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        근대전환기의 서적과 지식체계 변동 : 『황성신문』의 광고를 중심으로

        황영원 ( Yong Yuan Huang ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2013 大東文化硏究 Vol.81 No.-

        근대로 들어서면서 청일전쟁 이후 국제관계의 격동적인 변화로 인해 한국은 전통적인 중화문명권에서 탈피하여 서구적 문명의 성격을 띠는 일본을 문명개화의 모델로 삼았으며, 언어생활과 지식체계의 변동을 겪게 되었다. 이에 따라 국외로부터 수입하거나 번역한 서적 및 국내에서 출판한 서적은 이전과는 다른 모습을 보이게 되었다. 한 시대의 서적을 고찰해 봄으로써 그 시대의 지식체계와 정신세계를 파악할수 있으며, 그 시대가 근대를 향해가며 추구했던 가치와 지향점 또한 살펴볼 수 있을 것이다. 이는 당시 전환기에 놓여있던 한국에도 해당된다. 본 논문에서는 기존 서적학의 연구를 바탕으로 하여『황성신문』의 광고에 게재되었던 서적을 망라하여, 분류·통계 등의 종합적인 분석과 당시의 서적이 집중적으로 다루었던 테마와 담론을 통해서, 그 시대의 지식체계 변동과 아울러 당시 지식인들이 추구했던 문명관 및 근대성을 탐구해 보고자 한다. Entering into modern, especially after the Sino-Japanese War, because of the rapidly changing international relations, Korea escaped from the traditional Chinese culture circle, and regarded Japan which assumed a character of western culture as the model. At the same time, Korea witnessed a change of language and knowledge system. So, books which were imported or translated or published directly in domestic differed from the ones before. Studying the books of some particular period is a good way to access to the knowledge system and mentality of that historical period. And can also inquire into the definition and value about modernism or that time. Especially for Korea which was in Modern Transition. Based on the existing studies of Bibliography, this paper will collect information of the books which appeared in the advertisements of Hwangsongshinmun (Hwangsong Daily Newspaper), and then through classification, statistic and comprehensive analysis of those books, to have a look at the themes of the books and contents which were discussed. By this task, We can figure out the change of knowledge system of this period, and comprehend what was thought as civilization and modernism by the intellectuals of that time.

      • KCI등재

        전시체제기 일제 한의학 정책의 변화 - 제국적 연관의 시각을 중심으로 -

        황영원(Huang, Yong yuan) 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.77

        Despite the withdrawal of traditional medicine (Kampo) from the national healthcare system throughout modern Japan, its use has not disappeared entirely. In the mid-1920s, a new generation of Kampo practitioners led a revival of Kampo use in Japan. Particularly following the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese Kampo community, aligned with Japan’s external aggressive policies during that period, employed Kampo as a tool for cultural influence in China and sought to win the hearts and minds of the Chinese people. They aspired to foster collaboration within East Asia, leading to the emergence of ‘Oriental Medicine’ discourse. They sought to leverage the unique circumstances of wartime to rejuvenate and revitalize Kampo. The trends in Japanese Kampo are disseminated through networks of individuals centered around the East Asian Medical Association, influencing regions including Korea, Manchukuo, and inner China. In Korea, notable figures like colonial official scholar Sakihara Tokuha championed this approach. In parallel with the Japanese Kampo community, they advocated for ‘Oriental Medicine.’ In contrast to the previous strategy of ‘eliminating physicians but retaining the medicines,’ they advocated the establishment of Traditional Korean Medicine(TKM) hospitals and TKM research institutes in Korea, along with comprehensive studies on TKM itself. Sakihara Tokuha’s viewpoints served as a clear reflection of the shifts in Japan’s colonial TKM policies during this era. The ‘ambition’ of the Japanese medical community to revive Kampo found its earliest success in Manchukuo. With the involvement of figures from the Japanese Kampo community and Sakihara Tokuha, Manchukuo officially recognized the status of TCM, introduced TCM examinations, instituted TCM hospitals and research centers, and established formal educational institutions for TCM. It is worth noting, however, that these series of reform measures in Manchukuo were essentially modeled after the new style of TCM from Japan and thus became a historical opportunity to transform traditional East Asian medicine and proliferate Japanese-style Kampo.

