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        학부 순차통역 수업의 대안적 교수법 모색 - 전통적 학습, 개별학습, 협동학습의 조화

        허지운 한국통역번역학회 2014 통역과 번역 Vol.16 No.3

        This paper explores alternative pedagogical approaches for undergraduateconsecutive interpreting courses. A number of approaches are discussed,including traditional learning, individualistic learning and cooperative learning. The pros and cons of the three approaches are discussed and are adapted tothe context of interpreting classes. Different combinations of the threeapproaches are applied to two different consecutive interpreting courses basedon needs analysis and course characteristics including directionality. For theBA consecutive interpreting course, traditional learning, individualisticlearning, and cooperative learning are applied. For the AB consecutiveinterpreting course, traditional learning and cooperative learning are applied. At the end of the course, a survey was conducted to understand students’perceptions on the alternative approaches. Overall, students were satisfiedwith the three approaches. The disadvantages of individual approaches couldbe complemented by combining different approaches together. Based on thefindings of the survey and class observations, this paper proposes alternativepedagogies of consecutive interpreting that facilitate motivation,interdependence, individual responsibility, and cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        수요자 니즈와 번역 프로세스 기반 ‘번역경영’ 교육

        허지운 한국번역학회 2019 번역학연구 Vol.20 No.4

        This study explores a business management approach to translation in translator training. Translator training has focused on textual quality and recently on project management aspects for collaborative translation. However, with translation increasingly taking on features of industrialization, translator training would benefit from reflecting such developing trend in the market. In order to identify elements or phases of translation process previously undercovered in translator training, the present study took a three-pronged approach: literature review, analysis of public notice of tender in South Korea, and survey on user demand. The study results revealed that user demand is very high for not only high quality translation but also for business service aspects of translation. From the users’ viewpoint, translation service is not confined to translated text only. They perceived quality and value from the comprehensive service including translation. Thus, translator training program could include the business management aspects of translation service process including promotion, marketing, project planning, project management, after-sales services, work assignment, business communication, negotiation, desktop publishing, archiving, etc. Based on the results, the study proposes translator training to include elements of business management and provides a sample syllabus.

      • KCI등재

        동시통역을 위한 학습자 문장구역 전략 연구

        허지운 한국통번역교육학회 2020 통번역교육연구 Vol.18 No.2

        This study investigates sight translation strategies of learners of interpreting. Sight translation serves as a useful tool for practicing consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. It is particularly useful for developing strategies for simultaneous interpretation. In order to explore the diverse strategies employed by learners and understand the difficulties in conducting sight translation from Korean to English arising from syntactic differences between the two languages, this study, conducted a sight translation experiment on 20 learners of interpreting. Participants were divided into two groups – 10 learners with simultaneous interpreting skills and 10 learners with only consecutive interpreting skills. The result indicates that learners with simultaneous interpreting skills are more prone to transform meaning units in ST into sentences in TT; participants prefer to interpret segments containing verbs into sentences in TT; segments without verbs present difficulties in predicting the verb and formulating output in the target language.

      • KCI등재

        언론보도에 투영된 동시통역에 대한 고찰

        허지운 한국통역번역학회 2016 통역과 번역 Vol.18 No.2

        This study explores the way simultaneous interpretation is portrayed in Korean news media. Simultaneous interpretation is a complex task requiring an interpreter to master the skills of listening, production, and memory skills which need to be operated simultaneously facilitated by the right coordination skills(Gile, 2009). Thus it requires expertise, and interpreters who are well trained and, consequently, competent in both consecutive and simultaneous interpreting are called ‘conference interpreters.’ Conference interpreters are covered frequently in newspaper articles and are often called ‘simultaneous interpreters’ in Korean media. Conference interpreters are recognized as experts in the field. However recently, the words ‘simultaneous interpretation’ and ‘simultaneous interpreters’ are often used inappropriately: ‘simultaneous interpretation’ is used to describe a celebrity’s language competency; ‘simultaneous interpreter’ is often used to add glamour to a celebrity’s career profile or lifestyle; ‘simultaneous interpretation’ is also often used in names for language services provided for the general public, which requires consecutive interpretation at best. This study explores how the media uses and tweaks the concept of simultaneous interpretation and discusses implications of such misuse.

      • KCI등재

        세계영어 및 세계영어의 통역에 대한 태도 소고 - 통역사와 일반인의 시각 비교

        허지운 한국통역번역학회 2018 통역과 번역 Vol.20 No.2

        Unique features of World Englishes cause challenges in terms of intelligibility and comprehension, which also trigger specific language attitudes. This study explores language attitudes of participants in communicative events towards World Englishes and World Englishes interpreting, looking into their views on different varieties of English, speakers of different varieties, and interpreting. Participants in communicative events, in this study, include interpreters and non-interpreters who take on the role of audience, client, event organizer, or interpreting agency in interpreter-mediated communicative events. Despite intelligibility challenges posed by non-native English accents, interpreters and non-interpreters alike showed positive attitudes towards non-native English speakers. However, participants’ preferences for communication methods diverged between direct communication in English and interpreter-mediated communication which allows for non-native speakers to speak in their own language. This study attempts to take a comprehensive view on language attitudes of both interpreters and non-interpreters and find solutions for improving negative language attitudes in order to enhance communication effect in interpreter-mediated events.

