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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대추나무 미친병에 관한 연구 (2) - 엽 (葉) 유관속구조에 미치는 해부학적 영향에 대해서 -

        홍순우 (Soon Woo Hong) 한국식물학회 1960 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.3 No.2

        HOHG, Soon-Woo (Kores U. Seoul. Korea): A study of virus disease on Chinese date tree (Ⅱ) On the anatomical effects of the shoot cluster disease on the vascular structure of the infacted plants. Kor. Jour. Bot. Vol.3 (2) 29-34 1960 From the view point of phytopathological anatomy, the author has tried to study the effect of the shoot cluster disease virus on the internal structure of vascular tissues of chinese date tree (Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis Rehd.) comparing healthy checks and diseased plants. The materials were collected at tht several sites, Kumgock-Ri, Masuc-Ri, Kyungi-Do, and near the campus of Korea University and around the area of Chongam-Dong, Seoul City, from August 15th to September 5th 1959. The leaf materials of healthy and diseased plants are fixed and aspirated in two kinds of killing solutions, formalin-acetic acid alcohol solution and Craf Ⅲ solution. Sections were cut at 5-10 μ thickness and stained with the double staining reagents of safranin and fast green. In this experiment the author has observed that there are marked structural changes in infected plants in contrast of healthy checks. As figures 3-7 show that the following characteric changes have taken place on infected plants: 1) the arrangement of irregularly developed sieve elements in phloem, 2) the degeneration of phloem elements, 3) the irregular arrangement of epidermis in mid-vein, 4) more necrosis is observed among the parenchymatous cells, 5) abundant accumulation of starch grains in parenchymatous cells,. In contrast to the above irregularities caused by the virus disease, the healthy checks appear normal structures as shown iu figures 1 and 2. In adding to the all features noted above, the author could also observe an interesting feature that the xylem elements in mid-vein vascular bundle tissues are considerably disorganized to show the unspecialized vessel elements, the irregularly arranged xylem elements. Hewever, this kind of irregularities which occur in xylem under the virus infection has not been reported previously. The features noted on the internal structure of vascular bundle under the condition of infection by the shoot cluster disease on chinese date trees appear to be more or less closely similar to the symptoms of the bunchy-top of banana and the yellow dwarf disease of barley in respect to the fact that whether phloem necrosis takes place as a primary symptom or a secondary symptom. In all these disease, primary histological changes of hypoplasia and hypertrophy are proceeded by the necrosis of phloem.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Virus 에 감염된 대추나무의 이병엽과 (罹炳葉) 건전엽에 (健全葉) 있어서의 유리 (遊離) amino 산의 정성적 비교

        홍순우(Soon Woo Hong),하영칠(Yung Chil Hah) 한국식물학회 1961 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.4 No.1

        Hong, Soon-Wooe and Yung-Chil, Hah (Dept. of Botany, Seoul National University, Seoul, Kerea.) A compantive investigation of free amino acids in healthy and virus diseased Chinese date tree. Kor. Jour. Bot. 4 (1)9~12 1961 : A comparative investigation of free amino acids content in healthy check and virus diseased leaves of Chinese date tree, Zizyphus jujuqa Mill var. inermis Rhed, was carried out by authors throughout the growing season of 1959 and 1960 from June to October. The methods of qualitative analysis of free amino acids applied in this experiment is followed by Moore and Stein.^(1.2). free amino acids determined in this experiment are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. As the figure and the table are shown, three more amino acids such as glutarmine, asparagine and histidine are detected in the diseased material. The additiolal amino acids which are known as diamines in diseased leaves are conspicuous. It is presumed that the diamine might be increased by the self-reproduoion of the virus in cooporation with certain enzymes which are carrying out the protein metabolism in the host protoplast in contrast with the healthy checks which is carrying out normal protein metabolism,^(3.4.5). From the histological point of view, the facts of phloem degeneration or necrosis in diseased leaves, it seems to interrupt to move free amino acids from roots to leaves and it possibly takes place an excessive productitn of NH_3 which is diaminated by the metabolism of nitrogen compounds in such conditioned leaves.^(6.8) Therefore, it is also presumed that additional diamino acids are accumulated in diseased leaves. There are no change of amino acids in both materials of this plant throughout the growing season qualitatively, and this result agrees with the paper of Knight.^9

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대추나무 미친병에 관한 연구 (1) - 이병식물의 (罹炳植物) 내외형태학적 특징 및 그 명명에 대해서 -

        홍순우(Soon Woo Hong),김종진(Chong Chin Kim) 한국식물학회 1960 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.3 No.1

