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      • 검사 방법에 따른 Lower Extremity Scanogram의 비교

        홍정표(Jung-Pyo Hong),장동혁(Dong-Hyuk Jang):김경환(Kyung-Hwan Kim),권영호(Young-Ho Kwon) 대한영상의학기술학회 2016 대한영상의학기술학회 논문지 Vol.2016 No.1

        목 적 : 하지 계측 검사인 Lower Extremity Scanogram의 검사 방법 가운데 Slot radiography와 Tube rotation 방법을 이용하여 검사를 한 후, 검사 방법에 따른 검사 시간과 영상의 차이를 비교하여 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 특정 질환이 없는 성인 남성 15명을 대상으로 하였고, 평균 나이는 31±7세 이었다. Slotradiography 방법은 Simadzu사의 SONIALVISION safaire17 그리고 Tube rotation 방법은 Philips사의 Digital diagnost 장비를 사용하였다. 같은 연구 대상자를 두 가지 방법으로 각각 검사하여 Scanogram 영상과, 조사시간, 영상 재구성 시간을 비교하였다. 결 과 : Slot radiography 방법의 측정 길이가 80.3±2.7 cm로 Tube rotation 방법의 83.8±3.1 cm 보다 짧게 측정 되었다(p<0.05). 검사에 필요한 조사시간은 Slot radiography 방법이 8.5±0.6 sec로 Tube rotation 방법의 17.2±0.3 sec 보다 짧았다(p<0.05). 또한 영상 재구성 시간은 Slot radiography 방법이 21.1±1.0 sec로 Tube rotation 방법의 17.3±0.4 sec 보다 길게 나타났다(p<0.05). 결 론 : Slot radiography 방법은 조사시간이 짧고, 실측에 가까운 영상을 얻을 수 있었다. Tube rotation 방법은 영상 재구성 시간이 짧았으나 실제 길이보다 확대된 영상이 나타났다. 서서 검사를 해야 하는 환자의 경우에는 Tube rotation 방법으로, 설수 없거나 누워서 검사하는 환자의 경우에는 Slot radiography 방법으로 검사하는 것이 좋을 것으로 생각된다. 임상에서 필요로 하는 영상을 각각의 검사 목적에 맞는 방법을 선택해서 환자에게 편리하고 유리한 장비에서 검사할 수 있도록 해야 할 것으로 생각된다. Purpose : Among the pelvic limb measurement examination of Lower Extremity Scanogram examination methods, Slot radiography and Tube rotation methods were used for examination, and the examination time and the difference in image according to the examination method were to be compared. Materials and Methods : Subject was 15 adult male without specific diseases, and the average age was 31±7. For the Slot radiography method, Simadzu SONIALVISION safaire17, and for the Tube rotation method, Philips Digital diagnost equipment were used. The same subject was each examined in two methods to compare the Scanogram image, exposure time, and image reconstruction time. Result : In the Slot radiography method, the measurement length was 80.3±2.7 cm to be shorter than the Tube rotation method of 83.8±3.1 cm (p<0.05). Regarding the exposure time required for examination, the Slot radiography method was 8.5 0.6 sec to be shorter than the Tube rotation method of 17.2±0.3 sec (p<0.05). Also, for the image reconstruction time, the Slot radiography method was 21.1±1.0 sec to be longer than the Tube rotation method of 17.3±0.4 sec (p<0.05). Conclusion : The Slot radiography method had shorter exposure time, and was able to obtain image near actual measurement. The Tube rotation method had shorter image reconstruction time, but showed image more extended than the actual length. It is considered that for patients examined in a standing position, the Tube rotation method is recommended, and for patients examined without being able to stand up or being lying down, the Slot radiography method is preferable. Selecting the method appropriate for each purpose of examination required in the clinical image and enabling the patient to be examined in a comfortable and favorable equipment is considered to be appropriate.