      • KCI등재

        만주국의 조선 주재 영사관 설립과 교민 관리에 대한 일고찰(一考察)

        황영원(Huang Yongyuan) 동북아역사재단 2016 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.52

        만주국은 제국 일본의 대륙침략정책 기조에 부응하면서 조선 경내의 교민 업무 처리와 “만선일여”의 추진을 위하여 1930년대 중 · 후반 신의주에는 영사관을, 경성에는 명예총영사관을 설립하였다. 조선 주재 만주국 영사관의 설립 추진 과정 가운데 조선총독부 측 역시 적극적인 모습을 보였다. 만주국 영사관은 설립 이후 조선 경내의 교민 등록, 만선간의 통상·정치 사안의 원활한 협상 등의 역할을 담당하였다. 또한 교민조직과 학교를 설립하였으며 외교기구로서 중화민국 영사관과 경쟁하기도 하였다. 중일전쟁이 발발하면서 식민지 조선에서 화교의 생존 조건이 악화되자 만주국국민 즉 “만교”로 신분을 변경함으로써 만주국 영사관의 비호 아래 생계를 유지하려는 화교들이 적지 않았다. 하지만 이는 순전히 이해득실에 대한 계산에서 비롯된 측면이 컸기 때문에 그들이 반드시 만주국정권에 대한 정치적 정체성과 소속감을 보유하고 있었다고 단언할 수는 없다. Following the Empire of Japan’s aggressive policy toward China, Manchukuo established two consulates in Joseon in the late 1930s. One was the consulate in Sinuiju, and the other was the Honorary Consulate General in Gyeongseong(J. Keijō). These consulates were designated to deal with affairs of Manchukuo residents in Joseon and to promote economic integration between the two regions. During the establishment of Manchukuo’s consulates, the Governor-General of Joseon also played an active role. Once after Manchukuo’s consulates had been established, the apparatus performed meaningful tasks such as the enrollment of Manchukuo residents and the establishment of mass organizations and schools for them. In sum, the Manchukuo consulates in Joseon functioned to negotiate passage between two colonized areas, competing with the Republic of China’s consulate. As the living conditions of Overseas Chinese in Joseon worsened after the Sino-Japanese War, Manchukuo’s consulates helped Overseas Chinese who wanted to change their nationality to that of Manchukuo even though their behavior was based more so on the survival instinct rather than on true identity.

      • KCI등재

        명청시대 의사와 지역사회 - 강남지역 유의(儒醫)를 중심으로

        황영원 ( Huang Yongyuan ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 의학사연구소 2017 연세의사학 Vol.20 No.1

        Compared with Song(宋) and Yuan(元) dynasty, Ming and Qing dynasty relatively paid less attention to the health care policy. However it does not necessarily mean that medical facilities and manpower have weakened. The vacuum generated by the government`s passive health care policy was filled by private physicians. During Ming and Qing period, the regions south of the Yangtze River were not only the economic and cultural center, but also the medical center. In these regions, medical education and training were conducted by physicians themself other than public medical education institution. The ways can be classified into slef-study, and learning from the elder physicians, or getting education in family. But these ways were not isolated, usually they were used together. And, there existed a number of medical families (called “Shi Yi(世醫)”) which take medicine as a career from one generation to the next generation. The existence of Shi Yi made a contribution to satisfying the need of medical facility, and did a great favor to reproducing physicians. Wuzhong(吳中) and Xin`an(新安) were most developed medical centers in the regions south of the Yangtze River as well as all over the country. We can find that, the social, cultural and geographical factors of local area played an important role in the medical development, and deeply decided the feature of local medicine. On the other side, in Ming and Qing period, physician had become an opening occupation. Since Confucianism had been the dominant knowledge, a discourse which emphasized the affinity between Confucianism and medicine was produced. Physicians tended to manipulate the label of “Confucian physician(儒醫)” in order to improve their social position, even though it did not worked actually. However, “Confucian physician”, as a value and standard, did make a contribution to normalizing the health care industry more or less.