        HONG, Soon-Woo, & KIM, Chong-Chin: A study of virus disease on chinese date tree (I). On the external and the internal morphogical characteristics of disease inrected plants. Kor. Jour. Bot. 3 (1). 32-38. 1960 Since the peeuliar virus disease of chinese date tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis Rehd.) has been noted in South Korea around 1950, 70% to 80% of the economically important trees have been either completely destroyed or infected with the virus, severe damage has been noted, particularly, across the area ranged from middle east to the middle part of Korea, including Seoul area. Yoon,-Koock-Byung in 1958 first reported the disease and described it might be caused by a kind of yellows. But he did not conform in his paper that the disease is pecisely caused by yellows virus. The authors, hereby intend to identify the true cause of the disease of the chinese date tree by studying the external symptoms of the disease and the internal morphological characteristics of the diseaset plant which shows various abnormalities in contrast to the healthy checks. In view of fact that the leaves of the infected plants become yellowish in color similar to the peach yellows, aster yellows, it is likely to be identifiable as the common yellows. Furthermore, the abnormal characteristics observed by the authors are as follow: The floral organs such as petals, sepald, stamens, and pistil turn into vegetative leaves, the leaves on heavily infected plant appear as small sized one and also showing as a common witch`s broom like symptom. There are also an occuring of numerous advantitious shoots developed from both of stems and roots. The amount of photosynthetc starch grains increses iIn parenchymatous cells, necrosis takes place in mesophyll, Partlcularly, Palisade Parenchyma in the leaves of infected plants are distinguished in contrast to the healthy checks. From the symptoms and the present experiments described above, the authors are belived that the disease of chinese date tree is not caused by the yellows. It appears the disease is rather similar to the symptoms of sandal spike virus which was noted in India early in this centry. But the host plant of sandal disease, Santalum album L. and the insect vector, Jassus indicus Wal., have never been reported in Korean flora and the founa. The temperature and the other environmental factors is auite different Korea ard India. Thus the authors believe that the peculiar disease must be an endemic new virus origin in Korea and must be called as shoot cluster disease of chinese date tree.

      • KCI등재

        광양만의 미생물 군집의 변화에 관하여

        홍순우,하영칠,안태석,안태영,권오섭 ( Soon Woo Hong,Yung Chil Hah,Tae Seok Ahn,Tae Young Ahn,O Seob Kwon ) 한국환경생물학회 1984 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Through March, 1982 and December, 1982, the general environmental parameters and microbial populations in Kwang Yang Bay in South coast of Chulranamdo were investigated. And the results of microbial population were as follows: Population size of heterotrophic fungi was represented as 18 cells/㎖ (average) and high in spring. And the numerical variation of the fungal population was very complex. The population size of heterotrophic bactria was 1.8×10 exp (3) - 1.4×10 exp (5) cells/㎖, arid the highest value was 1.1×10 exp (5) cells/㎖ in spring. And with increase of depth, the bacterial population size increased. The seasonal mean of fecal coli-form bacteria was varied in 0-33 cells/㎖ and showed high value in summer.

      • KCI등재후보

        한강의 (漢江) 자정능에 (自淨能) 대하여

        홍순우,하영칠,이건모 ( Soon Woo Hong,Yung Chil Hah,Kun Mo Lee ) 한국하천호수학회 1979 생태와 환경 Vol.12 No.3·4

        Several sorts of factors affecting to the self-purification of a stream were investigated in the main stream of Han River together with a tributary of Wangsukcheon during the spring season of April and May, 1978. The BOD_5 concentration at site 1, 3 and 4 was 2.82㎎/ℓ, 3.02㎎/ℓ and 2.98㎎/ℓ, respectively. The BOD reaction rate was 0.203/day, 0.201/day and 0.221/day, respectively. And the same value of 0.601/day was identified as reaeration rate at three sites. General water quality analysis was carried out from the immediate vicinity of confluence of Wangsukcheon to three kilometers below with several interim blocks to determine the critical point. The site which showed highest degree of pollutant concentration was cited as critical point. Results obtained exhibited a poor mixing of polluted water from Wansukcheon with the main stream of Han River water which makes near to impossible to apply the Streeter-Phelps equation used for the simulation of pollutants in a stream within the study block of Han River. The result also showed that the population density of general bacteria and total biomass quantity was directly proportional to the concentration of BOD_5 and the deoxygenation rate had nothing to do with any of them.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Vertical composition and character analysis of saprophytic bacteria isolated from the mudflat of Nakdong river estuary

        홍순우,김상종,이윤,최성찬,Hong, Soon-Woo,Kim, Sang-Jong,Rhie, Youn,Choi, Sung-Chan The Microbiological Society of Korea 1985 미생물학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Bacterial identification was performed with morphological, physiological and biochemical tests to the isolates from the mudflat of 30cm depth sampled in Nakdong river estuary in March and June, 1985. Flavobacterium and Cnterobacteriaceae were regarded as dominants. Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Vibrio, Aerococcus, Aerononas, Acinetobacter and Staphylococcus were founded in various depth. Vertical composition of bacterial genera in March was more diversiform than that of June. Character analysis was carried out with the calculation of similarity index (S). At a level of 85% similarity, the isolates were clustered into 5 groups and ungrouped 2 strains. Classifying groups of bacterial strains with determination schemes and groups from similarity index were in good agreement.

