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      • 분노에 대한 기독교상담 방안

        노철우 성결심리상담연구소 2010 성결심리상담 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구는 분노에 대한 개념이해 및 발생원인 그리고 분노에 따른 문제점 및 폐해를 살펴보고 이에 따른 기독교상담 방안을 연구했다. 분노가 현대인의 일상생활 속에 너무 나 친숙히 자리하고 있고 인간의 기본적 감정이며 삶의 요소이기에 중요하기 때문이다. 연구자는 분노 발생에 따른 문제점을 대표적으로 인간관계의 손상 및 신체적 문제를 중심으로 살펴보았고, 분노의 대표적 표현방식인 내적 억제, 외적 분출, 그리고 분노의 자기 주장적 표현에 대해 기술하였다. 또한 분노에 대한 성경적 특징을 통해 성경에서는 분노에 대해 어떻게 표현하고 어떻게 기술되어 있는지 살펴보았다. 분노에 대한 기독교상담 방안으로는 내담자가 분노를 인정하는 작업이 중요함을 밝혔고, 이어 분노 상황에 대한 인지적 해석을 합리적으로 할 수 있도록 인지적 재구성의 방법을 제안했다. 그리고 분노에 대한 책임인식을 내담자가 자각할 때 분노에 대한 근본적인 문제를 해결할 수 있는 실마리가 될 수 있음을 제시했다. 그리고 마지막으로 내담자의 지나친 욕구 및 기대가 좌절을 경험하게 하고 이것이 원인이 되어 분노가 발생됨을 밝히고 성경의 말씀을 통해 자족하는 것이 어떠한 상황에 처하게 될 때에도 감사하며 기도하며 기뻐하게 되어 분노를 크게 감소시킬 수 있음을 제안했다. 본 연구를 통해 분노로 인해 신체적, 정서적, 관계적 고통을 당하고 있는 내담자들에 게 도움을 주고자하는데 목적이 있다. The purpose of this research was to help clients who have been suffered from anger physically, emotionally, in relation to study a christian counseling method. This researcher described the conceptual understanding and the cause of anger, the problems of anger. The anger was very familiar to our everyday life of contemporaries and got a importance because of being the basic emotion of human being and the elements of human life. The researcher was typically focused on demage of relationship and physical problems due to anger, and were talking about the inner repression, external eruptions, and self-directed expression of the anger, which was the typical expressive way to the anger. Also, the researcher examined how the Bible describe about the anger in the Biblical features to anger. As the method of christian counseling of anger, at first it was important that the clients was acknowledged the anger, and then this paper was suggested that the way of cognitive reframing was reasonable options about the situation of the anger. And when the clients recognized the responsibility of the anger, this paper was suggested the clue that was resolved the fundamental problems of the anger. Finally, the researcher addressed that when the clients got excessive desires and expectations they experienced the frustration, which was the cause of anger. Although the clients put in any situations and if they were satisfied with by themselves due to the Words, as a consequence they will give thanks, pray, and have a pleasure and suggested that was greatly reduced anger. The purpose of this paper was to help those who were suffering the physical, emotional, relational problems due to the anger.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 적기시정조치제도의 현황 및 개선방안

        노철우 한국금융법학회 2014 金融法硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        The prompt corrective action (PCA) system was introduced for the first time in Denmark in 1994 when CBSBA was enacted. The USA also introduced the System in 1991 in order to deal with a lot of troubled depository institutions by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA) of 1991. The PCA system of USA has been a successful and desirable model for many other countries. Korea introduced the PCA system in 1992 by the Monetary and Financial Operation Committee in the Bank of Korea as a prudential regulatory measure for the banking institutions. Just before the Financial and Currency Crisis in 1997, the System was implemented very well for the financial institutions such as banks, securities companies, and insurance companies. During the Crisis, the PCA system carried out the important role of restructuring measures for the many troubled financial institutions. Afterwards, the Korean PCA system has been reformed and improved gradually. Recently the System has played an important role in restructuring the troubled mutual savings banks in Korea. However, there are still some areas to be reformed and improved in order that the Korean PCA system works more properly and efficiently. This paper suggests three points. First, the purpose of the Korean PCA includes to minimize the possibility of putting the Public Fund into troubled financial institutions. Second, the forbearance (suspension) of the PCA should be abolished. Third, the power of the Financial Services Commission on the PCA should be checked by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation which manages deposit insurance funds in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        행정입법의 일환으로서 한국은행 규정의 의의, 성격 및 효력