      • KCI등재
      • 근대 중의학 지위 부침의 정치학과 중의학의 변화

        황영원(黃永遠)(Huang, Yongyuan) 의료역사연구회 2019 의료사회사연구 Vol.4 No.1

        근대 동아시아 전통의학의 지위 부침과 변화는 메이지시대 한방의학을 제도적으로 폐지하였던 일본의 역사적 경험이 끼친 영향이 컸다. 이는 식민지 조선, 대만뿐만 아니라 주권국가로서 면모를 유지하였던 중국 역시 예외가 아니었다. 중국은 근대로 접어들면서 전통문화를 부정하고 서양문명을 급급하게 추구하는 근대주의 사조가 팽배하였다. 그 가운데 중의부정론과 중의폐지론이 제기되었다. 그리고 일본에 갔다 온 의학유학생과 정계인사에 의해 법적, 제도적으로 중의학을 배제하려는 중의폐지안도 등장하였다. 이로써 근대 중의학은 식민지 조선의 한의학과 마찬가지로 불안정한 지위에 처하게 되었다. 하지만 식민지 조선과 달리 끝까지 주권국가였던 중국에서는 중의폐지론자도 있었지만, 국수주의, 민족주의, 민생주의 등 이념으로 무장한 중의옹호론자 역시 엄연히 존재하였다. 중의폐지론자와 중의옹호론자는 치열한 각 축전을 전개하였다. 양쪽의 대립은 비록 중·서의계 각각의 집단 이익과 무관하지 않았지만, 한편으로는 동서의학의 관계 설정 및 중국 의료근대화 방식 등의 문제에 대한 논의와 고민을 심화시키는 데 기여하였다. 한편, 조선인 한의계와 마찬가지로 근대 중의계는 서양의학을 배척할 대상으로 보지 않고, 일찍부터 동서의학의 대화를 모색하기 시작하였다. 중서의회통, 중의과학화, 이후 중서의결합까지 근대 중의학은 서양의학을 수용하여 중의학 스스로 개량과 혁신을 시도하며 새로운 형태로 변화하였다. 하지만 서양의학을 수용하는 것과 동서의학의 근본적 차이를 무시한 채 동아시아의학의 서양의학화를 지향하는 것은 별개의 문제였다. 일원적인 근대 과학 인식을 거부하고 서양의학을 상대한 동아시아 전통의학의 독특한 가치를 주장하는 인식은 근대 한중양국에서 공유되고 있었다. 그리고 그 시대에 공통적으로 미해결된 문제로 남겨진 동아시아 전통의학의 과학화와 동서의학 절충의 과제는 오늘날 중국의 중서의결합, 한국의 동서의학 통합(혹은 협진) 같은 형식으로 계속 추진되고 있다. In the Meiji Period, Japan abolished Kampo Medicine systematically; the historical experience impacted the status’ changing of traditional medicine in modern East Asia. The situation was not only in Korea and Taiwan that are colonies, while China, who could maintain the form of a sovereign country, was not exceptional. In modern times, the trend of thought that blindly denied traditional culture and pursued westernizing was very active, and the theory of denying or abolishing traditional Chinese medicine came on stage under the background. Some oversea medical students who had come back from Japan and some politicians launched the campaign of“abolishing traditional Chinese medicine”, which wanted to abolish Chinese traditional medicine systematically and legitimately. Since then the traditional Chinese medicine’s status, which is the same as traditional Korean medicine, was greatly shaken. Nonetheless, it is different from colonial Korea that China has maintained the status of a sovereign state all along. Although there was a group who tried to abolish traditional Chinese medicine, meanwhile there was a group who embraced nationalism and people’s livelihood, and the group was headed by traditional Chinese medical circles. The two groups competed fiercely. Although the antagonism between the two groups was closely related with the respective advantages of Chinese and western medical circles, their argument made contribution to the deep thinking and discussion about the relationship between eastern and western medicine and the modernization of Chinese medicine. On the other hand, traditional Chinese medical circles in modern times, who were the same as traditional Korean medical circles, didn’t regard western medicine as something that should be repelled, on the contrary, they tried to communicate with western medicine in very early times. From confluence of Chinese and western medicine, scientization of traditional Chinese Medicine, to combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in later times, modern traditional Chinese medicine absorbed western medicine constantly, tried to promote the reformation and improvement by itself, and accomplished new development. Absorbing western medicine, however, is different from pursuing westernization of east medicine blindly without the awareness of the difference between them. Some of the men of insight in the two countries had the consensus that they would refuse unitary learning of modern science, and emphasize the unique value of traditional East Asia in comparison with western medicine. The tasks of scientific systemizing traditional East Asia medicine and harmonizing eastern and western medicine were not solved at that time by the two countries; nowadays the combination of Chinese traditional and Western medicine in China and medical integration of eastern traditional and Western medicine in Korea are trying to figure out the solutions.

