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      • KCI등재

        레슬리 마르몬 실코의『이야기꾼』

        홍성주(Sungjoo Hong) 한국영미문학교육학회 2011 영미문학교육 Vol.15 No.2

        Leslie Marmon Silko’s “Storyteller” in her hybrid collection, Storyteller, is indeed a story about being a storyteller. An anonymous Eskimo girl, under the influence of the communal oral tradition, learns what it is to have the power of telling and retelling stories in the process of searching for her own story. Her narrative authority as the proprietor of her own story is, however, denied by her own self. The heroine struggles to conjoin her story with the old stories told by her tribal ancestry. She is, therefore, totally different from a typical hero or heroine of the Western Bildungsroman, whose quest is directed to establish original and unique self against an unbending social order. The heroine creates her story through her collaborative interactions with diverse layers of beings−that is, her native land, her family, members of her community, her ancestors, and even her opponents. Despite the fragmentary, ambiguous, and indeterminable characteristics of her story she is marvellously able to, erotically sometimes, graft and fuse the stories of those layers together into her own one. The sacred ability of storytelling, the most important ceremonial trait to establish human identity among the heroine’s tribe, finally confirms her full-blown membership in her community. English majors in our universities, many of whom are arguably outsiders with regard to the Native American literary tradition, are invited to experience this beautiful piece of story in a big Hopi basket as a way to enhance their awareness of the diverse constituents of English literature.

      • KCI등재

        거트루드 스타인의 Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights에 나타난 전기불의 역설

        홍성주(Hong Sungjoo) 한국현대영미드라마학회 2011 현대영미드라마 Vol.24 No.3

        Gertrude Stein's Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights(1938) shares some of the core traits of the avant-garde drama, as the play reveals vigorous antagonism to traditional dramatic conventions, questioning the validity of traditional plot and character or of dramatic action. Stein's anti-representational tendencies had led her to create a new dramatic form of almost plotless, paint-like, flattening, static, and simple stage performance. The old structure of dramatic fluctuations is replaced with the endless repetition of speeches that leads the audience to perceive their existence in the present moment. And the playwright, like her contemporary avant-garde practitioners, contours her character's personality not as a unique whole but as a bundle of transient, multiple selves. The play contains the theme of Faust in a loose dramatic form. All the three main characters, including the protagonist Faustus, hold multiple personality and the audience is bound to be perplexed with their confusing identities. Doctor Faustus, the traditional transgressor representing the perennial human hunger for more knowledge, has invented the lights, the powerful symbol of modem technological advance. The lights, which were intended to enlighten human beings, however, paradoxically hasten and accelerate their isolation both from nature and among themselves. Any attempts in the play to produce harmonious duets and choruses tum into strange cacophonies, and what's left are seemingly disparate monologues repeating themselves silently, only to intensify human alienation under the lights. Through the play Stein epitomizes her obsessive fear of the age of technology as did many of the avant-garde in her time.

      • R&D 예산배분시스템 현황 및 문제점 진단

        정장훈(Janghoon Jeong),양승우(Seungwoo Yang),홍성주(SungJoo Hong),최종화(Jonghwa Choi),김명순(Myungsoon Kim),하리다(Reeda Ha) 과학기술정책연구원 2017 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        As the economic crisis, research for Improving Government R&D Budget Efficiency are discussed constantly. And that"s why we analyze R&D Budget Allocation focus on comprehensive Coordination System and Distribution Standard of R&D Budget. In chapter 2, We introduce theoretical background consist of Government Budget System, Government Budget Allocation & Coordination Process and R&D Budget comprehensive Coordination System. In chapter 3, we explore problems of R&D Budget Allocation. On the basis of Status on R&D Budget Allocation & Coordination and Previous Studies, we set direction for improving allocative efficiency. In chapter 4, we review Budget of National Science & Technology Council, Cases of United States of America and Japan, standard of Macroscopic Resource Allocation. In chapter 5, by combining analysis results, we derive various problems and propose improvements of R&D budget allocation. According to the results of this study, the problems of R&D budget allocation and coordination are as follows. First, since deliberation of National Science & Technology Council has no binding power, it has little impact on budgetary process. Second, it is difficult to strategically set direction because the Spending Limit is set as bottom-up, and the department has no discretionary authority over Program Spending Limits. Third, it is difficult to strategically allocate the budget because the Top-down system is hardly operated according to the purpose of the system. Therefore, the suggestions for improve the R&D budget allocation and coordination are as follows. First, the National Science & Technology Council’s right to budget allocation and coordination should be amended to vote from deliberate under Framework Act on Science and Technology. and the Organization should consist of a bunch of civilian experts not bureaucracy. Second, Bottom-up elements should be used under the Top-down system. To set Spending Limits effectively, it should be operated according to a program focused on General Account. Third, the compatibility between science & technology related plans should be secured focused on Framework Plan on Science and Technology. Fourth, it should be establish a basis for the (tentative) Strategic R&D Project at the Innovation Headquarters (under Ministry of Science and ICT) level. and Special budget should be secured for National Undertaking by amend National Finance Act. To improve the problem of Sunset, The right to Preliminary Feasibility Study should be transferred to Ministry of Science and ICT. Fifth, National Science & Technology Council’s discussion should be submit to Council and open up by newly established regulation. This study has academic significance as it is improve the accuracy of problem diagnosis by covering acquired qualitative methods on R&D budget allocation process recognized as Black Box. Also, this study has politic implications as it is a key debate on the macro-budgetary allocation in the low-growth period, and it is one of major national political agendas of the current government. It is expect that future study provide a comprehensive analysis of the budget system based on the basic data for improving the efficiency of the government R&D budget process provided in this study.

