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        중국조선족기업가들의 경영성과와 조선족거주지역공동체 관한 실증 연구

        철주(文哲珠) 한국중국문화학회 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.66


      • 휴머니즘 W. James의 그것과 論語에 나타난 휴머니즘 硏究 : Tien 天命思想

        철주 釜山大學校 1985 人文論叢 Vol.28 No.1

        Apart from cases where Heaven(tien, 天) merely means <the sky>, it clearly corresponds to Heaven in English and to the German Himmel in the sense of Providence Nature, God. Heaven is the dispenser of life and death, wealth, and rank. The Chu¨n-tzu (君子) must learn to know the will of Heaven and submit to it patiently, a hard lesson that Confucius himself did not master till the age of fifty. Concerning <the way of Heaven>, he was unwilling to discourse. For instance <Our master's views concerning culture and the outward insignia of goodness, we are permitted to hear; but man's nature and the ways of Heaven he will not tell us anything at al1>. What did Confucius understand by the term <Heaven>? Not an anthropomorphic being. Heaven was seldem so conceived in his time, and there is explicit reason for rejecting this idea in connection with Confucius. To the term Heaven as used in the average early Chinese text corresponds the term Shang Ti (上帝) used constanty in the Book of Songs (詩經). Shang means upper, topmost, supreme, Ti means ancestor in the sense in which the Ancestors sometimes figure in the religions of the South Seas or Africa. It is not a word of relationship, but means a royal ancestor, the deified spirit of a former king. If we examine the ways in which Confucius refers to Heaven, it appears that this term stood, in his thinking, for a vaguely conceived moral force in the Universe The idea of Heaven gave him the feeling that somehow, somewhere, there was a power that stood on the side of the lonelyman who struggles for the right, Raising the growing humanistic tendency to a greater height than before, he talked about life instead of death and about man rather than spiritual beings. He declared that "it is man that can make the way great and not the way that can make man great". Here we can say that Confucius was a great Humanist that ever lived. The master said, The truth is, no one knows me. Tzu-kung said, what is the reason that you are not known? The master said, I do not accuse Heaven, nor do I lay the blame on men. But the studies of men here below are felt on high, and perhaps after all I am known, not here, but in Heaven! James was also a great humanist. He thinks of a Pragmatist as a humanist. Pragmatism and Religion says, "On pragmatistic principles, if the hypothesis of God works satisfactorily in the widest sense of the word, it is true. Now whatever its residual difficulties may be, experience shows that it certainly does work, and that the problem is to build it out and determine it, so that it will combine satisfactorily with all the other working truths." Therefore, we can say this: James can honestly protest against the criticism that his theory would allow the belief that God exists to be true even though God did not exist, only because in this special case he takes the statement that God exists to mean no more than that men have spiritual requirements which religious belief may be found to satisfy. The problem is what is meant here by their working satisfactorily? To what do they lead us, in the way that our private concepts' lead to senserealities? Obviously not to supra-sensible realities, of which we can have no experience. The truth is that, as for him, 'our private concepts' which lead to sense-realities lead to the satisfaction of our spiritual and moral needs. Both Confucius and James had a concept of God whose character was far from their traditional one.

      • 공사장의 소음에 의한 양돈농장의 피해 조사

        철주 順天大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 건설현장에서 발생한 소음이 인근 양돈농장에서 사육중인 돼지들에게 유·사산, 폐사, 성장지연 등의 생리적 영향과 그 여파로 인한 경영상의 손실액을 객관적으로 평가하기 위하여 수행되었으며, 그 결과를 다음과 같이 요약하였다. 1. 양돈의 유·사산, 폐사, 성장지연을 초래할 가능성이 있는 각종 요인들을 분석한 결과 가장 주된 환경요인은 소음에 의한 영향이었으며, 이러한 소음에 의한 환경스트레스는 돼지의 내분비 균형에 영향을 미쳐서 유·사산 및 번식장해를 일으키는데 직접적인 원인이 되었다. 2. 소음으로 인해서 172두중 54두가 유·사산 (31%)되었고, 모돈 78두중 9두가 불임돈(12%), 모돈 1두가 폐사 (1.3%)되었으며, 전체적인 성장지연은 8.9%로 나타났다. 3. 가족의 정신적인 피해 등을 제외한 순수한 양돈경영의 손실은 전국 평균가격들을 적용한 결과 공사피해일 35일 (94. 7. 20 ∼ 94. 8. 23)을 기준으로 총 6,789,342원으로 평가되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 양돈업에 대한 소음피해가 발생시 고려해야 할 보상항목 및 산정방법론을 제시함으로 산업화 과정에서 빈번하게 발생할 수 있는 유사한 경우에 피해농가에 대한 공정한 보상의 기회를 제공하는 근거를 확보하는 효과를 얻음과 동시에 보상액 산정과정에서 발생할 수 있는 소모적인 의견대립문제를 해소함으로서 공익성이 큰 건설사업의 집행를 농가와 함께 보호하는 효과를 얻었다. This study was carried out to evaluate the physiological effects of noise on a pig breeding farm resulting in abortion, stillbirth, death and delay of growth in pigs. Therefore, we conducted tests to estimate economic losses resulting from the sound stress of a construction site near a pig farming facility. The results were as follows: 1. Following the evaluation of environmental noise pollution and its effects on a pig farming facility, it was found that noise was directly linked to an unbalancing of the endocrine glands in pigs. This unbalancing led to an increase in abortion, stillbirth, death and failure to reproduce offspring. 2. The following results of environmental noise pollution are: 31% (54/172) of new born pigs, abortions and stillbirth; 12%(9/78) of sows, unfertilized pigs; 1.3% (1/78) of sows, death. Total delay of growth was 8.9% of pig population in the pig breeding farm. 3. Exempting environmental noise pollution effects on human mental stability; net income loss for this pig farming facility due to environmental noise pollution was estimated to total 6,789,342 won after being adjusted to the average national price of pork over 35 working day ('97. 7. 20 ∼ '97. 8. 23). This study has provided an argument for compensation to farmers from construction firms, and has provided calculation methods in estimating environmental noise pollution on pig breeding farms.