      • KCI등재

        근대 중국 사회의 ‘위안부’ 제도 인식과 서사

        황영원 ( Huang Yongyuan ) 수선사학회 2021 史林 Vol.- No.78

        It is different from Japan and its colonies such as Taiwan and Korea that the publications such as newspapers, books, literature and art in modern Chinese society widely exposed the facts of the system of “comfort women” in Japanese army, and build the recognition of the issue of “comfort women” in contemporary Chinese society. As the recognition and writing of the system of “comfort women” in modern Chinese society is the social memory of common sense, its historical value is highly important for reconstructing the historical reality of the system of “comfort women” and exploring the impact of the system on modern Chinese society. Meanwhile, the profound discernment into the nature of the system of “comfort women” and the criticism against the conspiracy of sexual violence caused by patriarchy and Japanese imperialism have attained a high level, which is illuminating for surveying the issue of “comfort women” in an objective and comprehensive way.

      • KCI등재

        가려진 의생단체의 모습 ― 일제시기 동서의학연구회를 다시 보다 ―

        황영원 ( Huang Yong-yuan ) 수선사학회 2017 史林 Vol.0 No.59

        Research Society of The East and West Medicine(RSEWM) was a leading organization of Korean Medicine Physicians which was established in November 1917, and had existed until the 1940s. In particular, in the 1920s, this association established regional branches not only in the Korean Peninsula but also in Bukgando, and was a nationwide organization with more than 3,000 members. In the 1920s, when Korean medicine was politically marginalized, in order to strengthen the position of Korean medicine physicians, RSEWM launched a lot of activities as following: publishing monthly magazines, conducting re-education, establishing Korean Medicine Education Institution, and operating charities and so on. In the 1930s, Korean medicine, especially traditional Korean herbal medicine had began attracting social and political interests, RSEWM tried its best to be the authority of Korean medicine knowledge, by frequently sending lecturers to various occasions. RSEWM had existed for almost 20 years, and had a considerable impact on the survival of Korean medicine throughout the Japanese colonial period. However, as this article argued, RSEWM kept a close relationship with the colonial authority from the beginning of the era. This tight relationship between RSEWM and the colonial authority revealed not only in the aspect of the human resource placement in organizing RSEWM, and also in its path dependence and the orientation. Furthermore RSEWM absorbed the Western medicine positively, and tried its best to enter into the hygiene system which was led by the colonial authority. During the Japanese colonial period, medical hygiene system was implemented by Western medicine side only. Under such circumstance, For RSEWM, Entering into the hygiene system means inevitably compromising and cooperating with the colonial authority. In previous studies, especially has been conducted by scholars of Korean Medicine, Korean medicine was regarded as the national medicine, which implies the meaning of anti-Japanese. However we could find out that it`s not the historical truth. In other words, during the Japanese colonial period, Korean Medicine played the role of people`s medicine, not national medicine. In addition, as the internal dispute lasting from October 1924 to January 1926 depicts, among Korean medicine physicians, there the conflicts did existed, which were mainly caused by other reasons rather than differences of academic views. On this point, studies of this topic are expected to proceed further.


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