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      • KCI등재

        애경그룹 창업자 張英信 회장의 생애와 경영이념

        金聖壽(Sung-Soo Kim) 한국경영사학회 2004 經營史學 Vol.34 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the life of Young-Shin Chang, Chairman of AeKyung Group, and also the philosophy behind her innovative management style, which has been established through her life experience in managing the Group. Half a century ago, on June 9, 1954, when Korean people lacked even the basic daily necessities, the AeKyung Oil & Fat Company was established. Based on the success with that company, AeKyung expanded into the chemical industry, which played a significant role in the development of the Korean economy. Under Chang, the Group has since expanded its business to various other sectors, including the leisure and logistics industries. In addition, AeKyung has become a company that values its customers. As up to August 2004, the AeKyung Group has a network of 16 affiliates and 6 overseas subsidiaries. In the beginning, it was just one company that only made 4.3 billion KRW in sales that number for the year 2003 has increased to 1.5 trillion KRW, and with AeKyung Group advancing to the global market, it has set a goal to reach 3.5 trillion KRW in the year 2010. As the first female CEO in Korea, Chang emphasizes that the future of the company lies with the employees. She also underscores the importance of a management practice based on trust and transparency, which is the basis a cooperative environment. AeKyung Group has been successful in resolving disputes between management and workers without resorting to extreme measures on either side. AeKyung has now become the ideal model for a new

      • KCI등재

        전후 한국경제성장을 이끌어온 현대그룹의 창업자 정주영 회장 연구

        金聖壽(Kim Sung Soo) 한국경영사학회 2005 經營史學 Vol.40 No.-

        The current study aims to examine Hyundai Group, the former president Ju-Young Chung s life, management principle and enterpriser s spirit and the management strategy of Hyundai Group, which have lead the economic development of postwar Korea. Ju-Young Chung, a representative self-made enterpriser, founded Hyundai Group and contributed to the economic development of postwar Korea. He was born as the eldest son among seven brothers and sisters at a poor farming house in Asan-ri, Tongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do in November 1915. His childhood was so poor that he left home four times after graduating from elementary school and earned money while working as longshoreman, construction worker, delivery man of a rice store, etc. Then, at the age of 23, he earned a lot of money with confidence and trust after taking over Bokheung Mart, the rice store where he worked, and founding Ado Service, a car repair factory, in 1940. He began to expand his business through establishing Hyundai Motors Industrial in April 1946 and Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd. in January 1950. The former president Ju-Young Chung made Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd. the top ranking subcontractor in the nation by monopolizing constructions of the U.S. forces and receiving orders related postwar restoration constructions. At the age of 40 in 1965, he found the overseas construction market for the first time in the nation with management philosophy of challenge and the pioneer spirit, and management principles of honesty and confidence first. He also completed constructing highway in Korea with the shortest construction period among the history of world s highway. In 1975, at the age of 50, he established Hyundai Dockyard Co., Ltd. and succeeded in producing Pony , the Korea s first car. In 1970s, he formed a conglomerate and was inaugurated as the president, and in 1977 when he was 62 years old, he was inaugurated as the president of the Federation of Korean Industries, the leader of Korean economy. When he was young, he was so poor that he left home four times and worked as a physical laborer though, eventually he became the president of the Federation of Korean Industries, the highest position of Korean economy. In 1997 at the age of 82, his Hyundai Group occupied 18% of Korea s current GNP by reaching approximately 70 trillion won of sales. Also Hyundai Group exported 12% of Korea s total export amount as USD 20 billion and sold 1,250,000 cars while occupying 48.2% of domestic market share and 2.6% of overseas market share. Besides, he greatly contributed the development of Korea s heavy industry by promoting overseas construction, shipbuilding, semi-conductor, reefer container, etc. as the world class industry. Particularly in 1990, he organized Unification People Party during his latter years and announced that he would run for the presidency by transforming himself to a politician. He was the enterpriser in the late 20 century who gained property and honor at the same time since he acquired 12 honorary doctorial degrees in economics, business administration and engineering from universities both at home and abroad including Yonsei University. He overcame hardships and difficulties of a century of challenge and creation with indomitable pioneer spirit, creative effort and progressive nature. In addition, he had management principles such as enterprise-based patriotism, a theory of private initiative economy, patience and belief, responsibility and credit first idea, customer satisfaction, industrial pacifism, etc. As he pointed out, although he had worse condition in terms of education, knowledge, health, appearance, speech and money compared with others, he made Hyundai a conglomerate with spirits of foundation including (1) creative prediction, (2) active will and (3) strong driving power, and management strategies by times, and was evaluated as a enterpriser who greatly contributed to the development of postwar Korean economy.

