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      • KCI등재

        선천성 유아 사경의 임상 물리치료 연구

        허춘복,Huh, Choon-Bok 대한물리치료과학회 1996 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        1995년 1월부터 1996년 1월까지 대구동산의료원 물리치료실에 의뢰된 선천성 유아 사경환자 46명을 대상으로 물리 치료를 하고 분석평가한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 남 녀의 성별분포는 남아 27명(58.7 %), 여아 19명(41.3 %)으로 남 녀의 비는 1.5 : 1로 남아에게서 높게 나타났으며 좌 우측 분포는 우측 22명(47.8 %), 좌측 23명(50.0 %)으로 좌 우측에서 거의 유사하게 나타났으며 양측에서도 1명(2.2 %) 이었다. 2. 출생순위는 첫째가 34명(73.9 %)으로 가장 많았고 둘째가 11명(23.9 %)으로 나타났다. 3. 분만방법은 정상분만 29명(63.0 %), 제왕절개분만 11명(33.9 %), 난산 5명(11%), 둔위분만 1명(2.2 %)순으로 나타났다. 4. 두부의 비대칭이 나타난 60.0 % 중 연령이 $5\sim8$주에서 45.7 %로 가장 많이 나타났으며 안면의 비대칭은 26.1 % 중 연령이 $5\sim8$주, $9\sim12$주, $17\sim20$주에서 각 3%로 가강 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). 5. 사경의 정도는 경도 54.3 % 중 치료기간 $1\sim2$주에서 30.4 % 가장 높게 나타났고 중등도는 30.4 % 중 치료기간 $3\sim4$주에서 13 %로 가장 높게 나타났으며 중증도 7%에서는 $9\sim10$주에서 7.5 %로 가장 높았다(P<0.005). 6. 결과는 연령과 사경의 심한정도와 비교하였을 때 경도 45.6 % 중 매우 우수 24명(51.9 %)였고, 중등도에서는 30.4 % 중 매우 우수 28.1 %, 중증도에서는 )5.2 % 중 매우 우수 13.1 %로 높게 나타나 유의높았다(P<0.05). The 46 patients were investigated with the congenital infant muscular torticollis referred Dept. of physical therapy in Dong San Medical Center from January in 1995 to January in 1996. 1. The ratio between males and females was scaled to 1.5 : 1.23 cases(50.0 %) were involved with left side and 22 cases(47.8 %) involved with right side, and one case was of bilaterality. 2. Sequence of birth, the first bone babys were the most distributed with 34cases(73.9 %), the second bone babys were followed with 11cases(23.9 %). 3. There were normal deliveries 60.8 %, Cearean section deliveries 23.9 %, difficulty deliveries .0 % and breech presentation was 2.2 %. 4. The case of cephalic asymmetry consisted 60.0 % of all congenital torticollis and most frequently found at the age of all $5\sim8$ weeks(45.7 %). In 26.1 % of all congenital torticollis cases, facial asymmetry was found and these cases were most frequently in the age of $5\sim8$ weeks(26.1 %), also in the age group of $9\sim12$ weeks and $17\sim20$ weeks consecutively(each 3 %).(P<0.05) 5. The duration of therapy required differently according to the severity of the torticollis, in mild cases, it took $1\sim2$ weeks cases(30.4 %) revealed high therapeutic effect in 54.3 % of the cases. In moderately involved cases(30.4 %), therapy required $3\sim4$ weeks in 13 % of the cases showed improvements. In the most severely involved cases, (7 %) it took more than $9\sim10$ weeks of therapy and showed improvement in 6.5 % only.(P<0.005) 6. The result of this study showed the best therapeutic effects were noticed in the mild cases of congenital torticollis(24 cases 45.6 %) and excellent improvement in moderately involved cases (28.1 %) and 13.1 % of the most severely involved cases(P<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        안명신경 손상 환자의 임상적 고찰

        허춘복,서태수,Huh, Choon-Bok,Suh, Tae-Soo 대한물리치료과학회 1998 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.5 No.3