      • KCI등재

        Teaching World Englishes in an Interpreter Training Course: an Action Research

        허지운 한국번역학회 2014 번역학연구 Vol.15 No.4

        The spread of English around the world is affecting the interpreting profession. The challenges of interpreting various World Englishes varieties call for the need to resolve the issue by incorporating World Englishes in interpreter training courses. Building on the pedagogy proposed by Huh (2014), the present study attempts to implement an action research on a B language enhancement course at a graduate school of translation and interpretation in South Korea. A ‘modified Presentation-Practice-Performance (PPP)’ model is applied to the course, with an additional element of reflective practice. Needs analysis was conducted to create a syllabus based on students’ needs. Indian English, Vietnamese English, and French English were covered in the course. Students received form-focused instruction on the features of the three varieties, went through cloze exercises, performed interpreting tasks, and wrote reflective journals. Finally, an end-of-course survey was conducted. The findings of the action research revealed that the ‘modified PPP’ approach was useful, built higher awareness on the target situation involving World Englishes, and developed capabilities for problem analysis and strategy building.

      • KCI등재

        게임화 기반 통역교육 프레임워크 설계에 관한 탐색적 연구

        허지운 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.5

        연구 목적: 이 연구는 게임화의 통역 교육 적용 가능성을 탐색하고, 이를 구현하기 위한 게임화 기반 통역교육 프레임워크를 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 방법: 게임화와 통역교육에 관한 문헌분석을 바탕으로 핵심 요소를 분석한 후 공통속성을 바탕으로 접목 요소를 도출하여 게임화 기반 통역교육 프레임워크를 설계하였다. 연구 내용: 게임화의 장점인 동기부여 및 행동변화 접근을 활용하기 위해, MDA 프레임워크를 바탕으로 통역교육에 적용가능한 요소를 분석하였다. 통역교육의 상황학습, 맥락, 전략, 학습자 심리 등 사회적 학습 요소를 적절한 게임화 접목 요소로 도출하여 미학적 정서, 역학, 메카닉스 기반의 게임화 통역교육 프레임워크를 구성하였다. 결론 및 제언: 게임화 기반 통역교육 프레임워크를 통해 게임화를 대학원 수준 통역교육에 적용할 틀을 설계했으며, 구체적 모형 설계를 위한 실험 및 검증이 후속연구에서 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        세계영어 영한 통역 고충 분석을 위한 이론 고찰

        허지운 한국통역번역학회 2012 통역과 번역 Vol.14 No.2

        With english speaking population expanding rapidly due to increasing international communication, english is no longer spoken by native speakers alone. English is spoken in different regions around the world, developing into different variants reflecting local language and culture. When speakers in an international conference speak in non-native english, interpreters, unfamiliar to such varieties, may be challenged as unfamiliarity to specific variants is more likely to present difficulties in intelligibility and comprehensibility. Previous studies indicate that conference interpreters found unfamiliar accents challenging and difficult to interpret. This paper discusses stress factors for English-Korean interpreters presented by non-native english speakers, following the concept of ‘World Englishes,’ which refers to different varieties developed around the world reflecting cultural and linguistic norms of the region or society of speakers. This paper aims to identify previous researches that point to the challenges of interpreting performance in general, and world englishes, in particular, to develop a theoretical framework for analyzing specific difficulties experienced by English-Korean conference interpreters at the level of phonology, syntax, and processing effort

      • KCI등재

        학습 동기부여를 위한 메타버스 연계 게임화 기반 통역 교육 연구: 통역 교육 및 학습 주체의 수요를 중심으로

        허지운 한국통번역교육학회 2023 통번역교육연구 Vol.21 No.2

        This study examines the potential for integrating gamification and metaverse elements into interpreter education, and seeks to establish the necessary directions for designing a framework for gamified interpreter training and learning. For the purpose of the study, in-depth interviews were conducted with twelve interpreting students and trainers in order to understand their experiences with interpreting education, gaming and metaverse, and collect their insights regarding the potential of embracing innovative technology platforms such as gaming and metaverse in their training and learning routines. The result of this study suggests that interpreting practice sessions, study partners, and learner motivation are important elements to be included in the gamified framework. Furthermore, the study proposes the incorporation of ‘fun’ elements and analytics from games, metaverse, and online language learning platforms into interpreter training and learning environment in order to boost student engagement and motivation.

      • KCI등재

        정보 구조에 기초한 중국영어의 영-한 동시통역 연구

        허지운 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2013 통번역학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        This study examines the impact of features of Chinese English on simultaneous interpretation into Korean based on information structure analysis. A simultaneous interpreting experiment was conducted on 10 professional interpreters over two phases. First, participants conducted a Simultaneous Interpreting task. After the SI task was completed, participants received a transcript of the source text and underlined segments of source text that were difficult to perceive or understand due to phonological and/or grammatical features of Chinese English. The result of the experiment revealed that both phonological and grammatical features of Chinese English imposed interpreting difficulties for participants, and specifically, the difficulties that they experienced were concentrated on new information rather than old information. The result is supported by both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the source text, underlined transcripts and target texts.

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