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        FWD 방향을 고려한 콘크리트 포장 하부 상태 평가

        이재훈,이재훈,손덕수,유주호,정진훈 한국도로학회 2014 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.16 No.6

        PURPOSES: The purpose of this paper is showing that the state of pavement sublayers can be evaluated differently according to direction ofFWD. METHODS: The concrete pavement slabs above subgrade without anything, subgrade with cavity, and box culvert were modeled by finiteelement method(FEM). The modeled pavements were analyzed by changing the direction of falling weight deflectometer(FWD). Thedeflection results obtained from FEM were used to calculate radius of relative stiffness and composite modulus of subgrade reaction usingAREA method. Then, the analyzed results were compared to the results of the test performed at the Korea Expressway Corporation(KEC) testroad. RESULTS : The composite modulus of subgrade reaction increased with subgrade elastic modulus, while radius of relative stiffnessdecreased. The pavement sections of pure earth showed the consistent results regardless of FWD direction. In case there was cavity, the radiusof relative stiffness was larger and composite modulus of subgrade reaction was smaller when FWD was leaving the cavity than whenapproaching the cavity. This pattern became clear when the cavity got larger. In case of the section with box culvert, the pattern was opposite tothe case of cavity. When the soil cover depth increased, the effect of box culvert got smaller. When the load was applied far from the cavity andbox culvert, the effect was also declined. The test performed at the KEC test road showed identical results to those of finite element analysis. CONCLUSIONS : The direction of FWD should be considered in evaluation of the state of pavement sublayers because it can be evaluateddifferently even under identical condition.

      • 포장하부 상태에 따른 FWD 결과의 변화

        이재훈,염우성,이재훈,정진훈 한국도로학회 2014 한국도로학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.9

        포장하부는 공용기간이 경과하면서 다양한 이유로 인해 지지력저하, 부등침하, 단차 등이 발생하고 이 는 포장의 파손으로 이어져 운전자들의 주행성과 안전성을 저하시킨다. 이러한 파손을 방지하기 위해서는 포장하부를 명확하게 파악하고 적절한 시기에 유지보수를 실시하여 공용성을 유지시켜야 하는데 포장하 부를 평가하는 기법으로는 국·내외에서 가장 많이 사용되는 비파괴 기법인 FWD를 주로 사용하고 있다. FWD는 포장구조진단기로 포장체에 하중을 가하고 이로 인해 발생하는 수직처짐량을 일정한 간격으로 배 치된 계측기에서 측정하여 하중과 처짐량의 관계를 분석하여 포장하부 상태를 평가한다. 하지만 FWD의 방향에 따라 동일지점이라 하더라도 포장하부 상태가 상이하게 나타날 수 있음에도 불구하고 이에 대한 명확한 규정 및 지침이 없는 상태이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 AASHTO 98년도 설계지침에서 제시한 AREA방법을 이용하여 FWD 방향에 따른 포장하부 상태평가를 실시하였다. FWD의 방향에 따른 포장하 부 상태평가를 실시하기 위해 유한요소해석 및 현장시험을 실시하였으며 유한요소해석은 상용프로그램인 ABAQUS를 사용하였고, 유한요소모형은 토공부, 공동이 존재 하는 구간. 암거가 존재하는 구간을 모사한 뒤, 공동의 크기와 암거의 토피고, 노상의 탄성계수를 변화시켜가며 유한요소해석을 실시하였다. 유한요 소해석 결과 토공부에서는 FWD의 방향에 관계없이 동일한 결과가 나타났는데 이는 유한요소의 경우 물 질을 균질한 상태로 가정하고 해석을 하기 때문이라고 판단되었다. 공동이 있는 구간의 해석결과는 계측 기가 공동이 있는 곳으로 향하면 포장하부 상태가 불량하게 도출되었으며, 공동의 크기가 커질수록 FWD 의 방향에 따른 포장하부 지지력 계수의 차이는 커졌다. 이어 암거가 존재하는 구간에서 유한요소해석을 실시한 결과 암거가 존재하는 방향으로 계측기가 존재 할 경우 포장하부 상태평가가 양호하게 나타났으며 이는 강성인 암거의 영향 때문이라고 판단되었다. 또한 암거의 토피고가 증가함에 따라, 노상의 탄성계수가 증가함에 따라 FWD의 방향에 따른 포장하부 의 지지력 계수의 차이는 줄어드는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이어 유한요소해석의 결과를 검증하기 위해 국 내 상용중인 고속도로의 토공부와 암거부에서 FWD의 방향에 따른 포장하부 상태평가를 실시하였다. 토공 부와 암거부 현장은 각각 2곳씩 총 4군데이며 먼저 토공부의 경우 유한요소해석의 결과와 달리 FWD의 방 향에 따라 포장하부 상태의 결과가 서로 상이하게 도출되었으나 뚜렷한 경향은 찾을 수 없었다. 이는 시공 당시에는 엄격한 관리에 의해 시공이 되지만 시간이 경과함에 따라 다양한 이유로 인해 하부지반에 변화가 생겼기 때문이라고 판단된다. 암거가 존재하는 구간에서 FWD의 방향에 따른 포장하부 상태평가를 실시한 결과 FWD의 방향에 따라 포장하부 상태의 결과가 상이하게 도출되었으며 앞서 실시한 유한요소해석결과와 동일하게 계측기의 방향이 암거방향으로 향할 경우 포장하부 상태평가가 양호하게 도출되었다. 본 연구를 통해 FWD의 방향에 따라 동일지점이라 하더라도 포장하부의 상태가 상이하게 도출될 수 있다는 것을 확인 하였으며 추후 다양한 현장에서 추가적인 현장실험을 통해 데이터를 축적 할 예정이다.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 지방도 포장의 공용성에 영향을 미치는 인자의 분석