        노철우 한국금융법학회 2010 金融法硏究 Vol.7 No.1

        The Purpose of the Bank of Korea Act is to contribute to the sound development of national economy by establishing the Bank of Korea and seeking price stabilization through the establishment and execution of effective monetary and credit policy. The monetary and credit policy by the Bank is a kind of economic administration and belongs to macro economy policies. The Bank of Korea implements its operations under the Bank of Korea Act, the Bank of Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Act, the Management of the National Funds Act, the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act, and so on according to the principle of the rule of law. Especially, article 30 of the Bank of Korea Act stipulates that "the Monetary Board may establish regulations as necessary to discharge its duties."The first chapter of this paper deals with the purpose and scope of this study. The second chapter studies the overviews of administrative legislation. In the third chapter, I research disputes on the forms of administrative legislation pursuant to Act. In the fourth chapter, I deal with the definition, character and effect of regulations of the Bank of Korea. The fifth chapter studies the contents and suggestions on the Supreme Court's cases regarding regulations of the Bank of Korea. The Supreme Court pronounced that forms of administrative legislation pursuant to the Constitution are illustrative and the legislators are able to choose the forms of administrative legislation. Besides, the Supreme Court rendered judgement that the delegated legislation in forms of administrative regulations can be admitted in case of technical matters and the comprehensive delegation should not be permitted. The Regulation on Reserve Requirements of Financial Institutions, the Regulation on Rate of Interests on Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions, etc. enacted by the Monetary Board, which have general and compulsory effects on financial institutions, have a character of regulative orders. And the legal relations between the Bank of Korea and financial institutions regarding above-mentioned operations of the Bank are public law relations. On the other hand, the Regulation on Issue of Bank of Korea Notes, the Regulation on Loans of the Bank of Korea for Financial Institutions, etc. enacted by the Monetary Board, which are adapted in the inside of the Bank in principle, have a character of administrative regulations. And the legal relations between the Bank of Korea and financial institutions regarding above-mentioned operations of the Bank are private law relations.