      • KCI등재

        수리권(水利權)의 법적 근거와 한계

        金性洙(Kim, Sung Soo) 한국토지공법학회 2009 土地公法硏究 Vol.43 No.1

        우리 헌법은 광물 기타 중요한 지하자원·수산자원·수력과 경제상 이용할 수 있는 자연력은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 일정한 기간 그 채취·개발 또는 이용을 특허할 수 있도록 하고(제120조 제1항), 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국가는 그 균형 있는 개발과 이용을 위하여 필요한 계획을 수립하도록 규정하고 있다. 위 헌법 규정에 따라 마실 물과 수자원은 국가의 보호 하에서 합리적이고 효율적인 이용을 위하여 특허 등을 통하여 특별한 관리의 대상이 된다. 이렇게 볼 때 물을 이용하는 권리는 연혁적으로 토지에 대한 소유권이나 관습법 등 민법상의 傳來的 권리로서 성립하고 발전한 것이지만 오늘날에는 국가의 관리행위를 통하여 비로소 인정되는 행정법상 국가에 의하여 부여된 권리로서의 성격을 가지는 것으로서, 환경보전이나 지속가능한 개발 등 공익의 실현을 위하여 입법자가 그 내용과 한계를 정함에 있어서 상당한 정도의 형성권을 행사할 수 있는 공법상 권리의 성격이 강하다. 하천법은 위 헌법 규정에 따라 하천이 공적 자원으로서 국가는 공공이익의 증진에 적합한 방향으로 적절히 관리하여야 한다는 규정을 두고 있을 뿐 그 법적 성격에 대해서는 언급하고 있지 않다. 그러나 하천법은 하천 및 하천수의 이용에 대해서는 하천관리청과 국토해양부장관의 허가를 얻도록 하고 있는데, 이는 하천이 일반 국민과의 이용관계를 중심으로 성립된 강학상 공물에 해당한다고 보는 것이 문헌상 지배적인 견해이다. 하천법상 관할 행정청은 허가 여부에 대하여 상당한 판단의 여지를 가지고 있으며, 허가를 부여함에 있어서 정책적 재량이 인정될 수 있다. 그러므로 하천법상 하천수의 사용허가는 일반적인 건축허가나 영업허가와 같이 일정한 행위에 대한 상대적 금지와 그에 대한 해제라는 성격보다는 ‘정책적 해제권이 유보된 사전 억제적 금지’에 해당하는 것으로 보아 강학상 특허처분으로 보아야 할 것이다. 국가가 수자원에 대한 보다 강화된 보호의 필요성을 인식하고 점점 희소해 지는 수자원에 대한 효율적인 관리를 위하여 기득수리권에 대한 전면적인 재조정에 나서는 경우 헌법 제23조 제3항에 의하여 민법상의 관행수리권 뿐만 아니라 자치단체 또는 개인이 하천법에 의하여 허가 취득한 수리권에 대한 수용 등 공용침해가 허용될 수 있을 것이다. 이 경우 가칭 수자원기본법의 제정이 필요하며 수자원기본법 의 내용과 체계에 대해서는 다양한 제안과 그에 대한 논의가 있을 수 있지만 이른바 기득 수리권에 대한 폐지를 포함하는 전면적인 재조정의 필요성에 상응하여 그에 대한 수용 및 철회, 보상에 대한 법적 근거를 명시하는 것이 필요하다. Nach Art.120 Abs.2 der Koreanischen Verfassung werden wichtige Bodenschätze, Fischereiquelle, Wasserwirtschaft und sonstige wirtschaftlich nutzbare Naturkräfte nach den gesetzlichen Regelungen in bestimmter Frist für ihre Nutzungen bewilligt, Land und Bodenschätze stehen unter dem staatlichen Schutz, der Staat hat für seine gleichgewitige Erschließung und Nutzung notwendige Planungen aufzustellen. Die wasserwirtschaftliche Bindungen, insbesondere die Erlaubnis- oder Bewilligungspflicht nach § 50 Abs. 1 des Koreanischen Gewässergesetzes, bestehen unabhängig davon, ob es sich eigentumsrechtlich um ein öffentliches oder privates Gewässer handelt. Die oberirdischen Gewässer werden herkömmlich zu den öffentlichen Sachen im Gemeingebrauch gezählt. Jedoch ist der Gewohnheitsgebrauch nach § 231 des Koreanischen Zivligesetzbuches ebenso wie der Gemein-, Eigentümer-, und Anliegergebrauch auf dürftige, wasserwirschaftlich periphere Benutzungen zurückgedränkt. Die wesentlichen Benutzungen sind nur als öffentlich-rechtliche Sondernutzungen auf der Grundlage einer im Einzelfall erteilten Erlaubnis oder Bewilligung zulässig. Man wird die Gewässer nach dem geltenden Recht in wasserwirtschaftlicher Hinsicht vielmehr als öffentlichen Sachen im Sondergebrauch qualifizieren müssen. Mit der prinzipiellen Erlaubnis- oder Bewilligungspflicht begründet das Wasserwirtschaftsrecht ein repressives Verbot mit Befreiungsvorbehalt, nicht etwa nur ein präventives Verbot mit generellem Erlaubnisvorbehalt wie bei der Bauerlaubnispflicht. Wasser wird nicht nur für die öffentliche Versorgung, sondern auch für sonstige Zwecke der Daseinsvorsorge, für die verschiedensten Zwecke der Bodennutzungen und der Wasserwirtschaft sowie für die Erhohlung und Freizeitgestaltung des Menschen benötigt. Indessen steht das Wasserdargebot in einem hochindusrialisierten und dichtbevölkerten raum wie Korea unter dem ständigen Druck bedrohlicher Verknappung und Verunreinigung. Daraus erklärt sich die repressive Strenge des gesetzes gegenüber Benutzungswünschen, aber auch die bloße Filterfunktion der Erlaubnis- oder Bewilligungszwangs. Das Wasserdargebot unterliegt daher nach dem koreanischen Recht öffentlicher Bewirtschaftung. Für die effektiveste Bewirschaftung des Gewässers erlaubt Art. 23 Abs. 3 der Koreanischen Verfassung gegebenenfalls die Enteignung des Wasserbenungsrechts eines Gewohnheits-, Eigentümer- und Anliegergebrauchs oder einer nach § 50 Abs. 1 des Koreanischen Gewässergesetzes erteilten Erlaubnis oder Bewilligung.


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