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        중국 古代 체협의 考察

        허명화(許明華) 대한중국학회 2012 중국학 Vol.43 No.-


      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        中國古代 祖先祭祀의 形成과 意味

        許明華(Heo, Myung-Hwa) 효원사학회 2015 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.47

        본고는 고대중국의 조선제사에 있어서 그 의미와 그 용례에 주목하여 祭祖 (高?神)의 儀禮와 祖先祭祀의 土臺가 되는 ‘?祭’의 기능을 검토하고, 조선제사의 근간인 종법사상 · 종족의 의미와 宗子와 ‘宗?承繼’를 파악하였다. 이를 통해서 중국고대의 조선제사의 형성과 의미를 살펴보았다. ‘追遠’의 의미를 지닌 祖先祭祀는 반드시 ‘고매신(高?神)’에게 조선제사를 올려서 그 ‘자손’을 얻고 후사를 이었다. 고대중국의 ‘祭祖’의 範圍로는 공적이 많은 炎帝와 黃帝가 포함되었다. ?祭가 天子祭祀의 禮儀制度가 된 것은 일종의 상징적 의미의 체계로서, 문화적 종교적 정치적인 강렬한 사회통합 기능으로서 질서기능을 지니고 있다는 것이다. 조선제사는 씨족혈연의 윤리질서와 직결되고, 예로서 관계망을 형성한 禮的秋序를 이룩하였다. 고대중국의 종법사회에서는 신분질서가 나타났고, 그 위계질서는 곧 예적질서로서 종족간의 적장자와 그 자손의 구별이 엄격한 종법에서 조선제사에 대한 질서도 형성되었다. 조선제사는 종족을 묶어주는 매개체 역할을 했을 뿐만 아니라 종족공동체가 宗? · 宗廟에서 함께 조선제사를 모시면서 그 종적관계를 유지시켰다. ‘支子不祭’규제로 종족의 의미는 공고해졌다. 중국 고대의 祭祖 權力이 사회상층에서 사회하층으로 확대되었을 뿐만 아니라,’庶子不祭’ 전통도 타파되고, 가정마다 모두 독립적인 ‘祖先祭祀單位’를 형성하였다. 마침내 공동체적인 ‘宗?承繼’은 조선제사의 명분을 공고히 하면서 사회적인 통합기능에 영향을 주었던 것이다. Through observing the example of Chinese ancient ancestral sacrifice also analysing the etiquette of ancestor worship(Gaomou-god) and the origin and meaning of ancestral sacrifice, we can know the patriarchal thought of ancestral sacrifice, the meaning of clan and the ancestral inheriting system. And also we can research what kind of influence about the social rule under the ancestral sacrifice during the Qin and Han Dynasty. The meaning of ancestral sacrifice is a kind of spiritual worship to ancestors(Gaomou-God). They hope they can have a large family. In Chinese ancient ancestral sacrifice, the object people are Emperor of Yan and Huang. As the biggest ancestor worship the ancestral temple sacrifice is a system with the symbolic meaning for the emperor. It have many functions in culture, religion, politics, and maintaining the social order. It is also an ethiical order in clan’s network as a order of courtesy. In ancient China there is a identity order in patriarchal society. The identity order was formed in a very strict patriarchal-ship as the order of courtesy for distinguishing the legal wife’s first son and others. The meaning of ancestral sacrifice is not only maintaining relationship and the rule of ‘Only the legal wife’s first son can do the ancestor worship’ in clan, but also consolidating the whole clan, because it asks the whole family do the ancestor worship in the ancestral temple together as an intermediary thing. Comparing with the ancestral sacrifice of Qin and Han Dynasty, the tradition rule of ancestor worship was broken and the right of ancestor worship was expanding from the high class to low class society. Every family can have a independent unit of ancestor worship. At last, the common Ancestral inheriting system consolidates the status of ancestral sacrifice and play the dominant role in the society.

      • KCI등재

        환경재생과 예술문화의 융합

        허명화(Heo, Myung-Hwa),김창경(Kim, Chang-Gyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2013 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.37

        This study researched the implications of ‘Housing Project’ in Gamcheon Cultural town and the Seto Inland Sea through the Fusion of Environment Renewal and Art Culture. As a result, I found common characteristics on the environment renewal of vacant house from the ‘Housing Project’ in Gamcheon Cultural town and the Seto Inland Sea, and derived the following differences from that place. First, they have a similar meaning with their themes as ‘Housing Project’, but a difference in the scale of the work. Second, they have difference in geographical and environmental factors. Although Gamcheon cultural town have good geographical environments, but located on the slopes, have difficulties needed to be willing to take harsh environments. The ‘Housing Project’ of Seto Inland Sea makes it possible to experience the arts, through the architect’s eco-friendly remodeling. Third, we need to observe the sustainability of environment renewal. In the ‘Housing Project’ of Seto Inland Sea, administrators are doing the sustainable management and maintenance, but it’s doubtful that Gamcheon cultural town will be continually invested. Fourth, residence of local people and the interest of art and culture should be considered. Finally, I suggest that it’s very necessary to spread the Fusion of Environment Renewal and Art Culture in ‘Housing Project’.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        先秦 法家의 經濟觀 比較 硏究 - 管子와 韓非의 정책을 중심으로 -

        許明華,金昌慶 동북아시아문화학회 2010 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.25

        This study draws on the Economic View of Pre-Qin(先秦) legalists, especially focused on a comparative study between Guanzi and Hanfei’s economic policy. Throughout this study we approached to find what is the impact of their policy on rich nation enriches the people, and in order to achieve it which policy they adopted. Guanzi emphasized in the social order should take pragmatism, and he regarded the prosperity of the country and the affluence of the people as the foundation. The Hanfei-called rule of law, pointed that in the scale should take utilitarianism, he emphasized rich nation firstly. Relying on Guanzi's policy the State of Qi (齐) achieved a long-term prosperity; adopted Hanfei’s policy made the state of Qin(秦) become a great nation. Just as well Hanfei’s policies became the one of serious factor on the state of Qin could not achieve to long-term reign. Therefore, the further research needed to explore what is the impact of a national policy on the nation and the people, and what kind of social change caused in the further.

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