        이재훈,이재훈,김연태,이강훈,엄병식,우병찬,정진훈 한국도로학회 2022 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.24 No.3

        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to develop regression models for surface distress (SD), rut depth (RD), and international roughness index (IRI) of Jeju Island local road by analyzing the correlations between the pavement performance and its influencing factors. METHODS : First, the differences between pavements in inland Korea and Jeju Island in terms of performance and influencing factors were investigated. Influencing factors were assigned to pavement sections on Jeju Island using the inverse distance weighting method, and the correlations between the pavement performance and influencing factors were analyzed. As a result, maximum temperature, heat wave days, annual temperature range, precipitation days, precipitation intensity, ESAL, etc. were determined as independent variables for the pavement performance prediction models. Multiple regression analysis was performed to develop the pavement performance models using the selected independent variables. RESULTS : The RD, maximum temperature, and precipitation days were determined to be the independent variables for the SD predictive model. The SD, maximum temperature, annual temperature range, heat wave days, and precipitation days were selected as independent variables of the RD prediction model. In addition, the RD, annual temperature range, heat wave days, precipitation days, and ESAL were selected as independent variables for the IRI prediction model. CONCLUSIONS : As a result of the study, an actual forecast model for SD, RD, and IRI was developed. Based on this model, it is possible to estimate the predictive value of the missing performance data in the studied interval. If the factors affecting performance are managed in terms of maintenance beyond a certain level, it can help those responsible for road maintenance to rationally select the maintenance method and timing.

      • KCI등재

        지역 특성에 따른 강원도 내 일반국도 아스팔트 포장의 평탄성 변화

        이재훈,이재훈,우병찬,이수형,김연태,정진훈 한국도로학회 2023 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        PURPOSES : For most local governments, including that of Gangwon-do, the establishment of an organized pavement management system is insufficient, resulting in problems such as inefficient distribution and use of maintenance budgets for deteriorated road pavements. In this study, we aimed to contribute to the establishment of a more reasonable road maintenance strategy by developing a model for predicting the annual international roughness index (IRI) change for national highway asphalt pavements in Gangwon-do based on big data analysis. METHODS : Data on independent and dependent variables used for model development were collected. The collected data were subjected to exploratory data analysis (EDA) and data preprocessing. Independent variable candidates were selected to reduce multicollinearity through correlation analysis and specific conditions. A final model was selected, and sensitivity analysis was performed. RESULTS : The final model that predicts annual IRI change uses independent variables such as annual temperature range, minimum temperature, freeze-thaw days, IRI, surface distress (SD), and freezing days. The sensitivity analysis confirmed that the annual IRI change was affected in the order of annual temperature range, minimum temperature, freeze-thaw days, IRI, SD, and freezing days. CONCLUSIONS : Road maintenance can be performed rationally by predicting future pavement conditions using the model developed in this study. The accuracy of the prediction model can be improved if additional data, such as material properties and pavement thickness, are obtained in future studies.

      • KCI등재

        인천광역시의 지역 및 도로등급 별 포장 공용성 예측모형 개발

        이재훈,이재훈,김연태,이수형,정진훈 한국도로학회 2022 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.24 No.6

        PURPOSES : In this study, surface distress (SD), rutting depth (RD), and international roughness index (IRI) prediction models are developed based on the zones of Incheon and road classes using regression analysis. Regression analysis is conducted based on a correlation analysis between the pavement performance and influencing factors. METHODS : First, Incheon was categorized by zone such as industrial, port, and residential areas, and the roads were categorized into major and sub-major roads. A weather station triangle network for Incheon was developed using the Delaunay triangulation based on the position of the weather station to match the road sections in Incheon and environmental factors. The influencing factors of the road sections were matched Based on the developed triangular network. Meanwhile, based on the matched influencing factors, a model of the current performance of the road pavement in Incheon was developed by performing multiple regression analysis. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using the developed model to determine the influencing factor that affected each performance factor the most significantly. RESULTS : For the SD model, frost days, daily temperature range, rainy days, tropical nights, and minimum temperatures are used as independent variables. Meanwhile, the truck ratio, freeze–thaw days, precipitation days, annual temperature range, and average temperatures are used for the RD model. For the IRI model, the maximum temperature, freeze–thaw days, average temperature, annual precipitation, and wet days are used. Results from the sensitivity analysis show that frost days for the SD model, precipitation days and freeze–thaw days for the RD model, and wet days for the IRI model impose the most significant effects. CONCLUSIONS : We developed a road pavement performance prediction model using multiple regression analysis based on zones in Incheon and road classes. The developed model allows the influencing factors and circumstances to be predicted, thus facilitating road management.

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