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      • KCI등재

        고유 명사와 “의”의 의무적 출현

        홍용철(Hong, Yong-Tcheol) 한국언어학회 2016 언어 Vol.41 No.4

        박소영(2014) has observed that the so-called genitive marker “uy” appears obligatorily on the nominal dependents of proper noun heads, and claimed that this interesting fact provides a piece of evidence that “uy” is a structural Case marker, but not a modifier marker. This paper presents the exactly opposite claim by showing that “uy”-as-a-modifier-marker analysis, but not “uy”-as-a-structural- Case-marker analysis, accounts for the same fact.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 프랑스어 교육에서의 한국 문화 도입의 필요성

        홍용철(Hong, Yong-Tcheol) 한국외국어교육학회 2014 Foreign languages education Vol.21 No.3

        This paper aims to present some arguments for introducing Korean culture in teaching of French at Korean high schools. First, it is compatible with Intercultural Approach, a general trend for foreign culture education. Second, it is helpful to the communicative competence of the Korean students who are supposed to communicate with French interlocutors. In a natural communication situation, a French speaking person is likely to ask a Korean interlocutor questions concerning the Korean culture, which makes it necessary for Korean highschool students to learn how to explain it in French. Third, it can help Korean learners to take up positive attitudes towards French learning with higher motivation for French speaking and stronger confidence in themselves. Finally, it is recommended that the elements of the Korean culture introduced in French lessons should concern everyday lives rather than the sophisticated intellectual culture and that they be introduced through ‘intercultural dialogues’ in French. l’introduction de la culture coréenne dans l’enseignement du français au sein des lycées coréens. Premièrement, son introduction permet aux lycéens coréens, tout en apprenant le français, d’être sensibilisés à l’approche interculturelle, préalable à une éducation des cultures étangères. Deuxièmement, elle peut leur servir à développer leur compétence de communication lors de leurs interactions avec des francophones. Il est en effet naturel que, dans les situations de communication dans lesquelles un lycéen coréen et un francophone dialoguent, le francophone pose des questions sur la culture coréenne et que le coréen y réponde. D’où la nécessité de préparer les lycéens coréens à en parler en français. Troisièmement, cette capacité à parler de culture coréenne en français, avec ses principaux corollaires : une grande confiance en soi et un comportement plus participatif, peut favoriser une acquisition plus aisée de la compétence de communication en français. Enfin, nous recommandons que les éléments de la culture coréenne portent sur le quotidien et que ces éléments prennent la forme de ‘dialogues interculturels’ en français entre un francophone et un coréen.

      • [가솔린엔진] 스파크 점화기관에서 CNG 연료가 시동 초기 HC 배출량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        홍용철(Y.C. HONG),이택헌(T.H LEE),전광민(K.M. CHUN) 한국자동차공학회 1999 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The amount of total hydrocarbon was measured using Fill for a 4 cylinder 51 engine fueled with gasoline and CNG fuel. When CNG fuel was used instead of gasoline fuel, HC emission was reduced by considerable amount, particularly in the condition of cold start. Advancing the spark timing HC emission increased because of insufficient secondary oxidation by post flame. HC emission concentration of high coolant temperature start condition was lower than those of cold start condition, because in-cylinder oxidation increased and crevice volume decreased as coolant temperature rises. In the case of using CNG fuel for different AIF, smallest amount HC emission was produced at ?? =1.15. This means that combustion is stable and flame propagation speed is faster in the neighbor of ??=1.15 than that of the other region. In the presence of swirl flow effect, HC emission was reduced at stoichometric equivalence ratio, but increased in the other region.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 속성 동격 구문: Chomsky(2013)의 명칭 결정 알고리즘(labeling algorithm)의 한 증거

        홍용철(Hong Yong Tcheol) 한국생성문법학회 2016 생성문법연구 Vol.26 No.3

        We propose in this paper the structure of the so-called attributive appositional construction in Korean, which consists of two noun phrases without involving any grammatical element. According to this structure, the two noun phrases form a small clause, in which the predicate noun phrase moves just before the subject noun phrase. In other words, we claim that the construction in question undergoes a predicate inversion. Our proposal accounts for the fact that the first noun phrase has a predicate function. It also accounts for why the genitive Case marker “uy” cannot appear on the first noun phrase: a nominal which is dependent on a noun head can usually have the genitive Case marker in Korea, but the first noun phrase, a predicate, is not dependent on the second noun phrase, a subject. We also try to answer to the question: Why the predicate noun phrase should move? We claim that it is due to the labeling algorithm of Chomsky (2013), according to which one of the two constituents of a small clause should move in order that the small clause gets labeled. On the other hand, there are some pieces of evidence that the second noun phrase is the head of the entire structure of the so-called attributive appositional construction. This is exactly what the labeling algorithm predicts: because it is the first noun phrase, a predicate, that moves, the label of the small clause would be that of the remaining second noun phrase, a subject. So, the so-called attributive appositional construction in Korean provides a case supporting the labeling algorithm of Chomsky (2013).

