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      • 한국 전시산업의 경제적 성과에 관한 연구

        황희곤 ( Hee Kon Hwang ) 한국국제무역학회 2001 國際貿易硏究 = Journal of international trade studies Vol.7 No.2

        최근 국내외에서 각광을 받고 있는 전시산업의 현황 및 주요 특성을 살펴보고 전시회 개최에 따른 제반 성과 측정을 위한 분석모형을 정리하였다. 이중 전시산업이 경제에 미치는 효과를 투입산출분석모형에 입각하여 분석해 보았다. 그 결과, 한국 전시 산업과 관련한 직접지출비용은 약 4,440억원으로 추정되었고, 이에 따른 직간접의 경제적 부대효과는 약 1조3천억원대에 달하는 것으로 제시되었다. 이와 함께 전시회에 참가하는 기업의 입장에서 중요한 전략적 요인을 도출하고, 전시회의 효과성을 제고하기 위한 전략 및 정책방안을 제시함으로써 장기적으로 우리나라 전시산업이 발전할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다. In this paper, I studied the outline of the exhibition industries and summarized its major characteristics. I arranged all the analytic model of the performance measurement of exhibition in our literatures. The impact of exhibition industry was analyzed through Input-Output model in Korea, total impact on other industries in Korea was measured based on figures of exhibition circles. In conclusion, the size of Korea`s exhibition industry was revealed to about five hundred billion won, and total related industry was one thousand billion won. These figures are tremendous compared with the other industries. And so I proposed the possibilities of developing Korea`s exhibition industry, strategic factors of promoting the performance effectiveness.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보

        전시산업의 국제화 촉진 메카니즘에 관한 연구

        황희곤 ( Hee Kon Hwang ) 한국컨벤션학회 2011 MICE관광연구 Vol.11 No.2

        The exhibition industry is growing fast through the globalization and competition of world economy, developing the integrated marketing communication tool. Exhibition industry in Asia is recognized highly value-added industry, developed and supported by each countries` government. Therefore internalization of exhibition industry is emerging the new factors in developing the industry in company with growth of Asia`s economy. This paper researched the characteristics of internalization of exhibition industry comparing with the general service industry, analyzed the Asian specific internalization factors. These research efforts will be expected to contribute the growth of exhibition industry in Asia, serving the momentum to raise the standard and quality of marketing performance of the exhibitors and visitors attending the exhibition. And this paper will be contributed to enlarge the size of Asia`s exhibition industry, developing the new competitive factors of exhibition industry.

      • KCI등재후보

        전시회 사전마케팅 활동의 성과분석 및 제고방안 연구

        황희곤 ( Hee Kon Hwang ),안은정 ( Eun Jung Ahn ) 한국컨벤션학회 2010 MICE관광연구 Vol.10 No.2

        This study is about activities of marketing at the exhibition to raise of the outcome and especially to show how important the industries focus on the pre-promotion and how much of its effect would come out the pre-promotion is and its effect by proving the relationship between how satisfy on the purpose of the participation and the result of the participation. The result implies that setting up obvious goal and pre-promotions in exhibition provide not only sale opportunity, but also apparent results. Now we know pre-promotions which are the first marketing activities in exhibition have effects to attract the visitors to their own booths.

      • KCI등재

        친환경 컨벤션전시 가이드라인 설정과 운영에 관한 연구

        황희곤 ( Hee Kon Hwang ),이소연 ( So Yeon Lee ) (사)한국마이스관광학회(구 한국컨벤션학회) 2009 MICE관광연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to identify current issues and guideline of green convention and exhibition within the context of Domestic Mice industry. Among the several guidelines, this paper focus on six guidelines, which is for green meetings. The result showed that green convention and exhibition should reposition themselves successfully by improving the guidelines of weakness and informing itself activity of the right target Mice market.

      • KCI등재

        친환경 컨벤션전시 가이드라인 설정과 운영에 관한 연구

        황희곤 ( Hee Kon Hwang ),이소연 ( So Yeon Lee ) 한국컨벤션학회 2009 MICE관광연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to identify current issues and guideline of green convention and exhibition within the context of Domestic Mice industry. Among the several guidelines, this paper focus on six guidelines, which is for green meetings. The result showed that green convention and exhibition should reposition themselves successfully by improving the guidelines of weakness and informing itself activity of the right target Mice market.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        컨벤션전시산업의 인적자원관리가 조직성과에 미치는 영향연구

        황희곤 ( Hee Kon Hwang ),서주연 ( Ju Yean Seo ) 한국컨벤션학회 2009 MICE관광연구 Vol.9 No.1

        For the dynamic changes of current environment, it is more important for the company to get sustainable competitive advantage through the people who are recognized as human resources. The purpose of this study was to find out the mediating role of the human resources capital and distinctive advantage of human resources capital on the process of influencing to organizational performance. This paper is meaningful because there exist no previous studies that have examined human capital as an intangible asset in convention and exhibition industry. The key implication of this study is that it is a reminder that the values of human capital to do important roles.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Establishing a Network between the Tourism lndustry and the Convention lndustry in Asian Countries : 관광산업과 컨벤션산업의 네트웍 형성에 관한 연구

