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      • KCI등재

        ‘열광’은 탄생하라 : 헨리 필딩의 『여성 남편』에 재현된 열광의 발생과 정동적 신체

        하인혜 ( Ha Inhye ) 영미문학연구회 2018 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.45

        This essay explores the way enthusiasm is formulated and disseminated in Henry Fielding’s 1745 prose fiction entitled The Female Husband. In this compact fictitious narrative, Fielding reconstructs the so-called “brief wondrous” life of Mary/George Hamilton through his cheeky but evidently satirical portrayals of Hamilton’s cross-dressing. With a focus on Hamilton’s shape shifting and gender bending body, I argue that The Female Husband stands at the meaningful juncture of historicist and affect-oriented readings. Notable is the fact that Hamilton’s body functions as a trigger of both passion and enthusiasm throughout her serial marriages. To better understand myriad implications of Hamilton’s body, we might as well consider the historical backdrop that Methodism reached its culmination as a single denomination particularly in mid-eighteenth-century England. More relevant to the discussion of The Female Husband, eighteenth-century Methodism was characterized by enthusiasm―a shorthand for sociocultural contagion―that should thus be contained at some point. In this paper, I demonstrate that the kind of enthusiasm Hamilton provokes and embodies is in part informed by the stated religious practices of Methodists. And yet, it ultimately signifies a move toward the affective body in the sense that it renders visible what Patricia Clough terms the “affective bodily capacities beyond the body’s organic-physiological constraints.”

      • KCI등재

        파국의 아카이브: 『스테이션 일레븐』에 재현된 폐허와 생동하는 사물들

        하인혜 ( Inhye Ha ) 한국비교문학회 2021 比較文學 Vol.- No.85

        본 논문은 『스테이션 일레븐』에 재현된 폐허에 주목하여 2010년대 이후 출간된 포스트아포칼립스 서사의 계보 안에서 이 소설이 갖는 차별성을 논의한다. 저자맨델은 인류의 대량 멸종이라는 가상의 사건 이후를 살아가는 생존자들을 추적하면서 이들이 상속한 세계가 재현되는 양식과 상징성, 윤리성을 모색한다. 이 논문에서 소설의 전면에 등장하는 사물들―유리 문진, 그래픽노블, 인류문명박물관에 수집된 물건들―을 멸종 이후의 세계에서 사용가치를 잃은 사물이 새로이 활력을 부여받는 장치로 읽는다. 이러한 독법은 『스테이션 일레븐』이 멸망 이전 세계에 대한 노스탤지어를 내세우거나 그 세계로의 점진적 복귀를 요청하지 않고, 도리어 아주 작은 규모의 자급자족적 공동체 생활로의 재편성을 대안적 세계로 내세우고 있음을 효과적으로 보여준다. 멸망 이후를 살아가는 인간들에게 사용가치를 잃은 사물들을 재배치하고 그들간의 의미를 타진해가는 과정은 멸망 이후의 현실을 수긍하는 절차이자 예식으로 해석된다. 그럼으로써 『스테이션 일레븐』은 탄소 소비에 기반했던 기존 질서와 결별하는 방식을 제안한다. This essay articulates ethical stakes in Emily St. John Mandel’s construction of ruins and things illustrative of vibrancy in Station Eleven. Amid the remains of twenty-first-century infrastructure subject to decay and erosion, a handful of characters in the novel attest to the possibility of survival and thriving. With a particular focus on the reordering of artefacts―glass paperweight, comic books, and some remains of twenty-first-century technology―within the novel, I contend that these inorganic remnants are integral to the landscape of the postapocalyptic world. More importantly, the perennial drive for archiving initiated by two major characters named Kirsten Raymonde and Clark Thompson not only underlines the affinities of things but also signifies the alternative order of things. The act of curating alongside the small-scale settler community epitomizes a facet of posthuman ethics, namely a less intrusive form of human life that minimizes or cancels out the use of fossil fuels.

      • KCI등재

        “일부러 틀리게 진심으로” : 이치은의 소설에 재현된 로봇의 오작동과 확장된 친족 관계

        하인혜(Ha, Inhye) 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2021 인문학연구 Vol.35 No.-

