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      • 하계 양면형 차양의 운영효과에 관한 연구

        석영(Yoo Seock-yeong),이가람(Lee Ga-ram),이정윤(Lee Jung-Yun),배상환(Bae Sang-Hwan),김태연(Kim Taeyeon),이승복(Leigh Seung-Bok) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2011 한국건축친환경설비학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.3

        This study verified the effect of the shading device having different materials on front and back sides. This shading device has high reflectivity materials on front side, so it can reflect the direct solar effectively and prevent the solar from heating up the room during summer. On the other hand, it has high absorptance materials on back side, so it can prevent diffuse solar from penetrating the room during summer. This study suggested the proper operating method of shading devices through energy simulation.

      • 英國의 人事行政制度에 관한 考察

        柳錫永 수원대학교 1992 地域社會開發 Vol.4 No.-

        The Tulton Committee found that in Britain the structure of the civil service still reflected basically the same accumptions as those in a document prepared more than a century before-namely, the Nortncote-Trevelyan report of 1854 which had led to the introduction of civil service in about 1870. Among Fulton's principal recommendations were the following : 1. The abolition of multitude of classes and separate career stuctures and, on the basis of job analysis, fitting all jobs into a number of grades, each grade to have its own pay range.(This prodcess was refered to by Fultion as "Unfied grading") 2. Every qualified employee to by considered for every opening, regardless of theit points of entry into career planning for all employee. 4. Management training for both administrators and specialists, and creation of a civil service college to provide training courses in administration and management. 5. Considerable expansion of late entry. 6. More movement into and out of the civil service.

      • 線型計劃과 體制 分析에 關한 硏究

        柳錫永 水原大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this dissertation is to study on the Linear Programming and the System Analysis. Linear programming model are simplified representations of theoris about the relation between two or more independent variables (called activities) and a dependent variable (call an objective), (given certain constraints cupper and lower limits) on the values of these variables. One aim of linear programming is to forecast the mix of resources necessary to maximize benefits or minimize costs, given constraints. This model form is called linear because the relationship between independent variables (resources or activities ) and a dependent variable (benefits or costs ) is me that exhibits constant increases in the value of the dependent variable for every unit change in the independent variables. These linear relationships are similar to the trend lines estimated with extrapolative forecasting techniques, since they will form a series of straight lines when plotted on a graph. Although there are other forms of mathermatical programming that involve nonlinear relationships, we will confine ourselves to linear relationships involving two activities (Independent variables) and one objective (dependent variable). Systems theory enables us to describe the behavior of organizations both internally and externally. Internally we can see how why people inside organizations perform their individual and collective tasks. Externally, we can relate the transactions of organizations with other organizations and institutions. It is a fundamental principle that all organizations acquir resources from the larger environment of which they are a part and, in turn. provide the goods and services which are demanded by the larger environment. Managers must deal simultaneously with the internal and external aspects of organizational behavior. This essentially complex process can be simplified, for analytical purposes, be employing the basic concepts of systems theory.

      • 麗 ·鮮王朝의 人事制度에 관한 現代的 照明

        柳錫永 水原大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this dissertation is to perspective on public personnel system in the Koryo and Chosun Dynasty. 1. The similarities between the Gwageu systems of Koryo and Chosun Dynasty may be break down as follows: 1) Both Gwageu systems were not related to the school examinations. 2) Both Gwageu systems were closely related to the social class status. 3) In both systems, such principles as the equality of opportunity, equity, and strictness were regared as of great impotance. 4) The government official examination was as more important than the military examination as in China. 5) Two Gwageu systems were introduced from China. 6) Two Gwageu systems were closely related to 'Hanpumje'(the limit of qualification). 7) Two Gwageu systems were the important means of recruiting government officials. 2. The dissimilarities between the Gwageu systems of Koryo and Chosun Dynasty may be break down as follows: 1) The subjects of the examinations Kory : The main subjects of the examination were the Five Confucian Classics, poetry, and prose. Chosun : The subjects of the examination were selected from four classic literature of Ancient China and some books on Chinese classics and history. 2) In Koryo, literature, military arts, and some other miscellaneous studies were taught at Kukjagam, and such subjects as literary composition, recitation of the Conbfucian Classics(Myongkyong), miscellaneous articles were the important contents of the examination which was taken at Dongdanggamsi. On the other hand, in Chosun, the office responsible for the examination consisted of several departments. The offical examination was taken at Yejo(the ceremonies board), and the miscellaneous article examination at each related government office. And the participants in the offical and the military examination wee limited to decendants of the Yangban(the two upper classes of old Korea) and the participants in the miscellaneous article examination were limited to the technicans. 3) In Koryo, Hyangli(lower class officals in the rural community) were not aoolwed to participate in Gwageu examination, but in Chosun, they were allowed. 4) Jigongger system which only examiner had been in charge of, and Dongdanggamsi which had consisted of single test system were transformed in early days of Chosun into an official system which many examiners were in charge of, and a three-grade-test system which consisted of three step examination. 5) In Koryo, Kukjagam examination and Seungbo examination were closely related to Kukhak(one of the government school), but in Chosun, Saengwon and Jinsa examination were not related to government schools. 6) In Koryo, the military examination was taken iregularly, but in Chosun was taken regularly. 7) In Koryo, the sons of the Five Evil Conducters(the persons who killed their king, mother, grandfather, or grandmother), the five rabbles, the persons of disloyalty and filial impiety, the court musicans of Hyangbuak(one of the three parts of court music), and other low types of persons were not allowed to participate in Gwageu examination, but in Chosun, the offsprings born of concubines, and the sons of the remarried women were also not allowed to take part in the examination by the confinement law on the child born of a concubine and the discriminating treatment law on the sons of remarried women, which had not ever been Koryo or China. 8) In Koryo, pass of the Gwageu examination meant mainly that one person could become one of the government officials for the first time, but in Chosun, it meant not only a person could become a government official but also that he could rise above an official post. 9) In Koryo, noly Hyanggong-Jinsa, the students of Kukhak, or the persons in offices could take part in Gwageu examination, but in Chosun, all young students are allowed to takd. 10) In Koryo, the system of studying under the senior person in a seated group(Jwaju-Moonsaeng system) was kept strictly, but it was abolished in the early dasy of Chosun Dynasty. 11) In Koryo, the Gwageu system was put into practice in order to strengthen the sovereign power and the bureaucracy for the aristocratic class, but in Chosun, it was applied to strengthen the bureaucracy for the Yangban class. The Gwager system should not be regarded as a mere relic of the past. It is not only worth enough being reflected in the present personal administration system which is taking a serious view of the only actual result but also very helpful to enrich historical knowledge of the personal administration in the past, if we are wise enough to review the old and learn the new, to adop and reject.