        저자들은 1996년 3월부터 1997년 3월까지 계명대학교 동산의료원 물리치료실에서 치료를 받은환자 중 안면신경 마비 증세를 나타낸 39례에 대하여 임상적인 고찰을 시행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 연령별로는 30대에서 10례(24.6%)로 가장 많았다. 2) 성별로는 남자 21례(53.8%), 여자 18례(46.2%)였다. 3) 발생부위는 우측 19례(48.7%), 좌측 18례(46.2%)였다. 4) 발생원인별로는 원인불명(Bell's palsy) 19례(48 7%), 염증, 종양 각 6례(15.4%), 외상성 5례(12.9%), 대사성 2례(5.1%), 선천성 1례(2.6%)였다. 5) 병변의 발생에서 최초 치료일까지의 기간은 10일 이내가 26례(66.7%), 11-20일은 8례 (20.5% )였다. 6) 치료기간은 평균 25.21이며, 치료기간과 회복율의 상관관계는 통계학적 유의성은 없었다. 7) 치료 후 치료결과는 상당히 좋은 것으로 나타났다. Facial nerve is subject to injury at any point in the course from the cerebral cortex to the motor end plate in the face, so many etiologic varieties of facial paralysis may be encountered, including trauma, viral infection and the idiopathic. Authors have studied 39 cases of facial paralysis which had experienced of treatment in our department from March, 1996 to March, 1997 at Dong San Medical Center. The results obtained are as follows : 1) The highest age incidence showed 10 cases(24.6%) in 3rd decade 2) Among the total of 39 cases, male were 21 cases(53.8%) and female were 18cases(46.2%). 3) At the involved side, left side were 19 cases(48.7%) and right side were 18 cases(46.2%). 4) The causes of facial paralysis were; idiopathic (Bell's palsy) in 19 cases(48.7%) infectious in 6 cases(15.4%) neoplastic in 6 cases(15.4%) traumatic in 5 cases(12.9%) metabolic in 2 cases(5.1%) congenital in 1 cases(2.6%) 5) In time interval between onset of symptom and treated initial date, 26 cases(66.7%) in below 10 days and 8 cases(20.5%) in 11-20 days 6) Correlation of recovery rate according to the treated duration did not differ significantly 7)Result after treatment were satisfactory

      • KCI우수등재

        일부지역 산업재해환자 실태 연구 -대구, 경북지역 일부 종합병원 중심으로-

        허춘복,남철현 한국환경보건학회 1991 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to research the actual conditions of industrial accident patients and to produce worker satisfaction and a rational and effective counter measure pain. Direct interviews with 179 cases (in and out patients) were carried out during a three month period from April to July 1990, at six hospitals two general hospitals Sun Lin and Sung Mo in Po Hang, and four general hospitals in Taegu Kyung Pook University Hospital, Dong San Medical Center, Young Nam Medical Center and Catholic Hospital. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Among the 179 cases, 51.6 % were male and 48.4 % were female. The two largest age groups were 30~39, 31.8 % and 20~29, 27.4 %. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were married, the largest family number was 2 to 3, 41.1% and 4 to 5, 25.6%. Educationally, graduation from high school was the largest group, 46.4% among the patients, followed by middle school and primary school. The largest group income level was from 40~69만원, 45.2%. The largest group of patients who worked over 50 hrs. a week was 52.0%. The largest group of patients who worked less than 1 year was 44.7%, of the patients in work places of less than 100 people, 60.3% were injured and in work places of 100~299 people, 20.1% were injured. In manufacturing, the lagest group injured was 55.3%, the next group was transport, stroage, communication. The largest group of production workers injured was 40.2%. 2. The cause of injury in the largest group was facility problems, 33.5%. The next group was unsafe habits, 30.2% a lack of safety knowledge, 17.9% and insufficient supervision, 12.3%. The 30~39 year age group was head the highest number of injuries, 40.4% work places with more than 10 yeras of work, 44.4% work palces with more than 1000 people, 56.3% and mining accidents, 80.0%. Among these groups the highest cause of injury was due to facility problems. 3. The accident pattern showed machinery injuries 28.5% as the largest group, followed by falls & falling objects 17.3%, fire & electric 15.1%, struke by an object 14.5%, followed by overaction and vehicular accidents. The accident pattern showed 46.4 % among workers over the 50 year age group, workers in the 5~10 year group, 50.0 % places employing more than 1000 workers, 35.3 % : construction 73.7%, and construction workers 57.1%, among these fall & falling objects caused the greatest number of injuries. 4. The largest group of injuries was fractures 54.8%, trauma 14.5%, amputation 11.7%, open wound, and burns. The largest number of fractures occurred in people in the 30~39 year age group, 63.2 % over 10 years of work, 55.6% in work places of 300~400 people, 63.6% construction 63.2% and general workers 57.2 %. 5. The largest group of injuries was upper extremity 45.3%, lower extremity 24.0%, trunk 18.5 % and head or neck 12.2%. Of these groups, upper extremity injuries were the highest in those less 20 years old 75.0%, less than 1 years of work 59.5%, in work places of 500~999 people 60.0%, manufacturing 56.6 % and production workers 55.6%. 6. Periods of injury showed 34 people injured in September, to be the largest followed by October, 32 August, 22 people July, 19 people and the lowest December, 2 people. During the week, Friday had the largest group injured, 35 people followed by Saturday, 26 people and the lowest was Wednesday, 17 people, During the day 1400 hours had the largest group injured, 38 people followed by 800 hours, 31 people. 7. On a basis of 5 as the highest mark, the average, according to worker satisfaction showed facility safety 3.55, work environment 3.47, income 3.44, job 3.21 and treatment 2.98. 8. The correlation between general characteristics and injury showed that age was directly correlated to the duration of work(r=.2591) p<0.01, age was directly correlated to industry (r=2311) p<0.01, and the duration was directly correlated to occupation(r =.4372) p<0.001.

