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      • KCI등재

        현대 주거공간에 나타난 아날로그 감성 표현 특성에 관한 연구 -프리츠커상 수상자의 건축작품을 중심으로-

        홍지나 ( Hong Ji-na ),김정희 ( Kim Jung-hee ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회(구 시각디자인학회) 2019 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.69 No.-

        디지털 시대에 기술의 발전에 따라 일상생활은 점점 윤택해졌으며, 미래지향적인 새로운 세계를 기대하게 되었지만, 정신적, 심리적 안정을 찾고 싶어 하는 많은 사람들의 욕구가 생기기 시작하였다. 이렇듯 디지털시대에는 역기능적인 문제점이 생겨나기 시작하였는데 이에 발생된 자아상실감, 고독감, 외로움으로 따뜻한 감수성에 대한 인간적인 그리움을 불러일으켰다. 이로 인해 인간의 감성에 부응하고자 아날로그 감성의 회복 움직임이 나타나기 시작했으며 최근 아날로그 감성이 사회 전반에 화두가 되었다. 이에 프리츠커 건축상 수상자의 현대 주거 사례를 통해 아날로그 감성 표현 특성을 분석하였다. 분석을 통해 나타난 아날로그 감성표현 특성은 3가지이다. 첫째, 자연으로 회귀본능 표현특성, 둘째, 내면화된 과거지향 표현특성, 셋째, 정서적 힐링의 표현특성을 갖는다. 이를 통해 알 수 있었던 것은 디지털 시대에서는 새로운 것만이 항상 예술의 중요한 원천이 되는 것은 아니다. 기존 것에 대한 새로운 해석과 표현의 시도들, 그리고 기존 것에 대한 재해석 역시 중요하다. 이에 미래 주거 공간 영역의 방향제시 또한 필요할 것으로 보인다. In the digital age, with the development of technology, daily life has become more and more profitable, and we have come to expect a new future-oriented world. As such, dysfunctional problems began to arise in the digital age, which caused human longing for warm sensibility due to self-loss, loneliness, and loneliness. As a result, in order to respond to human emotions, a recovery movement of analog emotions began to emerge, and analog emotions recently became a hot topic in society. This study analyzed the characteristics of analog emotional expressions through the case of Pritzker Architecture Award winner's modern housing. There are three analog emotional expression characteristics through analysis. Firstly, it has the characteristics of expressing regression instinct in nature, second, expressing characteristics of internalized past-oriented expression, and third, expressing characteristics of emotional healing. What we have learned from this is that in the digital age, new things are not always an important source of art. Trying new interpretations and expressions of the old and reinterpreting the old are also important. Therefore, the direction of future residential space is also needed