      • KCI등재

        황순원 단편소설 「학」의 담화 기호학적 분석

        홍정표 ( Hong Jeong-pyo ) 한국기호학회 2020 기호학연구 Vol.65 No.-

        프랑스 기호학자 자크 퐁타닐이 1999년 발표한 담화 기호학은 완료된 형식화 이전의 생성 중인 의미작용을 연구하는 것이다. 이 기호학은 활동 중인 담화의 이론을 정립하고자 하며, 문학적 담화를 개인적 발화행위로 접근한다. 본고의 연구 대상 「학」은 소설 기법이 탁월하고 작가의 휴머니즘이 밀도 있게 그려져 있어 황순원 소설의 한축도라고도 일컬어진다. 우리는 이 텍스트를 현상학적, 긴장 구조적, 화용론적 접근에 주안점을 두어 연구하려고 한다. 현상학적 접근은 인간 의식의 구조, 의식의 본질적인 메카니즘을 밝히고자 하는 것이다. 텍스트는 현재의 사건과 과거의 회상이 서로 교차하면서 진행되고 있다. 즉, 주체 성삼의 의식에 분리작용과 연동작용이 연달아 일어나며, 이러한 작용을 여러 번 거친 끝에 주체는 유년 시절 단짝 친구였던 덕재의 포승줄을 풀어 주어 자유를 되찾게 해준다. 긴장 구조적 접근에서는 지각의 두 차원인 강도와 범위를 알아본다. 이 결합으로 이루어지는 긴장 도식은 긴장적이고 점차적인 차이를 도식화하는 것이다. 텍스트에서 주체는 대상 덕재를 이끌고 마을→동구밖→고갯길→고갯마루→들판으로 이동하는데, 공간의 변화에 따라 처음에 고조되었던 긴장이 차츰 이완되는 반면에 처음에 최소였던 범위는 점점 더 증가하는 치밀한 구조를 볼 수 있다. 화용론적 접근에서는 한 화자의 발화체 속에 여러 발화자의 목소리가 공존하는 현상인 다성성(polyphonie)과, 암시(sous-entendu)를 텍스트에서 분석한다. 다성성은 텍스트 해석의 깊이를 발화체 이면의 발화행위에까지 확대하여 해석의 메카니즘을 파악할 수 있게 하며, 암시는 설명을 가능한 한 배제하고 발화행위 상황을 통해 독자로 하여금 추론하게 하는 것이다. 이러한 연구를 통하여 인간성의 파괴와 상실을 동심회복에 의해 극복하고자 한 작품 「학」의 내재된 의미를 살펴봄으로써 체계적이고 구체적인 담화 기호학 이론의 정립을 시도해 본다. The Semiotics of Discourse, published in 1999 by French semiologist Jacques Fontanille, is a study of the signification being generated before the completed formalization. This semiotics seeks to establish the theory of active discourses, and approaches literary discourses as personal speech acts. The study subject of this paper, 「Hak(crane)」is said to be one of the epitomes of Hwang Soon-Won’s novels because its novel techniques are excellent and it depicts the author’s humanism in-depth. We intend to study this text focusing on phenomenological, tension structural, and pragmatic approaches. The phenomenological approach is intended to clarify the structure of human consciousness and the essential mechanism of consciousness. The text is progressing as current events and recollections of the past cross each other. That is, dissociations and interlocking actions occur in succession in the consciousness of Seongsam, the subject, and after passing through these actions several times, the subject unties the rope of Deokjae, his best friend in childhood, so that he regains freedom. The tension structural approach deals with the combination of intensity and range, which are two dimensions of perception, and the schema tension formed by this combination is a schematization of the tensional and gradual difference. In the text, the subject leads Deokjae and moves from the village to the outskirts of a village followed by the hill, the peak of the hill, and the field. Here, we can see an elaborate structure in which as the space changes, the tension, which was high at first, gradually relaxes, while the range, which was minimum at first, gradually increases. In the pragmatic approach, polyphony, which is the phenomenon of hearing a mixture of voices of multiple speakers in the speech flow of one speaker, and suggestion are analyzed in the text. The polyphony extends the depth of text interpretation to the speech acts behind the speech flow so that the mechanism of interpretation can be grasped, and the suggestion is excluding explanations as much as possible so that the reader infers through the situation of speech acts. Through the study as such, we intend to attempt to establish a systematic and concrete discourse semiotic theory by discovering the hidden meaning of the work 「Hak」, which was intended to overcome the destruction and loss of humanity through the recovery of the innocence of childhood.

      • KCI등재

        유추적 연합과 형태요소 재구성에 의한 창의적 아이디어 발상법

        홍정표 ( Jung Pyo Hong ),최은희 ( Eun Hee Choi ) 한국감성과학회 2007 감성과학 Vol.10 No.3

        Design is a realm one should have brought out creativity. So designers have continuously struggled for creating something new. In respects of that the essence of design work is making novel and creative things, and in design process ``creative idea generation`` to reach a final design solution is one of important capability that designers must have. In this study two different substantial methods for creative idea generation are suggested. One is existing ``analogical association``, an essential form widely used in association process, another is ``shape elements reconstruction`` similarly operated ``shape grammar``. Therefore in this study for finding methods to reinforce designers` creative idea generation both of paper-based and computer-based design method are suggested substantially. In Both there is a common feature that existing or quiet new elements are organizationally associated or reconstructed in idea generation procedure.

      • 광학식 엔코더의 회절격자를 이용한 고정도 엔코더 개발

        홍정표(J.P. Hong),손정기(J.K. Son),원태현(T.H Won),권순재(S.J. Kwon),순일(S.I. Hong),김종달(J.D. Kim) 전력전자학회 2004 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Position controls are very important in semiconductor manufacturing devices, machine tools precision measuring instruments, etc. In this paper, a novel encoder of digital and analog hybrid type is proposed. It is shown that from this experiment a high-resolution angle measurement device can be designed by a low cost incremental encoder.

      • KCI등재
      • 전기자동차용 SRM의 상권선 병렬에 관한 연구

        홍정표(J.P.Hong),박성준(S.J.Park),원태현(T.H.Won),권순재(S.J.Kwon) 전력전자학회 2003 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.2003 No.7(1)

        In a motor driving, the current rate is directly related to the rate of a switching device and in cost reduction, the parallel switching operation is the alternatives because It has the smaller current rate through current 야vision There are many Investigations for the parallel switching operations to equaling the current division However It remains many problems for practical usage The reason is that the switching characteristics are mainly relied on the different saturation voltage of each device etc. and these factors are not altered by circuit designer In order to compensate this problem, a proper resistance is experimently Inserted to the switching device But this method can not be the optimal solution Therefore this paper proposes a new parallel operation which uses a parallel phase winding to remove the traditional effect of switching device such as saturation voltage according to the division of current Also the reliable and stable driving is Improved through experiments and the detailed principles

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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