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      • KCI등재

        李商隱<碑銘> 考

        하운청 ( Ha Uhn-chung ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 1998 인문과학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        This thesis is intended to analyze two pieces of Li-Shangyin(李商隱)`s epitaph, one written for Bai-Juyi(白居易) in prose and the other for Hu-Zongyi(胡宗一) in verse. The former stands for a paragon for Confucianist inscription and the latter represents a specimen for Taoist inscription. Rare is the case of stone epitaph written in prose, but common is the case of one written in verse. In late Tang(唐) Dynasty, an epitaph consists of two parts : the first selectively assumes the form of prose or four-six-word verse called Beiwen(碑文) and the second invariably takes on the form of four-word verse called Mingwen(銘文).The main purpose of analysis lies in elucidating the difference between Beiwen(碑文) and Mingwen(銘文) which originally were two independent literary genres before being coalesced into one called Beiming(碑銘).

      • 李商隱自傷詩考

        하운청 ( Uhn-chung Ha ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 1995 인문과학연구 Vol.1 No.-

        This thesis is intended to elucidate the tiuge of sadness and depression found in Li shang-yin's poems of lamentation and resignation. Herein is analyzed his attitude of passive acceptance of and submission to fate reflected in his melancholic poems which on one side show the bitterness of frustration and on the other changing hopes and disappointments of a brilliant and ambitions youth and of an imaginative and sensitive writer.

      • KCI등재

        《 시경 국풍 》 전석산고

        하운청(Uhn Chung Ha) 영남중국어문학회 1997 중국어문학 Vol.30 No.1

        This thesis is intended to elucidate some unintelligible poems found in Shijing Guofeng through semiotic method of analysis, which on one hand will help expound core words or phrases of abstruseness of a poem, thus enabling us to deduct a creative construction of meaning of a given poem. This method though applied to some ancient poems of Shijing Guofeng will also be applicable to any kind of poetry regardless of literary epoch or genre. Analyzed here are 10 typical works which notwithstanding profound studies of many authoritative scholars over a long period of time still remain unintelligble and retain abstruseness to the younger students. A change of method of analysis seems thus to be indispensable to a reasonable analysis and reconstruction of a uncontradicted meaning of a poem in question The semiotic method of analysis shown in this thesis will set a good example of overcoming the unintelligibility of literary works.

      • KCI등재


        하운청 ( Ha Uhn-chung ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 1995 인문과학연구 Vol.1 No.2

        This thesis is intended to study the characteristics of his satirical poems, elucidating the ambiguities thereof, which are generally attributed to the strong political colors of his satire. A general analysis shall cover works concerned with four emperors under whose reign Li Shang-yin spent most of his whole life. A deeper examination shall be made to expound the structural peculiarities in satirizing various materials of historical figures, landscapes, animals and plants.

      • KCI등재


        河運淸 中國語文硏究會 1993 中國語文論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        This thesis is intended to trace the track of Li Shanf-yin's Literary Examinations and thereby to elucidate the hidden truth underlying the poet's frustration caused by discord between Li Shang-yin and Ling Hu-tao, son of his patron Ling Hu-chu. A close analysis of <A letter Sent to Master Tao> will reveal the poet's deep-seated disgust against favoritism enjoyed by condidates with no proved capacity or talent of noble families and against the malpractice of presenting their writing to high officials as a way of influencing examiners. The above mentioned letter will also expose the concealed reason for mutual hatred between Li Shang-yin and Ling Hu-tao, the two of striking contrast in social background and family status and the probable procedure of Li Shang-yin's determination to risk the marriage of convenience with Wang Family of opposite political fraction, though he himself asserts the pureness thereof. The Late Tang Dynasty's Literary Examination was no longer a sure guide to Li Shang-yin's abilities whereon he could only rely as a descendant of a family far from wealthy and influential. To add frost upon snow, contumacy to authorities and resistance to patronage, both of which are understandable with hindsight, though, coused disharmony between himself and Ling Hu-tao, son of his patron Ling Hu-chu, whose anger was in no way appeased by the poet's successive petitions for clemency through literary proses and poems written on all available occasions. Herein emphasis is put on the direct analyses and interpretation of his proses, some parts of which are rhythmic, and poems to extract biological informations and code out psychological intentions condensed therein.

