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      • KCI등재

        임상영양서비스에 대한 의료진의 인식 및 요구도

        한민혜 ( Min Hye Han ),이송미 ( Song Mi Lee ),류은순 ( Eun Soon Lyu ) 대한영양사협회 2012 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perception and needs of doctors on clinical nutrition services. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The doctors` perception and needs were assessed by questionnaires that had been specifically designed for the study. The research was conducted from February 14 to March 15, 2011 for 544 doctors at 42 large hospitals (with over 400 beds). Ninety-eight percent of doctors responded that clinical nutrition service was important. The mean scores of importance on clinical nutrition service were 4.45 for ``nutrition screening at admission``, 4.50 for ``treatment of malnutrition``, and 4.43 for ``nutrition education and counseling``. The mean scores of needs for clinical nutrition service were 4.42 for ``individual nutrition counseling & education`` 4.39 for ``nutrition management for malnourished patients`` and ``nutrition management for tube fed patients``. The medical specialists showed significantly (P<0.01) higher scores than the residents on the importance and needs for clinical nutrition services. Eighty-five percent of the doctors recognized the necessity of the specialized dietitians classified by diseases. The medical specialists (93.8%) showed significantly (P<0.01) higher recognition of this necessity than the residents (77.7%). The low residents` perceptions of the importance and needs for clinical nutrition services will necessitate clinical nutrition education plans. The departments of clinical nutrition in universities should improve the ability and skills of the clinical dietitians.

      • KCI등재

        부산 거주 20대·30대 직장인의 편의점 편의식 이용 및 식품영양표시 확인 정도

        한민혜(Min-Hye Han),최기보(Ki-Bo Choi),류은순(Eun-Soon Lyu) 한국식품영양과학회 2014 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        본 연구는 부산거주 20∼30대 직장인을 일대일 설문지 조사법을 이용하여 편의점 편의식의 이용실태와 식품영양표시에 대한 확인 정도를 통해 소비자의 건강한 식생활을 위한 영양교육의 기초자료를 제공하기 위해서 수행되었다. 편의식 이용 빈도는 일주일에 1∼2회가 31.7%, 한 달에 1∼2회가 29.8% 순으로 나타났고, 연령에 따른 차이에서 20대는 일주일에 3∼4회와 일주일에 1∼2회가 30대보다 유의적으로 높았다. 주거형태에 따른 차이에서는 자취가 자택보다 유의적으로 자주 이용하는 것으로 나타났으며, 결혼여부에 따른 차이에서 미혼이 기혼보다 이용 빈도가 유의적으로 높았다. 가장 많이 이용하는 편의점 편의식은 컵라면 79.6%, 김밥 76.4%, 라면 57.7%, 샌드위치 52.4%로 나타났다. 식품표시 확인 정도는 유통기한이 4.02/5.00점, 내용량 3.23/5.00점, 조리방법 2.99/5.00점 순이었다. 여자가 남자보다 유통기한 및 제조일자, 원산지를 확인하는 정도가 유의적(P<0.01)으로 높았으며 30대가 20대보다 제조사를 확인하는 정도가 유의적(P<0.01)으로 높았고, 유통기한 및 제조일자 항목에서는 20대가 30대보다 확인 정도가 유의적(P<0.01)으로 높았다. 그리고 미혼이 기혼보다 유통기한 및 제조일자, 식품보관 시 주의사항을 확인하는 정도가 유의적(P<0.01)으로 높게 나타났다. 영양표시 확인 정도는 열량 3.06/5.00점, 트랜스지방 2.84/5.00점, 나트륨 2.80/5.00점, 콜레스테롤 2.76/5.00점 순이었으며, 여자가 남자보다 전체 점수가 유의적(P<0.01)으로 높았고 20대가 30대보다 열량, 탄수화물, 지방, 포화지방, 나트륨 확인하는 정도가 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높게 나타났다. 전문직이 자영업보다 탄수화물, 당, 지방, 포화지방, 트랜스지방, 콜레스테롤을 확인 정도가 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높았고, 칼로리는 전문직이 자영업, 판매/서비스직에 비해 유의적(P<0.01)으로 높았다.또한 관리/사무직, 자영업, 판매/서비스직에 비해 전문직에서 식이섬유와 단백질을 확인하는 정도가 유의적(P<0.01)으로 높게 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate convenience foods at convenience stores, by examining consumption patterns, as well as the degree of checking food-nutrition labeling. In this study, 208 workers in Busan in their 20s or 30s were surveyed using 1:1 interview questionnaires. The weekly usage frequencies of cup-ramyeon, gimbap, ramyeon, and sandwiches were 41.0%, 39.4%, 32.7%, and 19.0% respectively. The usage frequency of convenience foods was 12.0% for ‘over 5 times/week’, 23.0% for ‘3~4 times/week’, 31.7% for ‘1~2 times/week’, 29.8% for ‘1~2 times/month’, and 3.4% for zero usage. Workers in their 20s showed a significantly (P<0.05) higher rate in the ‘3~4 times/week’ as well as ‘1~2 times/week’ intervals than workers in their 30s. Single people showed a significantly (P<0.01) higher rate than married people. Workers in their 20s showed a significantly higher score for the ‘3~4 times/week’ as well as ‘1~2 times/week’ intervals (P<0.05). The mean score of checking food labeling was 4.02/5.00 for the manufacturer’s date, or expiration date, 3.23/5.00 for weight or volume, 2.99/5.00 for cooking method, and 2.85/5.00 for storage method. Females showed significantly (P<0.01) higher rates for checking the manufacturer’s date or expiration date, as well as source of the raw material. Single workers showed significantly (P<0.01) higher rates for checking the manufacture’s or expiration date as well as storage method. The mean score for checking nutrition labeling was 3.06/5.00 for calories, 2.84/5.00 for trans fat, 2.80/5.00 for sodium, and 2.76/5.00 for cholesterol. Females showed a significantly (P<0.01) higher rate for six of 10 items. Workers in their 20s showed a significantly (P<0.05) higher rate for four of 10 items. Expert officials showed significantly higher rate for six of 10 items (P<0.05) and two of 10 items (P<0.01), respectively.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        전자저널 컨소시엄을 둘러싼 학술커뮤니케이션의 쟁점과 대응동향