      • KCI등재

        관계중독에 대한 기독교상담적 이해와 인지행동치료 전략의 응용

        노철우,전요섭 한국실천신학회 2022 신학과 실천 Vol.- No.78

        이 연구는 관계중독에 대한 기독교상담적 이해와 인지행동치료 전략의 응용에 관 한 문헌연구이다. 현대인은 물질적, 환경적으로 풍요로움을 영위하면서도 동시에 심리 저변에 채워지지 않는 허전함, 외로움, 공허함 때문에 삶의 만족을 누리지 못하고 있 다. 이런 허전함, 외로움, 공허함은 뭔가를 충족시키려는 욕구를 발생시키고, 갈망을 야기한다. 하지만 이런 인간의 욕구와 갈망은 채워지고 나면 새로운 욕구와 갈망이 발생하여 결국 허망한 대상이라 할 수 있다. 공허한 심리적 공간을 채우려는 의도는 중독의 시작이 될 수 있는데, 다양한 중독현상 가운데 이 연구는 관계중독에 초점을 맞추었다. 이 연구에서는 관계중독을 영적 질병으로 보고, 그릇된 신념과 죄를 그 원인으로 꼽았다. 영적 질병은 영적 통합체인 인간의 영, 혼, 육에 질병이 생긴 것을 의미한다. 연구자는 관계중독을 정확하게 이해하기 위하여 우상과 중독의 관계, 우상숭배의 과정을 제시했다. 그리고 관계중독이 영적 질병인 만큼 영성의 개념과 영성 형성과정을 이해함으로써 기독교상담자가 어떻게 관계중독자에게 기독교상담적으로 접근할지에 대한 상담방향이 수립될 수 있다는 것을 제시했다. 이 연구에서 관계중독의 치료에 대한 접근으로 기독교인지행동치료학자 윌리암 배커스(William D. Backus)의 드러내 기(revealing), 요구하기(requiring), 회복하기(restoring)의 과정을 상담방법으로 제시했 다. 관계중독이 영적 관점에서 이해되고 해석해야만 정확한 치료가 가능하기 때문에 상담자는 성령의 통찰을 통해 관계중독자가 성령의 드러내고 보여주는 통찰의 단계에 서 자신의 중독 모습과 관계중독에 따른 죄를 바로 보고 회개를 요구해야 한다. 관계 중독자는 진정한 회개의 과정을 통해서 변화의 과정, 즉 욕구와 갈망의 방향전환이 일어나게 되고 진정한 치유와 회복이 수반된다. 관계중독에 대한 기독교상담적 치료방안이 많지 않은 상황에서 이에 대한 시도는 그 의미와 가치가 있다고 하겠다. 관계중독에 대한 인지행동치료를 응용한 기독교상 담 방안이 기독교상담자와 목회자 그리고 관계중독에 고통당하고 있는 사람과 그 가 족에게 도움을 주는 것에 그 의미가 있다. This article as a literature study was to clarify Christian counseling methods for relation addiction problems centering around Christian application of cognitive behavioral therapy. Modern people do not enjoy the real satisfaction in life, despite of a rich life, because of something like emptiness, loneliness that does not fill. Rather, they surrendered in vain objection and materials and seeking a distorted longing and desire. There were a human inner abyss that could not be filled by a secular, it had become a source of eternal thirst of man. If the attachment of relational desire made you to go forth into idolatry and addiction, the fullness of spiritual craving provides a different satisfaction. This research described the relation addiction to spiritual illness. This research suggested the process of idolatry and relation addiction in order to correctly understand the relation addiction. Because the relation addiction is spiritual illness, it is also presented that to understand a Christian counselor the concept of spirit and the formation process of the spirit are important directions for how to approach the Christian counseling. The research had proposed the counseling method as a revealing, requiring, restoring process of the Backus approach for the treatment of relation addiction problems. Because the exact treatment was possible the relation addiction must be understood and interpreted in a spiritual point of view, through revealing of the Holy Spirit, relationship addicts must accept themselves as they were and must insights in relation addiction context. The Solution of the relation addiction would require repentance. The process of change through a process of true repentance, namely redirection of desire and craving happened and was accompanied by a true healing and restoration against relation addiction. The attempt of specific treatment plan for this relation addiction had its meaning and value. The Christian counseling method for a relation addiction problem were worth because it help to a Christian(pastoral) counselor and people suffering in the relation addiction and their families.

      • GNU Zebra를 이용한 임베디드 리눅스 라우터 개발

        노철우,방석윤 신라대학교 자연과학연구소 2003 自然科學論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        In this paper, we address the development of an embedded Linux router using the GNU Zebra routing protocol under the embedded Linux development environments. The objective is to establish the development methods of embedded system based on the porting of Linux kernel. The details of Linux kernel porting, which supports for a network protocol stack, to the dedicated hardware is described. By porting, the router embedded system is developed for replacing a high cost commercial router equipment with the implemented one. After establishing a test environment of the implemented router, the routing function is verified with the routing tables and performance analysis with one of the commercial routers is presented.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Vapor Refrigerant Injection Techniques for Heat Pump Systems: The Latest Literature Review and Discussion

        노철우,유진우,김민수 대한설비공학회 2014 International Journal Of Air-Conditioning and Refr Vol.22 No.1

        This paper reviews the latest and major research on vapor refrigerant injection techniques. Various vapor refrigerant injection techniques are discussed and compared. Compared to thebasic vapor injection (VI) cycle, double-expansion VI cycle, accumulator-VI cycle and the VIcycle in a cascade system are briefly explained. Studies about these various VI cycles do not onlyprove the performance of VI cycles, but also show variations of VI cycles. Discussions about thefundamental issues of the VI cycle are also presented.

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