      • KCI등재

        전통한옥에 사용된 한지의 지속 가능성에 관한 연구

        홍지나(Hong Ji Na),류안석(Lyou An Suck) 한국디자인리서치학회 2016 한국디자인리서치 Vol.1 No.2

        한지는 우리나라 고유의 종이로서 자연에서 구할 수 있는 우리 민족의 가치 있는 소중한 문화유산으로서 전통 한옥에서 창호지, 벽지, 장판지 등으로 사용하였던 지재이다. 제조공정이나 폐기 시에 자연에 미치는 부하가 적은 재료로 실내공간에서도 쾌적성과 건강성을 고려한 친환경적인 요구를 충족시키는 실내공간의 마감재로서 주목받고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 전통한옥에 사용된 지재로서의 한지의 물성과 그 활용 특성을 분석하여 한지의 지속적인 실내 마감재로서의 활용 가능성을 알아보는 것이다. 그 결과로서 첫째, 한지의 기능적 특성을 통한 지속가능성이다. 둘째, 한지의 정서적 특성을 통한 지속 가능성이다. 셋째, 한지의 환경적 특성을 통한 지속 가능성이다. 전통한옥의 실내 공간에 나타난 창호지, 벽지, 장판지로 다양하게 쓰였던 한지는 친인간, 친환경 건축의 측면에서 21세기의 건축 재료로서 지속 가능하게 활용될 수 있는 재료이다. 한지가 가지고 있는 물성적인 특성을 이용하여 디자인 개발과 한지응용마감재를 효율적으로 활용하여 차별화되고 현대화된 실내공간으로 연출할 수 있는 지속 가능성을 보여주고 있다. Hanji is Korea s unique paper which is available in natural as the value of our nation s precious cultural heritage used wallpaper, Ondol floors paper, window-paper in the traditional Korean houses. Hanji has attracted attention as interior finishing materials considered the health and comfort in the interior space and satisfied the environmental-friendly requirement with less load on natural ingredients in the manufacturing processes or upon disposal. Therefore, this study is to examine the possibility of utilization as a continuous interior finishes to analyze Hanji s properties and Hanji s utilization characteristics used papers in the traditional Korean houses. As a result First, the sustainability through the functional characteristics of the Korean paper. Second, sustainability through the emotional characteristics of Korean paper. Third, sustainability through environmental characteristics of Korean paper. Hanji is a material that can be used sustainably by a variety wallpaper, Ondol floors paper, window-paper in the interior space traditional Korean houses as a building material for the 21st century in terms of eco-friendly construction. Hanji has the physical property characteristics that shows sustainability to express for differentiated and modernized interior space where utilized efficiently the design and development finishes.

      • KCI등재

        프리츠커상 수상자의 현대 주거건축에 나타난 공간의 조형적 특성 연구

        홍지나 ( Hong Ji-na ),김정희 ( Kim Jung-hee ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회(구 시각디자인학회) 2019 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.66 No.-

        건축공간에 있어 주거는 인류발전에 있어 가장 중요한 공간이자 근본적 공간이며 인간 삶을 위한 생존의 공간으로 건축의 흐름과 역사속에서 혁명적으로 발전되어 왔으며 더욱 새로운 다양체들의 건축물로 현대에 나타나고 있다. 따라서 세계 건축계에서 주목할 만한 아이디어와 혁신적인 건축물을 지속적으로 던져주며 인간 삶의 환경에 기여하며 다른 차원으로 전개하도록 리드하는 프리츠커 건축상 수상자의 현대 주거공간의 조형적 공간특성을 이론적 고찰을 토대로 분석요소를 추출하여 사례조사 하는 것이다. 사례분석을 통해 현대 주거공간에 나타난 공간의 조형적 특성은 7가지이다. 첫째, 주변과의 시각적 순환과 대비. 둘째, 기하학적 형태미, 셋째, 역동적 형태, 넷째, 비정형의 조소적 공간, 다섯째, 형태의 중첩과 상호 관입, 여섯째, 모듈 이동과 가변적 공간, 일곱째, 내재적 구성의 모호성으로 분석되었다. 이를 통해 공간의 확장된 의미와 개념을 찾고 조형성간의 유기적 조화 가능성을 알아보았으며 미래 주거공간의 새로운 패러다임과 공간영역의 방향제시가 가능할 것으로 보인다. Dwelling in architecture is the most important and basic space in the course of the evolution of humankind as well as existential space for their lives. It has been developing in a revolutionary way in the history of architecture, seeing today a diverse range of buildings with more novelty. For this reason, this study sought to conduct a case study, drawing factors to be analyzed based on theoretical examination of figurative characteristics of contemporary dwelling space as shown by the winners of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. This Prize continues to show remarkable ideas and innovative architectural structures in the global architectural field, contributing to the better environments in our lives and also leading us to another dimension. As a result of the case study, there turned out seven figurative characteristics of contemporary living space. First, visual rotation with the surroundings, and contrast. Second, geometric beauty of its shape. Third, dynamic appearance. Fourth, irregular sculptural form. Fifth, duplication of forms and interpenetration. Sixth, module mobility and changeable space. Seventh, ambiguity of internal composition. As such, the study identified the extended meanings and concept of space, and examined the potential for systematic harmony between the constituents, hopefully shedding light on new paradigms of future living space as well as the future direction in the realm of space.