      • KCI등재후보

        한강하류의 (漢江下流) 수질에 관하여

        홍순우,김하석,박만기 ( Soon Woo Hong,Ha Suk Kim,Man Kee Park ) 한국하천호수학회 1979 생태와 환경 Vol.12 No.3·4

        Monthly variation at seven different sites of Han river water qualities were examined from June 1977 to May 1978. It was found out that quality is still comparable with international drinking water quality except surface active anions, BOD, bacteria, and nitrite. It is very helpful to know that examine only three sites to cover whole area, is one in between Paldang and Sungsoo bridge and the 2nd Han river bridge and lastly one beyond it.

      • KCI등재후보

        한강수계에서의 (漢江水系) 섬유소용해성균류의 (纖維素溶解性菌類) 분포에 관하여

        홍순우,최형태,하영칠 ( Soon Woo Hong,Hyoung Tai Choi,Young Chill Hah ) 한국하천호수학회 1983 생태와 환경 Vol.16 No.3·4

        Investigation on the occurrence of total and cellulolytic fungi from surface water and upper sediment of Han River was carried out. The population sizes of fungi in upper sediment were larger than that of surface water; general fungi were 156 cells/g sediment and 46 cells/ml water, cellulolytic fungi were 122.6 cells/g sediment and 24.9 cells/ml water and Trichoderma spp. were 16.9 cells/g sediment and 1.1 cells/ml water. Therefore, the ratios of population sizes of fungi in upper sediment to that of surface water are as follows; general fungi were 3. 4 times, cellulytic fungi were 4. 9 times and Trichoderma spp. were 15 times. The cellulolytic ability of Trichoderma were superior to the other fungi and T, koningii was dominant species (43%) among the Trichoderma species. Among the cellulolytic fungi, the effect of temperature on growth of Trichoderma, Penicillium and Aspergillus were tested and they were all considered mesophilic.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Trichoderma koningii의 種間 原形質體 融合에 대한 硏究

        홍순우,하영칠,박희문,조남진,Hong, Soon-Woo,Hah, Yung-Chil,Park, Hee-Moon,Cho, Nam-Jin 한국미생물학회 1984 미생물학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        The conditions for the protoplast fusion of auxotrophic mutants of Trichoderma koningii were determined. A preparation of commercial enzyme Driselase was used successfully to isolate protoplasts from the 18 hr old mycelium of T. koningii. The yields of protoplasts production were ranged from $0.3{\times}10^8$ to $2.5{\times}10^8$ protoplasts per mg of damp mycelium of various auxotrophic mutant strains. The regeneration frequencies from $9.3{\times}10^{-3}\;to\;2.0{\times}10^{-1}$ were obtained when the protoplasts from auxotrophic mutants were plated on the malt extract medium containing 0.6M $MgSO_4$, and 2% agar, and the optimal concentration of PEG for protoplst fusion was 30%. Exposure of protoplasts to PEG for 10 min was found to be sufficient to induce high frequency heterokaryon formation. Optimal pH of fusion mixture was determined as 5.5, and 1 mM of calcium chloride in fusion mixture was found to be sufficient to enhance protoplast fusion frequency. Under optimal condition, the fusion frequency of the cross between protoplasts from various auxotrophic mutants were $1.6{\times}10^{-2}\;and\;4.1{\times}10^{-2}$.

      • 푸르푸랄 분해대사과정에 있어서 수종의 세균의 상호작용 Pseudomonas fluorescens에 의한 2-Furoic acid 대사산물중 Furfural 분해촉진 물질에 관한 연구

        홍순우,하영칠,한홍의,이병웅,Hong, Soon-Woo,Hah, Yung-Chil,Han, Hong-Eui,Lee, Byung-Ung 생화학분자생물학회 1983 한국생화학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        One strain of gram-negative bacteria which could not utilize furfural initially but could utilize 2-furoic acid as carbon source was isolated from the campus soil. This strain was identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens and the microorganism produced an extracellular metabolite that stimulates degradation of furfural, if $FeCl_3$ was provided to the furoic acid medium. The metabolite which was reactive with ninhydrin reagent (NPS; Ninhydrin Postive Substance) was purified by ion exchange chromatography and gel column chromatography. The empirical formula of NPS was determined as $C_2H_6NO_2$ by quantitative elemental analysis. The NPS also was assumed to be organic compound containing primary amide group by IR spectrophotometry and chemical analysis. 서울대학교내의 토양에서 furfural을 탄소원으로 이용하지는 못하나 이것의 대사물인 furoic acid를 탄소원으로 이용할 수 있는 세균을 분리하였으며 이것을 동정한 바 Pseudomonas fluorescens 임을 확인하였다. 이 P. fluorescens는 $FeCl_3$를 첨가한 furoic acid 배지에서 세포외에 furfural의 분해를 촉진하는 대사물 (ninhydrin반응 양성 물질 ; Ninhydrin Positive Substance=NPS)을 생성함을 알았다. 이 물질 즉 NPS를 ion exchange chromatography와 gel column chromatography에 의하여 정제하었다. 정량 원소 분석에 의하여서 이것의 실험식은 $C_2H_6NO_2$로 되어 있음을 밝혔고, 정성 분석과 IR spectrophotometry에 의해서 이것은 또한 일종의 primary amide기를 가진 물질임을 추정할 수 있었다.

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