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      • 成人敎育의 戰略과 技法에 관한 考察

        허작 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 1994 학생생활연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The present study was undertaken to analyze and explore the strategies and techniques of adult education. This report is the product of an exploration on the objectives, contents, strategies and techniques which are major factors in adult education. The specific conclusions are as follows. 1. The objectives of adult education should be established in accordance with the developmental tasks of learners. 2. The topics and contents of adult education should be designed in the contest of some values and interests originated in the recipients' perspectives. 3. The major factors in organizing some principles on the contents of adult education were continuities, sequences, and integrations. 4. Spontaneity, flexibility, and variety are important requisites in the principles of establishing educational strategies for adults. 5. The strategy of adult education should be focused on a way that the participants might be satisfied with the results. 6. The various techniques can be utilized in accordance with diverse educational settings, such as individual and group self-learing, lecture-typed learning, group discussing learning, indoor learning, and regular and irregular class learning. 7. The type of information, skill and application are major instructional techniques that should be mainly adapted in the fields of adult education.

      • Andragogy적 관점에서의 성인교육에 관한 탐색

        허작 서원대학교 교육연구소 2000 敎育發展 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to explore the problems of "adult education" in the perspective of andragogy. To achieve the purpose, the specific questions addressed in this study are: 1.What kind of elements should be considered in adult education? 2.In relation to adult education, how do we define "andragogy"? 3.Why should we approach to adult education in the perspective of andragogy? 4.What kind of principles should be utilized in the process of andragogy for adults? The conclusions are as follows: 1.The strategy of adult education should be established in accordance with the developmental characteristics, learning desires and educabilities of learners 2.Andragogy might be defined as "all planned and purposeful learning opportunities offered to those who are recognized and recognize themselves as adults in their own society and who have left the formal educational system." 3.We should approach to adult education in the perspective of andragogy because andragogy is imitation-free, text-free, teacher-free and dialogue-free. 4.Spontaneity, flexibility, and variety are important requisites in the principles of utilizing andragogy for adults.

      • 社會敎育의 目標에 관한 考察

        허작 서원대학교 교육연구소 1995 敎育發展 Vol.1995 No.14

        The purposes of this study were to explore some concepts, establish principles, and classify existing areas on the objectives of social education. 1.The practical differences between som objectives of school education and those of social education ought to be distinctly identified. 2.The objectives of social education should he prepared in accordance with the developmental tasks of learners. 3.The purposes of social education should be constructed in the contexts of some values and interests reflected in the recipients' perspectives. 4.It is required to consider national, social, and regional demands in order to establish and prepare objectives of social education. 5.Some factors such as explicitness, validities, and potentialities for the achievement are important requisities in preparing educational objectives in social education

      • 정보사회에서의 평생교육 발전 방향 탐색

        허작,김종두 서원대학교 교육대학원 2003 교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        It has still been at important issue that the idea of restructured schools has been controversial in the debate on educational reform. In recent years, educational paradigm has been changed from the conventional school-centered system to the total lifelong-oriented system of education. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to explore the totally integreted-concepts of development on the nation-wide or society-ecntered as well as individual-oriented lifelong education for the information society. The specific conclusions of this study was as follows: 1. It was required to consider nation-wide or society-centered as well as individual-oriented demands for educational development of establishing and preparing the objectives of lifelong education. 2. The strategy of lifelong education should be focused on the rule that the participants must be satisfied with the educational feedback. 3. The principants of lifelong education should be realized on the basis of the main concepts of spontaneity, flexibility, and variety. 4. It was suggested that lifelong education of the information society might need deverse educational methods and settings, such as buffet-or cafeteria-styled learning systems and more irregular class-sized learning contexts.

      • 社會敎育方法에 관한 考察

        허작 서원대학교 교육연구소 1989 敎育發展 Vol.8 No.1

        The present study was undertaken to analyze and explore the method of social education. This report is the product of an exploration on the concepts, principles, and the types of the method for social education. The specific conclusions explored in this study are as follows. 1.The optimal conditions of learning should be set for participants in social education. 2.Spontaneous learning and self-learning are major factors in the principles on the method of social education. 3.The various methods can be utilized in accordance with diverse educational settings such as individual and group self learning, lecture-typed group learning, group discussion learning, indoor and outdoor learning, and regular and irregular class learning. 4.The method of social education should be focused on a way that the participants might be satisfied to the results.