      • KCI등재

        일부지역 산업재해환자 실태 조사 연구 - 대구 경북지역 일부 종합병원 중심으로 -

        허춘복(Choon Book Huh) 대한물리치료학회 1991 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to research the actual conditions of industrial accident patients and to produce worker satisfaction and a rational and effective counter measure plan. Direct interviews with 179 cases (in and out patients) were carried out during a three month period from April to July 1990, at six hospitals ; two general hospitals Sun Lin and Sung Mo in Po Hang, and four general hospitals in Taegu : Kyung pook University Hospital, Dong San Medical Center, Young Nam Medical Center and Catholic Hospital. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were male and 48.4% were female. The two largest age groups were 30-39, 31.8% and 20-29, 27.4%. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were married, the largest family number was 2 to 3, 41.1% and 4 to 5, 25.6%. Educationally, graduation from high school was the largest group, 46.4% among the patients, followed by middle school and primary school. The largest group income level was from 40-69 만원, 45.2%. The largest group of patients who worked over 50 hrs. a week was 52.0%. The largest group of patients who worked less than 1 year was 44.7%, of the patients in work places of less than 100 people, 60.3% were injured and in work places of 100-299 people, 20.1% were injured, In manufacturing, the largest group injured was 55.3% the next group was transport, storage, communication, The largest group of production workers injured was 40.2%. 2. The cause of injury in the largest group was facility problems, 33.5%. The next group was unsafe habits, 30.2% ; a lack of safety knowledge, 17.9% ; and insufficient supervision, 12.3%. The 30-39 Year age group head the highest number of injuries, 40.4% ; work places with more than 10 years of work, 44.4%; work places with more than 1000 people, 56.3% and mining accidents, 80.0% Among these groups the highest cause of injury was due to facility problems. 3. The accident pattern showed machinery injuries 28.5% as the largest group, followed by falls & falling objects 17.3%, fire & electric 15.1%, strucke by an object 14.5% followed by overaction and vehicular accidents, The accident pattern showed 46.4 among workers over the 50 Year age group; workers in the 5-10 year group, 50.0%; places employing more than 1000, workers, 35.3% ; construction 73.7% and construction workers 57.1%, among these fall & falling objects caused the greatest number of injuries. 4. The largest group of injuries was fractures 54.8%, trauma 14.5%, amputation 11.7%, open wound, and burns. The largest number of fractures occurred in people in the 30-39 Year age group, 63.2% : over 10 years of work 55.6%; in work places of 300-400 people, 63.6% ; construction 63.2% and general workers 57.2%. 5. The largest group of injuries was upper extremity 45.3%, lower extremity 24.0% trunk 18.5% and head or neck 12.2%. Of these groups, upper extremity injuries were the highest in those less than 20 years old 75.0%, less than 1 year or work 59.5%, in work places of 500-999 people 60.0% or manufacturing 56% and production workers 55.6%. 6. Periods of injury showed 34 people injured in September, to be the largest follwed by October, 32 ; August, 22 People ; July, 19 People and the lowest December; 2 people, During the week, Friday had the largest group injured; 35 people ; followed by Saturday, 26 people and the lowest was Wednesday, 17 people, During the day 1400 hours had the largest group injured; 38 people ; followed by 800 hours, 31 people. 7. On a basis of 5 as the highest mark, the average, according to worker satisfaction showed facility safety 3.55, work environment 3.47, income 3.44, job 3.21 and treatment 2.98. 8. The correlation between general characteristics and injury showed that age was directly correlated to the duration of work (r=2591) p$lt;0.01, age was directly correlated to industry (r=2311) p$lt;0.01, and the duration way directly correlated to occupation (r=4372) p$lt;0.001.

