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        거부와 동화: 에머슨과 불교

        허정명(Jung-Myung Huh) 신영어영문학회 2009 신영어영문학 Vol.44 No.-

        This is to analyse Emerson’s Essays: Second Series in terms of his encounter with Buddhism in the early 1840s. Emerson struggled with the idea of change in Buddhism. This idea was the opposite to Emerson’s belief in the permanence of the individual self. The death of his son made him rethink his belief in the eternity of self. On the other hand, Emerson accepted the idea of Karma in Buddhism because this idea was in harmony with his own belief. The idea that morality is the core of Buddhism and a means to spiritual enlightenment is helpful to solidify his own values. Emerson’s approach to Buddhism is inevitably connected with his commitment to shape the American self. His resistance to the idea of change in Buddhism reflects his private spiritual struggle and his effort to define a new nation. His acceptance of the key Buddhist ideas sharpened his spiritual understanding, showing his openness to new ideas.

      • KCI등재

        전기와 문화적 이데올로기 : 캐이트 쇼팽의 경우

        허정명(Jung-Myung Huh) 신영어영문학회 2006 신영어영문학 Vol.33 No.-

        The most important part of a biographer’s work is to interpret his/her subject’s life through various means determined by the areas in which the subject has left his/her most conspicuous trace on society or his/her literary works. But the process of interpretation inevitably involves subjectivity. This study is an attempt to examine Chopin’s biographies as cultural products of the time they were written and tries to trace Chopin’s life and works as a result of changing cultural ideologies. Following the young intellectuals at his time who were deeply interested in discovering American roots, Rankin presents Chopin as a pious woman accepting genteel patriarchal society. Seyersted’s Chopin is a woman with inner conflicts in a male dominated society, reflecting nineteen sixties’ American culture. Toth’s Chopin strives to find her own personal voice. All these changing faces of Chopin reflect inevitable influence of each biographer’s cultural ideology.

      • KCI등재

        에머슨의 『삶의 지침』에 나타난 동양사상

        허정명 ( Jung Myung Huh ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2011 현대영어영문학 Vol.55 No.1

        With the drastic change in religious and intellectual arena in the mid nineteenth century America, Emerson`s interest in the Oriental religion left a considerable footprint in his later work The Conduct of Life. In The Conduct of Life, Emerson attempts to harmonize science and religion and the ordinary and the transcendental with the help of oriental religious philosophy. He tries to accept oriental ideas in response to the intellectual changes in America. He advocates freedom in the face of tyrannical fate with the help of oriental concept of cause and effect. He finds the ethical function of the law of cause and effect in the essays. He emphasized moral works relating the idea with the new form of religion he efforts to construct. With the Buddhist concept of the law of cause and effect, he proves how inadequate the scientific inquiry to examine faith and intuition which transcends logic.

      • KCI등재

        전복의 미학 : 오코너 소설과 독자

        허정명(Huh Jung Myung) 한국영미어문학회 2008 영미어문학 Vol.- No.86

          Flannery O"Connor clearly points out that the novelist with Christian concerns finds in modern life distortions which are repugnant to him/her and that his/her problem will be to make these appear as distortions to an audience who are used to seeing them as natural. O"Connor"s remarks become particularly meaningful when we, as readers confront with her confusing novels and find what had been taken for granted as a common sense, predictable on rational principles is totally disrupted. In short, through her novels, readers are forced to look into the inarticulate foundation of Mystery. Many critics touched upon O"Connor"s statement of her role as a Christian writer, but they failed to stretch their contention in terms of her readers. In other words, they have failed to examining fully how O"Connor not only criticise automatic conventional thinking in her characters but also, more importantly, turns her keen concern upon her readers. This paper is an attempt to trace how O"Connor force not just her characters but her readers into a disrupting intellectual and spiritual crisis.

      • KCI등재

        역설의 미학 : 비유, 실존, 플레너리 오코너

        허정명(Jung-Myung Huh) 신영어영문학회 2008 신영어영문학 Vol.40 No.-

        O’Connor’s fiction like the parables of Jesus calls for an active argument of our innermost selves with the concrete world of our existence. In this argument we seize the primordial Ground of knowing which, for both Jesus and O’Connor, is Holy ground. O’Connor, as a religious writer seeks in her works to impress upon us a new ontological awareness which tends toward a new idea of God who is no longer transcendent or abstractly supreme, but immanent and omnipresent throughout concrete actuality. Her works center on modern man thrown into a situation in which God seems totally absent from a universe nonetheless filled with the possibility for a recovery of the irrational Mystery dwelling at its hard center. This paper is an attempt to trace how O’Connor’s works is perversely Christian in the way Jesus’ parables are.

      • KCI등재

        다양성속의 단일성

        허정명(Jung Myung Huh) 한국영미어문학회 2011 영미어문학 Vol.- No.99

        In Society and Solitude, Emerson tries to justify the oneness of all ideas and to suggest the interconnectedness of the opposites, such as solitude and society, divine providence and human will, grace and work, self and other. He imbibes oriental religious ideas such as mutability, emptiness or non-self, causality. Furthermore, out of his own cultural background he suggests an ethics of moral action, sympathy and mindful living in the present moment, This ethics becomes the most important measure of human accomplishments in both individual and national levels. He also suggests that mystical experience is not a temporary ecstasy, but the texture of life. He also gives a valuable advice to realize mystical experience here and now in everyday life.

      • KCI등재

        헨리 제임스의 『미국인』에 나타난 실용주의

        허정명(Huh, Jung Myung) 새한영어영문학회 2012 새한영어영문학 Vol.54 No.2

        This is to trace The American"s hero, Christopher Newman"s pragmatic approaches to life. The fact that William James" philosophy of pragmatism and Henry James" work have distinct similarities makes this kind of approach worthwhile. Henry James" earlier novels usually highlight action more than introspection. But James" characters do reflect William James" philosophy because they are products of their own experience. Christopher Newman, the protagonist of The American, plays a role defined by Henry James" perception of the typical American. James" protagonist is not interested in finding out the only truth, or permanent set of truths behind European society. He is instead only interested in what things are like and what he can see and experience from the things which is new to him. William James" philosophy is permeated in this book in the reality of its free character, Newman, who does not fall back on tradition or socially constructed truth.

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