        이 논문은 2020년에 출판된 이치은의 소설 『로봇의 결함』에 초점을 맞춰 서비스 로봇들이 자율성과 고유성을 획득해가는 과정이 갖는 함의를 논의하고자 한다. 동시에 이 논문은 로봇의 다양한 존재 양식을 재현한 이치은의 한국 SF 소설을 인공지능문학사에 위치시킴으로써 비교문학적 요소를 강조하고자 한다. 여기에서 인공지능문학사란 챠페크의 『R.U.R』의 출간을 출발점으로 삼아 가즈오 이시구로의 『클라라와 태양』까지 아우른다. 이 소설에서 작가는 ‘결함’이라는 일견 단순한 단어를 주제어로 내세워서 24기 또는 24인의 로봇들이 각각 어떤 방식으로 오작동하는지 보여준다. 이러한 개별 결함은 로봇들에게 부여된 고유한 이름과 함께 비유기적 신체를 가진 기계들이 인간과 기계 사이의 종적 경계를 교란시키는 장치라고 해석할 수 있다. 즉 이들 로봇의 결함은 인간과 다른 비인간 사이의 관계를 규정하는 기존의 존재론적 위계뿐 아니라 후기자본주의 사회에서 나날이 복잡성을 더해가는 노동의 관계성을 드러낸다. 그럼으로써 개별 로봇은 도나 해러웨이가 정의한 ‘공-산 sympoiesis’의 가능성을 타진한다. This essay focuses on the five volumes of Chieun Lee’s most recent novel entitled A Robot’s Defect(s) (2020) in order to chart how robots achieve individuality, singularity, and ultimately autonomy (if not personhood). At the same time, I attempt to situate this recent Korean SF narrative that centers on various ontological modes of robots within the broad literary history of artificial intelligence. Compelling in Lee’s novel is the author’s employment of a deceptively simple word ‘defect(s)’ when addressing a range of errors and malfunctions that each of the twenty-four robots demonstrates. My contention is that those individual defects, broadly construed, along with their distinct names serve to underline how the inorganic machine body interacts with others across the categorical species divide. In doing so, the robots not only challenge the preexisting ontological strata, but also illustrate post-capitalist conditions that entail and complicate momentary symbiosis and sympoiesis. The narrator’s sustained attention and sympathy toward robots altogether envision the increasingly fraught moral situations, which urge our recognition of robots as moral agents, and ethical models of ‘making-with,’ as proposed by Donna Haraway. This moral condition is described as tenable within this small-scale community of storytelling.

      • KCI등재

        동물과 함께, 식물과 더불어, 기계와 나란히 : 18세기 영문학과 포스트휴머니즘

        하인혜 ( Ha Inhye ) 영미문학연구회 2017 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.43

        This essay presents an overview of recent studies in the field of eighteenth-century British literature and culture, 1660-1800. Rather than aiming for coverage, I focus on one particular emerging critical theory―the nonhuman turn―as a critical move that fundamentally reshapes the landscape of eighteenth-century studies. This essay has two express goals. On the one hand, it poses a question what we can achieve through our “theoretical” engagement with literary texts when theory (or Theory) in general is reportedly on the decline. This review calls into question whether the recent ascendancy of posthumanism provides an alternative model of thinking, capable of resolving a myriad of pressing concerns of the twenty-first century, such as ethical relations to other, climate change, and autonomy and political sovereignty. On the other hand, I argue that the nonhuman turn, in effect, significantly revises and therefore enriches the way we read eighteenth-century texts and cultural practices despite complaints of anachronism or presentism lodged against any attempts for a posthumanist reading. My critical review examines select scholarly monographs published over the last fifteen years―ones that center on contemporary representations of the nonhuman such as nonhuman animals, machines, and plants―and those that examine human-nonhuman relationships in multifarious encounter zones. Also, many scholarly works put under critical scrutiny here are a testify to the fruitfulness of posthumanism within eighteenth-century studies, for it recognizes anew the agency of the nonhuman imbricated in colonial, commercial, and epistemological networks of the period. Nearing the end of this essay, in which I review academic conferences that took place at different venues during the last five years, I suggest that posthumanism is a timely theoretical move that will decenter the human within power grids that implicate the human and the nonhuman alike. The ultimate stakes of posthumanism are therefore both political and ethical.

      • KCI등재

        농가 유형별 재무성과 분석

        이두영(Dou Young Lee),하인혜(Inhye Ha) 한국농식품정책학회 2020 농업경영정책연구 Vol.47 No.3

        This paper investigated the farming activities of Korean farm households based on their asset utilization performances from 2008 to 2018. We used three financial ratios and set each criteria for classifying farm households: the profitability, the stability, and the growth rate of farm assets. According to the analysis results, the proportion of highly profitable farm households decreased during 2008 to 2018, the proportion of highly stable farm households did not show much change, and the proportion of fast growing farm households increased. In this process, the growth of farm assets was achieved through an increase in nominal value, not through the expansion of farming scale. The analysis on the factors of the financial performances shows that the financial performances varied depending on the characteristics of farm households. Factors such as the age of farm owners, the types of farming, and changes in farmland prices affected the financial performances of farm households, but the stability was relatively less related to the characteristics of farm households compared to the profitability and the growth.

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