      • KCI우수등재

        一部地域 塵業災害愚 者寶 硏究

        許春福(Choon Bok Huh),南喆鉉(Chul Hyun Nam) 한국환경보건학회 1991 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to research the actual conditions of industrial accident patients and to produce worker satisfaction and a rational and effective counter measure paln. Direct interviews with 179 cases (in and out patients) were carried out during a three month períod from April to July 1990, at six hospita1s ; two general hospitals Sun Lin and Sung Mo in PO Hang, and four gen eral hospita1s in Taegu ; Kyung Pook University Hospital, Dong San Medical Center, Young Nam Medical Center and Catholic Hospita1. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Among the 179 cases, 51. 6 % were male and 48.4 % were female. The two largest age groups were 30-39, 31.8% and 20-29, 27.4%. Among the 179 cases, 51.6% were married, the largest family number was 2 to 3, 41.1 % and 4 to 5, 25.6%. Educationally, graduation from high school was the largest group, 46.4% among the pat. ients, followed by middle school and primary school. The largest group income level was from 40-69 만원, 45.2 %. The largest group of patients who worked over 50 hrs. a week was 52.0%. The largest group of patients who worked less than 1 year was 44.7%, of the patients in work places of less than 100 people, 60.3 % were injured and in work places of 100-299 people, 20.1 % were injured. In manufacturing, the lagest group injured was 55.3%, the next group was transport, stroage, communication. The largest group of production wor. kers injured was 40.2%. 2. The cause of injury in the largest group was facility problems, 33.5 %. The next group was un safe habits, 30.2% ; a lack of safety knowledge, 17.9%; and insufficient supervision, 12.3%. The 30-39 year age group was head the highest number of injuries, 40.4 % ; work places with more than 10 yeras of work. 44.4 % ; work palces with more than 1000 people, 56.3 % and mining acc. idents. 80.0 %. Among these groups the highest cause of injury was due to facility problems. 3. The accident pattern showed machinery injuries 28.5 % as the largest group, followed by falls & falling objects 17.3%, fire & electric 15.1%, struke by an object 14.5%, followed by overaction and vehicular accidents. The accident pattern showed 46.4 % among workers over the 50 year age group, workers in the 5-10 year group, 50.0% ; places employing more than 1000 workers, 35.3% ; construction 73.7%, and construction workers 57.1 %, among these fall & falling objects caused the greatest number of injuries. 4. The largest group of injuries was fractures 54.8 %, traurna 14.5 %, amputation 11. 7 %, open wound, and burns. The largest number of fractures occurred in people in the 30-39 year age group, 63.2 % ; over 10 years of work, 55.6% ; in work places of 300-400 people, 63.6%; construction 63.2% and general workers 57.2%. 5. The largest group of injuries was upper extrernity 45.3 %, lower extrernity 24.0 %, trunk 18.5% and head or neck 12.2 %. Of these groups, upper extrerrúty injuries were the highest in those less 20 years old 75.0 %, less than 1 years of work 59.5 %, in work places of 500-999 야ople 60.0%, manufacturing 56.6% and production workers 55.6%. 6. Periods of injury showed 34 people injured in Septemher, to be the largest followed by October, 32; August, 22 people ; July, 19 people and the lowest December, 2 people. During the week, Friday had the largest group injured, 35 people ; followed by Saturday, 26 people and the lowest was Wednesday, 17 people, During the day 1400 hours had the largest group injured, 38 people ; f, lowed by 800 hours, 31 people.