      • 行政學的 行政觀念의 敍說

        柳錫永 水原大學校 社會科學硏究所 1994 社會科學論集 Vol.6 No.-

        The four theories on public administrative conception may be explanation as follows : 1. The Administrative Managent Theory(politics-administration dichotomy) : It is a theory in the early period of administrative development on before and after twenty century by Woodrow Wilson and Leonard White etcetera had argued. In Woodrow Wilson's essay, The Study of Administration(1887), the first in the field, he wrote the now famous words, "the utmost possible efficiency and the least possible cost either of money or of energy", "the field of administration is a field of business", "administration lies outside the proper sphere of politics. administrative questiosn are not political question : althoug politics sets the tasks for administration, it should not be suffered to manipulate its offices." In Leonard White's text, Introduction to the study o f public administration(1926), the first in the field, he wrote "four assumptions administration is a single process, the study of administration should start from the base of management rather than the foundation of law, administration is still primarily an art but attaches importance to the signifficant tendency to tranform it into a science, administration has become, and will continue to be the heart of the problem of modern government(Preface to the First Edition)", "administration is a managemet of men and materials for achievement the state goals," But Wilson had argued that public administration is "a field of business" and should be separate from "politics," White forty years later countered that public administration can be effective only if it constitutes an integration of the theory of government and the theory of administration. 2. The Governmental(political)functional Theory(politics administration monism) : It is a theory in the later 1940s by Marshall E. Dimock and Paul H. Appleby so forth began to argue. In Dimock's text, Modern Politics and Administration(1937), he wrote "government is politics and administration, that is constitute with policy making and executive, this twe relations are not exclusive but coordinate". In Appleby's text, policy and Administration(1949), he wrote "administration is just policy making, ………therefore administration is government process of fusion and Circulation with politics". 3. The Administrative Behavioral Thory(New politics administration dichotomy) : It is a theory in the 1940s by Herbert A. Simon, Dwight Waldo, F.A. Nigro, J. Pfiffner, R. Presthus etc had argued. In H.A. Simon, Donald W. Smithburg and Victor A.Thompson's a joint work, Public Administration (1950), they argued that administration as coperative group action". In H.A. Simon's Administration Behavior : A Study of Decision Making Process in Administrative Organizations(1947), he based on logical positivism and argued "fact―value dichotomy". 4. The Development functional Theory(New Politics administration monism) : It is a theory in the 1960s by Milton J.Esman, Edward W. Weidner so forth had argued. In Milton J. Esman's CAG and the Study of Public Administration(1971), he grasp that administration as a developmental policy making and developmental plan executive. In Edward W. Weidner's Development Administration : A New Focus for Research(1962), he argued that development as ordered social chang of a certain kind.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 정부조직에 관한 고찰

        석영 한국행정사학회 2000 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.9 No.1

        高麗王朝의 行政組織을 中央과 地方으로 나누어 그 주요 행정조직을 요약하면, 먼저 중앙행정조직은 건국이후 泰封의 9관등을 주축으로 하고 신라의 제도를 참작한 독자적인 官階를 제정하였고 그 뒤에 왕권이 확립된 成宗 · 文宗 때에 이르러서는 唐 ·宋의 제도를 도입하여 관제를 완비하였고, 몽고 지배를 받은 충렬왕 이후의 관제는 많은 변혁이 있었다. 다음 地方行政組織에는 文官制度面에서 12牧 (뒤에 8牧) · 3京 · 5都護府 · 5道 · 兩界 · 肅畿 등의 제도로서 변천되어 지방행정을 수행하였다. 武官制度面에서 地方軍制를 두었는데, 지방군은 947년(靖宗 2)에 조직된 光軍으로 시작되어 뒤에 그것을 개편한 것이 州縣軍이었다. 州縣軍 중에서 兩界의 각 鑛에 배치된 군사는 항상 유사시에 대비할 수 있도록 상비군의 태세를 갖추고 있었다. 高麗王朝의 行政組織을 고찰한 것은 이것으로 시작된 것이며, 앞으로 연구할 가치가 있고, 연구해 나아갈 것을 생각하며 韓國行敵史 연구에 일조가 되고자 한다.

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