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        ISP98하 보증신용장의 정체성에 관한 연구

        한재필(Jae-phil Hahn) 한국국제상학회 2009 國際商學 Vol.24 No.3

        On January in 1999, the ISP98 came into force as the ICC publication no. 590, for which the American Institute of International Banking Law & Practice participated in drafting the groundwork for these Rules in accordance with UCC Article 5 and the UN Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by L/C. Even though German delegates were against the new guidelines, these were passed by the vote at ICC Banking Commission with 32 votes for, 9 against and 46 abstentions. There were, however, much doubts whether these new rules were necessary or correct to approve the American standby practice at the ICC standpoint. Supporters of these rules referred to the situation in which the outstanding values of standby are well over any other commercial L/C. But as a result of American legal parlance contained with excessive and unnecessary details, it could be generally realized that most of these rules are of inappropriate character to internationally acceptable general practices accomplished by the ICC in formulating international rules. This paper is to research on the ISP98 Rules for standbys to find out the way to improve its acceptability in the international commercial community by the merchant and banking practitioner with in-depth knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        UCP 600을 위한 주요개정내용에 관한 연구 - 2005. 11월 1차개정완결초안을 중심으로

        한재필(Jae-phil Hahn) 한국국제상학회 2006 國際商學 Vol.21 No.2

          This paper is aiming at analyzing critical issues for UCP 600 as shown in the First Complete Draft of the proposed Articles, November 2005, so as to make available by banks, traders, transporters and insurance companies to cope with a challenge and an opportunity launched on these new rules. In the course of identifying the issues, two papers by Roger Kreitman, "UCP 600: The end in sight?", October 2005 and by ICC-US Council for International Business, "UCP Drafting Group Makes Progress", from the July-September 2004 issue of DCInsight, have been mainly referred to.<BR>  In this paper, special issues and definitions of the first complete draft are analysed, such as 1) "On its face", 2) Time restriction for examination of documents, 3) discounting of deferred payment undertaking, 4) liabilities of a notifying bank, 5) acceptance or rejection of the amendment by the beneficiary, 6) data inconsistency between documents, 7) "Honour" and "Negotiation" and so on. The Complete Draft is a draft not a revision itself. Since the draft is, however, the product made as a result of 3 (three) year study by the Working Group, it is expected that UCP 600 would not be greatly deviated from this draft. It should be further studied on the article by article of UCP 600 in comparison with UCP 500 with a view to its implementation.

      • KCI등재

        UCP600하에서 통지은행의 의무에 관한 연구

        한재필(Jae-phil HAHN),박미봉(Mei-Feng PIAO) 한국무역상무학회 2021 貿易商務硏究 Vol.91 No.-

        국제무역거래인 격지자 상계약에 있어 다양한 지급 방식을 사용할 수 있으며 신용장 역시 그 중에 하나이다. 신용장거래는 그 특성상 다수의 당사자들이 참여하게 되는데 그 당사자들 중에는 통지은행도 포함된다. 하지만 통지은행은 발행은행을 제외하고는 다른 당사자와 직접적인 법률관계가 형성하지 아니하는 것으로 여겨지고, 그 역할 역시 복잡하지 않기 때문에 통지은행의 의무에 관하여 소홀히 여길 수 있다. 이에 본 고는 UCP 600하에서 규정하고 있는 통지은행의 의무에 관한 명확한 고찰을 기반으로 신용장거래 당사자들에게 통지은행의 의무와 책임을 명확히 하여 통지은행으로 인한 분쟁을 줄이고 신용장분쟁에서 통지은행관련 분쟁의 법적기반을 제시고자 하며, 동시에 중국법원에서 판결된 통지은행과 수익자간 신용장 분쟁사례연구를 통해 대 중국 신용장거래의 안정성을 도모함을 목적으로 한다. A documentary credit, which is to finance international commercial transactions between parties residing in different countries and legal systems, creates a rather complex contractual web in a single transaction as more than 3 parties, including an advising bank, are involved therein. Since the advising bank has a direct legal relationship with the issuing bank only, the parties concerned with the letter of credit may neglect the academic importance thereof. Therefore, studies on the legal matters of other involving banks, such as issuing banks and confirming banks, are flourished, but very few on advising banks are found. Upon this, this study aims at clearly analyzing the contractual obligations and responsibility of advising banks on the basis of relevant provisions of UCP 600 to establish the solid legal and practical foundation for stable transaction. In addition, the Chinese court case dealing with legal dispute between the advising bank and the beneficiary would be carefully examined for the same purpose. It is found that Chinese court decided the establishment of the contract between the advising bank and the beneficiary under Chinese Civil Law. Since this decision may deviate from general understanding of contractual relationship between the parties to a documentary credit, careful practical approaches are needed for scholars and practitioners in international trade transactions to entertain stable transactions with China.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        국제자유무역협약에서 ISDS의 생성과 비준에 관한 연구

