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      • KCI등재

        이데올로기와 무의식: 라깡, 알튀세르, 그리고 지젝을 중심으로

        황순향 현대영미어문학회 2017 현대영미어문학 Vol.35 No.4

        Post-Structuralism and psychoanalysis theories dealing with the matters of ideology and the Unconscious have been applied to interpreting literary texts, providing with significantly important theoretical perspectives, and so these approaches to literary texts on the basis of those theories have become a leading methodology of criticism. However, there are significant differences in interpreting literary texts depending on different perspectives on the concepts of ideology and the Unconscious. In particular, two post-structuralists, Jacques Lacan and Louis Althusser, whose focuses are on the matters of ideology and the Unconscious, show a lot of theoretical similarities as well as a lot of differences simultaneously, which results in severe gaps in interpreting literary texts among literary critics. Therefore, this paper aims to compare and analyze the similarities and differences between the two theories on the relation of dynamics of ideology and the Unconscious of Jacques Lacan and Louis Althusser. And also in order to demonstrate the validity of the analysis, Slavoi Zizek‘s work on the matter of ideology and the Unconscious, especially focusing on comparing and analyzing the two theories of Lacan and Althusser, is applied to this essay. .

      • KCI등재

        이데올로기와 무의식의 역학관계 - 프로이트의 검열과 억압의 문제를 중심으로

        황순향 대동철학회 2017 大同哲學 Vol.80 No.-

        본 논문은 프로이트가 그의 전기 무의식 개념에서 보여주는 이데올로기와 무의식의 역학관계 설정과 그의 후기의 무의식 개념에서 이데올로기와 무의식의 역학관계 설정을 비교 분석하여 전기에서 후기로의 그의 무의식 개념의 수정에 따라 이데올로기와 무의식의 역학관계가 어떻게 변화하는 지를 검열과 억압의 문제를 중심으로 살펴본다. 또한 이러한 과정에서 그의 후기 이론을 검열과 억압의 측면에서 검토할 때 발생하는 이론적 모순에 대해서도 검토한다. 잠재적이지만 의식화하는 데 자아의 저항이 적은 전의식은 초자아로서 사실 프로이트에 의해서 의식화하기 힘든 것으로 여겨지는 진짜 무의식을 생성하는 사회의 법과 윤리인 이데올로기에 해당되는 것이다. 사회와 개인 간의 역학관계에서 프로이트가 그의 이론의 초기에 의식에 침입하는 무의식의 역동성과 후기 이론에서 자아와 초자아의 무의식적인 측면을 강조함에도 불구하고 그의 저서 전반에 나타나는 무의식 개념은 그것이 초자아에 입각한 자아의 판단과 검열 작용에 의해 억압되는 유아기 초기의 경험들과 외상(trauma)들에 대한 기억의 흔적들로 구성된다는 점에서 근본적으로 그의 무의식 개념은 자아와 초자아를 구성하는 이데올로기에 대한 반작용이 일어나는 역학관계를 보여준다. 프로이트의 초기 무의식 개념에 의하면 무의식은 사회의 상징적 질서인 이데올로기를 위반하는 위협적인 주체의 전복적인 힘으로서, 이데올로기에 의해 ‘부정’되거나 ‘순치’되어져야 할 대상이 되는 것이다 이렇듯 프로이트의 심리학 역학 전체는 초자아와 자아라는 의식의 영역의 현실원리로 작동하는 이데올로기와 이데올로기에 의해 검열되어 억압된 것으로서 이데올로기에 반하는 주체의 에너지들이 잔존해있는 쾌락원리에 의해 작동되는 무의식과 대치를 이루는 구조로 볼 수 있다. This essay examines the relation of dynamics between ideology and Freud's Unconscious in terms of the dynamic mechanism that governs the process of generating the Unconscious through censorship and repression by considering and comparing the theoretical change from Freud's early concept of the Unconscious to his late one. And also this essay tries to analyze the theoretical contradiction of Freud's theory, especially on the matter of his revised concept of the Unconscious containing preconsciousness, that is to say, "superego' which was considered the part of consciousness in his early theory. According to Freud's early concept of the Unconscious, the Unconscious is the realm of instinct and drive remained and unsatisfied by having been censored and suppressed by the action of 'ego'. In the process of censorship and repression of the Unconscious, ego is also governed by the ideology, the symboilic law, which is internalized in the realm of superego. So the thinking process of consciousness of ego is closely related to the ideology of superego. Therefore, the relation of dynamics between the ideology and the Unconscious is that the Unconscious is in conflict with the ideology in superego. This is the relationship between the Unconscious and ego and superego whose thinking process causes subjects to feel pangs of conscience and guilty by the criteria of law and ethics on the basis of the dominant ideology in the society where subjects exist.

