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      • KCI등재
      • 농약안전사용상의 문제점과 그 대책

        한기학,Han Ki-Hak 한국응용곤충학회 1983 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        With the increase of pesticide consumption, not only pesticide handling population would grow greater but also the chances to be exposed to the pesticides would be also increased. Thus, safe use and handling of the pesticides are becoming more important and serious in these days. The pesticides are well known to most pepole, however there are very limited number of persons who have correct understanding of chamicals. Intoxication cases caused by pesticides have been reported very rarely through the mess media, even they were lack of scientific evidences. In this paper, problems related to pesticide manufacture, transportation, storage, sprays, and residues and their countermeasures were discussed in connection with public health and enviromental aspects. Acute intoxication cases by pesticide handling might be caused accidently either through manufacture, marketing, transportation, or spraying. Safety aspects of workers in manufacturing plants include not only exposure to toxic chemicals, but also posibilities of of explosion and brought about by pesticides and their diluents. The problems of water pollution by waste chemicals from the manufacturing factories were discussed. Packing and loading methods of pesticides for transportation are considered in safety scheme and discussions are given in association with traffic accidents. With regard to warehouse, the pesticide storage, location structure, keepers, and standing materials for emergency are concerned with safety aspects. Concerning the spraying of chemicals, there are some problems to be discussed about clothes, spray equipment, wind direction, spray period, and spray workers condition. After the spray, treatment of used containers, remainder of Pesticides, and spray tools are also discussed. For the dissolutions of problems on public health and environmental danger arising from pesticide residues, there are two legal sanctions; 'Pesticide Tolerances' and 'Pesticide Safe Use Standards'. These regulations are legally effective, however, some problems still remain in practices to implement the acts properly, because these provisions are followed by the far mers mostly. With these regards, most problems are concerned with various sectors and persons, affecting public health and environment from the producers to the end users and consumers. As a whole persons concerned with pesticides, every possible effort has to be assembled to protect hazards from the chemicals. For the foremost place, special training and education are required for managing groups; such as factory managers and agricultural extension workers who are responsible for training the factory workers and farmers. The education is the only way to solve the hazard problems caused by the pesticides.

      • KCI등재

        염소 및 염화수소가스가 수도(水稻)와 대두(大豆)에 미치는 영향

        한기학,김복영,김규식 한국환경농학회 1982 한국환경농학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        水稻 및 大豆를 pot栽培하여 가스接觸室內에서 Cl₂가스 및 HCl가스를 0.1, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0g/㎥의 濃度로 1時間씩 接觸시켜 가스接觸後에 나타나는 被害症狀, 被害葉率, 收豊 및 chlorophyll含量等을 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 鹽素가스는 水稻, 大豆 모두 葉全面에 灰白色의 微細한 斑點이 나타나며 甚할 境遇는 白色으로 枯死하나, 鹽化水素가스는 葉의 가장자리에서부터 灰白色으로 枯死한다. 2) 가스濃度 增加에 따라서 減收가 컸으며 水稻는 鹽化水素가스에서 大豆는 鹽素가스에서 被害가 컸다. 3) 同一濃度에서의 被害葉率은 鹽素가스에서는 大豆가, 鹽化水素가스에서는 水稻가 크게 나타났다. 4) 水稻葉의 chlorophyll含量은 鹽素가스接觸이 鹽化水素가스 接觸보다 被害가 적었다. 5) 水稻葉의 chlorophyll含量과 被害葉率과는 高度의 有意性있는 否의 相關을 나타내었다. A study was carried out to examine the effects of chlorine and hydrogen chloride gas with various concentrations (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 g/㎥/hr) on rice and soybean plants. Symptoms, ratios of destroyed leaf, grain yield and chlorophyll contents in leaves were investigated. The results are as follows. 1) Hydrogen chloride gas damaged the margine parts of rice and soybean leaves, but chlorine appeared grayish subtle spots in whole parts of rice and soybean leaves. 2) Rice leaves showed higher damage ratio in hydrogen chloride fumigation than in soybean leaves, but less damage in chlorine. 3) Chlorophyll contents in rice leaves were higher in chlorine gas fumigated than hydrogen chloride fumigated. 4) The ratio of destroyed leaf was negatively correlated with chlorophyll contents.

