Vocabulary Size Test (VST) and whether the effects of the option differ depending upon their vocabulary size levels. For this study, 138 college students were randomly assigned to two groups of the VST with or without an “I don’t know” option, in which they were again divided into two groups depending upon their vocabulary size levels (high and low). They were asked to take the VST test and then the meaning recall test a weak later. The findings were, in general, that the test-takers’ guessing behaviors in the VST were influenced by vocabulary size level, but not by their partial knowledge. Specifically, the “I don’t know” option deterred the participants, high-level learners in particular, from guessing the correct answers in the test, whereas it failed to wield influence on the use of partial knowledge in the test, irrespective their vocabulary size level. Discussion and implications are followed.

      • KCI등재

        Al-Alkoxide 로 부터 Sol-Gel 법으로 제조한 Al2O3 의 분말특성

        이정원,천병선,원창환 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1990 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        Transparent alumina was prepared by a sol-gel process. The fabrication process comprises precipitation of aluminum monohydroxide, formation of sol and gel, and calcination of alumina. Thin Al₂O₃coatings were prepared on stainless steel by slow dehydration of an aqueous sol and subsequent heating in air. The alumina coating was transparent by calcination at temperatures up to 1000℃ above which it became opaque due to the formation of α-alumina phase. The total volume of micropores and the volume of pores larger than 80A in the synthesised alumina powder were decreased with increasing calcination temperature upto 1200℃ above which the latter was abruptly increased. The grain size was affected by PH of solution, mole ratio of H₂O/ASB, and reaction temperature. The lattice parameter was not affected by the above three parameters. The alumina powder synthesised by this method has both ultra-fine size and high purity. The high reactivity owing to high surface energy is thought to have contributed to obtaining this alumina powder at a relatively low sintering temperature of 1600℃.

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