      • KCI등재

        프랑스어 접어 대명사 기존 연구들에 대한 비판적 검토

        홍용철 ( Hong Yong-tcheol ) 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2005 프랑스어문교육 Vol.19 No.-

        Le présent compte rendu a pour but d'examiner les analyses proposées dans des articles principaux sur les pronoms clitique en français et de trouver des lignes directrices pour une future recherche. Notons que nous avons examiné non seulement les pronoms clitiques compléments, auxquels la plupart des articles sont consacrés, mais aussi les autres pronoms clitiques comme les pronoms clitiques sujets, les pronoms clitiques compléments de la construction d'impératif positif et le pronom clitique interriogatif "que". Les conclusions auxquelles nous en sommes arrivés sont les suivantes. A. L'opération de déplacement est impliquée dans toutes les constructions de pronom clitique. B. Les pronoms clitiques compléments sont des têtes au moins dans leurs positions de surface. C. Tous les autres pronoms clitiques sont des syntagmes. D. En ce qui concerne les pronoms clitiques compléments, deux analyses sont prometteuses. L'une suppose que les pronoms clitiques se déplacent au début en tant que syntagme et en tant que tête au dernier moment. L'autre suppose que d'une part ils sont engendrés directement dans la position tête d'une catégorie fonctionnelle de phrase, d'autre part un argument correspondant se déplace dans la position Spec de cette catégorie fonctionnelle. En face de ces deux analyses incompatibles, il s'agit de trouver, pour pouvoir dire laquelle est correcte, des preuves qui pourraient dire si les pronoms clitiques compléments sont engendrés directement dans la position tête d'une catégorie fonctionnelle de phrase ou s'y trouvent par déplacement. E. L'ordre des pronoms clitiques est déterminé principalement par des facteurs syntaxiques. Il existe pourtant des cas où il est déterminé par un facteur phonétique, c'est à dire, le fait que les pronoms clitiques sont des clitiques.

      • KCI등재

        명사구 내 보충어에 의 격 표지 부재와 인접에 의한 가시성 조건 만족

        홍용철(Hong, Yong-Tcheol) 한국생성문법학회 2015 생성문법연구 Vol.25 No.3

        In Korean, there are two types of nominals dependent on the noun head: the nominals combined with the so-called genetive case marker uy and the nominals without this marker. We assume, following Hong (2010, 2013) and An (2012), that uy is not a case marker, but a modifier marker. So a nominal with uy is not an argument, but a modifier. On the other hand, we claim that the nominals of the other type, nominals without uy, are complement arguments; they are noun phrases; they have only a particular Θ-role, theme if their Θ-assigner is an event noun; they always appear adjacent to the noun head on which they depend. However, we have to say that the nominals without uy don’t receive any Case because they don’t have any morphological case on them. Then, the question arises as to how they come to satisfy the Visibility Condition, which requires that arguments be Case-assigned for Θ -marking. To answer this question, we propose that the Visibility Condition should be revised so that it can be satisfied not only by Case assignment but also by adjacency. Recall that the nominals without uy always appear adjacent to their Θ-marker. Therefore, these Caseless arguments can satisfy the Visibility Condition by means of adjacency. We also show that this revised Visibility Condition correctly predicts absence of arguments in the Spec position of the noun head, and obligatory presence of a case marker on sentential subjects, on ECMed arguments, and on subjects of resultative small clauses.

      • KCI등재

        문장 제시어, 성분 제시어, 그리고 내부 제시어

        홍용철(Hong, Yong-Tcheol) 한국생성문법학회 2020 생성문법연구 Vol.30 No.3

        It is known that there are two types of bare topics in Korean. One is a familiar bare topic appearing in the sentence-initial position, which is like a hanging topic or a dislocated element. The other is an unfamiliar bare topic appearing in the NP-initial position. Kim Y.-H. (1989) called the latter “constituent theme”, suggesting that it is a topic that its host NP is about, and claimed that it forms a constituent with its host NP. In this paper, we argue that, in fact, it does not. A piece of evidence is the fact that the so-called constituent theme can be separated from its host NP by an adjunct. Then, we claim that it is a clause-internal topic that the rest of the sentence following it is about. We also show that it is base-generated in a position between TP and vP.

      • KCI등재

        유연 영 주제어와 영 논항

        홍용철(Hong, Yong-Tcheol) 한국생성문법학회 2018 생성문법연구 Vol.28 No.1

        We present, in this paper, Flexible Null Topic Analysis (FNTA), a novel analysis of null argument constructions. FNTA is the same as Huang’s (1984) Null Topic Analysis, except that it takes flexibility of topics into consideration. We mean by flexibility of topics that a topic can be revised in a suitable way for a given context. We also demonstrate that, by means of flexibility of topics, FNTA can nicely deal with issues regarding null argument constructions such as sloppy reading, indefinite expression ellipsis, and CP ellipsis.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        알코올 발효성 야생 효모, Aureobasidium pullulans P-1의 균학적 특성과 막걸리 발효 특성

        홍용철 ( Yong-cheol Hong ),한상민 ( Sang-min Han ),이종수 ( Jong-soo Lee ) 한국균학회 2018 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.46 No.3

        The goal of this study was to investigate the microbiological characteristics of the ethanolproducing wild yeast, Aureobasidium pullulans P-1, isolated from flowers growing near the Yedang reservoir, Chungnam province, Korea, and in addition, to optimize its fermentation ability for the production of Makgeolli. A. pullulans P-1 was oval-shaped, and formed ascospores and pseudomycelium. The P-1 strain was a halophilic and sugar tolerant yeast which grew in 15% NaCl and 50% glucose-containing yeast extract-peptone-dextrose media. The P-1 strain was also resistant to 20% ethanol. Changes of the physicochemical properties during Makgeolli fermentation by A. pullulans P-1 were investigated. A maximum of 8.45% ethanol was obtained when a mixture of cooked rice, 150% water, and 35% ipguk per cooked rice was fermented by 5% A. pullulans P-1 culture broth at 25°C for 10 days. Antihypertensive angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity in the Makgeolli ferment produced by A. pullulans P-1 reached a high of 71.1% after 10 days.

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