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        나의 삶, 자기성찰, 그리고 통합교육과정

        허창수 ( Chang Soo Hur ) 한국교육과정학회 2008 교육과정연구 Vol.26 No.4

        Curriculum integration always posits in my everyday life and has been evolving within various relational positionality changes. I attempt firstly to discuss how the meaning of curriculum integration has been represented through my life experiences in this article. As it is a process of self-reflection and an essence of research methodology, many qualitative researchers try to understand essences and meanings of various symbols in every day lives. Through it, I try to understand authentic, fair, and reasonable meanings of curriculum integration and make an effort to look for its essence in the sense of phenomenology. It implies that curriculum as planed, organized, and performed through a particular theory has relatively low relations to the meaning of actual and practical integration. Rather, integrated education is a reality and every day lives in the classroom. Thus, integration should be the way of a praxis in the middle of performing while understanding those realities and everyday lives, making meanings of them, and conceptualizing them. That is, it is a curriculum of emerging educational praxis. It justifies that curriculum integration should focus more on teachers` praxis through understanding educational phenomenon rather than planed and organized curriculum as a educational process. Lastly, I attempt to make suggestion for future orientations to have to be progressing.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        탈식민주의 이론과 실제의 꼴라주

        허창수 ( Chang Soo Hur ) 한국교육과정학회 2011 교육과정연구 Vol.29 No.3

        Post-colonialism is currently raising up in academic field as a big grounded-theory to be able to deconstruct unended colonialism in the world. It has been gradually developing very actively in the western as well as Asia, Africa, and so on since 1960. Whereas, Korean scholars have discussed very rarely in this field. Although they have studied, they mostly introduced theoretical frameworks and textbook analysis in post-colonialism. Post-colonialism is a discussion of the practical. Scholars should discuss on transferring, hiding, and processing practices and taken-for-granted in the life-world in terms of post-colonialism. In this aspect, Korean academic field, especially educational field posit on naive level. Thus, I purport to discuss how studies have effort to construct theoretical, methodological, educational, and practical frameworks in term of post-colonialism. Specially, I would like to focus on life-world texts. And, how are those texts interpreted in meaning of post-colonialism. The research questions are the following: 1) How are those life-world text conceptualized in terms of post-colonialism?, 2) what kind of methodology are appropriate? and 3) How are we applying post-colonialism for educational field? To answer these questions, I collect data from novels, films, historical assay, literature review, and so on and try to understand their meanings in terms of post-colonialism.

      • KCI등재

        Wee스쿨 교사 체험을 통해서 본 경계지성의 실존적 가능성 탐구

        허창수 ( Hur Chang-soo ) 한국교육인류학회 2018 교육인류학연구 Vol.21 No.2

        최근 들어 공교육에서도 경계를 넘어 대안 교육을 표방하는 다양한 정책과 교육과 정이 시도되고 있다. 대안 교육이 시작되면서 경계 넘는 실행들이 가진 의미들에 대해서는 많은 논의가 있어 왔다. 반면 아직도 그 의미에 대해서 공교육 경계 내에서는 다소 미온적이다. 이에 대한 적극적인 논의와 해석이 필요하다고 생각했고, 일환으로 하나의 다른 지향을 제공하기 위한 시도를 목적으로 본 논의를 하였다. 해석을 위한 대상은 Wee스쿨 참여 교사들의 경험에 대한 인식을 자료로 활용하였다. 주 자료는 일정 기간 수집한 것이지만 베르그손의 ‘지속’ 개념에 따르면, 과거 관련된 연구자의 경험도 포함하고 있다. 따라서 경험 중 논의를 위해 기억에 있는 이미지들을 가져와서 활용하였다. 논의의 시각으로 경계지성과 경계교육학, 하이데거의 가능성을 사용하였다. 해석은 경계를 중심으로 하였고, 그에 대한 교사의 인식은 지성으로 이해하였다. 이에 기초한 교육은 경계교육학이다. 아울러 경계 밖에 던져진 실존에 대한 이해를 위해 존재론의 가능성에 대한 개념이 필요하였다. 따라서 본 논의는 경계지성을 가능성으로 재개념화 하였으며 그를 통해 교사가 인식하지 못했던 스스로의 존재에 대한 실존적 질문에 던져졌고 그로부터 교사로서의 현존재를 이해하는 계기가 되었음을 알 수 있었다. Educational policies and curriculums have been recently attempted in Korean public schools to promote alternative education crossing over the borders. There has been much debate over the implications of these boundaries. However, it still has a somewhat lukewarm sense of meaning within the public education boundaries. Therefore, it is necessary to have an active discussion and interpretation, and as a part of this discussion, I made an attempt to provide an alternative understanding. The analysis used is the perceptions of the teachers who participated in the Wee school. The data are collected for a certain period, but according to Bergson's concept of 'duration,' it also includes experiences related to my own past experiences. Therefore, I took ‘image-remembrance’ and used it for discussion. The concept of discussion used border intellectuals, border pedagogy, and Heidegger’s possibility. The interpretation for the discussion is centered on the borders, the teacher 's perception can be understood as intellectuals, and education on it is border pedagogy. In addition, the concept of the possibility of ontology was needed to understand the existence that was thrown outside the borders. Therefore, the discussions showed that the border intellectuals was re-conceptualized as possibility and it was thrown into the existential question about the existence of the self, which the teacher did not recognize, and it became the occasion to understand the ‘Dasein’ of teacher.