      • KCI등재

        수도체중(水稻體) IBP 와 Isoprothiolane 의 잔류소장(殘留消長)

        한기학,이해근,정영호 한국환경농학회 1982 한국환경농학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        水稻體中 IBP와 isoprothiolane의 殘留消長에 미치는 撒布時期의 影響이 調査되었으며, 아울러 水深과 土性의 影響도 관찰되었다. IBP(17%, G)와 isoprothiolane(12%, G)을 各各 6.8과 4.8㎏ AI/㏊의 比率로 湛水土壤에 1回 撤布한 후 時期別로 水稻體中 殘留量을 gas chromatograph로 分析하였다. 撒布時期와는 無關하게 두 殺菌劑는 뿌리조직을 통해 植物體로 신속히 吸收, 轉移되었으며, 稻體中 두 殺菌劑의 濃度는 撤布時期와는 無關하게 24時間 이내에 最高에 이르렀다. 최대분얼기 撒布時 두 殺菌劑의 分解樣相은 비슷한 傾向으로 時間의 經過와 더불어 신속히 分解되었다. 한편 출수기 撒布時에 IBP의 分解樣相은 최대분얼기 撤布時와 비슷한 傾向이나 isoprothiolane의 그것은 아주 相異하였다. 즉 藥劑撒布後 3日에 나타난 最高濃度가 그후 25日까지 큰 변화없이 維持되었다. 한편 두 殺菌劑의 殘留消長에 미치는 水深의 影響은 별로 없었으며, isoprothiolane의 경우 壤土와 殖壤土에서 보다 砂壤土에서 栽培한 水稻體에서 더 높은 殘留量을 보이는 傾向이었다. Effect of the application time on the persistence of IBP and isoprothiolane in rice plant was studied in the field and effects of the water depth and soil texture on their persistence were also tested as a pot experiment. When granules were applied to the rice paddy water, two fungicides were readily absorbed through the root system and rapidly translocated to the upper parts of the plant. The concentrations of two fungicides in rice plant reached to the maximum within 24 hr regardless of the application time. When applied at the maximum tillering stage, the persistence pattern of two fungicides in plant showed similar trends; that is, residue levels of two compounds declined rapidly upto 7 days after application but more slowly thereafter. When applied at the heading stage, the persistence pattern of IBP in plant was similar to the maximum tillering stage while isoprothilane was quite different; 3 ppm reached on 3rd days after application was maintained almost constant for further 25 days. There was no effect of the water depth on the persistence of two compounds in plant and IBP concentration in plant was also not affected by soil texture. However, isoprothiolane in plant was higher in sandy loam than in loam and clay loam. Isoprothiolane residues in plant were much higher than those of IBP.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        대맥(大麥)의 불임실(不稔實)과 붕소(硼素)의 효과에 관하여 - 제1보(第一報)-

        한기학,오왕근,박천서,Han, Gi-Hak,O, Wang-Geun,Park, Cheon-Seo 한국응용생명화학회 1961 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.2 No.1

        근년(近年) 경기도(京畿道)및 충청남북도(忠淸南北道) 일부지방(一部地方)에 ‘벌보리’ (대맥불임중(大麥不稔症)의 발생(發生)이 알려졌고 4293년(年) 봄에는 본장(本場)의 신개간지(新開墾地)에서도 不稔麥이 생겼으므로 이 토양(土壤)을 공시(供試)하여 석회(石灰)를 시용(施用)하고 붕소(硼素)와 용성인비(熔性燐肥), 퇴비(堆肥) 및 저니토등(底泥土等)을 시용(施用)하여 시험(試驗)을 실시(實施)하였다. 한편 같은 현상(現狀)이 산성(産生)된 충청북도(忠淸北道) 농사원(農事院) 의 원내포장(院內圃場) 석회전시(石灰展示) 포적지(圃跡地)에서 이의 방제(防除)를 시도(試圖)코 붕소(硼素)를 대맥생육중(大麥生育中)에 엽면시비(葉面施肥)하여 좋은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 여기서는 이들 처리(處理)로 얻어진 임실도(稔實度)와 맥간중(麥桿中)의 붕소량(硼素量)을 조사분석(調査分析)하였고 그 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 붕소(硼素)의 토양시용(土壤施用)은 추파대맥(秋播大麥)의 총생(叢生)을 억제(抑制)할 뿐만아니라 인실도증가(引實度增加)에 유효(有效)하였으며 붕소(硼素)의 엽면시비(葉面施肥)도 대맥붕실도(大麥硼實度)를 증가(增加)시켰다. 2. 부임도(不稔度)가 높은 각구(各區)의 식물체중(植物體中) 붕소함량(硼素含量)은 1ppm내외(內外)였으며 임실(稔實)이 잘된 붕소구(硼素區)에서는 10mm이였다. 그러나 시용(施用)한 붕소량(硼素量)은 대맥(大麥)의 생육기간중(生育期間中), 엽면(葉面)에 흑색반점(黑色斑點)이 나타날 정도(程度)의 과량(過量)이었다. 붕소(硼素)의 엽면시비(葉面施肥)는 상기(上記)와 같은 현상(現象)이 나타나지 않았으며 붕소함량(硼素含量)은 3.5ppm이였다.

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