      • 李商隱出生年代考證

        河運淸 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 1988 人文論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        This thesis is intended to elucidate the exact birthdate of Li Shang-yin, which has so far been a matter of controversy, and any argument of which is inevitably based on the internal evidences gained through tortuous readings of Li's own writings. Herein are carefully analyzed some very important materials, which have thus far supported three main arguments, namely, Fenghao's Theory(馮浩說), Theory of Yuanhebanianshuo(元和 8年 說), and Theory of Yuanhebanianshuo(元和 7年說), and whereon is established Theory of Yuanhebanianshuo(元和 7年說) as an orthodox theory. This thesis will show a systematic process of coming up to the conclusion and a microscopic method of analysis in compromising contradictory elements of various writings written by Li Shang-yin himself.

      • KCI등재

        이하시본질론 : 낭만적 경향의 작품 분석

        하운청 영남중국어문학회 1998 중국어문학 Vol.32 No.1

        This thesis is intended to elucidate Li He(李賀)'s romanticism which tinges his poems with fantasy and phantasm. Herein are some exemplary poems of his analyzed, paying attention to the poetic essence and versifying techinque, including interchangeable employment of five senses and intentional contrast between the real and the unreal. Shown here are 9 typical poems which notwithstanding profound studies of many authoritative scholars over a long time still retain abstruse phrases defying smooth interpretations. Semiotic and structural method of analysis has proved useful in solving the unitelligible obscurity and in constructing a new balanced unit of meanning of a given poem as a whole. Also was a special concern given to expounding his romanticism grounded on realism, a wonderful synthesis of two literary trends of realism of the Shi-jing(詩經) and of romanticism of the Chuci(楚辭), which not only enriched the import, but also embellished the form of his poems.

      • 李商隱 死亡年代考證

        河運淸 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 1989 人文論叢 Vol.18 No.-

        This thesis is intended to elucidate the possible exact date of Li Shang-yin's death, which, unfortunately, is mistakenly or wrongly referred to in orthodox history of Tang Dynasty. A history book named Guan Zou Ji(東觀素記), though unorthodox, provides us with a sole and unique clue that he died as salt and iron assessor(鹽鐵推官). Analysis herein is proceeded to confirm, by analyzing his poems and proses, the alleged fact that he visited Jiang Dong(江東) districts when Liu Zhong-ying(柳仲?(영) ) was appointed commissioner for the transportation of salt and iron and secured a post as salt and iron assessor for Li Shang-yin. Liu was promoted to be minister of justice and ceased to be commissioner for salt and iron and Li returned to Zheng Zhou(鄭州) and soon died. The atmosphere and description of poems and proses herein set forth coincide with the route taken by the commissioners for iron and salt at the time and the atmosphere of his poems written in Zheng Zhou are densely penetrated by the instinctive feeling of death and intuitive insight into imment approach of death, which simultaneously cause him to lament and retrospect with longing a lifetime disappointments and frustrations the epitome of which is embodied in his master piece The Ornamented Zither(錦瑟) placed at the acme of his poems by critics.

      • 李商隱家系考

        河運淸 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 1987 人文論叢 Vol.14 No.-

        This thesis is intended to elucidate the alleged relationship between Tang's imperal house and the great poet Li Shang-yin, who through a number of his works claimed to have descended from the same imperial ancestry. Also clarified herein is the genealogy from his great-great-grand father to his father, all of whom held junior provincial pasts, and the nativity of Li Shang-yin, whose ancestral home was in Huai-zhou (懷州) prefecture,which according to Chinese custom, was regarded as his native place, though actually brought up in Zheng-zhou(鄭州), where from the time of his grandfather the family took residence. Through analysis of available materials can the upper and lower part of the Lis family tree be smartly reconstructed as shown in this thesis, the middle part of which, though, still waiting for excavation of new materials to complete a whole tree of Li Shang-yin's genealogy.

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