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      • KCI등재

        중국철학 : 주희문예미학사상에 있어서 진,선.미의 관계

        하정화 ( Ha Jeong Hwa ) 동양철학연구회 2003 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.34 No.-

        There have been a lot of researches on Zhuxi`s the art&diterature thought in philosophical aspect, but not in aesthetical aspect, which is partly by reason of Lee theory`s underestimation about literature and art. Zhuxi`s attitude to literature and art is more positive than that of Lee theory`s in North Song Dynasty. We could understand his thought more clearly through his own definition of Truth, Good, and Beauty which found aesthetic rule of literature and art. Zhuxi not only acknowledges role of literature and art, but also prescribes immanent rule of art as means of mind-cultivation. that About Truth, Good, and Beauty, Zhuxi notes good work stems from genuine emotion, whereas bad one stems from false emotion and is made in artificial way, which need to be corrected, ``genuine emotion means real and true feeling. He notes that art work should express genuine emotion by all means, and only in that case get true life. Artist should create art work through his own true feeling, and only in that case grant his work true life. If he counter to natural order or try to restrict it, Truth cannot be the premise of Beauty as natural order. Good and Beauty are differentiated and connected each other at the same time. Zhuxi distinguishes sensuous beauty from ethical beauty for the first time, and consider they have different social functions. Zhuxi note that the unity of Good and Beauty is acted and developed through the unity of Moon and Tao.(文道統一). Good, the ethical, is from the harmony of natural Tao and social Tao, and Beauty is its form. The harmony of content of Good with form of Beauty requires the harmony of content of Tao with form of Moon. Zhuxi`s definition of Beauty is developed out of Confucianism, and his though of the relation of Truth, Good, and Beauty has characteristic of classical aesthetics of ancient China.

      • KCI등재

        젠더 정체성을 통한 여성기자의 이미지 고찰 - 부산 여성기자를 중심으로 -

        하정화 ( Jeong Hwa Ha ) 부산대학교 여성연구소 2010 여성학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        Female reporters are professional workers as producers of media content and are also opinion leaders. Compared with their male counterparts, however, female professionals are handicapped by their gender in their workplace. They experience gender issues in a social framework of patriarchy. The Working conditions for female reporters force them to change their identity. From the start, females could hardly be found in the field of media and they tended to display the identity of a neutral sex, neither of a man or a woman, to adapt themselves to their circumstances. However over time, they felt confused between their identity of a reporter and a woman. The levels of their gender experiences and identity changes vary depending on their careers. Furthermore, they put feminism into practice as an owner of their own life while addressing local issues from the perspective of feminists with self-consciousness as female reporters. In this article I will attempt to analyze the different types and causes of discrimination and explore various strategies to address this inequality and carry out feminism in the local area of Busan. This will be conducive to improving the situation and voicing women's rights as a representative subject. This study on a local area and local people criticizing and opposing social gender discrimination from a feminist perspective is expected to contribute to the overall studies of women’s issues.

      • KCI등재

        노년기 인지기능 감퇴 정도에 따른 사회 활동 참여의 변화: 성별 차이를 중심으로

        하정화 ( Jung Hwa Ha ),정은경 ( Eun Kyung Chung ),정은석 ( Eun Seok Jeong ) 한국사회복지연구회 2015 사회복지연구 Vol.46 No.1

        Using longitudinal data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA), this study examined: (1)the effects of a cognitive decline on older adults` social participation, including religious activities, leisure and sports activities, and social activities; and (2)the extent to which these effects differ by gender. Analyses are based on data from the 2006 (Time 1; T1) and 2010 (Time 2; T2) waves of KLoSA. The level of cognitive functioning was assessed with the Korean version of the Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE-K). A participant with an MMSE score of 24 or above was considered as having a normal cognitive functioning (Group 1), a score of 18-23 as having mild cognitive problems (Group 2), and a score of 17 or less as having serious cognitive problems (Group 3). We included in the analytic sample only those who showed normal cognitive functioning at T1, and examined how transitions from Group 1 at T1 to either Group 2 or 3 at T2 influenced older adults` social participation at T2, controlling for social participation at T1. Results showed that both groups showed lower levels of social participation, compared to those who maintained normal cognitive functioning. Gender difference was significant only among those who experienced a mild decline in cognitive functioning (from Group 1 to Group 2). Women were more negatively affected by a cognitive decline than men. The findings underscore the need for social services that could help older adults maintain their social integration despite their cognitive problems.

      • KCI등재

        세계화와 에스닉 갈등

        장희권(Jang, Hee-Kwon),하정화(Ha, Jeong-Hwa) 계명대학교 국제학연구소 2011 국제학논총 Vol.15 No.-

        This article provides an overview of the national and international conflicts in the age of globalisation especially occurred by ethnic differences. Hereby we ask why the process of globalisation functions in fact as a cause of various ethnic conflicts, inspite of the expectation that it will bring the diverse races into a harmonious coexistence in a ‘global villiage’. Furthermore we discuss the close correlation between ethnic majority and minority against the sociological and cultural background. It is often the case that the negative image of the others is by the propaganda of media assembled, manipulated and widely spreaded. A distorted image of the others contributes by the ethnic majority to have a antipathy against the ethnic minority and finally to show their aggressive behavior. Using the examples of two films Hotel Rwanda and The Blood Diamond, we could see everyday life in the Third World in which the ethnic conflicts are easily escalated into a civil war.

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