      • 19대 대선 시기 한국 과학기술 정책이슈의 지형 분석

        이다은(Daeun Lee),강민지(Minji Kang),창의(Changui Hong),홍성주(Sungjoo Hong) 한국기술혁신학회 2018 한국기술혁신학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.5

        본 연구는 19대 대선 시기에 과학기술 정책 담론 형성 과정에서 어떤 행위자들이 어떤 이슈를 제기하고, 담론을 주도하는지를 과학기술계와 정치계 중심으로 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, 과학기술계는 하나의 균질한 집단이 아니고, 다양한 관점과 이해관계가 존재하는 생태계로서 다양한 정책 문제를 제기한 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 정치계는 양당에서 다당체제로 변화했음에도 불구하고, 5대 정당의 과학기술정책 공약은 ‘사람 중심’, ‘4차 산업혁명 대응’으로 수렴하여 전반적으로 큰 차별성 없이 대동소이한 모습이었다. 이러한 결과는 현장의 다양한 과학기술계 이슈를 종합하기 위한 통로가 필요하며, 정책 형성에 큰 영향을 미치는 정치계와 과학기술계와 대화를 장려하기 위한 노력이 필요함을 시사한다. 과학기술 현장의 목소리는 과학, 기술, 지식의 가치사슬상 서로 다른 이해관계 속에서 도출될 수밖에 없으므로, 정부는 그 다양성을 전제로 정책을 만들어야 한다. 또한, 과학기술정책이 해결해야 할 문제는 나날이 복잡해져가고 있으므로, 과학기술 정책 이슈와 정책 형성 과정을 좀 더 선명히 드러낼 수 있는 미시적인 연구가 더욱 필요하다. This research examines a variety of issues that came out during the nineteenth presidential election focusing on the science and technology society and political circles. It analyzes science and technology policy issues in the two levels; first is to identify major agents and policy issues of korean science and technology society and political circles. Through this analysis, we aim to figure out what issues they tackle and problematize, on what issues they put priorities, and what policy alternatives they suggest. Second, we draw a geography of issues from science and technology society and political circles, based upon eight major science and technology policy areas. Our research showed that korean science and technology society is more of an ecosystem of heterogenous interests from scientific knowledge creation to technological advancement rather than a homogeneous group. They raised a variety of issues in terms of policy areas and perspectives. Contrary to scientific society, policy differentiations were hardly found from political circles. But that does not come from neither ignorance nor indifference; but rather it is the nature of politics that they put science and technology policy out of many other public policies. In other words, the way political circles approach to science and technology policy is different from that of science and technology society. This result implies a necessity of channels that collect a variety of opinions across the scientific and technology society. Also, concerted efforts to mediate policy issues between scientific community and political circles are needed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        일란성 쌍생아에서 발생한 Tessier분류 0-14번 두개안면열 : 증례 보고

        한기환,강진성,홍성주 大韓成形外科學會 1996 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.23 No.2

        A monozygotic twin pair is concordant for craniofacial malformations of Tessier number o-14 cleft. Craniofacial findings were confirmed by anthropometric and cephalometric analyses: a short and protruded upper lip with wide philtrum, a short nose with short and narrow columella, platyrrhine like nostril with wide interalar distance, a retruded midface, and a brachycephlic head. Other findings were a small notch of the vermilion border, a diastema between the maxillary central incisors, a duplicated anterior nasal spine, bilateral aplasia of the alar and upper lateral cartilages, a notch of their caudal nasal bone, and a low placed cribriform plate. These findings suggest a modest form of true median cleft lip of Tessier number 0-14 cleft. Other physical findings were clinodactyly of little fingers, melanonychia on all the finger nails, and unilateral breast deformities. In the case of elder brother, Millard type cleft lip repair for correction of vermilion-lip-nose deformities, alar advancement for narrowing of alar bases, resection of duplicated anterior nasal spine, rolled ear cartilage graft for caudal support of the nose, excision of supernumerary nipple and areola were done simultaneously. In the cases of younger brother, in addition to lip surgeries, augmentation rhinoplasty using calvarial bone onlay graft and resection of duplicated nipple and areolar were performed. Most craniofacial measurements are turned to the range of age-matched normal boy : width of the caudal nose ; width of the columella ; width of the philtrum ; and inclination of the nostril axis. However, nasal tip is protruded so much in relation to columellar elongation that disharmony of the basal nose results.

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