      • KCI등재

        외이전기경혈자극과 경피전기신경자극이 슬관절 전 치환슬 환자의 수술 후 통증조절에 미치는 효과

        김태열,황태연,허춘복,Kim, Tae-Youl,Hwang, Tae-Yeun,Huh, Choon-Bok 대한물리치료과학회 1994 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        This study was done to determine differences in effect of postoperative pain control in patients receiving auricular electroacustimulation vs transcutaneous electrical nerve stimualtion following total knee replacement surgery. Thirty-one cases referred to physical therapy department after treated by total knee replacement surgery by orthopedic surgery department at the Pohang St. Mary's Hospital from January 1993 through June 1994. Of 31 total knee replacement cases, 13 cases were auricular electroacustimulation group, 11 cases were transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation group, and 7 cases were control group. The results of the study summerized are as follows: Thirty-one total knee replacement cases(male in 12 cases, female in 19 cases), ranging in age from 34 to 61 years(mean${\pm}$SD=49.90 7.56) with diagnoses of degenerative arthritis(20 cases), rheumatoid arthritis(9 cases), and other(2 cases). In auricular electroacustimulation group, there was a significant change of pain intensity, unpleasantness, and active range of motion after treatment(p<0.01). In transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation group, there was a significant change of pain intensity, unpleasantness, and active range of motion after treatment(p<0.01). In control group, did not show significant pre-posttreatment differences in pain intensity, unpleasantness, active range of motion(p>0.05). The mean change in pain intensity and unpleasantness, active range of motion from pretreatment baseline for the 3 groups. Auricular electroacustimulation group showed the large magnitude of increase in pain intensity and unpleasantness, active range of motion when compared to its own pretreatment cycle. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation group showed small magnitude of increase in pain intensity and unpleasantness, active range of motion when compared to its own pretreatment cycle. No significant changes were observed in control group. Highly significant differences in pain intensity, unpleasantness, and active rage of motion were found using an ANOVA measures between treatment groups and control group(p<0.01). The squares correlation coefficients of pain and function measures pretreatment-posttreatment differences for each group. In treatment group, there was significant correlation between pain scale and function(p<0.001). In control group, there was no correlation between the pain scale and function (p>0.05). The continuous study is needd for many interesting issues of auricular electroacustimulation in new future.

      • Brief , Intense TENS 자극이 신경전도 , 통증역치의 변화에 미치는 효과

        김태열,황태연,허춘복 대한물리치료학회 1994 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purphose. This present study examines the effect of brief, intense transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(BTENS) on sensory nerve conduction, electrical pain threshold, and two-point discrimination measured at the superficial radial nevre distribution in 20 healthy subjects. Subjects. Twenty volunteercs, (10females and 10 males(age range : 20-38 years : mean ± SD : 27.00 ±5.12), only subjects without prior traumatological and pathological were eligible to participated in this study, Methods. Nerve conduction were determined for the right superficial radial nerve. Electrical pain threshold were determined for the right wrist ipsilateral to the site of BTENS. Small disc electrodes were attached to the surface of the skin stradding the end of the radius. Square wave electrical pulses were delivered from an isolated stimulator through a constant current device at a frequency of 2 Hz(5 ms pulse width). Two-point discrimination. measured on the sensory distribution of superficial radial nerve, BTENS was delivered using a Max-SD(Medical design co.) portable battery powered stimulator. A cicular Ag/AgCl electrode in contack with hypertonic saline gel was attached to the lateral(radial side) surface of the forearm. Results. No significant effects were observed between stimulation methods in the prestimulation cyele(multi-way ANOVA repeated measures : distal latency ; F1.14= 0.332, amplitude : F 0.80=0.445, pain threshold : F0.06=0.940. 2 point discrimination : F1.50 = 0.236). Highly significant effects were observed time with the pretreatment and 6 posttreatment cycles(p$lt;0.01 ): Highly significants differences in nerve conduction and pain threshold were found using on multi-way ANOVA repeated measures among stimulation methods for each cycles(p$lt;0.01). Conclusion and Discussion The authors concludes that both nerve conduction and pain threshold changes are associated with therapy (stimulation)level of BTENS.

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