        HWANG Hee Kon(황희곤) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2006 신아세아 Vol.13 No.1

        관광산업은 전후방 관련산업과 다양하게 연관되어 발전하고 있다. 최근 관광산업은 IT기반의 교통통신수단의 발달과 세계적인 여가수요의 확대로 인해 성장가능성이 더욱 커지고 있다. 그러나 글로벌화의 진행으로 여러 국가와 도시의 관광지, 리조트, 호텔, 사회기반시설이 획일화되는 추세에 있어 관광지를 독자적으로 차별화하는 데는 많은 어려움이 있다. 도시마케팅의 일환이면서 지식기반형 고부가가치산업으로 각광을 받고 있는 컨벤션산업과 관광산업의 네트워킹은 새로운 가능성을 보여 주고 있다. 본고에서는 치열한 경쟁하에서 통합 마케팅 전략을 중심으로 하여 관광산업과 컨벤션 산업의 연계촉진 전략의 대두배경과 성공가능성에 대한 이론적 연구를 실시하여 산업간의 상호 네트웍 형성에 관한 논리적 배경을 제시하였다. 그리고 산업간 연계 발전을 통하여 도시(지역) 발전을 성공적으로 추진해 오고 있는 국내외의 대표적 지역-미국 라스베거스, 영국 버밍햄, 부산, 강원도 등-에 대한 사례분석을 통하여 양 산업의 새로운 연계성장 가능성을 모색해 보았다. 연구 결과, 관광산업은 많은 산업이 연계되어 있고 지속 가능한 경쟁우위 요인이 도출이 쉽지 않아 산업간 네트웍의 활용을 통한 경쟁력 제고는 불가피한 선택이라는 점을 밝혔다. 주요 사례를 통하여 도출된 산업간 네트웍 형성의 성공적인 전제조건은 통일된 목표하에 상호 커뮤니케이션을 통해 협력의 파트너쉽을 형성하는 것으로, 이는 관민협력체제의 구축, 차별적 브랜드 이미지 정립, 통합적 마케팅 전략 추구 등이 중요한 변수이다. 이상과 같이 소비자지향의 마케팅 컨셉, 비용절약적 사고, 가치사슬 형성 등 현 경제여건의 변화가 없는 한 앞으로도 양 산업의 네트웍은 강화할 것으로 예상된다. 결론적으로, 가치사슬 체계상 상호 이득이 될 수 있는 보완적 기능을 강화함으로써 관광객의 세분화된 욕구 충족과 함께, 강력한 브랜드 이미지의 구축도 가능하게 될 것이다. 한국을 비롯한 아시아권 국가, 도시의 경우 관광, 컨벤션산업 육성을 위한 정부주도의 노력에도 불구하고, 관련산업 및 경제주체간 협력체제 구축의 미성숙, 전략적 추진노력 부족 등으로 성과가 아직 미흡한 편으로 향후 양 산업간의 효율적인 협력관계 구축을 통한 조기 경쟁력 강화를 통하여 산업 육성 및 부가가치 증대가 가능하게 될 것이다. Tourism industries in Asian countries such as China are growing at a rapid pace in particular due to their continuous economic growth. Recognizing the tourism industry as one of the most promising of the future, countries around the world are scrambling to promote it. The network between the tourism industry and the convention industry, which is in the limelight as a part of city marketing and is considered an information-based and value-added industry, is opening new opportunities for tourism. Convention, meetings, and incentive travel represent one of the fastest growing segments of the tourism industry globally. This paper looks into the new opportunities of the travel industry through theoretical research and case studies of convention and event promotion strategies based on the idea of integrating tourist sites and venues. These investigate the condition and success factors of the network between the tourism and convention industry, approaching to both sectors highly positioned and, highly value added industry. By fulfilling mutually beneficial functions within the value chain, the network can satisfy complicated customer needs and build a strong brand image. The condition for a successful inter-industry network, derived from case studies, is to establish a cooperative partnership under a collective objective. Based on customer-oriented marketing concepts and cost effective strategies, the network between the two areas is expected to grow further. What follows are some results from the researches, suggestions and assignments that can be utilized by local governments.

      • KCI등재

        전시주최자 SNS의 커뮤니케이션 효과가 브랜드이미지 및 만족도에 미치는 영향 연구

        황희곤 ( Hee Kon Hwang ),정희정 ( Hee Jung Jung ) (사)한국마이스관광학회(구 한국컨벤션학회) 2011 MICE관광연구 Vol.11 No.3

        Recent surge in smart phone users with the information center, the exhibition now moves to the mobile and smart phones are accelerating the combination of exhibition. Existing standardized advertising and promotional techniques to exhibitors and visitors were delivered unilaterally in the marketing message, SNS is based on communication with exhibitors and visitors from all over who wish to pursue movements. The exhibition visitors as much information from the SNS communication effectiveness by providing a cognitive attitude, that is, a lot of visitor information that provides a compelling exhibition SNS, and reliable, the information you thought to gain the benefits. The exhibit attitude that the cognitive impact of the brand image, satisfaction is influenced. Finally, communication effectiveness to increase exhibition SNS users visitors` satisfaction and continued use for inducing an alternative has proposed, and SNS utilizing marketing, customer communications and promotional channel.

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