      • KCI등재

        Hamlet’s Subjectivity: A Subject of the Symbolic or the Real, Traversing the Phantasy Centering on Lacan’s Later Theory

        황순향 현대영미어문학회 2019 현대영미어문학 Vol.37 No.3

        As freud’s analysis that Hamlet’s Oedipus desire remains repressed just as in the case of neurosis, Lacan’s analysis of Hamlet emphasizes that Hamlet’s own desire is constantly dominated by the desire of the Other. To Freud and Lacan, Hamlet is the neurotic, as an unconscious subject governed by his superego and the Symbolic order. Hamlet is regarded as a barred subject who is unable to realize his own subjectivity. However, this paper aims at arguing that Hamlet is not a repressed subject by superego and suspended and trapped within the desire of the Other as Freud and Lacan insist. Thus, firstly, this paper demonstrates the reason why Freud’s and Lacan’s views on the type of Hamlet’s subjectivity as a subject whose wishful phantasy is repressed by superego, and a subject whose own desire is trapped within the desire of the Other, can be seen to describe the same type of subjectivity if analyzed theoretically by comparing Freud’s concepts, such as Oedipus complex and superego with Lacan’s concepts, desire, the Unconscious, and the Symbolic order, designated as the Other. Secondly, this paper verifies that Hamlet is not a passive and repressed subject of alienation whose superego is completely related to the Symbolic order, the Other, as Freud and Lacan interpret, but an active subject of separation in the jouissance in the Real, Traversing the phantasy presented by the Other.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상징계의 주체, 햄릿: 대타자와 무의식과 욕망의 역학관계를 중심으로

        황순향 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2023 人文論叢 Vol.62 No.-

        This study examines Hamlet’s subjectivity from a very different viewpoint compared to the Freud and Lacan’s perspectives on Hamlet’s desire by applying the psychoanalytic theories of Freud and Lacan to Hamlet’s subjectivity from the perspective of rigorous analysis based on various criteria of their theories. Freud insists that Hamlet has incestuous Oedipal desire for his mother, and because of that reason, Hamlet delays his revenge for his father ghost. And Lacan argues that Hamlet remains in ‘the Imaginary’ stage forming the narcissistic identification with his mother’s desire, and his mother’s desire dominates Hamlet’s own desire and makes him delay his revenge. But this study argues that Hamlet is a subject whose Unconscious and desire is completely determined by ‘the Symbolic’ order in close relation to the desire of ‘the Other’ by intensively analyzing the dynamics between the society and the characters in Hamlet. And so this study reveals that the Christian ideology as ‘the Other’, in the society of Denmark where Hamlet lives, suppresses and bans Hamlet’s impulse, and Hamlet follows the desire of ‘the Other’ in the Symbolic order functioning as a strict superego, that is to say, the law of a society. Through this paper’s approach to Hamlet’s subjectivity, it is verified that Hamlet is a subject of ‘the Symbolic’ showing that his Unconscious and desire are completely governed by the desire of ‘the Other’, the Christian ideology which also hinders him from fulfilling his revenge for his father ghost.

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