      • KCI등재

        신조 의태어의 실태와 문제

        철주 한국어학회 2007 한국어학 Vol.35 No.-

        The purpose of the present paper offers an analysis of the newly-coined mimetic word. We encounter new mimetic word in these days. Also the newly-coined mimetic word has very various forms. The newly-coined mimetic word is accomplished by 'mimetic word of facial expression', 'mimetic word of body operation', 'mimetic word of operation of thing', and 'mimetic word of situation expression'. The newly-coined mimetic word consists of newly creation, modification of general mimetic word, borrowing from adverb, adjective, verb, and borrowing from foreign language. However, the newly-coined mimetic word escapes from the environment of communication of internet, and the broadcasting is using it mimetic word recently even from publication. This problem is very serious against the mimetic word. Therefore, this research will discuss this problem.

      • KCI등재후보


        철주,MOU Ning,PENG Zhaoxin 순천향대학교 공자아카데미 중국학연구소 2024 沽山中國學報 Vol.10 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 중국과 한국의 환경, 사회, 지배구조(ESG) 정보 공개를 규율하는 법적 프레임워크에 대한 심층 비교 검토를 제공하여 두 나라의 규제 접근 방식의 유사점과 차이점을 밝힌다. 중국의 규제 환경은 환경 건전성, 사회적 책임, 기업 지배구조의 삼위일체를 포괄하는 광범위한 특성을 가지며, 의무 공개에 대한 상세한 규정에 중점을 두고 있다. 이는 지속 가능한 발전을 촉진하려는 중국 정부의 전체적인 전략을 반영한다. 이에 반해, 한국의 ESG 정보 공개 규제는 기업 지배구조에 더 중점을 두고 있으며, 시장 동향과 국제 기준에 부합하는 유연하고 신속한 대응을 보여준다. 두 나라의 이러한 규제 프레임워크의 형성과 발전은 내부 정책 방향뿐만 아니라 글로벌 시장 동향의 변화에 의해 형성된다. 이 연구의 결과는 중국과 한국이 ESG 실천에서 투명성과 책임성을 강화하는 데 직면한 도전 과제를 강조한다. 두 나라는 국제 기준을 더욱 견고하게 수용하고 규제 집행의 엄격성을 강화할 필요가 있다. 이러한 비교 분석을 바탕으로, 본 연구는 양국의 ESG 법적 인프라를 개선하기 위한 신중한 권고안을 제시하여 ESG 방법론의 더 효과적이고 포괄적인 발전을 촉진하고자 한다. This paper provides an in-depth comparative examination of the legislative frameworks governing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) information disclosure in China and South Korea, unveiling both similarities and divergences in their regulatory approaches. The regulatory landscape in China is characterized by its expansiveness, covering the triad of environmental integrity, social responsibility, and corporate governance, with a pronounced emphasis on the detailed stipulations for obligatory disclosure. This mirrors the Chinese government's holistic strategy in fostering sustainable development. In juxtaposition, South Korea's regulations on ESG disclosure pivot more towards corporate governance, showcasing an agile and malleable response to the exigencies of market dynamics and alignment with international benchmarks. The genesis and progression of these regulatory frameworks in both nations are shaped not only by internal policy orientations but also by the vicissitudes of global market trends. The findings of this study underscore the challenges that both China and South Korea encounter in augmenting transparency and accountability within the ambit of ESG practices. There is a palpable need for these nations to assimilate international standards more robustly and amplify the rigor of regulatory enforcement. In light of this comparative analysis, this research forwards judicious recommendations to refine the ESG legal infrastructures in both countries, aspiring to catalyze a more efficacious and all-encompassing evolution of ESG methodologies.

      • 산업용 가스터빈 연소기 개발 현황

        철주(Chulju Ahn),박희호(Heeho Park),김민기(Min-Ki Kim),김명효(Myeonghyo Kim),정승채(Seungchai Jung),김기태(Kitae Kim),손영창(Youngchang Shon) 한국연소학회 2013 KOSCOSYMPOSIUM논문집 Vol.- No.46

        The Samsung Techwin has been developed the various types of combustor and fuel nozzle frontal devices for the aero engine and small scale industrial gas turbines. Currently, we have been developed the highly heat capacity and long-lived gas turbine combustor based on the short-lived combustor and fuel injector technologies. In this paper, the market trends and the information on the survey of an advanced gas turbine combustor were introduced for the development of large scale gas turbine combustor and fuel nozzle assembly.

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