        김성진,정은경,한민혜,Kim, Sung-Jin,Jung, Eun-Kyung,Han, Min-Hae 한국과학기술정보연구원 과학기술정보센터 2008 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.39 No.1

        Electronic information, especially e-journals took their position as core resources in current scholarly communication. However, the publishing and pricing structure of e-journal licensing process have not yet succeeded to be reorganized in accord with newly changed electronic scholarly communication environment. That resulted in a lot of challenges scholarly communication now faced. This study aimed to analyze key issues regarding big deal, pricing, licensing, archiving, copyright and public access by conducting comprehensive literature review and examining movements of world wide scholarly institutes and alliances. And then this study eventually purposed to draw some strategies which domestic libraries and consortia should take in order to lead current changes in scholarly communication. 전자저널은 학술커뮤니케이션의 핵심자원으로 자리매김하였다. 그러나 학술시장의 출판 및 가격책정구조가 새롭게 변화한 전자환경에 발맞추어 합리적으로 변모하지 못함으로 인해 전자저널 컨소시엄을 둘러싼 학술커뮤니케이션은 여러 문제점에 봉착하였다. 본 연구는 포괄적인 문헌연구 및 각국의 학술연구 기관 및 단체의 활동 분석을 통해 전자저널 구독 관련 주요 쟁점사항을 빅딜, 가격모형, 라이선스 계약, 아카이빙, 독점 및 저작권 측면에서 검토하였다. 나아가 이러한 이슈들에 대한 국제적인 대응동향을 표준 라이선스 개발, 이용통계의 표준화, 전자저널 아카이빙, 공공접근 활성화 측면에서 살펴보며 변화하는 학술커뮤니케이션 환경에서 국내 도서관 및 컨소시엄이 취해야 하는 전략들을 고찰해보았다.

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