      • KCI등재

        다문화교육 교사연수 프로그램 분석을 통한 교육과정 제언

        허창수 ( Soo Hur Chang ),장인실 ( In Sil Chang ),박철희 ( Cheol Hee Park ) 한국교육과정학회 2010 교육과정연구 Vol.28 No.4

        We purport firstly to analyze and understand current in-service teacher education programs for multi-cultural education, opened from December 2009 to January 2010. We also attempt to provide examplary curriculum of future teacher education program based on the understandings. For this purpose we have two major research questions: 1) how can we categorize content matters of 8 college level programs based on textbook analysis?, 2) According to Jang(2008)`s curriculum model for teacher education, how can we conceptualize the content matters? To answer these questions we specifically focus on analyzing the textbook content matters in depth. We have found three conclusions. First, we understood that there can be various directions based on teacher population distribution for developing curriculum. Two, we found 8 different educational field. However, content matters were unbalanced among those fields. Some field, such as knowledge based content matters, were relatively weighted. Third, according to Jang(2008)`s model, content matters were also relatively emphasized on level 1 which is knowledge about race, ethnicity, culture, gender and so on, and level 5 which is practices to change content matters in curriculum. We finally suggests two exemplary curriculum based on those results.

      • KCI등재

        국제자원활동이 가진 교육과정적 의미 탐색: 한 활동가의 경험 이야기

        허창수 ( Chang Soo Hur ) 한국교육과정학회 2012 교육과정연구 Vol.30 No.3

        Interests on international volunteering have been emerging up in South Korean society. Whereas, studies have been rarely discussing its educational effect and meaning. Regardless of academic evidences, international volunteering would be assumed a place for transformational learning. I attempt to prove this taken-for-granted assumption. Thus, I choose an activist and review his/her experience from motivations to the present activities focusing on its process. Also, I try to look for educational meaning. For this process, I collected data from interview and observation, and use narrative method to interpret the data. As others presumed, I find several educational meanings, and they are the following. 1) Volunteering is a place for understanding the activist life and others as well. It reminds me curriculum as auto/bio-graphical text. 2) The activist`s characteristics influence to the important conditions for successful volunteering and also these characteristics have a chance to transform toward a bigger picture. These characteristics based on educational meanings are founded as the importance of parents` influences and mediating communications attitude based on compromise. I also discuss these results further to current educational environment in South Korea. If current education in public could not provide opportunities to construct these characteristics, some other programs could take roles of it. Therefore, in this aspect, international volunteering emerges up as an important null curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        진로 찾기 위한 대안 교육과정 경험 이야기: 낯선 길 앞에서 희망을 노래하다

        허창수 ( Chang Soo Hur ) 한국교육과정학회 2010 교육과정연구 Vol.28 No.1

        In this article I would like to introduce one of alternative schools` curriculum programs, called `Singing Songs on the Strange Road` and also discuss its implications to public school in terms of career development and autonomy subject matters. For this purposes, I firstly introduce specific characteristics of the program and secondly discuss meanings for public school curriculum in terms of curriculum reconceptualization paradigm. To describe them, I have looked over their documents about the program implementations and interviewed teachers and students, participated in the program. Especially, I have interviewed them under semi-structured and narrative styles. I analyzed and interpreted them based on narrative in which I describe and represent them under themes, events, and so on. During this process, I observe that students, getting rid of from public schools, improve their self-respects and esteems, which have been lost in their life for a while, through autobiographical narrative texts and reflections, and integrate among their past experiences, future hopes, and present realities to reborn and grow themselves as literacy and emancipatory existences. Lastly, I suggest certain meanings of practical, realistic, specific school implementations in terms of career development and autonomy subject matters.

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