      • 도심지 철도폐선부지를 활용한 문화전시시설로의 재생방안 연구 - 부산 구(舊) 해운대역을 사례로 -

        홍지나(Hong, Ji-Na) 대한건축학회 2021 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.41 No.1

        Railways were an important means of passenger transportation until the 1970s. Over time, the diversification of transportation methods has caused the formation of abandoned railway sites. This phenomenon is likely to be accelerated by the continual and future diversification of transportation methods. With this in mind, we developed a plan for these unused railway sites, while considering their urban centrality as well as their respective surroundings, to make use of the idle site. As the occurrence of these abandoned sites are likely to increase over time, it is our aim to find appropriate uses for them.

      • KCI등재

        애니쉬 카푸어의 작품에 나타난 시지각적 착시 현상에 관한 연구

        홍지나 ( Ji Na Hong ),윤재은 ( Jae Eun Yoon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        (Background and Purpose) The success of Anish Kapoor’s late works rooted in art’s metaphysical style can be attributed to his exceptional use of darkness, light, shadow, and reflection. His works create optical illusions in visual perception, with common features such as the expansion of size based on round shapes, homogenous glossy surfaces without changes in tone, distortion through the depiction of inclination and direction, and abstractness. Additionally, Kapoor’s formative features show his preoccupation with the infinite formative possibilities of modern spatial configurations, as he is seeking continuously to convey sublime, religious, or philosophical aspects unique to his identity as an Indian through his works. (Method) Various methods can be employed to create optical illusions. Kapoor maximizes the effects of these mysteries of visual perception with infinite symbolism through the size of the work; variety of materials, shapes, and/or textures; layout methods, and sculpting techniques. His work using aluminum and stainless steel material has been substantive, causing visual and optical illusions that create uncertainty, as these works do not have a fixed visual point of view. This study provides an analysis of Kapoor’s works based on their expressed characteristics and explores the expressive characteristics of visual perception from various perspectives, depending on the type of optical illusion and presentation elements. (Results) The analysis of the optical illusions of visual perception revealed in Kapoor``s works produced the following findings. First, the artist’s optical illusions are the result of visual reduction. Large-scale works that are bigger than humans cause the people who view them to experience a sense of sublimity until they seem to disappear. Second, visual perception related to an optical illusion is distorted based on angles. Contrast, the slope, in the form of directional shows the characteristics that put the surrounding environment to reflect as much as possible the reflection properties of the material. Third, the visual perceptive optical illusion by the border illusion of conscious and unconscious. Yet, the forms shown in Kapoor’s works appear to be geometrically simple. Kapoor produces unique shapes that visually result in illusions and distortions. Essentially, he has been creating a new space with endless possibilities. (Conclusions) Kapoor’s works are situated in a space with various characteristics that produce optical illusions and create a scenario for content unrelated to art form, propelling those who view his art into heterogeneous existences within the frame of created space. In addition, Kapoor’s art creates a source for intangible works; these works indicate infinite sculpturing possibilities for spatial constructions in modern times.