        한재필(Jae-Phil Hahn) 한국통상정보학회 2012 통상정보연구 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 미국과의 FTA에서 이의 비준과 관련하여 찬반 양쪽으로 첨예한 의견이 대립되는 ISDS에 관한 연구를 통하여 우리나라가 취할 수 있는 입장에 대하여 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 특별히 ICSID에 서명은 하였으나 인준을 하지 않은 국가 중, 캐나다와 호주의 사례를 중심으로 분석하였다. NAFTA에 의하여 미국과 멕시코를 포함하는 자유무역협정을 체결하고 있음에도 ICSID 협정을 인준하지 않고 있으며, 호주 또한 ICSID 협정을 거부하고 있다. 이러한 두 국가가 ICSID를 거부하고 있는 사유를 우리나라 역시 ICSID를 거부하여야 하는 문제점으로 제시하고 있는 실정임으로 양국의 입장을 분석하고 우리나라의 실정에 적용해 봄은 학술적으로 의미가 있다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 캐나다와 호주의 ICSID 비인준 입장을 분석하고 이와 ICSID를 바탕으로 한미 FTA에서의 ISDS 문제를 논의하며, 국가간 분쟁과 ISDS의 의미를 재고하여 결론을 제시하도록 한다. This article deals with the nature of ISDS along with the admissibility thereof, for the settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states. ICSID as an organization of World Bank Group, has been established in 1966 and as of May in 2011, 157 nations ratified its convention. As for the Republic of Korea(ROK) it has been involved in the problematic situation with regard to ISDS of the KORUS FTA in negotiation with the United States. The ruling Grand National Party is pushing the FTA for ratification including ISDS. However, the opposition party, the Unified Democratic Party rejected the ISDS with a view to a toxin infringing on its judiciary sovereignty. The ROK has invested in the US 3.5 times more than the US did in Korea up to now. As a result, it seems that the ROK is more concerned about ISDS than the US is, considering that exhausting local remedy through the US local courts, applying even a municipal ordinance in their decisions which will be unsatisfactory toward the ROK side. The ROK is now struggling with the ISDS as a political issue between the ruling party and the opposition party mostly based on sovereignty with a reference on AUSFTA which excluded the ISDS. Australian model about ISDS has been impacted by the experience from the NAFTA which allowes direct claims against each other(the US against Canada and Canada against the US). It seems not to be much sympathy for developed countries because it has long been held to standards for pressing on developing countries. Australia is also struggling with ISDS from the political point of view likewise the ROK. And the ISDS is destined to the political situations established within the domestic countries among the political parties in relation with the acceptance or rejection of thereof.

      • KCI등재

        국제상거래에서의 신의성실의 원칙에 관한 연구 - 초국적 국제무역관련규칙을 중심으로

        한재필(Jae-Phil Hahn) 한국국제상학회 2008 國際商學 Vol.23 No.3

          Most commercial contracts are nowadays written on the basis of English or American contract models, irrespective of whether the legal relationship that the contracts regulate is governed by a law belong to a Common law or civilian systems. The Common Law of Contracts is based on the principles of certainty and predictability. The contract is deemed to be sufficient to regulate the transaction between the parties. Such concept as good faith and fair dealing is not necessary. And the law of contracts in Civilian systems is concerned with ensuring that justice is rendered in the specific case. The contract is interpreted in the light of implied principles of reasonableness, good faith or fair dealing. This paper especially analyze the possibility whether they can apply non-state legal sources referring to transnational law, lex mercatoria, and soft law in the international commercial contracts along with the application of the Principle of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. The principle of Good Faith and Fair Dealing has been adopted in the International Commercial Transaction as the result of German and French influences in the process of establishing CISG and UNIDROIT Principles. With the principle of good faith and fair dealing, applied as key factors in international sale of goods, the intervention of supranational legislation brought about some independent standards from the various International legal sources.

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