      • 중학교 도덕교육목표와 내용의 보편성 ·특수성 분석

        허작 서원대학교 교육연구소 2002 敎育發展 Vol.21 No.2

        This study was to identify universalities and specialties in learning objectives and contents of moral subject in the Korean secondary school. To achieve the purpose in this study addressed were the following specific questions: First, in relation to education, why should we understand the universality versus specialty of culture, and the absoluteness versus relativity of knowledge? Second, what is the most important significance on the moral subject of the Seventh Korean Nationwide Curriculum in the secondary school? Third, in moral textbook in the secondary school, which content is more dominantly emphasized, universality or specialty? To these questions were answered the follows: 1. It was suggested that we should believe in such two kinds of contrasted mind for moral reasoning as universality versus specialty of culture, and the absoluteness versus relativity of knowledge. 2. It was assumed that what was more important and significant in moral subject in Korean Secondary School were analyzed and listed in the two kinds of learning objects: (1) specific or limited nationwide norms for Korean only, and (2) universal or worldwide rules for international peoples. 3. It was shown that universal norm was more emphasized than special norm in the Korean moral textbook.

      • 敎授理論의 四類形에 관한 考察

        許嚼 西原大學校 1983 西原大學 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This Study was undertaken to review and analyze "Four Theories of Teaching"in terms of subject matter, theories of learning, teaching method, and teacher's role. We are going to present the essential and drstinguishing characteristics of the "four theories of teaching" analyzed by this study as follows. Ⅰ.The Maieutic Theory A.The subject matter to be learned is assumed to lie within the learner. B.This theory lies on the anamnesis or recall theory of learning C.The major method used in this theory is systematic questioning. D.Teacher's role is to help the learner recall the knowledge that lies somewhere within in his memony. Ⅱ.The communication Theory A.The subject matter to be taught lies ontside the learner. b.Teaching as communication requires a cognitive theory of learning-gestalt, purposive, or an of the theories that assume a conscions perception on the part of the learner. C.The principle method is didactic. It consists of telling, showing, presenting in their various forms. D.Teacher's role is for the student to present, explain, or perform what the student should know. Ⅲ.The Molding Theory A.The concept of subject matter is a model of behavior which must be recognized by the teacher. B.This is based on the theory of behavioral engineering. C.The method used in this theory is arrangement of stimulus, response, and, freguently, reward or reinforcement so familiar in conditioning. d.Teacher's role is regarded as the forming of models of behavior through the deliberate manipulation of stimuli which impringe on the learner. Ⅳ.The mutual inquiry theory A.The subject matter to be learne may have its locus inside or ontside the learner. B.The learning theory is difficult to identify, perhaps learning by experiencing in a cognitive way is as precise a definition as can be given. C.This theory demands exclusively inguiry and problem-colving in which both teacher and learner. D.Teacher is a sharer in the inguiry being carried on by many learners, who are referred to as his students.

      • 중학교 일반사회 교육내용의 보편성·특수성 분석

        허작 서원대학교 교육연구소 2003 敎育發展 Vol.22 No.2

        This study was to analyze a conceptual meanings of universality-versus-specialty in the social studies curricular contents in the Korean junior high schools. To achieve the purpose in this study addressed were the following specific questions: First, why should we understand the universality-versus-specialty concepts of culture as well as the absoluteness-versus-relativity concepts of knowledge in relation to education? Second, what caused the most important significant effects on the social studies curriculum in the junior high schools? Third, which contents, in the social studies textbooks of junior high schools, were more dominantly emphasized, universality or specialty? The conclusions were as follows: 1. In order to understand broadly and deeply the contents of social studies, we should believe in two kinds of the contrasted principles: universality-versus-specialty concept of culture and absoluteness-versus -relativity concept of knowledge. 2. It was assumed that the new trends of social studies in the junior high schools should be focused on the three kinds of educational significances: (1) spiral interdisciplinary conceptual curriculum, (2) multi-disciplinary contents of social studies based on politics, economics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology, and (3) integrated social studies curriculum in accordance with subjects and their contents. 3. It was shown that general norms had been more emphasized than special norms in the textbooks of social studies of the Korean junior high schools.

      • 社會敎育의 內容에 관한 考察

        허작 서원대학교 교육연구소 1993 敎育發展 Vol.12 No.1

        The present study was undertaken to analyze and explore the contents of social education. This report is the product of an exploration on some concepts, areas, and selecting principles on the contents of social education. The specific conclusion are as follows. 1.The contents of social education will be constructed in accordance with the developmental tasks of learners. 2.The topics and contents of the social education should be built in the context of some values and interests from the recipients' perspectives. 3.The major factors in some organizing principles on the contents of social education were continuities, sequences, and integrations. 4.The various contents, and programs can be prepared in accordance with diversified educational settings such as individual and group self-learning, lecture-typed learning, group discussing learning, indoor learning, and regular and irregular class learning.

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