      • KCI등재

        프리츠커 건축상 수상자의 작품에서 나타난 색채표현 특성 연구

        한예정 ( Yea Jung Han ),홍지나 ( Ji Na Hong ),윤재은 ( Jae Eun Yoon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        (Background and Purpose)Color is not just a component of color planning in architecture, or is it merely a tool used for decoration. Instead, color exists as an element of the environment in its own right. Color is an important element in addition to form in architecture. It affects the process of building an architectural work and plays an important role in coordinating the visual environment from the perspective of environmental context. In fact, an architectural building itself is expressed in terms of colors in the visual communication system. Therefore, color is a very important element in architecture. The goal of this research is to study the characteristics of color expression in the works of the Pritzker Architecture Prize winners, which is considered to be the Nobel Prize of architecture. This study is based on various previous researches on the relationship between color and architecture. (Method) The study examined the color characteristics in the winners’ works and identified how they changed over time. The essential perspective in color expressions exhibited in their works and their characteristics were derived from examinations of existing literature. Next, each case was examined in terms of color as a point element, a natural element, and the phenomenological changes in perspectives. The result of the case study indicates that various color expression techniques were developed over time and affected by social influence. Characteristics of various color expressions resulting from development of modern technology, the emergence of Asian and female prize winners, and the development of new architectural materials elevate the emotional effect and enable more diverse architectural applications. (Result)The study of various cases indicated that diverse methods of color expression emerged according to trends of different time periods. In addition, different methods of color expressions arose as a result of social factor influences. More diverse characteristics of color expressions appeared due to the progress of modern technology, the emergence of Asian prize winners, and the development of new materials, which all elevated the emotional effect and enabled diverse architectural applications. Colors play an important role in our cognitive function. Therefore consideration for colors is evolving into something that is necessary rather than supplemental. As a result, more attention must paid on how to express colors and their implications. The characteristics of architectural materials used in the works of the Pritzker Prize winners manifest themselves differently depending on the trends of the time and how they were used. Technology is used to enrich the depth of colors and enable a variety of techniques, which creates a more diverse range of emotions. Moreover, more in-depth research is needed on the infinite possibilities of colors in architecture.

      • KCI등재

        헤이리 예술인 마을에 사용된 현대건축 재료의 표현특성 연구

        임혜경 ( Hye Kyoung Lim ),홍지나 ( Ji Na Hong ),최소정 ( So Jung Choi ) 한국공간디자인학회 2016 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.11 No.3

        (Background and Purpose)The Heyri Artists Village that displays unique aspects of Korean modern architecture is a residential complex that has been created from the demand and determination of cultured individuals involved in various areas. The basic composition of structure is a combination of the concept of suburban house in nature and the concept of autonomous city and it expresses the current of modern Korean architecture through the originality and diversity of each residential unit and participating architect. Accordingly, purpose of this study is to examine how the use of various materials in the communication between architecture and humans is being reflected in the architectural culture of current era by analyzing the expression characteristics of materials used in the Heyri architecture.(Method)Upon reviewing the artists village and researching the Heyri architectural materials, this study will examine the multifaceted expression of the Heyri architectural materials. In addition, according characteristics of use will be examined through case analysis of the Heyri architectural materials. Based on the analysis, this study will examine the materialistic expression characteristics of modern architecture shown in the Heyri architecture.(Results)In regards to the materialistic expression characteristic of modern architecture used in the Heyri architecture, first, it is the essential expression of material where the property of material as its essential character is expressed as it is. It shows the characteristic of expressing the nature of material as it is to be displayed on the surface by using unchanging expressive materials regardless of the change in the exposure of expression materials and exposure time. Second, it is the property expression of transparency and opacity. Transparent, semi-transparent and opaque materials where material properties are basically shown as the expression based on material characteristics are expressing the unique properties of original materials through finishing materials. Third, it is the mutually intrusive expression of main material and sub-materials. While the main material and 3-4 sub-materials are maintained, mutually intrusive expression is being shown in the state where the main material and sub-materials are adjacent, the state where they interlink and the state where they are surrounded in space. Fourth, it is the objet expression of material. Materials were changed with new and structural role materials that powerfully cause imagery and artistic objet material expressions.(Conclusions)The Heyri architecture plays the main role as a starting point of Korean modern architecture and the materials that have been applied to the architecture as important elements of revealing the unique nature of the architecture are expressed as various architectures through the harmony between the determination of each residential unit and participating architect``s architectural style, thereby becoming an indicator of reading the spiritual current of Korean architecture of today.

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